THE 'THRESHING FLOOR' FOR TITHES (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 4a)
îùðä åàéæäå âåøðï ìîòùøåú
(Mishnah) Question: When is the 'threshing floor' for tithes? (When does the various produce become completed that one may not even eat it as a snack without tithing?)
ä÷éùåàéï åäãìåòéï îùéô÷éñå åàí àéðå îô÷ñ îùéòîéã òøéîä. àáèéç îùéùì÷. åàí àéðå îùì÷ îùéòùä îå÷öä.
Cucumbers and gourds - "Misheyafkisu'' - when their hairs fall off. And if they didn't, it's after it has been made into piles. For melons, it's when (their hairs fall out and) they become smooth. And if they didn't, it's when they are stored away for drying.
éø÷ äðàâã îùéåâã åàí àéðå àåâã îùéîìà àú äëìé åàí àéðå îîìà àú äëìé îùéì÷åè ëì öåøëå.
A vegetable that is usually tied into bundles - it's when it is tied. And if it wasn't tied, after the storage vessel has been filled. If he isn't filling the vessel, it's after he gathers in everything he wants.
äëìëìä îùéçôä àí àéðå îçôä îùéîìà àú äëìé åàí àéðå îîìà àú äëìé îùéì÷åè ëì öåøëå.
Produce usually put in a basket - after it's covered. And if it isn't being covered, after he fills the vessel. And if he isn't filling it, after he gathers in everything he wants.
áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áîåìéê ìùå÷ àáì áîåìéê ìáéúå àåëì îäï òøàé òã ùäåà îâéò ìáéúå.
When is this? When he is taking it to the market (for sale) but if he taking it home, he may snack from it until he reaches his home.
[ãó æ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äôøã åäöîå÷éï åäçøåáéï îùéòîéã òøéîä.
Dried pomegranates, raisins and carobs are after they've been made into piles.
äáöìéí îùéô÷éìå åàí àéðå îô÷ì îùéòîéã òøéîä.
Onions - after their outer skins are stripped. And if they are not stripped, after they've been made into piles.
äúáåàä îùéîøç åàí àéðå îîøç îùéòîéã òøéîä.
Grains - after the pile has been smoothed. And if it isn't smoothed, after it has been put in a pile.
ä÷èðéåú îùéëáåø åàí àéðå ëåáø îùéîøç. àó òì ôé ùîéøç ðåèì îï ä÷åèòéí åîï äöããéí åîîä ùáúåê äúáï åàåëì.
Beans - after it's been sifted. And if it isn't sifted, after the pile has been smoothed. And even after it was smoothed, he may still take from the (un-threshed) stalks, from the sides (of the pile, where it wasn't smoothed) and from that which is still inside the straw and eat.
äééï îùé÷ôä àò''ô ù÷éôä ÷åìè îï äâú äòìéåðä åîï äöéðåø åùåúä.
Wine - after it's skins and pits have been skimmed off whilst boiling it. And after that, he may take from that which is in the upper wine press and from the pipe (that takes it to the lower pit) and drink.
äùîï îùéøã ìòå÷ä. àó òì ôé ùéøã ðåèì îï äò÷ì åîï äîîì åîáéï äôöéí åðåúï ìçîéèä åìúåê äúîçåé àáì ìà éúï ììôñ åì÷ãéøä ëùäï îøåúçéí.
Oil - after it has descended into the pit. And after that, he may take from the Akal (sack), from the Mamal (millstone) and from between the Patzim (boards). He may smear it on a cake or in a serving bowl, but not in a dish or pot when the contents are still hot.
øáé éäåãä àåîø ìëì äåà ðåúï çåõ îãáø ùéù áå çåîõ åöéø:
(R. Yehuda): He may add it to anything (off the fire) aside from that which contains vinegar or brine.
âîøà îàï ãå éøéí ô÷ñåñéä îàï ãå éøéí ùì÷å÷éä
(Gemara): The Mishnah taught - For Cucumbers and gourds - when their hairs fall off. For melons, it's when (their hairs fall off and) they become smooth.
äéä îô÷ñ øàùåï øàùåï îùì÷ øàùåï øàùåï ìà ðèáìå òã ùéô÷ñ ëì [ãó ã òîåã á] öåøëå åéùì÷ ëì öåøëå [ãó æ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ôé÷ñ åùì÷ áøùåú ä÷ãù åôãéå [ôèåø].
When the hairs begin to fall off, it is still exempt. It's only obligated when the hairs have completely fallen off. If the hairs fell off when the vegetables were in the domain of Hekdesh, they are exempt from Ma'asros.
àåâãå öéðå÷ âãåì ìùãä (àáì àí)[åäåà òúéã ì]àâãå öéðå÷ ÷èï (ìùå÷) ðèáì.
If they were bound in a large bundle, even if small bundles will be made later, they are Tevel (and obligated).
øáé æòéøà áòé àãééï ìà ðâîøä îìàëú äùãä åàú àîø äëéï.
Question (R. Zeira): Since he will only be making small bundles later, their work is not yet complete, so why are they Tevel?
àìà ëéðé àåâãå öéðå÷ âãåì áùãä åäåà òúéã ìàåâãå öéðå÷ ÷èï ìùå÷ ðèáì.
Rather, since they were made into large bundles in the field, even though they will be made into small bundles to take to the market, they (are considered completed and) are Tevel.
äéúä ëìëìä àçú åáãòúå ìîìàåú àú çöéä ëéåï ùîéìà çöéä ðèáìä. áãòúå ìîìàåú àú ëåìä ìà ðèáìä òã ùéîìà àú ëåìä.
When he fills the basket intending to fill it only half way, when it reaches half full, it becomes Tevel. But if he intended to fill it completely, it is only Tevel when he fills it completely.
äéå ùúéí åáãòúå ìîìàú ùúéäï ìà ðèáìå òã ùéîìà àú ùúéäï.
If there were two baskets and he intended to fill both of them, it is only Tevel when he fills them both.
áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áîåìéê ìùå÷ àáì áîåìéê ìáéúå àåëì îäï òøàé òã ùäåà îâéò ìáéúå.
The Mishnah taught - When is this? When he is taking it to the market (for sale) but if he's taking it home, he may snack from it until he reaches his home.
îä áéï äîåìéê ìùå÷ îä áéï äîåìéê ìáéúå
Question: What's the difference between whether he takes it to the market or to his home?
áùòä ùäåà îåìéê ìáéúå áãòúå äãáø úìåé åáùòä ùäåà îåìéê ìùå÷ ìà áãòúå äãáø úìåé áãòú äì÷åçåú äãáø úìåé ùîà éîöà ì÷åçåú åðèáìå îéã.
Answer: When he takes it home, it depends on his own intent. When he takes it to the market, it depends on his customers - if he finds customers, it becomes Tevel immediately.