DIFFERENT TYPES ANNULLING EACH OTHER (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 7 Daf 22a)
[ãó î òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä øáé éäåùò àåîø úàðéí ùçåøåú îòìåú àú äìáðåú åäìáðåú îòìåú àú äùçåøåú òéâåìé ãáéìä äâãåìéí îòìéï àú ä÷èðéí åä÷èðéí îòìéï àú äâãåìéí äòéâåìéï îòìéï àú äîìáðéí åäîìáðéí îòìéï àú äòéâåìéï
(Mishnah) (R. Yehoshua): Black figs annul white figs and vice-versa. Large round fig cakes annul small ones and vice-versa. Round ones annul square ones and vice-versa.
åø''à àåñø
R. Eliezer prohibits.
åøáé ò÷éáä àåîø áéãåò îä ðôìä àéï îòìåú æå àú æå åëùàéðå éãåò îä ðôìä äï îòìåú æå àú æå.
(R. Akiva): If it's known what fell, they cannot annul each other; if it's not known, they can annul each other.
ëéöã çîùéí úàðéí ùçåøåú åçîùéí ìáðåú ðôìä ùçåøä ùçåøåú àñåøåú åìáðåú îåúøåú ðôìä ìáðä ìáðåú àñåøåú åùçåøåú îåúøåú åëùàéðå éãåò îä ðôìä îòìåú æå àú æå åáæå ø''à îçîéø åøáé éäåùò îé÷ì.
How is this? If there was a mixture of 50 black figs and 50 white figs and a black fig fell into it, all of the black figs are prohibited and the white ones are permitted. If a white fig fell in, all of the whites are prohibited and the blacks are permitted. When it is unknown, (all of the 100 figs combine to) annul the fig that fell in. It's in this case that R. Eliezer was stringent and R. Yehoshua was lenient.
(åëï)[åáæå] ø''à îé÷ì åøáé éäåùò îçîéø áãåøñ ìéèøà ÷öéòåú òì ôé äëã åàéðå éåãò àéæä äéà
And in the following case R. Eliezer is lenient and R. Yehoshua is stringent - if a person pressed a Litra of dried Terumah figs onto the mouth of a jug that contains 100 Chulin figs (and there were many more jugs that also contained 100 Chulin figs) and he doesn't know to which jug he pressed the dried Terumah figs...
ø' àìéòæø àåîø øåàéï àåúï ëàìå äï ôøåãåú åäúçúåðåú îòìåú àú äòìéåðåú
(R. Eliezer): We view all of the dried figs as if they are detached (from the jug) and are mixed together, and the lower ones annul the upper ones.
[ãó î òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åø' éäåùò àåîø ìà úòìä òã ùéäà ùí îàä ëã:
(R. Yehoshua): It does not annul unless there are 100 jugs.
âîøà øáé àéñé áùí ø' éåçðï èòîà ãø''à úàðéí ùçåøåú ùðôìå ìúåê äìáðåú àåëì àú äìáðåú åäìáðåú îòìåú àú äùçåøåú
(Gemara) (R. Isi citing R. Yochanan): R. Eliezer's reasoning is that when the black figs fell into the white ones, since he may eat the white ones, how can the white ones join to annul the black ones?
àîø øáé ìòæø ëê äéä øáé ìéòæø îùéá àú øáé éäåùò åäìáðåú îòìåú àú äùçåøåú
(R. Elazar): This was in fact R. Eliezer's response to R. Yehoshua - how could the white ones join to annul the black ones (if he's able to eat the white ones)?!
îéìúä àîø áéãåò îä ðôìä îòìåú æå àú æå
From this response of R. Eliezer, R. Yehoshua must say that even if the color of the fig that fell was known, the figs of the other color combine to annul it.
ëäðà àîø àéï îòìåú
(Kahana): No, R. Yehoshua agrees that in that case, the other color does not combine to annul.
òì ãòúéä ãëäðà îä áéï øáé éäåùò ìøáé ò÷éáä
Question: According to Kahana, over which case do R. Yehoshua and R. Akiva disagree?
áùéãò åùëç [ãó ëá òîåã á] òì ãòúéä ãøáé éäåùò îòìä òì ãòúéä ãø' ò÷éáä àéðå îòìä
Answer: When he knew its color and later forgot it. According to R. Yehoshua, it is annulled; according to R. Akiva, it is not annulled.
ùîòåï áø áà áùí ø' éåçðï åäåà ùðôìä ùçåøä àçú ìúåê ùúéí (ìáðåú)[ùçåøåú] ëãé ùúáèì áøåá.
(Shimon bar Ba citing R. Yochanan): The white ones annul only when one black fig fell into two black ones (as well as white ones), so that it is annulled in a majority.
[ãó îà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' æòéøà áòà ÷åîé øáé îðà ìà îñúáøà áúåê ùìù ùàí (úàáã)[úòìä] àçú îäï éäéå ùí ùúéí
Question (R. Zeira to R. Mana): Logically, wouldn't it need to fall into three black ones, so that after one is taken and given to the Kohen, there are two to be a majority against the Terumah...?
à''ì åàåó àðà ñáø ëï
Answer (R. Mana): I agree.
áø ôãéä àîø èåçï åîúéø åàó òì âá ãáø ôãéä àîø àéï áìéìä àìà ìééï åùîï áìáã îåãä äåà äëà ùäï ðáììåú:
(Bar Padiya): According to R. Yehoshua, the white ones combine when he grinds them all down, which is permitted (since Terumah nowadays is a Rabbinic obligation). And even though Bar Padiya said that only liquids such as wine and oil fully mix (but not solids), he agrees here that the figs do mix.
îéìúäåï ãøáðï ôìéâà
The following Amoraim disagree with R. Shimon ba Ba's earlier teaching ((k) above)...
ëäðà ùàì ìùîåàì ìà îñúáøà áäãéï îãåîò ãúðéðï äëà ùøåáä úøåîä
Question (Kahana to Shmuel): (The Mishnah in Maseches Challah teaches that if a mixture became forbidden through Terumah falling into it, it is exempt from Challah.) Surely this should only apply when the majority of the mixture was Terumah, otherwise it would be annulled on a Torah level and would be obligated in Challah...?
à''ì åàðà ñáø ëï àìà úñì÷ ìàøòà ãéùøàì àú ùàéì ìä ëã ñì÷ ùîò äãà ãîø øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåçðï åàôéìå ñàä ùðôìä ìúåê úùòéí åúùò çåìéï
(Shmuel): I agree, but when you go to Eretz Yisrael, ask the Sages there. When he went there, he heard the statement of R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan that even if the Se'ah of Terumah fell into 99 Se'ah of Chulin, it is exempt from Challah.
àîø øáé àáäå ëê îùéá ø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àú øáé éåçðï åàåúä ñàä äéà ôåèøú àú äëì
(R. Abahu): R. Shimon ben Lakish asked R. Yochanan - How could that Se'ah of Terumah exempt the 99 of Chulin if on a Torah level, it is annulled in the majority?
åëé òéâåì áòéâåìéï ãáø áøé äåà ùúøåîä òìúä áéãå åàú àîø ÷ì äåà åàó äëà ÷ì äåà
(R. Yochanan to R. Shimon ben Lakish): Since the Mishnah taught that small fig cakes can annul large ones, is it certain that the one that was Terumah came into his hand so that the others are permitted? Rather, since Terumah nowadays is Rabbinic, they were lenient to allow it to annul in such a case. Here also, since Challah is Rabbinic nowadays, the Rabbinic Terumah mixture should exempt it from Challah.
[ãó îà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åéúéáéðéä ùðééà òéâåì áòéâåìéï ùëáø áèìå
And if R. Yochanan would reason that R. Yehoshua permits the small cakes in the large cakes only if there are two small ones to make a majority, why didn't R. Shimon ben Lakish respond that the Mishnah of fig cakes has annulment because of the majority, which is not the case for the Se'ah of Terumah...?
øáé éåðä åøáé éåñé úøååéäåï áùí ø' æòéøà àôéìå çéèéï áçéèéï èåçðï åîúéø
(R. Yona & R. Yosi citing R. Zeira): Not only for fig cakes (where the obligation is only ever Rabbinic), but even for different colored wheats (where its obligation is theoretically from the Torah), they allowed grinding to permit them.
[ãó ëâ òîåã à] äéå ìôðéå òùøéí úàðéí åðôìä àçú ìúåëï åàáãä àçú îäï
If there were 20 figs and a fig of Terumah fell and was lost inside them and then one of the 21 were lost...
ø''ù áï ì÷éù àåîø ñôé÷ï áèì áøåá
(R. Shimon ben Lakish): The Terumah is annulled in the majority (rather than requiring 101, since one of them was lost, and it could have been the Terumah).
øáé éåçðï àîø ëåìï ðòùå äåëéç
(R. Yochanan): All of them became prohibited when it fell and they cannot be permitted.
îåãé øáé éåçðï ùàí úøí îäï òì î÷åí àçø àå ùøéáä îî÷åí àçø òìéäï ùñôé÷ï áèì áøåá
R. Yochanan agrees that if after the Terumah fell in, he separated Terumah from the mixture for elsewhere; we assume that he took from the Chulin. Alternatively, if he added another 80 figs, they all combine to annul the Terumah in 101.
[ãó îá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø''ù áï ì÷éù áùí øáé äåùòéà äéå ìôðéå îàä åçîùéí çáéåú åðúôúçå îàä îåúøåú åçîùéí àñåøåú åäùàø ìëùéúôúçå îåúøåú
(R. Shimon ben Lakish citing R. Hoshiya): If a barrel of Terumah fell into a collection of 150 closed Chulin barrels (their importance prevents the Terumah barrel from becoming annulled). If 100 of the barrels were opened, the 100 barrels become permitted and the other 50 remain prohibited. They only become permitted when they are also opened.
àîø ø' æòéøà ìà àîø àìà ìëùéúôúçå äà ìëúçéìä àñåø
(R. Zeira): We've only been discussing when they were opened, but ideally, it is prohibited to open them.
ø' æòéøà áùí ø' ôãéä úøåîä àåñøú áååãééä áîàä åñôé÷ä áçîùéí
(R. Zeira citing R. Padaya): Definite Terumah prohibits until 100 Chulin and doubtful Terumah prohibits until 50.
äà ùùéí ìà ùáòéí ìà
Question: According to that, if it fell into more than 50, it should be permitted; but R. Yochanan said earlier ((r) 2.) that they all become prohibited?
òã çîùéí öøéëä øåá îëàï åàéìê àéðä öøéëä øåá
Answer: Until 50, a majority may be added until there is 100; but if it fell into more than 50 and one of them was lost, the Terumah is immediately annulled.
àîø øáé çåðä ëéðé îúðé' òéâåìé ãáéìä äâãåìéí îòìéï àú ä÷èðéí áîù÷ì å÷èðéí îòìéï àú äâãåìéí áîéðééï.
(Rav Chuna): When the Mishnah taught that large fig cakes annul small ones, it means that if there were 50 small ones and 25 large ones (each of which was double the weight of a small one), since there is a total weight of 100 compared to the one small Terumah cake, it is annulled. And the small ones can annul the large ones with number. (If one large Terumah cake fell into 50 large ones and 50 small ones, since there is a total of 100 compared to the Terumah, it is annulled.)