

úåñôåú ã"ä á÷é áäï åáùîåúéäï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why both are necessary.)

úøåééäå áòéðï, ãìà ìéúé ìîèòé.


Clarification: Both ('Bahen' and 'Shemoseihen') are necessary, to avoid any errors.



úåñôåú ã"ä áñéîï àçã èîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how the Gemara could equally well have said 'Tahor'.)

äåä îöé ìîéîø 'èäåø', åäåà ùéëéø ôøñ åòæðéä.


Alternative Explanation: The Gemara could have said 'Tahor', provided one recognizes the Peres and the Ozniyah.



úåñôåú ã"ä øáé àìéòæø àåîø ìäáéà àú äæøæéø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos restricts the Machlokes to 'Zarzir'.).

áæøæéø äåà ãôìéâé øáðï òìéä, àáì îåãå ã"ìîéðå" àúà ìøáåéé ùàø òåôåú äãåîéï ìäï.


Clarification: It is only by a starling that the Rabbanan disagree with him; but they agree that "Lemiyno" comes to include other birds that are similar to them.



úåñôåú ã"ä îôðé ùéù ìäí æô÷ îôðé ù'÷åø÷áðå ð÷ìó

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer and the Rabbanan, as well as discussing which Simanim pertain to an Oreiv and the definition of 'Oreiv'.)

îùîò ãäðê ñéîðéï ìéúðäå áòåøá.


Inference: This implies that the Oreiv does possess these two Simanim.

åøáé àìéòæø ñáø - ãàôéìå äëé àôùø ãäåå îéï òåøá; åàéï ìçåù àí àéï ùðé ñéîðé èäøä ùì òåøá åîéðå ùåéï.


Explanation #1: And Rebbi Eliezer holds that it is nevertheless possible that they are a species of Oreiv, and that it does not matter that the two Simanim of an Oreiv and those of a species of Oreiv do not tally.

åøáðï ñáøé - ëéåï ãàéðï ùåéï, à"ë àéðå îéðå.


Explanation #1 (cont.): Whereas the Rabbanan hold that if they do not tally, then it cannot belong to its species.

åä"ø éöç÷ áä"ø îàéø áã÷ áòåøá ùàðå ÷åøéï ÷åøáé"ì áìò"æ, åîöà ùéù ìå àöáò éúéøä åæô÷.


Observation: Rebbi Yitzchak be'ha'Rav Meir examined an Oreiv (that we call corbeil [a raven]) and he discovered that it has an extra claw and a crop.

åîúåê ëê äéä ãåç÷ ìôøù ùîòúúà ãäëà 'åäìà àðùé ëôø úîøúà àåëìéï àåúï', à"ë îëéøéï áäï ùàéðï îéï òåøá; åìà îééúé èòîà ã'éù ìå æô÷' ìàôå÷é îòåøá, ãòåøá ðîé éù ìå æô÷.


Explanation: As a result, he made a Dochek (a forced explanation) to explain what the Gemara says 'Did the men of K'far Tamarta not eat them?' to mean that they must have discerned that they were not a species of Oreiv, and the reason that it states that they had a Zefek was not to preclude an Oreiv, since an Oreiv does not have a Zefek either.

àìà îôøù äèòí ìîä àåëìéï àåúå, ùøåàéï áå ñéîðé èäøä, ùéù ìå æô÷ ùäåà ñéîï èäøä ...


Explanation (cont.): It is merely explaining that they ate it because they saw signs of Taharah (that it had a crop, which is a Siman Taharah).

åâí àéðå ãåøñ; àáì æä ìà äåöøê ìôøù, ãôùéèà ãëì òåó äãåøñ èîà. åîîéìà îééúé øàéä îãàëìé ìéä, à"ë îëéøéï áå ùàéðå îéï òåøá.


Explanation (cont.): Nor was it Doreis either - only it was not necessary to mention it since it is obvious that any bird that is, is Tamei. And automatically, the Gemara proves that since they ate it, they must have perceived that it was not an Oreiv.

å÷ùä ìôéøåù äøéá"í, ãàí òåøá éù ìå àöáò éúøä åæô÷, à"ë àéï ÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó åãåøñ.


Question: According to the Rivam, since an Oreiv possesses an extra claw and a crop, its gizzard cannot be peeled and it is Doreis.

åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï, îãàîø øá ðçîï 'òåó äáà áùðé ñéîðéï, èäåø, åäåà ùéëéø òåøá'. åòì ëøçê çã îäðê ùðé ñéîðéï àéðå ãåøñ, ã'ëì òåó äãåøñ èîà'. åîãàéëà ìñôå÷é áòåøá, ù"î ãòåøá àéðå ãåøñ?


Question (cont.): But it is impossible to say that, since Rav Nachman states that 'a bird that come before us with two Simanim is Tahor, provided one recognizes an Oreiv'. One of those two Simanim must be that it is not Doreis (since every bird that is Doreis is Tamei. Now since the bird could be an Oreiv, it is clear that an Oreiv is not Doreis?

åàôùø ãàåúå ùàðå ÷åøéï ÷åøáé"ì ùéù áå àöáò éúøä åæô÷, ëîå ëï àéðå ãåøñ, åäåé îé"è òåôåú.


Suggestion: Perhaps the bird that we call a raven has an extra claw and a crop, and is also not Doreis, in which case it belongs to the nineteen birds.

àáì àí ðúáøø ìðå ùäåà ø÷ - ëìåîø ùîåöéà äæøò ãøê äôä, à"ë æäå òåøá åãàé - ëãàîø áçì÷ (ñðäãøéï ÷ç:) ùäåà îùìùä ùùîùå áúéáä, åì÷å.


Alternative: If however, it becomes clarified that it spits (it inseminates via its mouth) then it is definitely an Oreiv, as the Gemar states in Cheilek (Sanhedrin 108b), where it is listed as one of the three that mated in the Ark, and was punished (in this way).

åðöèøê ìãçå÷ åìôøù ãä"÷ 'áà áá' ñéîðéï, èäåø', ôéøåù - ùàðå îåöàéï ìäí ùðé ñéîðéï åäùìéùé àéðå áà ãìéú áéä äùìéùé áåãàé åìà áã÷ðå, àí äåà ãåøñ àå ìàå; åàí ðëéø ùàéï æä òåøá, àéï ìçåù ùîà ãåøñ äåà, ùàéï òåó áùðé ñéîðéí ãåøñ àìà òåøá åîéðå áìáã.


A Forced Explanation: We will then be forced to say that when the Gemara says 'A bird that comes before us with two Simanim is Tahor' what it means is that we discern two Simanim, but not the third one, in that we have not examined it for the third Si'man, whether it is Doreis or not. And if we then recognize that it is not a raven, we don't need to examine it to see whether it is Doreis or not, since the only bird with two Simanim that is Doreis is a raven and its species.

åàí äéä ãåøñ, à"ë äéä äòåó èîà, ãëì òåó äãåøñ èîà, åòåøá åîéðå àéðå, ùîëéøå. à"ë îä äéä ìå ìäéåú àí äéä ìå ùðé ñéîðé èäøä åùðé ñéîðé èåîàä?


A Forced Explanation (cont.): Now if it was Doreis, it would be a Tamei bird, since any bird that is Doreis is Tamei. In any event, it is not a raven or one of its species, since they recognized it. And if we were speaking about a bird that possesses two Simnei Taharah and two Simnei Tum'ah, what could it then possibly be?

àìà åãàé àéðå ãåøñ.


Conclusion: It is therefore clear that an Oreiv is not Doreis.

åî"î ìà ðñúô÷å áúùòä òùø òåôåú ãäãøé áëåìäå úìúà ñéîðéï, ëé ðàîø ãëåìí ãåøñéï, åäâ' ñéîðéí äàçøéí äåà ùéù áäí.


Conclusion (cont.): Nevertheless, they did not take into account the possibility that it was from the nineteen birds that all share the same Simanim, since we can say that they are all Doreis, and the Simanim that they share are the other three.

åðôøù ìôé' æä ëôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ - ãäà ã÷úðé 'ëì ùéù ìå àöáò éúøä åæô÷ å÷ø÷áï ð÷ìó áéãåò ùäåà èäåø' ãà'øéùà ñîéê, ãëáø àùîåòéðï ã'ëì òåó äãåøñ èîà'. åìà ëôéøåù ø"ú.


The Ramifications: According to this explanation, we will learn like Rashi, who explains - that when our Mishnah said 'Whatever has an extra claw, a crop and its gizzard can be peeled, is known to be Tahor', it relies on the Reisha, which already taught us that 'any bird that is Doreis is Tamei' - not like Rabeinu Tam's explanation.

åìà ðúéø áâ' ñéîðéï äììå ùåí òåó òã ùðãò ùàéðå ãåøñ, ëé äâ' äãøé áëåìäå.


Conclusion: ... and we will therefore not permit any bird with the above three Simanim unless we know for sure that it is not Doreis, since the three Simanim are shared by all of them.

åîéäå àéï äìùåï îùîò ëï, ãäà 'áá' ñéîðéí' îùîò ùáã÷ðå ùàéï ìå éåúø, ãåîéà ã'áà áñéîï àçã' ãëåìä ùîòúà, ãîùîò ãáøåø ìðå ùàéï ìå àìà ñéîï àçã ...


Refutation: The Lashon does not however imply that, rather 'with two Simanim' implies that we searched and that there are no more, similar to 'One that comes with one Siman' throughout the Sugya, which implies that we know for sure that it has only one Si'man ...

ãàé îñô÷à ìï, à"ë äåé ñô÷ òåøá, åîùîò ãìà áòéðï ùéëéø òåøá, ëùáà áñéîï àçã.


Refutation (cont.): ... because if we harbored any doubts, it would be a Safek Oreiv, and it seems that when a bird has only one Si'man, it is not necessary to recognize an Oreiv.

åà"ú, ãìòéì îùîò ãñéîï øáéòé ìà äãø áëåìäå, ãìéúéä àìà àå áôøñ àå áòæðéä, åìøáé àìéòæø îùëçú ìä ëåìäå ñéîðé èäøä áòåøá åîéðå, ìôé ôùè ääìëä, ãîùîò ãæô÷ å÷åø÷áðå ð÷ìó ùäí ñéîï èäøä áæøæéø åñðåðéú ìáðä, åáòåøá á' ñéîðé èäøä äàçøéí.


Question: It seems from the Gemara earlier, that the fourth Si'man that the nineteen birds do not possess is only to be found either by a Peres or by an Ozniyah, whereas according to Rebbi Eliezer, all the Simnei Taharah are to be found on an Oreiv and its species, according to the P'shat of the Halachah - which implies that Zefek and Kurk'vano Niklaf are the Simanim of the starling and the white-breasted swallow, whilst the raven itself possess the other two Simanim ...

åà"ë, áòåøá åîéðå àéëà ã' ñéîðé èäøä, åáñîåê ôñ÷ äìëä ëø' àìéòæø ...


Question (cont.): ... in which case, between the Oreiv and its species are to be found all four Simanim? And the Gemara will shortly rule like Rebbi Eliezer.

åîùîò ãäìëä ëøáé çééà, ãúðé 'òåó äáà áñéîï àçã èäåø', ìôé ùàéðå ãåîä ìðùø; åàñé÷ðà ìãéãéä ãçã ìà îùëçú ìä àìà áôøñ àå áòæðéä.


Question (cont.): And it also seems that the Halachah is like Rebbi Chiya, since the Beraisa learns that a bird that comes with one Siman Taharah is Tahor, since it is not comparable to an eagle, and according to him one of the Simanim is to be found either by a Peres or by an Ozniyah exclusively?

åàôéìå ìôéøåù äøéá"í ãàîø ùòåøá éù ìå àöáò éúéøä åæô÷, î"î ëéåï ãøáé àìéòæø çùéá ñðåðéú îéï òåøá, å÷åø÷áðå ð÷ìó ëã÷úðé; åîãøñ ðîé ìà ãøéñ, îãàëìé ìéä àðùé âìéì, àìîà îùëçú ìäå ëåìäå ñéîðé èäøä áòåøá åîéðå?


Question (cont.): And even according to the explanation of the Rivam, who explains that an Oreiv possesses an extra claw and a crop, since Rebbi Eliezer considers the white-breasted swallow to be a species of Oreiv, whose gizzard can be peeled, as we learned; nor is it Doreis, seeing as the men of the Galil ate it, so we see that all four Simanim exist between the Oreiv and its species?

åðøàä ìôøù ãáäëé ôìéâé øáé àìéòæø åøáðï, ãæô÷ ùì æøæéø ÷èï äåà, å÷åø÷áðå ùì ñðåðéú ìà îéáãøà ì÷ìôä áéãéí, åìà çùéá ìéä øáé àìéòæø æô÷ å÷ìéôä.


Explanation #2: It therefore seems that the Machlokes between Rebbi Eliezer and the Rabbanan is based on the fact that the starling's crop is small and the swallow's gizzard cannot be peeled by hand (See Amud Beis), in which case according to Rebbi Eliezer, the one is not considered a crop, and the other is not considered subject to being peeled.



úåñôåú ã"ä åäåà ãìà ãøéñ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's interpretation of 've'Hu de'Lo Doreis'.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ, ëãîùëçú áéä ñéîï àçã, îçæ÷éðï ìéä áèäåø ëì ëîä ãìà çæéðï ìéä ããøéñ.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that if it possesses one Siman, we establish it as Tahor, provided we do not see that it is Doreis.

å÷ùä, àîàé èäåø? ùîà òåøá äåà ùéù ìå ùðé ñéîðé èäøä?


Question #1: Why is it Tahor? Perhaps it is a raven, which has two Simnei Taharah?

åòåã, ãîùîò ãàé äåä ôøñ åòæðéä ùëéçé áéùåá, äåä îñô÷à áäå.


Question #2: Moreover, it implies that if the Peres and the Ozniyah were commonly found in inhabited areas, we would have doubts about it.

åàîàé, ëéåï ãîçæ÷éðï áäå ãàéðå ãåøñ?


Question #2 (cont.): But why is that, seeing as we establish that it is not Doreis?

åðøàä ìé ã'äåà ãìà ãøéñ' - ëìåîø ùàåúå ñéîï àçã äééðå ãàéï ãåøñ, ãúå ìéëà ìñôå÷é àìà àå áôøñ àå áòæðéä, åìà ùëéçé áéùåá.


Explanation #2: It therefore seems that 'Hu de'Lo Dores' means that the one Siman that it possesses is that it is not Doreis.

àáì àí äéä ãåøñ, äúðï 'òåó äãåøñ èîà'.


Explanation #2 (cont.): But if it was, it would be Tamei, since 'Any bird that is Doreis is Tamei'.



úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øçáä àîø øáé éäåãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies the identity of Rebbi Yehudah and discusses the Gemara's reference to Rachbah in B'rachos.)

äééðå øá éäåãä ñúîà, åìôé ùäéä øáå îåáä÷ ÷àîø 'øáé'.


Reason #1: This is S'tam Rav Yehudah, whom he called 'Rebbi' because he was his main Rebbi (from whom he had learned most of what he knew).

åé"î, ã÷àîø 'øáé' îùåí ãñô÷ ìéä àé ùîò îøáé éäåãä úðà àå îøá éäåãä àîåøà.


Reason #2: Others explain that he referred to him as Rebbi because he was not sure as to whether he heard it in the name of Rebbi Yehudah the Tana or from Rav Yehudah the Amora.

åäééðå ãàîø áòìîà 'ãéé÷ åâîø ùîòúéä îôåîéä ãøáéä, ëøçáä ãôåîáãéúà', ãàîø øçáä à"ø éäåãä 'äø äáéú ñèéå ëôåì äéä'.


Explanation #1: And this is what we say in other places (B'rachos 33b) - 'who is careful and who quotes what he learnt from the mouth of his Rebbe, like Rachba from Pumbedisa', who said in the name of Rebbi Yehudah ' the Har ha'Bayis was a colonnade within a colonnade'.

åàéï ðøàä, ãà"ë äåä ìéä ìîéîø 'ãàôéìå ñô÷ ãâáøé âøéñ', ëãàîø ìòéì áô"÷ (ãó éç:) âáé 'øá éäåãä ñô÷ îùîéä ãøá ñô÷ îùîéä ãùîåàì'.


Refutation #1: But this is not correct, because if so, the Gemara ought rather to have said ' ... that he even specifies the authors that he is quoting', as we find in the first Perek (Daf 18b) 'Rav Yehudah says, Safek in the name of Rav, Safek in the name of Shmuel'.

åòåã, ãëé îééúé äúí ääåà ã'ñèéå ëôåì äéä', äåä ìéä ìàúåéé ðîé äê ãùîòúéï.


Refutation #2: Moreover, when it cites there the Din of a double colonnade, it should also have cited our Sugya.

àìà äééðå ãéå÷à ãéãéä - îîä ùäéä àåîø áìùåï øáå, åìà äéä øåöä ìùðåú äìùåï, àò"ô ùäåà ìùåï îùåðä, ã÷àîø 'ñèéå ëôåì äéä, ñèéå ìôðéí îñèéå', åäåä ìéä ìîéîø 'àöèååðéú äéúä', ëãàîø áô"÷ ãôñçéí (ãó éâ: åùí) [åò"ò úåñ' áéöä éà: ã"ä àîø].


Explanation #2: What the Gemara in B'rachos is therefore referring to is to the fact that he copied the wording that his Rebbi used, and declined to deviate from it, even when it is unconventional, such as when he said 'Satav Kaful Hayah, Satav li'Fenim mi'Satav, when he ought rather to have said 'Itztevanis Haysah ... ', which is how the Gemara in Pesachim (13b) refers to it.




úåñôåú ã"ä ëøæé ãáé çìôé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos establishes the Sugya by little birds, and explains what Rav Yehudah is coming to teach us.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãàééøé áçâáéí.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that the Gemara is referring to locusts.

åìà îùîò ëï, ãëåìä ùîòúéï áòåôåú àééøé?


Refutation #1: This does not appear to be the case however, seeing as the Sugya is talking about birds?

åòåã, àé áçâáéí èîàéí àééøé, ôùéèà ãì÷é òìééäå îùåí ùøõ äòåó?


Refutation #2: Furthermore, if it is talking about Tamei locusts, it is obvious that they are subject to Malkos because of Sheretz ha'Of?

àìà áòåôåú ÷èðéí îàã àééøé, åùåøöéï òì äàøõ, å÷îùîò ìï ãîèòí ùøõ äòåó àñéøé, ãìà îé÷øå 'òåó'.


Explanation #2: Consequently, it must be talking about very small birds which crawl on the ground, and it teaches us that one is Chayav on them because of Sheretz ha'Of, since they do not fall under the category of 'birds' ...

åìà îùåí ãîçñøé ñéîï èäøä.


Explanation #2 (cont.): And not because they are lacking the Simanim of Taharah.



úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ñô÷ééäå òåôåú èäåøéï ÷åø÷áðï ð÷ìó åèîàéï àéï ÷åø÷áðï ð÷ìó åäðé ÷åø÷áðï ð÷ìó áñëéðà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses in detail the four Simanim, regarding the identification of the three Simanei Taharah that pertain to the nineteen birds, the two of the Oreiv and the sole one of either the Peres or the Ozniyah.)

ôé' á÷åðè' 'åùàø â' äñéîðéí îáåøøéí áäï, åîñô÷à ìï àé ÷éìåó äåà, äøé éù ìå ã' ñéîðé èäøä, åéöàå îñô÷ ëì òåôåú äèîàéï; åàé ìàå ÷éìåó äåà, àéï ëàï àìà â', åáñô÷ ùàø òåôåú èîàéï äï ùéù ìäï â' ñéîðéï'.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that the other three Simanim were clear to them; and our Safek is that if this is called 'peeling', then it has four Simnei Taharah, and it has left the realm of Tamei birds; whereas if it is not, then it has only three Simanim, and it belongs to the category of other Tamei birds that have only three Simanim.

åéù ìã÷ã÷ îúåê ëê ãâ' ñéîðéï ùì èäøä ùì é"è òåôåú äééðå àöáò éúéøä, åæô÷ åàéðå ãåøñ.


Implication: We can extrapolate from this that the three Simanim of Taharah possessed by the nineteen birds are an extra claw, a crop and that they are not Doreis.

åàé àôùø ìåîø áòðéï àçø, ãàé àîøéðï ÷åø÷áðå ð÷ìó äåà áé"è òåôåú, åäëà ëâåï ãàéëà ìäðê ñô÷åú á' ñéîðé èäøä, åäàé ãð÷ìó áñëéï.


Proof : And there is no other possible explanation; because if we assume that Kurk'vano Niklaf is to be found in the nineteen birds, and here those S'feikos possessed two Simnei Taharah plus that it could be peeled with a knife ...

åäùúà àí àçã îàåúï á' ñéîðéï äééðå ääéà ãìéúéä àìà àå áôøñ àå áòæðéä, àôé' ìà éçùá ÷éìåó, ìéëà ìîéçù ìîéãé; ãôøñ åòæðéä àéï ìäí àìà ñéîï àçã, åàìå éù ìäí ùðéí, åúùòä òùø òåôåú åòåøá àéï ìäí ñéîï çãù.


Proof (cont.): Now if one of those two Simanim was the one that is only to be found in either the Peres or the Ozniyah, then even if we do not reckon 'Kiluf', there is nothing to worry about, since Peres and Ozniyah only possess one Si'man, and these possess two; whilst the nineteen birds as well as the Oreiv do not possess the new Si'man.

åàí àåúï á' ñéîðéï äï îäðê ãäãøé áëåìäå, à"ë ëùéçùåá ÷éìåó ðîé, ãéìîà îúùòä òùø òåôåú ðéðäå.


Proof (cont.): Whereas if, on the other hand, those two Simanim are among the Simanim that are to be found on the nineteen birds, then even if it is considered Kiluf, perhaps it is one of the nineteen birds (in which case it is Tamei anyway).

åìà îñúáøà ìåîø ãéåãòéí äéå ùàéðí îúùòä òùø òåôåú, àìà ùäéå îñåô÷éï áòåøá. äìëê àí ä÷éìåó ÷éìåó éöàå îéãé òåøá; åàé ìàå, éù ìñô÷ áòåøá.


Refuted Answer #1: Nor is it logical to say that they knew that they were not from the nineteen birds, only they suspected that they may be an Oreiv, so that, if it was considered Kiluf, they could no longer be an Oreiv; and if not, the doubt that perhaps they were, remained.

àé ðîé, ñéîï àçã éù ìäí òí æä ä÷éìåó, åéåãòéí äéå ùàéðï îéï òåøá, àìà ùäéå îñåô÷éï áôøñ åòæðéä;


Refuted Answer #2: Alternatively, they had one Si'man plus the one of (Safek) Kiluf, and they knew that they were not an Oreiv, only their doubt was that perhaps they were a Peres or an Ozniyah.

åäà ãàîøéðï ãôøñ åòæðéä ìà ùëéçé áééùåá ...


Implied Question: And even though we say that Peres and Ozniyah are not common in inhabited areas?

äééðå àåúí äéãåòéí åäîáåøøéí, åáàìå äéå îñúô÷éï, ìôé ùãåîéï ìäí.


Answer: That applies only to birds that we know for sure to be Peres and Ozniyah, whereas those under discussion were a Safek that resembled them.

åëì æä ãåç÷.


Conclusion: All this is a Dochek.

åâí àéï ìôøù ùäéä ìäí ñéîï àçã òí æä, åäéå îñúô÷éï ãàé ÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó, ùîà òåøá äåà ùéù ìå ùðé ñéîðé èäøä; åàí àéï ÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó, àæ ìéëà ìñôå÷é àìà àå áôøñ àå áòæðéä, åùøå îùåí ãìà ùëéçé áéùåá.


Refuted Explanation: Neither can we explain that they had one Si'man plus the one in question, and their Safek was that if it was considered 'Kurk'vano Niklaf, then perhaps they were an Oreiv, since they had two Simanei Taharah, whereas if it was not, then they could only have been either a Peres or an Ozniyah, in which case they were permitted, since Peres and Ozniyah are not common in inhabited areas.

ãàéï äìùåï îùîò ëï - îã÷àîø 'òåôåú èäåøéí ÷åø÷áðï ð÷ìó', îùîò ãàé ÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó, èäåø; äà ìàå äëé, àñåø.


Refutation: The Lashon 'The gizzards of Tahor birds can be peeled' does not imply this, but rather that if was considered Kurk'vano Niklaf then they were Tahor, otherwise not.

ìëê ðøàä ëôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ, åéù ìäúéø ëì òåó ù÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó åñéîï àçã òîå - ãôøñ åòæðéä àéï ìäí àìà ñéîï àçã, åòåøá åùàø òåôåú àéï ÷åø÷áðï ð÷ìó.


Reinstating Explanation #1: We must therefore learn like Rashi's initial explanation and to permit any bird whose gizzard can be peeled plus one other Si'man - because on the one hand Peres and Ozniyah are not common in inhabited areas, whilst on the other, the gizzard of the Oreiv and the other nineteen birds cannot be peeled.

åâí (øáé çééí) [øáéðå çððàì] ôéøù âáé 'òåó äáà áñéîï àçã, èäåø' - ÷áìä áéãéðå îàáåúéðå ùæä äñéîï ÷åø÷áðå ð÷ìó; îùîò ùø"ì ãääåà ãìà îùëçú àìà àå áôøñ àå áòæðéä, æäå ÷åø÷áðå ð÷ìó.


Support: Also Rabeinu Chananel explains with regard to 'A bird that comes with one Si'man is Tahor' - 'We have a tradition from our fathers that that Si'man is Kurk'vano Niklaf', implying that the Si'man that is to be found only by Peres and Ozniyah is that of Kurk'vano Niklaf.

àò"ô ùôé' ø"ç ìòéì âáé 'úìúà äãøé áëåìäå òùøéí îäí â' â' , òåøá éù ìå ùðéí, åôøñ åòæðéä éù ìäï àçã, ðùø àéï ìå ëìì - ëâåï ùéù áàìå òùøéí æô÷ å÷ø÷áðï ð÷ìó åàöáò éúéøä, àáì ãåøñéï åàåëìéï.


Implied Question: Even though when we learned earlier 'Three Simanim are shared by twenty of them, Oreiv possesses two, Peres and Ozniyah possess one, and Nesher, none' - Rabeinu Chananel himself explained 'For example, the twenty possess Zefek, Kurk'vano Niklaf and Etzba Yeseirah, only they are Doreis whilst eating ...

åäòåøá éù ìå ùðéí îàìå â' äðæëøéí ìîòìä, åôøñ åòæðéä àçã îäí éù ìå àçã îàìå äâ' åäàçø àéð ìå îàìå äâ' ëìì ìà æô÷ åìà àöáò éúéøä åìà ÷ø÷áï ð÷ìó, àáì àéðå ãåøñ.


Implied Question (cont.): The Oreiv possesses two of those possessed by the twenty, whilst the Peres and the Ozniyah, one of them has one of the above Simanim, whereas the other possesses none of them (neither Zefek, Etzba Yeseirah nor Kurk'vano Niklaf, only it is not Doreis) ...

åäåä àîéðà ðìîåã îæä ìòåó äáà áñéîï äàçã ùäåà èîà, ìôéëê ëúéá ðùø òë"ì.


Implied Question (cont.): And we would therefore have thought that any bird that comes with one Si'man is Tamei; therefore the Torah inserts "Nesher" ' (upto here are the words of Rabeinu Chananel).

ëì æä ìà ëúá àìà ìñéîï áòìîà, åìà äéä ñáåø ùëê äåà äàîú, àìà ëîå ùôé' ù÷ø÷áï ð÷ìó äééðå ääåà ãìà äãø áëåìäå.


Answer: He wrote all this only as an example, not because he considered that to be the actual case; whereas in fact, he considers Kurk'vano Niklaf to be the Si'man that the nineteen birds do not possess.

åìôé îä ùôéøùúé ùéù ìäúéø ëì òåó ù÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó åñéîï àçã òîå, à"ë àåúå òåó ù÷åøéï ÷ååð"à áìò"æ òåó èäåø äåà, ùäøé ÷ø÷áðå ð÷ìó åéù ìå àöáò éúéøä àáì àéï ìå æô÷.


Inference: According to what we just explained, that one can permit any bird whose gizzard can be peeled and that possesses one other Si'man, is permitted, the bird that we call 'Kavna' will be permitted, since its gizzard can be peeled and it has an extra claw but no crop.

åæä úéîä, ãîñúáøà ùäåà ëåñ àå éðùåó, ùäøé éù ìå ìñúåú ëàãí - åàîøéðï áôø÷ äîôìú (ðãä ãó ëâ.) ã'÷øéà å÷éôåôà éù ìäí ìñúåú ëàãí'.


Question: It is probably a 'Kos or a Yanshuf, since it is has cheeks like a human being - and we have learned in Perek ha'Mapeles (Nidah 23a) that Karya and Kifufa (Kos and Yanshuf) have cheeks like a human being?

åäéä ðøàä îúåê ëê ìåîø ãæô÷ äåà ñéîï äøáéòé ãìà îùúëç àìà àå áôøñ àå áòæðéä.


Chidush: It therefore seems that the fourth Si'man that is found only on a Peres or Ozniyah is that it has a Zefek.

åàåúå òåó ù÷åøéï ÷åå"ï ããåîä ìëåñ åéðùåó ùäï îúùòä òùø òåôåú, ùîà àéðå ãåøñ åéù ìå òîä â' ñéîðé èäøä.


Chidush (cont.): ... and the bird that we call 'Kavna', that is similar to a Kos and Yanshuf, which in turn, belong to the group of nineteen birds, is perhaps not Doreis, in which case it possesses another three Simnei Taharah.

åìôé æä, àéï ñáøà ìåîø ãàåúå òåó ùàðå ÷åøéï ÷åøáé"ì áìò"æ ùéäà æä "òåøá", ãäà éù ìå æô÷ åàöáò éúéøä - åðîöà ãîùëçú ìäå ëåìäå ñéîðé èäøä áùàø òåôåú, åòåøá áìà ôøñ åòæðéä?


Inference: According to that, it is not logical to say that the bird that we call a raven is the "Oreiv" since it has a crop and an extra claw. It would then transpire that all four Simnei Taharah exist on all the (nineteen) birds and on the Oreiv, without the Peres and the Ozniyah?

àìà òåó èäåø éäéä.


Inference (cont.): ... in which case it must be a Tahor bird.

åîéäå éù ìéùá ääéà ãðãä - ãäëé ÷àîø 'åàó ø"î ìà àîø àìà á÷øéà å÷éôåôà' - ëìåîø àå ëéåöà áäí àó áùàø òåó ùàéðå ÷øéà å÷éôåôà.


Answer to Previous Question: It is possible however, to resolve the problem from the Gemara in Nidah, if we explain that when the Gemara explains that 'Also Rebbi Meir only states this by Karya and Kikufa', it means them or birds that resemble them, even though they are not actually the Karya and the Kifufa themselves.

åàôùø ãàåúå ÷åå"ï èäåø äåà, àå ùîà îéï òåøá äåà, àí éúáøø ìðå ùäåà ãåøñ, åàåúå ÷åøáé"ì ìà éäéä îéï òåøá.


Answer to Previous Question (cont.): It may well then be that the bird called 'Kavna' is Tahor, or perhaps it is a species of Oreiv, if it can be determined that it is Doreis, in which case the raven is not a species of Oreiv.

åîéäå ìòéì ôéøùúé ãòåøá àéðå ãåøñ. åäîã÷ã÷ éëåì ìäáéï àåúå. åúï ìçëí åéçëí òåã.


Conclusion: Above however, we already explained that an Oreiv is not Doreis, and someone who looks into it will discover that this is so. 'Give to a wise man and he will become even wiser!'



úåñôåú ã"ä úøðâåìúà ãàâîà ùøéà úøðâåìà ãàâîà àñéøà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this cannot be referring to the male and the female of the same species.)

àéï ìôøù ùäð÷áä îåúøú åäæëø àñåø ...


Rejected Explanation: The Gemara cannot mean that the female is permitted and the male is prohibited ...

ãëì äéåöà îï äèäåø èäåø.


Refutation: ... since whatever comes from what is Tahor is Tahor.

àìà ùðé îéðéí äí ä÷øåàéí ëê, åáéï áæä åáéï áæä äæëø åäð÷áä ùåéï.


Correct Explanation: But they are two different species that are called by those names. And the male and female of both species share the same ruling.



úåñôåú ã"ä çæéåä øáðï ããøñä åàëìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why they initially permitted the Tarnegulta de'Agma.)

îúçìä äéå ñáåøéí ãìà ãøñä åàëìä ...


Clarification: At first, they thought that it ate without being Doreis ...

åáäàé ñéîðà ìçåãéä äéå àåëìéí àåúå, ãìà çééùéðï ìôøñ åòæðéä, ãìà ùëéçé áéùåá


Clarification (cont.): And with that Si'man alone they ate it; They were not worried that it may be a Peres or an Ozniyah, which are not common in inhabited areas.

àå ÷éí ìéä áâåéä ãìàå îîéï ôøñ åòæðéä äåà.


Clarification (cont.): Or perhaps they simply knew that the Tarnegulta de'Agma was not a Peres or an Ozniyah.