
SNACKING ON OIL (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 5a)

úðé àáì ÷åìè äåà îúçú äëáøä åàåëì.


(Tosefta): ...but he may collect it underneath the sifter and eat from it. (This refers to the small beans that fall down with the impurities - they are still not completed and may still be eaten as a snack before tithing.)

[ãó ç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øá çñãà àîø ùäï îçåñøéí ìøåç.


(Rav Chisda): (Since the sifter only removed the earth that they were pulled up with, but the other impurities haven't yet been removed) until wind has blown through them, (they are not yet completed).

øáé àéìà áùí øáé éñà ùäï îçåñøéí [ãó ä òîåã á] ðéçä.


(Rav Ila citing R. Yasa): Until they rest on the ground, they are not yet completed.

åäúðéðï äééï îùé÷ôä î''ã ùäï îçåñøéí [ðéçä] ðéçà î''ã ùäï îçåñøéí ìøåç


Question (Mishnah): Wine - after its skins and pits have been skimmed off (and after that, he may take from that which is in the upper wine press and from the pipe and drink.) According to the opinion that until they rest on the ground, they are not yet completed, it's understandable that one may take from the pipe. But according to the opinion that it's until the wind has blown through them, (its process is completed, so why may he drink it in snack form)?

îçåñø äåà áùîøéå.


Answer: The wine is still mixed with sediment (until it runs down into the pit).

äúéá øáé áðéîï áø âéãì åäúðéðï äùîï îùéøã ìòå÷ä î''ã ùäï îçåñøéï [ðéçä] ðéçà î''ã ùäï îçåñøéï ìøåç


Question (R. Binyamin bar Gidel): The Mishnah taught about oil, that it becomes obligated after it has descended into the pit; (and after that, he may take from the Akal etc.) According to the opinion that until they rest on the ground, they are not yet completed, it's understandable (that it would not be obligated until after it has descended into the pit). But according to the opinion that it's until the wind has blown through them (since that reason is not relevant to oil, why may it still be consumed in a snack form)?

îçåñø äåà ìäöéì.


Answer: Since the oil is not clear (until it reaches the pit).

äéä àåëì åçùéëä ìéìé ùáú àå ùðúðå ìàãí àçø ìà ðèáìå.


If a person was snacking (on something that was not yet completed) and Shabbos arrived or he gave it to somebody else, they do not become obligated.

øáé éøîéä ñáø îéîø áðúåï áçîéèä åáúîçåé àáì áðúåï áöìåçéú (ìà) ðèáì.


R. Yirmiyah thought that the permission to snack only applies when it was smeared on a cake or in a serving bowl (as his use indicates that it is serving as a snack), but if it was put in a flask, it becomes obligated.

àîø øáé éåñé àôéìå áðúåï áöìåçéú [ìà] ðèáì


(R. Yosi): Even if it was put in a flask, it does not become obligated.

àîø ìéä øáé éøîéä åàéï ùáú èåáìú (àîø ìéä) åàéï î÷ç èåáì.


Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Yosi): Why are the contents of the flask permitted - don't Shabbos and acquisition make produce Tevel?

[ãó è òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø ìéä ëääéà ãàîø øáé éåñé áùí øáé æòéøà øáé éåðä øáé æòéøà áùí øáé ìòæø àó îä ùáìâéï ìà ðèáì îôðé ùäåà òúéã ìäçæéøå áãáø ùìà ðâîøä îìàëúå.


Answer (R. Yosi to R. Yirmiyah): It's like R. Yosi's statement from R. Zeira; that R. Yona said from R. Zeira in the name of R. Elazar - even what is in the jug is not Tevel, as he will later return the wine into something that is not yet completed (and the same applies here to oil that was put in a flask).

çééìéä ãøáé éøîéä îï äãà åòåã àîø øáé ìéòæø òåîã àãí òì äîå÷öä òøá ùáú áùáéòéú åàåîø îéëï àðé àåëì ìîçø.


Support for R. Yirmiyah (Mishnah in Maseches Beitzah): And R. Eliezer said further, that on Erev Shabbos in Sheviis, a person can stand at the area where figs are drying and declare, "I am eating from here tomorrow''.

ìà àîø àìà áùáéòéú äà ùàø ùðé ùáåò ìà.


They only said this in Sheviis (since produce is exempt from Ma'asros), but not in other years (since Shabbos fixes its obligation to tithe, even if it's not yet completed).

îä òáã ìéä øáé (éøîéä)[éåñé] ìäçæéøå ìî÷åîå àé àúä éëåì ùäåà òåùä îå÷öä ìôéëê ðèáì.


What is R. Yosi's response? There, he may not return the figs, as they would become Muktzah again; therefore, they are obligated.

îúðéúà ôìéâà òì øáé (éøîéä)[éåñé] àéï òøàé ìùáú.


Question: There's a Baraisa that disproves R. Yosi - 'There's no (concept of) snacking on Shabbos (to exempt from tithing)'...?

[ãó è òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ôúø ìä åáìáã ãáø ùéù ìå îå÷öä.


Rebuttal: That's when it becomes Muktzah as a result of returning it.

òì ãòúéä ãøáé éøîéä ìà ùðééà äéà ãáø ùéù ìå îå÷öä äéà ãáø ùàéï ìå îå÷öä.


According to R. Yirmiyah, it makes no difference whether or not it becomes Muktzah upon returning it.

øáé îðà áòé äéúä öìåçéú îìéàä åðúåðä áéï ôöéí ìçáéøå ðèáìä àå îàçø ùäéà ðúåðä áî÷åí ùìà ðâîøä îìàëúå ìà ðèáìä.


Question (R. Mana): (According to R. Yirmiyah) if there was a flask filled with oil and it was placed between the planks where the oil collects, did it become obligated (since it's in a flask) or not (since it was put in a place where the oil there is not yet completed)? (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)