COOKING THAT CAUSES AN OBLIGATION (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 5b)
òã äéëï
Question: (The Mishnah taught that if he puts the oil in a dish or pot when the contents are still hot, it becomes obligated in Ma'asros) For how long are they considered hot?
øáé éåãä áø ôæé øáé ñéîåï áùí øáé éåñé áø çðéðà òã ëãé ùéäà ðúåï éãå ìúåëä åäéà ðëåéú.
Answer (R. Yuda bar Pazi/ R. Simon citing R. Yosi bar Chanina): As long as when one puts his hand in it, it gets scolded.
äëì îåãéí [ãó å òîåã à] áëìé ùðé ùäåà îåúø.
All agree that in a Kli Sheni (a utensil into which one poured from a Kli Rishon, which is the utensil that had been on the fire), it's (not considered cooking and it is still) permitted (to eat in snack form).
îä áéï ëìé øàùåï îä áéï ëìé ùðé.
Question: Why is there a difference between a Kli Rishon and a Kli Sheni?
àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï ëàï äéã ùåìèú åëàï àéï äéã ùåìèú.
Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): In a Kli Sheni, it has cooled enough that he can put his hand in it; which is not the case with a Kli Rishon.
àîø øáé éåðä ëàï åëàï àéï äéã ùåìèú àìà òùå äøç÷ä ìëìé øàùåï åìà òùå äøç÷ä ìëìé ùðé.
(R. Yona): In both, he cannot put his hand in it (and the only case where the Torah considers it cooking is a Kli Rishon on the fire), but they made a Rabbinic decree only on a Kli Rishon (off the fire, to prevent a person from putting it in a Kli Rishon on the fire).
àîø øáé îðà ääéï ôéðëà (ãàãéà)[ãàøåæà] îñééò ìàáà. ääéï ôéðëà (ãâìåñà)[ãâøåñà] îñééò ìàáà. ãàú îôðé ìéä îï àúø ìàúø åòã ëãåï äåà øúç.
(R. Mana): I can support my father (R. Yona's) teaching from a bowl of rice and of barley - as even if it is transferred from place to place, it remains very hot.
[ãó é òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îäå ìéúï úáìéï îìîèï åìòøåú òìéäï îìîòìï.
Question: Is it permitted to put pour hot water on spices on Shabbos?
øáé éåðä àîø àñåø åòéøåé ëëìé øàùåï äåà.
Answer (R. Yona): It is prohibited, as pouring from a Kli Rishon is like placing in a Kli Rishon.
çééìéä ãøáé éåðä îï äãà àçã ùáéùì áå åàçã ùòéøä ìúåëå øåúç )åëà äåà àîø äëéï(.
Support (Mishnah in Maseches Zevachim): Whether one cooked Kodesh in or poured hot Kodesh (into an earthenware utensil, the utensil must be broken).
à''ø éåñé úîï ëìé çøñ áåìò úáìéï àéðï îúáùìéï.
Rebuttal (R. Yosi): There, it's because an earthenware vessel absorbs, but here, spices don't cook through pouring.
äúéá øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï åäúðé àó áëìé ðçåùú ëï àéú ìê îéîø ëìé ðçåùú áåìò.
Reinstatement of support (R. Yosi bei R. Bun - Baraisa): The same applies to when Kodesh was cooked in or poured into a copper utensil (and it requires washing inside and out). Could one say that copper absorbs like earthenware? (Rather, it must be because pouring is like cooking.)
îäå ìòøåú òí ä÷éìåç.
Question: What if a person inserted spices into a stream of water coming from a Kli Rishon (rather than putting the spices in a Kli Sheni and pouring on them)?
àîø øáé çðéðä áøéä ãøáé äìì îçìå÷ú øáé éåðä åøáé éåñé.
(R. Chanina, son of R. Hillel): It's a dispute between R. Yona and R. Yosi.
øáé éöç÷ áø âåôúà áòé ÷åîé øáé îðà òùä ëï áùáú çééá îùåí îáùì òùä ëï ááùø åçìá çééá îùåí îáùì.
Question (R. Yitzchak bar Gufta to R. Mana): If a person did this (inserted spices into a stream of hot water) on Shabbos, would he be liable for cooking? And if he cooked meat and milk together in this way, would he be liable for cooking them?
àîø ìéä ëéé ãàîø øáé æòéøà àéæå çìåè áøåø ëì ùäàåø îäìê úçúéå åëà àéæå úáùéì áøåø ëì ùäàåø îäìê úçúéå.
Answer (R. Mana): It's like the teaching of R. Zeira (concerning the obligation of Challah) - It's specifically when a fire is underneath it. Here also, the Torah only considers it cooking when a fire is underneath it.
òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåãä îìç ëöéø ééï ëçåîõ:
According to R. Yehuda (of our Mishnah (see earlier Chulin 127(k)), that he may add it to anything (off the fire) aside from that which contains vinegar or brine;) salt is like brine and wine is like vinegar.