
TOSFOS DH VE'EINO MAVDIL BE'SI'MAN ECHAD (Continued from previous Daf)

úåñ' ã"ä åàéðå îáãéì áñéîï àçã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos continues to discuss the opinions of Rav Chisda, Rava and Abaye further, and to elaborate on the Machlokes between them and Rebbi Shimon ben Elyakim).

(åàôéìå ÷åãí äæàä ôìéâé) åà"ú, ìøá çñãà åìøáà åàáéé àîàé îå÷îé îúðéúéï ãæáçéí ãìà ëø"à á"ø ùîòåï, äà ìëàåøä îúðéúéï ÷åãí äæàä àééøé ãåîéà ãøéùà - ã÷úðé 'çèàú äòåó ëéöã äåà òåùä? îåì÷ øàùå îîåì òøôå åàéðå îáãéì, åîæä ... '?


Question: According to Rav Chisda, Rava and Abaye, why does the Gemara establish the Mishnah not like Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon, seeing as it is apparently speaking before the Haza'ah (similar to the Reisha) - as it says 'How does one perform Chatas ha'Of? One performs Melikah on the nape of the neck without severing it, and makes Haza'ah'.

åé"ì, ãîùîò ìäå ãîúðéúéï ôåñì áëì òðéï, àôéìå ìàçø äæàä, îùåí ã÷à"ø àìòæø á"ø ùîòåï 'ùîòúé ùîáãéìéï', åîùîò ã÷àé à'îúðéúéï, åáà ìçìå÷ òìéä.


Answer #1: According to them, the Mishnah declares Pasul in all cases, even after Haza'ah, since Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon says 'I heard that one severs', which seems to pertain to the Mishnah, and comes to argue on it.

åø"ú ôéøù, ãäà ã÷àîø øáé ùîòåï áï àìé÷éí 'îàé "ìà éáãéì" ã÷øà, àéðå öøéê ìäáãéì' äééðå áùòú îöåé, ãìãí äåà öøéê, åëùîáãéì ëì ùëï ùîúîöä ëì äãí; åáùòú äæàä ãå÷à ÷àîø ÷øà ãìà éáãéì ëìì; àáì àùòú îéöåé áòé ìîéîø ÷øà "ìà éáãéì", àéï öøéê ìäáãéì


Answer #2 (Part 1): Rabeinu Tam however, explains that when Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon interprets "Lo Yavdil" to mean that it is not necessary to make Havdalah, he means during Mitzuy, when he needs the blood, and if he makes Havdalah, then all the blood will be squeezed out. And it is during the Haza'ah exclusively that the Pasuk says that one is forbidden to make Havdalah - but during the Mitzuy, "Lo Yavdil" means that he does not need to make Havdalah (as we explained).

åùá÷éðï ì÷øà ãàéäå ãçé÷ åîå÷é àðôùéä. åúøååééäå îùúîòé îéðéä, ãîãàô÷éä áìùåï ìàå, ÷ãøéù ãáùòú äæàä ìà éáãéì. åìàñåø àó áùòú îéöåé ìà àúà ÷øà, ãî"åä÷øéáå" äåä ðô÷à, ãçéì÷ äëúåá áéï çèàú äòåó ìòåìú äòåó.


Answer #2 (Part 2): ... and we allow the Pasuk to establish itself as it sees fit, so that we learn both rulings from it. Since it expresses itself with a Lashon of a La'av, we Darshen that at the time of the Haza'ah, it is forbidden to make Havdalah, but not during the Mitzuy, which we could have learned from "Vehikrivo", which comes to differentiate between Chatas ha'Of and Olas ha'Of (had it been the Torah's intention to do so) ...

åìëê é"ì, ãàúà ÷øà ìîéîø ðîé ãáùòú îéöåé àí éøöä ìà éáãéì.


Answer #2 (Part 3): ... Therefore we explain that the Pasuk also comes to teach us that during the Mitzuy, the Kohen is permitted to refrain from making Havdalah, if he wishes.

åäà ã÷àîø 'ìà ùîéò ìäå ãø"ù áï àìé÷éí', ãîùîò ùáà ìçìå÷ òì øá çñãà åøáà åàáéé ...


Clarification (Part 1): And when the Gemara asks whether they did not hear what Rebbi Shimon ben Elyakim says, implying that the latter comes to argue with Rav Chisda, Rava and Abaye ...

äééðå îùåí ãìø"ù áï àìé÷éí, àéï ìçåù ëùîáãéì àçø äæàä, ùòåùä îòùä òåìä áçèàú ...


Clarification (Part 2): ... that is because according to Rebbi Shimon ben Elyakim, one need not worry about performing Havdalah after Haza'ah - because he is doing Ma'aseh Olah by a Chatas ...

ãîöåú çèàú ðîé ëê äéà, ã÷øà 'àéï öøéê ìäáãéì' ÷àîø.


Clarification (Part 3): ... seeing as that is also how the Chatas is performed, since the Pasuk means 'Ein Tzarich Lehavdil'.

åà"ú, åìøá äåðà ãàîø îùîéä ãøá, áîòéìä áôø÷ çèàú äòåó (ãó ç:) ã'îéöåé çèàú äòåó ìà îòëá', àîàé ôñìé øáðï ëùîáãéì àçø äæàä, åäà àéï ëàï îòùä òåìä ãîçúê áùø áòìîà äåà, ëãôøéùéú ìòé?


Question (Part 1): According to Rav Huna in the name of Rav, who says in Me'ilah, in Perek Chatas ha'Of (Daf 8:) that Mitzuy Chatas ha'Of is not crucial to the Mitzvah, why do the Rabbanan invalidate where the Kohen made Havdalah after the Haza'ah? It is not a Ma'aseh Olah by a Chatas, since it is merely like cutting a piece of flesh (as we explained earlier)?

åìîàé ãôéøùúé ðéçà, ããìîà øá äåðà ñáø ëøùá"à, ãîå÷é ôìåâúééäå ÷åãí äæàä.


Answer: According to the first explanation, the question falls away, since Rav Huna may well hold like Rebbi Shimon ben Elyakim, who establishes the Machlokes before the Haza'ah ...

àáì ìôéøåù ø"ú ÷ùä, ãàôéìå ìøùá"à, ìà ôìéâ àìà ìàçø äæàä?


Question (Part 2): ... but according to Rabeinu Tam, even according to Rebbi Shimon ben Elyakim they only argue after the Haza'ah.

åìéëà ìîéîø ãìøáðï ãîúðéúéï ãæáçéí (ãó ñã:) îéöåé çèàú äòåó îòëá ...


Suggested Answer: Neither can we answer that the Rabbanan of the Mishnah in Zevachim hold that Mitzuy Chatas ha'Of is crucial ...

ãøá äåðà ñáø ëø"à áøáé ùîòåï, ãäà îäãø äù"ñ áîòéìä ìàå÷îé ëì ñúîà ãîúðéúéï ëååúéä?


Refutation: ... since, bearing in mind the Gemara in Me'ilah, which tries to establish every S'tam Mishnah like Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon, Rav Huna will presumably hold like him.

åé"ì, ãéòîéã îúðéúéï ã÷úðé 'äáãéì ôñåì' ÷åãí äæàä, åàúé àôéìå ëø"à áøáé ùîòåï.


Answer: He will establish the Mishnah that states 'Hivdil Pasul' before the Haza'ah, in which case it will go even like Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon.

åñåâéà ãæáçéí ã÷àîø 'îúðéúéï ãìà ëøàá"ù'?


Implied Question: ... and the Gemara in Zevachim which states that the Mishnah does not go like Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon ...

àúé ëøá àãà áø àäáä, ã÷àîø áîòéìä ã'ãí îéöåé çèàú äòåó îòëá', åàéëà øáðï åãàé ãôìéâé òìéä ãøàá"ù, àôéìå ìøá äåðà, ãîã÷àîø 'ùîòúé ùîáãéìéï', îùîò ãôìéâé øáðï òìéä, åñáøé ãîéöåé îòëá.


Answer (Part 1): ... goes like Rav Ada bar Ahavah, who says in Me'ilah that the blood of Mitzuy ha'Of is crucial, and the Rabbanan argue with Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon, even according to Rav Huna. Because, since he said 'I heard that one makes Havdalah!', it implies that the Rabbanan argue with him and hold that Mitzuy is crucial ...

àáì ñúí îúðéúéï ãæáçéí àúé ùôéø ëååúéä, ëãôéøùðå.


Answer (Part 2): ... but the S'tam Mishnah in Zevachim goes according to him (Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon) without any problem, as we explained.


TOSFOS DH TALMUD LAMAR VEHIKRIVO (This Tosfos belongs to Daf 21:)

úåñ' ã"ä ú"ì åä÷øéáå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot switch the D'rashos of "ka'Mishpat" and "Vehikrivo" according to Rebbi Yishmael).

îä ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ, ãàéôëà ìéëà ìîéîø ...


Implied Question: What Rashi explained - that we cannot switch the D'rashos (to learn 'ke'Mishpat Chatas Beheimah', and to make Havdalah from "Vehikrivo") ...

ãøáé éùîòàì à'÷øà ã"åîì÷ åä÷èéø" ñîéê.


Explanation #1: ... because Rebbi Yishmael bases his rulings the D'rashah of "u'Malak Vehiktir" (which is otherwise superfluous) on "u'Malak Vehaktir" ...

àéï ðøàä ... ãî"åîì÷ åä÷èéø" ìéëà ìàåëåçé îéðéä ãìà ðéîà àéôëà, ãäà àéöèøéê ìøàùå ùì îæáç


Refutation: ... is not correct ... because one cannot prove from "u'Malak Vehiktir" that one cannot reverse the D'rashos, since we need it to teach us the Din of 'be'Rosho shel Mizbe'ach' (as we will learn on Daf 22b).

àìà îñáøà áòìîà àéú ìéä ìøáé éùîòàì ãìîåì òåøó à÷ùéðäå.


Explanation #2 (Part 1): But it is merely from a S'vara that Rebbi Yishmael compares them to 'Mul Oref'.

úãò, ãìú"÷ åøáé àìòæø ìà áòå ÷øà ì'îåì òåøó'.


Proof: A proof for this lies in the fact that the Tana Kama and Rebbi Elazar do not even require a Pasuk for 'Mul Oref' ...

àìà éìôéðï áîä îöéðå îìé÷ä îîìé÷ä.


Explanation #2 (Part 2): Only we learn 'Melikah' (by Olas ha'Of) from 'Melikah' (from Chatas ha'Of) via a 'Mah Matzinu'.



úåñ' ã"ä åàéãê ëäåðä áòé àöáò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the two answers given here, in Menachos and in Zevachim).

áñåó äúåãä (îðçåú ôâ.) îùðé ' "éãå äéîðéú" ëãé ðñáä' ...


Observation (1): At the end of 'ha'Todah (Menachos 83a) the Gemara answers that it mentions 'Yado ha'Yemanis' by the way (like it answers here regarding 'ba'Yom') ...

åáñåó ãí çèàú (æáçéí ãó öç.) îùðé úøååééäå ëãé ðñáä, åàé áòéú àéîà ëé äëà?


Observation (2): ... whereas at the end of 'Dam Chatas' (Zevachim 98a) it gives both answers ('K'dei Nasaba' and alternatively like it answers here).

åðøàä, ãìî"ã 'ãáø äìîã áâ"ù àéðå çåæø åîìîã áäé÷ù' ö"ì ã'ëãé ðñáä' - ãàöáò ãçèàú âåôéä éìéó áâæøä ùåä îîöåøò, ãäééðå éîéï áô"á ãæáçéí (ãó ëã:) åáô"÷ ãîðçåú (ãó é.).


Explanation (Part 1): It seems that according to those who hold the principle that something that is learned from a Gezeirah-Shavah cannot then learn from it with a Hekesh, we will have to answer 'K'dei Nasabah', because 'Etzba' of Chatas itself we learn via a Gezeirah-Shavah from Metzora (which is synonymous with 'Yemin') in the second Perek of Zevachim (Daf 24a) and in the first Perek of Menachos (Daf 10a).

åàí ëï, äéëé îöé ìîéìó òåìú äòåó îçèàú îäé÷éùà ã"ëîùôè".


Explanation (Part 2): Consequently, how can we now learn 'Yado ha'Yemanis' from it with a Hekesh?



úåñ' ã"ä ðîöà ëùø áúåøéï ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not ask why the Beraisa concludes 'Nimtza' like it did earlier in the Sugya).

à'áøééúà ãäëà ìà ùééê ìîéã÷ 'äàé ðîöà ìîòåèé îàé', ëããéé÷ ìòéì à'îúðéúéï, ã'ðîöà ëùø áùçéèä ôñåì áîìé÷ä' .


Question: Why does the Gemara not ask here on the Beraisa 'What does Nimtza come to preclude?', like it asks above (Daf 20a) on the Mishnah of 'Nimtza Kasher bi'Shechitah, Pasul bi'Melikah'?

ãäê áøééúà à'îúðéúéï ÷ééîà - ìôøåùé ã'úåøéï âãåìéí ëùøéí ... ', åäãø îñééí ðîöà ëîå ùàîøä îùðúéðå.


Answer (Part 1): Because this Beraisa refers to the Mishnah (immediately preceding it) - to explain that Torim Gedolim are Kasher, and then concludes that it turns out ('Nimtza') just like our Mishnah said.

àáì ìòéì ìà öøéê ìîúðé ëìì 'ðîöà', ãëáø àùîåòéðï øéùà ãùçéèä îï äöåàø åîìé÷ä îï äòåøó, åàí ùéðä áæä åáæä, ôñåì.


Answer (Part 2): ... whereas in the Mishnah above, there is no reason to say 'Nimtza', seeing as the Reisha has already taught us that Shechitah is performed on the neck and Melikah from the nape, and that if one reversed the procedure, it is Pasul.



úåñ' ã"ä ùéëåì åäìà ãéï äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos refutes the current text).

áùåí ãåëúà ì"â úøååééäå ...


Refutation of Text: Nowhere do we find these two terms appearing together ...

ã'ùéëåì' îùîò ãàé ìàå äàé ÷øà, ìà äåä àîéðà äëé; àáì 'åäìà ãéï äåà' îùîò ãáìàå äàé ÷øà äéä ìå ìåîø ëï?


Reason: ... since 'she'Yachol' means that if not for the Pasuk concerned, we would not have said such a thing; whereas 've'ha'Lo Din Hu' means that even without the Pasuk we would have said it.



úåñ' ã"ä ùéëåì åîä áðé éåðä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos elaborates on the Gemara's statement that if the Torah had not written "Torim, we would have thought that small ones are permitted).

ôéøåù - àé ìàå ÷øà ã"úåøéí", äééúé îëùéø àôéìå ÷èðéí, î'÷ì åçåîø'.


Clarification: If not for the Pasuk of 'Torim', we would have declared Kasher even young pigeons from a 'Kal va'Chomer'.

åàí úàîø, åàé ìà ëúéá ÷øà ã"úåøéí", ìà äåä éãòéðï úåøéï ëìì ãëùøéí ì÷øáï?


Question: On the contrary, if not for "Torim", we would not have known that pigeons are eligible for a Korban at all?

åéù ìåîø, ãäëé ôéøåùå - 'ùéëåì, àé ìàå ãà÷éù øçîðà úåøéí ìáðé éåðä, ãîéðä éìôéðï áñîåê ãúåøéï ÷èðéí ìà, àìà äéä ëúåá "úåøéí" øçå÷ î"áðé éåðä", ãäùúà äéä îùîò úåøéí áéï âãåìéí áéï ÷èðéí, åàôéìå áìà ÷ì åçåîø äåä éãòéðï.


Answer #1 (Part 1): What the Gemara means is that, if the Torah had not compared pigeons to doves (from which we will shortly preclude young pigeons) - in other words, had it written Torim far away from b'nei Yonah, it would have implied that Torim Gedolim and Ketanim are both Kasher, in which case we would have known it even without a 'Kal-va'Chomer' ...

àìà ãðéçà ìéä ìîð÷è ìîéìó á÷ì åçåîø.


Answer #1 (Part 2): ... only the Gemara prefers to learn it from a 'Kal-va'Chomer'.

àé ðîé, ãäåä îöé ìîëúá "áðé éåðä åúåøéí" ...


Answer #2 (Part 1): Alternatively, the Torah could have reversed the order, and written "b'nei Yonah ve'Torim" ...

ãäùúà ìà äåä î÷éù úåøéí ìáðé éåðä, ãàéëà ìîéîø ã÷àé ðîé "áðé" à"úåøéí".


Answer #2 (Part 2): ... in which case we would not have compared Torim to b'nei Yonah, seeing as "b'nei" might just as well refer to "Torim".

åîëì î÷åí âãåìéí ëùøéí, îãìà ëúåá áäãéà 'áðé éåðä åáðé úåøéí'; åäåä àîéðà î÷ì åçåîø ãëåìí ëùøéí.


Answer #2 (Part 3): Nevertheless, large Torim would be permitted, since the Torah did not specifically write "b'nei Yonah u'benei Torim", and we would have permitted them all from a 'Kal-va'Chomer'.

ú"ì "úåøéí" ãîùîò âãåìéí ãå÷à, ëãîôøù ì÷îï 'ãåîéà ãáðé éåðä'.


Conclusion: ... and that is why the Torah says "Torim" (before "b'nei Yonah" and in the same Pasuk), implying specifically Gedolim, as we will explain later 'similar to b'nei Yonah'.




úåñ' ã"ä åîä áðé éåðä ùìà äåëùøå áâãåìéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites the source for this statement).

ëãîôøù áñîåê, ãìà ìéùúîéè ÷øà ãìéëúåá "îï äéåðéí".


Clarification: As the Gemara will explain shortly, since there is no Pasuk that writes "min ha'Yonim" (without the word "b'nei").



úåñ' ã"ä åîä úåøéí ùìà äåëùøå á÷èðéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos give their own explanation to justify the 'Kal-va'Chomer, even in light of the fact that we have not yet established that "b'nei Yonah" means specifically young doves, queries Rashi's' P'shat).

úéîä, ëéåï ãàëúé ìà ÷ééîà ìï ã"áðé éåðä" äåé ÷èðéí ãå÷à, à"ë, îðà ìéä ã"úåøéí" ìà äåëùøå á÷èðéí, ãäéà âåôä ìà éãòéðï àìà îãåîéà ã"áðé éåðä"?


Question: Since we don't yet know that "b'nei Yonah" refers exclusively to Ketanim, from where does the Tana know that "Torim" does not include Ketanim, seeing as we only know that from the comparison to "b'nei Yonah"?

åéù ìåîø, ãäëé ÷àîø, ãàé îöéú ìîéìó îãåëúà àçøéðà ã"úåøéí" îùîò âãåìéí, äåä àîéðà î÷"å ã"áðé éåðä" àôéìå âãåìéí.


Answer #1: What the Tana means to say is that if we were able to learn from an external source that "Torim" implies specifically Gedolim, then we would have learned from a 'Kal-va'Chomer' that "b'nei Yonah" incorporates Gedolim.

åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù, ãìà áòé àìà ìòéëåá îðìï? ãäåä ìï ìîéìó î÷"å ãìà îòëáà, àáì ìòåìí ìùåï "úåøéí" îùîò ãå÷à âãåìéí.


Answer #2: Rashi explains that the Gemara is only asking from where we know that it is crucial - because we ought to have learned from a 'Kal-va'Chomer' that young Torim are Kasher, even though "Torim" per se implies specifically Gedolim.

å÷ùä ìôéøåùå, ãàé îùîò âãåìéí, äéëé áòé ìîãøù á÷"å ìàôå÷é ÷øà îîùîòåúéä, åìîéîø ãìà îòëá.


Question: This explanation is difficult however, because if (Torim) implies Gedolim, how can we Darshen a 'Kal-va'Chomer' to change the Pasuk and to say that it is not crucial?



úåñ' ã"ä ìà ìùúîéè ÷øà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains a. why it is unnecessary to mention the fact that there are many Pesukim involved, and b. why the Gemara nevertheless mentions it).

òì ëøçéä ìàå îùåí ãàéëà äøáä î÷øàåú ÷à ãøéù, ãàôéìå ìà äéä ëúåá àìà áçã ãåëúà "úåøéí åáðé éåðä" äåé îöé ìîãøù îãëúéá áäàé "áðé" åáäàé ìà ëúéá 'áðé' ...


Clarification (Part 1): This D'rashah cannot be due to the fact that there are many Pesukim to that effect, since even if in only one place, the Pasuk wrote "Torim and b'nei Yonah" we would Darshen from the fact that it wrote by one "b'nei" and not by the other.

ãìîä éù ìå ìôñå÷ ìééúø ìùåðå åìëúåá "áðé" áçðí?


Reason: ... because why would the Torah add the word "b'nei" by one of them for no reason?

åäà ãð÷è 'ìà ìùúîéè'?


Implied Question: ... and the Gemara then mention 'Lo Lishtamet (implying that it is referring to many references)?

ìøáåúà áòìîà ð÷èéä.


Answer: ... merely because it is a Chidush (but not because it is crucial).



úåñ' ã"ä éòìòå ãí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two translations of 'Ye'al'u Dam').

"öìò" îúøâîéðï 'òéìòà' - åäééðå 'îùéòìòå', ãùîéè âãôà åàúé ãí îöìòåú.


Translation #1: Unklus translates "Tzela" (rib) as 'Il'a. Consequently, 'mi'she'Ye'al'u' means 'when the wing has become dislocated and there is blood flowing from the ribs.

åîðçí ôúø áîçáøú 'éòìòå ãí' - òðéï áìéòä, ëîå (òåáãéä à) "åùúå åìòå".


Translation #2: Menachem (ben S'ruk) however, in his Seifer, translates 'Ye'al'u Dam' as - 'absorbed blood', as in Ovadyah (1) "ve'Shasu ve'La'u" (and they will drink and absorb').



úåñ' ã"ä åäáéà úçìú äöéäåá ùáæä åùáæä îäå ñôé÷à äåé åðôé÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses first how one can possibly fulfill one's Neder, seeing as Mah Nafshach, one of the birds is Pasul, then the Yerushalmi, which seems to permit even birds and Chayos on a Bamah).

åà"ú, ëéåï ãîîä ðôùê äàçã ôñåì, äéàê éëåì ìä÷øéá?


Question: Seeing as 'Mah Nafshach' (either way) one of them is Pasul, how can one possibly sacrifice it?

åé"ì, ãîéáòéà ìéä ëâåï ãàí òáø ëäï åä÷øéá.


Answer #1: The Gemara's She'eilah is whether one is Yotzei if Bedi'eved the Kohen sacrificed them.

àé ðîé, ëéåï ùäáéàï ìéã äëäï, éöà éãé ðãøå îàçø ãî"î äàçã îäï øàåé ìä÷øéá.


Answer #2: Alternatively, the She'eilah is whether, since he brought them to the Kohen, he has fulfilled his Neder, seeing as, when all's said and done, one of them is fit to be sacrificed,

åé"î, ãááîä àééøé, ãîùîò áéøåùìîé ãîñëú îâéìä, ùëì òåôåú ëùøéï ááîä, åàôéìå úøðâåìéí, åàôéìå çéä, åìà îéòè àìà èîàéï.


Answer #3: Others explain that the Gemara is talking about a Bamah, based on the Yerushalmi in Megilah, which implies that all birds may be brought on a Bamah, even chickens, and even Chayos, and that only non-Kasher species are prohibited.

åìéúà, ãäúí îééøé ááîä ìáðé ðç ...


Refutation (Part 1): This is not however, correct, since the Yerushalmi is talking about a Bamah regarding B'nei No'ach ...

ãáäãéà éìéó ìä áñåó æáçéí (ãó ÷èå:) î"åéáï ðç îæáç; åé÷ç îëì äáäîä äèäåøä åâå'".


Proof: ... since the Gemara at the end of Zevachim (Daf 125b) learns this from the Pasuk "And No'ach built a Mizbe'ach; and he took from all the Kasher animals ... ".

àáì áùàø áîåú àéëà ìî"ã ãàéï ùåí òåó ÷øá ááîä, åàôéìå úåøéí åáðé éåðä.


Refutation (Part 2): ... but regarding other Bamos (of a Yisrael) however there is an opinion that no birds at all are permitted, even pigeons and young doves.

åòåã, ã÷àîø áéøåùìîé ãòåìä àéðä öøéëä äôùè åðúåç, åáñåó æáçéí (ãó ÷ë.) çùéá ãùååúä áîä âãåìä ìáîä ÷èðä ìòðéï äôùè åðúåç.


Refutation (Part 3): Furthermore, the Yerushalmi states that (on a Bamah) an Olah does not require Hefshet and Nitu'ach (stripping and cutting into pieces), and the Gemara at the end of Zevachim (120a) equates the Din of Bamah Ketanah with that of Bamah Gedolah with regard to Hefshet ve'Nitu'ach.

àìà åãàé áéøåùìîé àééøé ááîú áðé ðç.


Conclusion: It is therefore clear that the Yerushalmi is talking about a Bamah of b'nei No'ach.



úåñ' ã"ä àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the various kinds of Safek, which determine whether one can ask 'Itzrich K'ra Lime'utei S'feika or whether one can't, when the Gemara asks it and when it doesn't).'

úéîä, ãâáé '÷ôõ àçã îï äîðåééï ìúåëï', ãøéù ô"÷ ãá"î (ãó å:) ã'ëåìï ôèåøéï, - ã"òùéøé" åãàé àîø øçîðà, åìà òùéøé ñô÷'.


Question #1 (Part 1): In the case where one of the animals (of Ma'aser Beheimah) that has already been counted jumps back into the pen, the Gemara in the first Perek of Bava Metzi'a (Daf 6b) Darshens that they are all Patur, because the Torah writes Asiri Vaday, and not Asiri Safek?

åâáé 'ñô÷ ÷ãîä áäøú ìùòø ìáï, ñô÷ ùòø ìáï ÷ãí' ãøùéðï áñåó ðæéø (ãó ñä:) ã'èäåø' - îãôúç áä äëúåá áèäøä úçìä, ãëúéá "ìèäøå àå ìèîàå"?


Question #2 (Part 1): Similarly, in a case where it is a Safek as to whether the Baheres preceded the white hairs (and he is Tamei) or if the white hairs preceded the Baheres (and he is Tahor), we Darshen at the end of Nazir (65b) that he is Tahor, seeing as the Torah mentions Taharah first, in the Pasuk "Letaharo O Letam'o"?

åîéäå îäëà ìà ÷ùéà ...


Clarification (Part 1): There is no Kashya from our Sugya (on to there) however ...

ãäëà äëé ôéøåùå 'àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñôé÷à' - ùìà îéòè àåúí åãàé àìà îñô÷, ã÷àîø 'ñô÷à äåé åðôé÷' ëùäáéà îæä åîæä; àáì äúí, ëåìí ôèåøéï åãàé åìà îñô÷.


Clarification (Part 2): ... since here, what the Gemara means is that we do not preclude them because of a Din Vaday, only because of a Din Safek, as the Gemara says 'It is a Safek and he will be Yotzei' - if he brings both; Whereas there (in Bava Metzi'a), they are all Vaday Patur, and not just because of Safek (which explains why we cannot ask there 'Itzrich K'ra Lime'utei S'feika').

åëï 'ñô÷ ÷ãîä áäøú ìùòø ìáï' - åãàé èäåø.


Clarification (Part 2): Likewise, in the case of 'Safek Baheres Kadmah le'Se'or Lavan ... ", it is Vaday Tahor.

àáì âáé ëåé áôø÷ áúøà ãéåîà (ãó òã.) îëç ôéøëà 'îãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìøáåéé ñô÷à?' ÷àîø ãëåé áøéä äåéà åìà ñô÷à.


Question #3 (Part 1): There is a Kashya however, regarding a Coy, in the last Perek of Yoma (Daf 74a), where, due to the Pircha 'Itzrich K'ra Lime'utei S'feika', the Gemara concludes that a Coy is an independent species, and not a Safek.

åäùúà îðà ìéä, ãìîà ìòåìí ñô÷à äåé, åàöèøéê ìøáåéé î"ëì çìá" ìàñåø åãàé çìáå, åìà îñô÷.


Question #3 (Part 2): But how do we know that? Perhaps it is really a Safek, and we need the Pasuk of "Kol Cheilev" (the source for the Limud) to render it Vaday (and not just Safek)?

åëï áôø÷ ùúé îãåú (îðçåú ãó öà:) âáé 'ôìâñ' ãáñîåê?


Question #4: ... And the same Kashya will apply in Perek Sh'tei Midos (Menachos 91b) which we will cite shortly.

åé"ì, ãëì ñô÷à ãàé àôùø ìáøø, ëîå âáé áäøú åîòùø, ãìôòîéí ùäåà ëê åìôòîéí ùäåà áòðéï àçø, ùééê ìîòåèé î÷øà ùôéø îèòí ùäí ñô÷.


Answer (Part 1): Any Safek that cannot be clarified, such as that of Baheres and Ma'aser (that we cited earlier), because sometimes it is like this and sometimes, like that, it is feasible to preclude them from a Pasuk because they are a Safek ...

àáì äëà àôùø ìáøø ñô÷à æå, ãëì úçìú äöéäåá ùåéï, å÷îé ùîéà âìéà àí äí ÷èðéí àå âãåìéí. åëï áëåé åôìâñ ëåìï ùåéï, äìëê ìà àúà ÷øà ìîòåèé îèòí ùäí ñô÷, ùàéðå ñô÷à ÷îé ùîéà.


Answer (Part 2): On the other hand, wherever it is possible to clarify the Safek once and for all, such as in the case of 'Techilas ha'Tzihuv', which is standard, and which is known to Hash-m (whether they are Gedolim or Ketanim), and likewise regarding a Coy and a Palgas, which are all the same. Therefore it is not possible to say that the Pasuk precludes them because they are a Safek ...

åëï áñåó 'òì àìå îåîéï' ááëåøåú (ãó îà:) âáé äà ãúðéà 'ëùäåà àåîø ìîèä "äæëø" ùàéï ú"ì, àìà ìäåöéà èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ.


Answer (Part 3): ... and the same will apply at the end of 'Al Eilu Mumin' (Bechoros 41b) with regard to the Beraisa which states that when it says later "ha'Zachar", which is superfluous, it comes to preclude a Tumtum and an Androginus.

åôøéê 'îðé? àéìéîà ú"÷, ñô÷ äåà, àéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé ñô÷à?' äúí ðîé ôøéê îàðãøåâéðåñ ùëåìï ùåéï - àå ëåìï æëøéí àå ëåìï ð÷áåú, å÷îé ùîéà âìéà.


Answer (Part 4): The Gemara then asks 'Who is the author? If it is the Tana Kama, 'Itzrich K'ra Lime'utei S'feika' - There too, the Gemara is asking from Androginus, which are all the same; either they are all males or they are all females, a fact which Hash-m knows (and which is therefore not a Safek).

åà"ú, åäà øá ñáø ãàðãøåâéðåñ ñô÷, ëãôøéùðà áñåó äîôìú (ðãä ãó ëç.) 'îãîèîà áìåáï åáàåãí'?


Question (Part 1): But Rav holds that an Androginus is a Safek, as we explained at the end of ha'Mapeles (Nidah 28a), seeing as he renders him Tamei both from the white (Keri) and from the red (Dam Nidus).

åáñåó äòøì (éáîåú ãó ôâ.) ôñé÷ ëøáé éåñé - ãìà äëøéòå áå çëîéí àí æëø àí ð÷áä,


Question (Part 2): Moreover, at the end of Perek ha'Areil, he rules like Rebbi Yossi, that the Chachamim were unable to decide whether he is a Zachar or a Nekeivah.

'åáøéä áôðé òöîä' ã÷à"ø éåñé ááøééúà, ìàå ãå÷à.


Clarification: ... and when Rebbi Yossi in a Beraisa refers to it an independent creature, that is La'av Davka (not to be taken literally).

åàô"ä îîòè ìéä øá ìòðéï áéàú äî÷ãù, îãëúéá (áîãáø ä) "îæëø åòã ð÷áä úùìçå", 'æëø åãàé, ð÷áä åãàéú, åìà èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ' ...


Question (Part 3): Nevertheless, Rav precludes him (an Androginus) from the Din of Bi'as Mikdash, from the fact that the Torah writes "mi'Zachar ve'ad Nekeivah Teshaleichu" - 'Zachar Vaday, Nekeivah Vada'is' ...

åäéëé àúà ÷øà ìîòåèé ñô÷à?


Question (Part 4): ... and how can the Pasuk come to preclude a Safek'?

åé"ì, ãáääéà ãøá úøé îéòåèé ëúéáé - ãä"î ìîëúá "îæëø åòã àãí" àå "îð÷áä åòã àãí"; åàúé çã îéðééäå ìàðãøåâéðåñ åçã ìèåîèåí ...


Answer (Part 1): In the case of Rav there are two Mi'utim - since the Pasuk could have written either "mi'Zachar ad Adam" or 'mi'Nekeivah ad Adam'; and one of them therefore comes to preclude an Androginus, the other, a Tumtum' ...

åàí àðãøåâéðåñ äåà æëø, àúé "îæëø" ìîòåèé îèòí ùäåà îùåðä, åàí äåà ð÷áä, àúéà "îð÷áä", ìîòåèé îèòîà ùäéà îùåðä.


Answer (Part 2): If an Androginus is a male, then "mi'Zachar" comes to preclude him because he is 'different'; whereas if she is a female, then "mi'Nekeivah" comes to preclude her because she is different.

åäà ãôøéê ááëåøåú, âáé äà ãîîòè àðãøåâéðåñ î"æëø" éúéøà ãëúéá âáé òåìä - 'îðé, àé ú"÷, ñô÷à äåà, àúé ÷øà ìîòåèé ñô÷à?' ?


Implied Question: How can the Gemara then ask in Bechoros, in connection with where it precludes an Androginus from the extra "Zachar" written by Olah - 'Who is the author? If it is the Tana Kama, it is a Safek. 'Does the Pasuk come to preclude a Safek?'

äúí ôøéê ùôéø, ãàí áà ìîòåèé àôéìå äåà æëø, îùåí ãîùåðä äåà îùàø æëøéí, à"ë îãîîòè ìéä î"æëø", ù"î ãæëø äåà åìà ñô÷; àìîà ìà àúé ëú"÷, ãàîø ñô÷ äåà.


Answer: The Gemara's Kashya there is justified, inasmuch as, if it comes to preclude an Androginus even it he is a Zachar, merely because he is different than other males, that means he is a male and not a Safek, in which case it does not go like the Tana Kama, who considers him a Safek.

åà"ú, åäøé èåîèåí, ãéù îäï æëø åéù îäï ð÷áä, åà"à ìáøø - å÷àîø øá çñãà áñåó òì àìå îåîéï (áëåøåú ãó îá.) 'ñîé îëàï èåîèåí' - îùîò ãèòîà îùåí ãñô÷à äåà, åìà àöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé?


Question: How about a Tumtum, which sometimes turns out to be a male and sometimes, a female, and which cannot be clarified one way or the other - yet Rav Chisda says, at the end of Eilu Mumin (Bechoros 42a) 'Erase from here Tumtum!', implying that it is a Safek, and does not require a Pasuk to preclude him?

åé"ì, ã÷ñáø øá çñãà ãìà àúà ÷øà ìîòåèé îèòí ñô÷, ëéåï ãàí äåà æëø, äøé äåà ëùàø æëøéí. åìëê àéï ìäòîéã äîéòåè à'èåîèåí, ëéåï ùéù ìäòîéãå à'àðãøåâéðåñ ...


Answer: Rav Chisda holds that the Pasuk does not preclude Tumtum because he is a Safek, since, if he was a male, he would be like any other male. Consequently, since it is possible to establish the Miy'ut by Androginus, we cannot establish it by a Tumtum ...

åäëé ôéøåùå äúí - 'îçìå÷ú áàðãøåâéðåñ, ãìøáðï àéðå áëåø; àáì èåîèåí ãáøé äëì ÷ãåù îñô÷, ã"äæëøéí ú÷ãéù" ãëúéá âáé áëåø, àéëà ìàå÷åîé ìîòåèé àðãøåâéðåñ åìà èåîèåí ëãôéøùðå.


Explanation of Sugya in Bechoros (Part 1): ... and this is how we will explain the Sugya there: 'The Machlokes pertains to an Androginus, who is not a B'chor according to the Rabbanan; Whereas a Tumtum, even according to them, is not sanctified because of a Safek, seeing as the words "ha"Zecharim Takdish" which is written by B'chor, can be established to preclude an Androginus, as we explained.

åìëê ôøéê 'àìà îòúä áòøëéï éòøê, ãìà (ðå÷é "äæëø" àìà ìîòè àðãøåâéðåñ åìà èåîèåí?


Explanation of Sugya in Bechoros (Part 2): Therefore the Gemara asks that 'In that case, let him also be assessed by Arachin (to establish "ha'Zachar" to preclude an Androginus, and not a Tumtum? ...

à'ìîä úðéà "äæëø", åìà èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ?


Explanation of Sugya in Bechoros (Part 3): ... Why did we then learn in a Beraisa "ha'Zachar", to preclude a Tumtum and an Androginus? ...

åîùðé ñîé îëàï 'èåîèåí!'


Explanation of Sugya in Bechoros (Part 4): ... and the Gemara replies 'Erase from there 'Tumtum'!

àò"â ãáòøëéï àéëà úøéï îéòåèé "äæëø" "åàí ð÷áä" ...


Explanation of Sugya in Bechoros (Part 5): But are there not two Miy'utim "ha'Zachar" and "ve'Im Nekeivah" (presumably, one to preclude an 'Androginus', the other, to preclude a 'Tumtum')?

öøéëéï úøååééäå ìàðãøåâéðåñ - ãàé ëúéá "äæëø", ìîòåèé, ä"à ãìà âøò îð÷áä, åéäéä áòøê àùä).


Explanation of Sugya in Bechoros (Part 6): We need them both to preclude Androginus completely, because if the Torah had only written "ha'Zachar", we would have said that he is not worse than a woman, and we would have evaluated him accordingly. (Continued on 23.)