[22a - 29 lines; 21b - 32 lines]

1)[line 3]ëùäåà àçåæ äøàù áâåó îæäKESHE'HU ACHUZ HA'ROSH BA'GUF MAZEH- he performs Haza'ah when the head is still attached to the body

2)[line 10]îìé÷ä áøàùå ùì îæáçMELIKAH B'ROSHO SHEL MIZBE'ACH- perhaps the Melikah (see Background to Chulin 21:15b:c:1 is also performed on top of the Mizbe'ach

3)[line 15]ìà îùì öáåøLO MI'SHEL TZIBUR - not with communal funds (TERUMAS HA'LISHKAH)

See Background to Menachos 52:6.

4)[line 15]ìà îùì îòùøLO MI'SHEL MA'ASER - and not with coins of Ma'aser Sheni (TERUMAH \ MA'ASER RISHON \ MA'ASER SHENI)

See Background to Chulin 14:11.

5)[line 15]áéåí? î"áÌÀéåÉí öÇåÌÉúåÉ" ðô÷àBA'YOM? MI'"B'YOM TZAVOSO" NAFKA- The Halachah that a Korban may be brought only during the day? That is learned from the verse, "b'Yom Tzavoso Es Benei Yisrael l'Hakriv Es Korbeneihem" (Vayikra 7:38)!

6)[line 16]ëãé ðñáäKEDI NASBAH- it was mentioned unnecessarily

7)[line 18]ëì î÷åí ùðàîø "àöáò" àå "ëäåðä" àéðä àìà éîéïKOL MAKOM SHE'NE'EMAR "ETZBA" O "KEHUNAH" EINAH ELA YEMIN- every time a verse uses words related to "Etzba" and "Kehunah," it refers to the right hand

8)[line 19]ëäåðä áòéà àöáò; àöáò ìà áòéà ëäåðäKEHUNAH BE'AYA ETZBA; ETZBA LO BE'AYA CHEHUNAH- [in order to imply that the right hand must be used,] a word related to "Kehunah" must be accompanied by the word "Etzba," but the word "Etzba" alone implies the right hand even without the word "Kehunah" appearing in the verse

9a)[line 22]úåøéïTORIN- turtledoves

b)[line 23]áðé éåðäBNEI YONAH- young, common doves

10)[line 24]úçìú äöéäåáTECHILAS HA'TZIHUV- the beginning of the yellowing [of the birds neck feathers]


11)[line 9]ìà ìéùúîéè ÷øàLO LISHTAMIT KRA- Why did [a verse] not "escape" [and record the words Benei ha'Torim or ha'Yonah (without the word "Benei")]?

12a)[line 20]îùéæäéáåMISHE'YAZHIVU- when their feathers [grow to their mature length and] turn a reddish shade of gold

b)[line 21]îùéöäéáåMISHE'YATZHIVU- when the feathers [around their necks] begin yellowing

13)[line 22]îùéòìòåMISHE'YE'AL'U- when blood begins to circulate throughout the body of the chick

14)[line 23]"(åàôøçå) [åÀ]àÆôÀøÉçÈéå éÀòÇìÀòåÌ ãÈí ...""EFROCHAV YE'AL'U DAM"- "and his young ones swallow the blood [of the prey that he brings to them ...]" (Iyov 39:30) - The Gemara takes this verse out of context and translates it as, "and [the organs of] his young ones swallow blood"

15)[line 24]îëé ùîéè âãôà îéðéä åàúé ãîàMI'CHI SHAMIT GADFA MINEI V'ASI DAMA- at the stage where if one were to pull off a wing, the chick would bleed

16)[line 28]áøéä äåéBERYAH HEVEI- it is an independent entity (not a Tor and not a Ben Yonah)

17)[last line]àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à?ITZTERICH KRA L'MI'UTEI SEFEIKA?- Is it necessary for a verse to specifically exclude a doubtful case? (i.e. it is obvious that one needs to be stringent in the case of a doubt)