úåñ' ã"ä îéúéáé äçåôø áåø áøä"ø
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies on whom the Gemara is asking.)
ìøáä ôøéê ãàîø ìòéì 'îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä ìàå ëëúåáä áùèø ãîéà' ,åëï äâéä ø"ú áñôøå.
Clarification: The Gemara is querying Rabah who said earlier that a 'Milveh that is written in the Torah is not considered as if it is documented'; and that is how Rabeinu Tam corrected it in his Seifer.
åîöé ðîé ìîôøê ìøá éåñó ,ãäà ñáø ðîé 'ùéòáåãà ìàå ãàåøééúà' àìà ôéøù ãáøéå éåúø.
Clarification (cont.): In fact, it could equally well have queried Rav Yosef, since he too, holds That 'Shibud is not d'Oraysa', only he (Rabah) is more explicit (See Shitah Mekubetzes 17).
úåñ' ã"ä àîø øá àéìà à"ø ëùòîã áãéï
(Summary: Tosfos explains what prompted R av to give this answer.)
ìàå îùåí ÷åùéà ãøáä îùðé øá äëé, ùäøé øáä ùðéí øáåú àçø øá äéä...
Refuted Explanation: It is not on account of Rabah's Kashya that Rav gives this answer, seeing as Rabah lived many years after Rav ...
àìà îùåí ãôøëéðï ìéä îéðéä áôø÷ âè ôùåè (á"á ãó ÷òä:) ãàîø äúí ã'îìåä òì ôä àéðå âåáä îï äéåøùéï ' -åìðôùéä îùðé.
Authentic Explanation: But because the Gemara queries him from there in Perek Get Pashut (Bava Basra), where he says that 'One cannot claim an oral loan from the heirs' - so he is in fact, answering on his own behalf.
úåñ' ã"ä ãéúáé ãééðé àôåîà ãáéøà
(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara nevertheless needs to say 'Meis ve'Kavro'.)
åî"î àéöèøéê ìîéîø 'îú å÷áøå' ...
Implied Question: It is nevertheless necessary to say 'that he died and it buried him' ...
ãñ"ã ãáòéðï éáà áòì äùåø åéòîåã òì ùåøå (ñðäãøéï ãó éè.)- ÷î"ì ãùôéø òîã òìéä.
Answer: Since we would have thought that we need the owner of the ox to come and stand by his ox (Sanhedrin, Daf 19a) - so it teaches us that (since the Beis-Din was present) he did in fact, stand next to his ox.
úåñ' ã"ä îæéï òìéå îãí çèàúå åîãí àùîå
(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Tana mentions specifically Chatas and Asham.)
ãàéï çèàú [åàùí] ÷øéáä ìàçø îéúúå, àáì òåìúå ÷øéáä.
Clarification: Since a Chatas and an Asham will not be brought after his death, whereas the Olah will (See Avodah Berurah).
úåñ' ã"ä éùáä òì äîùáø ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôøù"é ÷åãí ùðâîø ãéðä...
Refuted Explanation: Before her Din has been concluded (Rashi).
åìéúà -ãà'éåöà ìéäøâ' ÷àé ,åëì 'äéåöà ìéäøâ' ìàçø âîø ãéï...
Refutation: This is not correct however, seeing as it refers to 'Yotzei Lehareg', and every 'Yotzei Lehareg' is after the Din has been concluded ...
ëãîùîò áëì äðäå ãîãëø ìòéì áîúðé' áùîòúéï.
Source: As is implied in all the cases cites above in the cases connected with our Mishnah.
åëï îùîò áô' ëì äâè (âéèéï ãó ëç:) ãîãáø á'éåöà ìéãåï åéåöà ìéäøâ' .
Proof: And so it is implied in Perek Kol ha'Get (Gitin, Daf 28b) which speaks about 'Going out to be judged' and 'Going out to be killed'.
åäééðå èòîà ãøéùà ã'àéï îîúéðéï- ' îùåí òéðåé äãéï (ëìì)...
Explanation #2: And the reason that 'Ein Mamtinim' in our Mishnah is - because of Inuy ha'Din (the prohibition of delaying carrying out the sentence [See Note at side]) ...
ëãîùîò ôø÷ àçã ãéðé îîåðåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ìä.) ãìéëà òéðåé äãéï àìà ìàçø âîø ãéï ...
Proof: As is implied in Perek Echad Dinei Mamonos (Sanhedrin, Daf 35a) - that 'Inuy ha'Din' only applies after the G'mar-Din ...
îã÷àîø 'äéëé ìéòáéã? ìãééðéä áîòìé ùáúà åìâîø ãéðéä áùáúà åìé÷èìéä áçã áùáúà? ðîöà àúä îòðä àú ãéðå ...
Proof (cont.): When it says 'What should we do? Should we judge him on Erev Shabbos, conclude the judgment on Shabbos and execute him on Sunday? That would be entail delaying his Din ...
ìéâîø ãéðéä áçã áùáúà, ÷à îðùå ìèòîééäå' - åìòéðåé ìà çééùéðï.
Proof (concl.): Should we conclude his Din on Sunday, they will forget their reasoning' - But we are not worried about Inuy ha'Din!
úåñ' ã"ä ôçåú îñìò åäòùéø
(Summary: Tosfos comments on 'Pachos mi'Sela'.)
ìàå ãåå÷à ôçåú îñìò, àìà àôé' ðúï ëì äòøê çåõ îñìò àçã îâìâìéï òìéå àú äëì.
Clarification: Pachos mi'Sela is La'av Davka, because even if he gave the entire Erech except for one Sela, he is subsequently obligated to pay the full amount (See Shitah Mekubetzes).
úåñ' ã"ä ääåà éã äðåãø åìà éã äðéãø
(Summary: Tosfos explains why this D'rashah is necessary.)
åàí úàîø, îä ìé ìøáåéé ðéãø ãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìîòåèé?
Question: Why would we think to include Nidar, that makes it necessary to preclude him?
åé"ì, ëéåï ãëúéá ÷øà (çîùéí) (åé÷øà ëæ) "åëì òøëê éäéä áù÷ì ä÷ãù" ,ãìà éäà òøê ôçåú îù÷ì, åàùëçï òøê çîùéí ...
Answer: Since the Torah writes (in Vayikra 27) "ve'Chol Erk'cha Yih'yeh be'Shekel ha'Kodesh", implying that the Erech should not be less than a Shekel, and we also find an Erech of fifty Shekalim ...
ñ"ã ãäàé èòîà îùåí äùâ éã éãòéðï îñáøà, åàæìéðï áúø äðéãø ...
Answer (cont): We would have concluded that Heseg Yad is a S'vara, and we therefore go after the Nidar (See Avodah Berurah) ...
÷î"ì ÷øà ã"àùø úùéâ éã äðåãø" ãìà àæìéðï áúø äðéãø.
Answer (concl): Therefore the Pasuk "asher Tasig Yad ha'Noder" teaches us that we do not go after the Nidar.
úåñ' ã"ä áòéãðà ãéäéá ìøàùåï ìéú ìéä
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Sugya later in Perek Heseg Yad.)
úéîä, ãáòéãðà ãðãø ìøàùåï, äéä ìå ä' ñìòéí, åàéê îôèø ëùðúï ìäí àçú? ...
Question: Seeing as at the time that he made the first Neder, he had five Sela'im, how can he become Patur by giving one Sela? ...
äúðï ôø÷ äùâ éã (ì÷îï ãó éæ:) 'äéä òùéø ôé' áùòú äðãø åäòðé ëùáà ìôøåò ìëäï, àå òðé ëùðãø åìà ðúï ëìåí åäòùéø -ðåúï òøê òùéø . '
Source: Since the Mishnah in Perek Heseg Yad (later on Daf 17b) states 'If he was an Ashir (at the time of the Neder) and he was poor when he came to the Kohen to pay, or if he was poor when he made the Neder, did not pay anything and became rich - he gives the Erech of a rich man' .
åàåîø øáéðå, ãäê ãì÷îï ãå÷à ùäòøéëå äëäï áòåãå òùéø åìëê ëùäòðé ùåá ðåúï òøê òùéø...
Answer: Citing Rabeinu, Tosfos explains that the Mishnah later is speaking specifically where the Kohen assessed him whilst he was still an Ashir, which is why, when he became an Ani, he still had to pay the Erech of an Ashir ...
àáì àí ðãø ëùäåà òùéø åìà äåòøê åäòðé, ðåúï òøê òðé...
Answer (cont.): But if he made the Neder when he was an Ashir, and he became poor before having been assessed, he gives the Erech of an Ani ...
åáùîòúéï äëé äåà ðúï ã' ìùðéä ùäëäï äòøéëå úçéìä òì äùðéä...
Our Sugya: Here too, it speaks where he gave the four Sela'im for the second Neder, for which the Kohen assessed him first ...
åçæø åäòøéëå òì äøàùåï åðúï òì ôéå àçã òì äøàùåï...
Our Sugya (cont.): He then assessed him for the first Neder, for which the Noder paid him one Sela, which explains why he Patur from it - since he was not assessed on it whilst he still had the five Sela'im
åìëê ðôèø îîðä, ãìà äåòøê òìéä áòåã ùäéå áéãå äçîù ñìòéí.
Our Sugya (cont.): And he is Patur from it - because he was not assessed on it whilst he still had the five Sela'im.