FIGS AND GRAPES (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 5 Daf 6a)
îùðä äòéâåì îùéçìé÷ðå. îçìé÷éï áúàðéí åáòðáéí ùì èáì øáé éäåãä àåñø.
(Mishnah): Fig rings become obligated when they are smoothed (with juice). One may smooth with figs and grapes of Tevel. R. Yehuda prohibits it.
[ãó é òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äîçìé÷ áòðáéí ìà äåëùø ø' éäåãä àåîø äåëùø. åâøåâøåú (îùéãåú)[îùéãåù] åîâåøä îùéòâì.
If one smooths (a fig ring) with grapes, the fig ring doesn't now contract Tumah. R. Yehuda says that it does. Dried figs - are obligated after they've been pressed. And figs stored in a bin - after they've been pressed into a ring.
äéä ãù áçáéú åîòâì áîâåøä ðùáøä äçáéú åðôúçä äîâåøä ìà éàëì îäï òøàé. øáé éåñé îúéø:
When some of the figs had already been pressed and the barrel broke, or if some of the figs had already been pressed into a bin and the bin was opened, he may not snack on them (as they've already become obligated). R. Yosi permits them.
âîøà çððéà áøéä ãøáé éñà àîø îä ôìéâéï øáé éåãä åøáðéï áèáì ùðèáì îãáøéäï àáì èáì ùðèáì ãáø úåøä àåó øáðéï îåãéé.
(Gemara) (R. Chananya, son of R. Yasa): R. Yehuda and Rabbanan disagree over Rabbinic Tevel (which will be discussed later on in Perek 4 Mishnah 1), but as for Tevel of the Torah (where it's completed and it has been brought into the house), even the Rabbanan agree.
øáé îðà àîø ìä ñúí øáé àáéï áùí øáé éåçðï øáé éåãï ëãòúéä åøáðéï ëãòúåï ãúðé æéú ùôéöòå áéãéí îñåàáåú (ìà)
R. Mana himself taught and R. Avin taught from R. Yochanan the reasoning of R. Yehuda and Rabbanan, as the Tosefta taught - If one cracks olives with Tamei hands (in order to soften them), the olive oil is able to cause things to contract Tumah.
[ãó å òîåã á] äåëùøå ìñåôâï áîìç [ìà] äåëùøå
If he cracks them (to soften them) to allow them to absorb salt, they do not become liquids etc.
ìéãò éù áå îéí ìà äåëùøå. øáé éåãï àîø äåëùøå.
If he cracks them to check if they are moist inside, they do not become liquids that can cause things to contract Tumah. R. Yehuda says that they do become liquids etc.
øáðéï àîøéï (áîéîéå)[áâåôå] äåà áåã÷ øáé éåãä àåîø (áâåôå)[áîéîéå] äåà áåã÷.
Rabbanan say that he checks if the fruit is ripe by feeling the olive. R. Yehuda says that he checks by squeezing the olive to see if it has juices.
åäëà øáðéï àîøéï (áîéîéå)[áâåôå] äåà îçìé÷ øáé éåãà [àîø] (áùéù ùìå) [áîéîéå äåà] îçìé÷.
Here (in our Mishnah), the Rabbanan say that he rubs the figs with the body of the grapes (rather than using its juices). R. Yudah says that he smooths with its juices.
[ãó éà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé àîø ìøáé ùîòåï áøéä òìä åäáà ìðå (âøåâøåú)[úîøéí] îï äçáéú.
(Rebbi to his son R. Shimon): Go up and bring us dates from the barrel.
àîø ìéä åàéðå àñåø îùåí îå÷öä.
(R. Shimon): Aren't they Muktzeh?
àîø ìéä åàãééï àú ìæå àéï ìê àñåø îùåí îå÷öä àìà úàéðéí åòðáéí áìáã.
(Rebbi): Haven't you learned yet that only figs and grapes (drying on the roof) are Muktzeh?
àîø øáé ùîåàì áø ñéñøèàé îôðé ùäï îñøéçåú áðúééí.
(R. Shmuel bar Sisretai): It's because they are disgusting in the interim.
ø' æòéøà áòé ÷åîé øáé éñà ìà îñúáøà áàéìéï ôéöåìéé (àéìéï) äåä òåáãà.
Question (R. Zeira to R. Yasa): Surely R. Shimon reasons that figs drying on the roof are not Muktzeh and it must have been unripe figs that are cracked in half and placed on the roof that he said are Muktzeh...?
àîø ìéä àåó àðà ñáø ëï.
Answer (R. Yasa to R. Zeira): I agree.
àúà øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï øáé éöç÷ áø áéñðà áùí øáé éåçðï áàéìéï ôéöåìééà äåä òåáãà.
R. Yosi bei R. Bun and R. Yitzchak bar Bisna citing R. Yochanan also said this.
àîø ìéä àéï ìê àñåø îùåí îå÷öä àìà úàðéí åòðáéí áìáã.
...And Rebbi replied to R. Shimon that only figs and grapes (drying on the roof) are Muktzeh?
øáé éò÷á áø æáãé áùí øáé àáäå äãà ãúéîà ìòðééï ùáú àáì ìòðééï îòùøåú ëì äãáøéí éù ìäï îå÷öä.
(R. Yaakov bar Zavdi citing R. Abahu): This was said concerning Shabbos laws, but concerning Ma'asros, all fruits are not obligated until they are dried out.
àîø øáé îúðéúà àîøä ëï âøåâøåú îùéãåù åîâåøä îùéòâéì.
(Rebbi): The Mishnah also supports this - the obligation comes when dried figs have been pressed and figs stored in a bin have been pressed into a ring (rather than when they are still drying).
àîø øáé éåçðï ãáøé ùåðä øàùåï äúçúåï öøéê ìòìéåï åìà äòìéåï öøéê ìúçúåï. ãáøé ùåðä àçøåï [àó äúçúåï] öøéê ìòìéåï (åäòìéåï öøéê ìúçúåï).
(R. Yochanan): The first Tana's reasoning that if the bin was opened, he may not snack on them, is because the upper figs cannot be pressed without the lower ones first being pressed. However, the opposite is not true. The latter opinion (R. Yosi) says that even the lower ones still need the upper ones, so they are not yet completed and he may still snack on them.
[ãó éà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé ìòæø ãøáé îàéø äéà
(R. Elazar): The first Tana is R. Meir.
(à''ì) ãìà úñáåø îéîø ñúîà åø' éåñé äéà äìëä ëñúîà ìôåí ëï öøéê îéîø ãøáé îàéø äéà ãøáé îàéø åø' éåñé äìëä ëø' éåñé:
(Why did he say this?) So that you shouldn't say that it's an unspecified author; and when a Mishnah with an unspecified author (known as a Stam Mishnah) disagrees with R. Yosi, the Halacha follows the Stam. Therefore, R. Meir was named, as the rule is that when R. Yosi and R. Meir disagree, the Halacha follows R. Yosi.