
POMEGRANATES, ONIONS, GRAINS AND BEANS (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 4b)

úðé îùéòîéã òøéîä áøàù ââå.


(Baraisa): (The Mishnah taught that for dried pomegranates, raisins and carobs, it's after they've been made into piles.) It's when they've been made into piles on the roof for them to dry out.

øáé éåðä áòé äà áùãä ìà.


Question (R. Yona): That implies that if he dried them in the field, they would not become obligated?!

àîø øáé çéððà ãøåáä àúà îéîø ìê àôéìå [áøàù ââå] îùéòîéã òøéîä (áøàù ââå).


Answer (R. Chinana): It's teaching something extra, that even if he took them to his roof to dry but he didn't make them into a pile, they are not completed and not obligated, and this is certainly the case in the field.

äáöìéí îùéô÷éìå îï ãå éøéí ôåãâøä.


The Mishnah taught - Onions - "Misheyafkilu'' - after their outer skins are stripped. This refers to after the bad skins and roots are removed.

úáåàä îùéúîøç


The Mishnah taught - Grains - after the pile has been smoothed.

øáé çððéà áùí øáé éåçðï îï ãå éùôø àôåé ãëøéä.


(R. Chananya citing R. Yochanan): When the 'face' of the pile has been levelled and smoothed.

åäà úðé øáé éò÷á áø ñéñéï îàéîúé äåà [ãó ä òîåã à] úåøí àú äâåøï îùúéò÷ø (àú) äàìä.


Question (R. Yaakov bar Sisin) (Tosefta): When is Terumah separated from the threshing floor? When the Aleh is pulled out. (The Aleh is the utensil used to gather the produce into a pile. When gathering, he inserts it into the pile and when he pulls it out, the pile's work is complete. So according to the Tosefta, it does not depend on the later stage of smoothing the pile...?)

[ãó ç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ëàï áùéù áãòúå ìîøç åëàï áùàéï áãòúå ìîøç.


Answer: The Mishnah refers to when he intends to smooth it; the Tosefta refers to when he does not.

úðé àáì ëåáø äåà î÷öú åúåøí îï äëáåø òì ùàéðå ëáåø.


(Tosefta): (The Mishnah taught that the obligation for beans is after they've been sifted.) Once he's begun sifting, he may separate Terumah from the sifted for the un-sifted beans.

àîø øáé àéìà ùëï ãøê áòìé áúéí ìäéåú îëðéñéï ìúåê áúéäï îàé èòîà åäàìôéí (éùòéäå ì) åäàìôéí åäòéøéí òåáãé äàãîä áìéì çîéõ éàëìå.


(R. Ila): This is because once he has begun sifting, it's the way of people to bring home even the parts that are not sifted (so even non-sifted parts have become obligated). As it's written (Yeshaya 30:24), "And the oxen and the young donkeys who work the soil shall eat enriched food'' (or lit. 'food mixed together with earth'; meaning that it is the way to eat even before sifting).

ëáø áøùåú ää÷ãù åôãéå îàçø ùäåà éëåì ìåëì îîðå [áìà ëê] (òøàé åòëùéå ùàéðå éëåì ìåëì îîðå òøàé) ëîå (ùòùä)[ùìà òùä] îòùä áøùåú ää÷ãù åäåà çééá.


If a person consecrated beans and then sifted them and redeemed them, since they were edible without it, it's as if no action was done under the ownership of Hekdesh and it's obligated.

äúéá øáé çéððà åäúðé ùéìä å÷éôä áøùåú ää÷ãù ôèåø.


Question (R. Chinana)(Tosefta): If a person consecrated (the contents of) a pit of wine and he filled and skimmed it whilst it was under the ownership of Hekdesh, it is exempt...?

àîø øáé éåãï úîï àé àéôùø ìå ùìà (éëáåù)[éùìä] åùìà (ìùìå÷)[é÷ôç] áøí äëà àéôùø ìå ùìà (ìîøç)[éëáåø]. ãàîø øáé àéìà åäàìôéí åäòéøéí åâåîø.


Answer (R. Yudan): There, since one cannot drink it without filling and skimming it, they are considered intrinsic to the process. But here, it's possible to use without sifting, as the (earlier) pasuk states (Yeshaya 30:24), "And the oxen and the young donkeys etc.''