úåñ' ã"ä åøáé ùîòåï î"è
(Summary: Tosfos resolves an apparent discrepancy between the Gemara's two queries.)
úéîä, ùäøé áúçéìä ùåàì äñôø 'î"è ãø' éäåãä' ,àìîà èòîà ãø"ù îñúáø èôé áìà â"ù, åàç"ë ùåàì 'îä èòí ãø' ùîòåï, ' àìîà ãøáé éäåãä îñúáø èôé?
Question: First the Gemara asks for Rebbi Yehudah's reason, suggesting that Rebbi Shimon's without the Gezeirah Shavah is more logical; then it asks for Rebbi Shimon's reason, which suggests that Rebbi Yehudah's reason is more logical?
åé"ì, ãàùëçï ðîé ëé äàé âååðà áñðäãøéï (ãó ñ"ç:) âáé 'äëåäå òùøä áðé àãí áòùø î÷ìåú' ãìîø îùîò 'ëé éëä ëì ðôù" òã ùéëä ëì ðôù, åìîø îùîò ëì ãäå ðôù.
Answer #1: We find a similar sequence in Bava Kama (Daf 10a), in connection with 'Ten men who beat a man with ten sticks (and killed him)', where one opinion interprets the Pasuk "ve'Ish ki Yakeh Kol Nefesh Adam" to mean - until he kills the victim's Nefesh on his own, which the other opinion explains even a bit of a Nefesh.
åð"ì, ãìôé îä ãôéøùúé ðéçà...
Answer #2: According to Tosfos' explanation earlier (on the previous Amud , DH 'Mah Lehalan') there is no problem ...
ãôùèéä ã÷øà îùúîò ùéöà ìëäðéí, ìîø àéöèøéê âæéøä ùåä ìåîø ãéåöà áãîéí, åìîø àöèøéê âæøä ùåä ãéåöà áçðí.
Answer #2 (cont.): Since the Pasuk implies that the field goes out to the Kohanim - only one opinion requires the Gezeirah Shavah to teach us that he has to pay, the other, that it goes out free of charge.
úåñ' ã"ä îàé èòîà ãøáé àìéòæø
(Summary: Tosfos explains why the question is not superfluous.)
åà"ú, åäìà ôùèéä ã÷øà ëøáé àìéòæø îùúîò- "åàí ìà éâàì äùãä" -äáòìéí; "åàí îëø" -ëìåîø àìà ùîëøå äâæáø ì"àéù àçø; "åäéä áöàúå áéåáì ìëäðéí" ...
Question: The simple P'shat in the Pasuk is like Rebbi Eliezer - "If he fails to redeem the field" - the owner; "and if he sells ... " - the treasurer sells it to a third party; "Then when goes out in the Yovel it shall belong to the Kohanim" ...
àìîà àéðå éåöà ìëäðéí ë"à áðîëø ìàçø, àáì ìà âàìå àçø åòãééï áéã äâæáø, àæ àéðå éåöà ìëäðéí ...
Question (cont.): A proof that it does not go to the Kohanim unless it has been sold to someone else, and that if no one else redeemed it and it is still in the hands of the treasurer, it does not go to the Kohanim ...
àìîà ôùèéä ã÷øà ëøáé àìéòæø îùúîò?
Question (concl.): So we see that the simple P'shat in the Pasuk goes like Rebbi Eliezer?
åìôé îä ùôéøùúé ã"åàí ìà éâàì, åàí îëø" ùðé ãøëéí äí, áæä ðéçà, ãîùîò ãáùðé àìå éåöà ìëäðéí.
Answer: According to Tosfos' explanation earlier (Ibid.) that "ve'Im Lo Yigal" and "Im Machar" are speaking in two different cases, the problem falls away, because it implies that either way it goes to he Kohanim.
úåñ' ã"ä àéìéîà áéåáì øàùåï àîàé àéðä ðâàìú ùãä àçåæä ðîé äåéà
(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara asks the way it does.)
úéîä, äåä ìéä ìîéîø 'àéìéîà áéåáì øàùåï, äëúéá "åàí âàì éâàì àú äùãä ...å÷í ìå?"
Question: Why does the Gemara not ask - If it is referring to the first Yovel, the Torah writes "v"e'Im Ga'ol Yig'al es ha'Sadeh ... ve'Kam lo" (See Avodah Berurah)?
åùîà äééðå äà ã÷àîø.
Answer: Perhaps that is what the Gemara means to ask?
åà"ú, äà éù ìàå÷îà áéåáì øàùåï -ëâåï ùâàìä àçø îéã äâæáø åâàìä îîðå äáòìéí...
Question: It is possible to establish it by the first Yovel - where somebody else redeemed it from the treasurer and the owner from him ...
ãàæ äãéï áå ùäåà ëùãä î÷ðä åçåæøú ìëäðéí áéåáì... ?
Reason: Because then it has the Din of an acquired field, which goes to the Kohanim in the Yovel? ...
ëãúðï (ìòéì ãó ëä.) 'âàìä àçø àå àçã îï ä÷øåáéí, åâàìä äåà, éåöà îúçú éãå áéåáì' ?
Source: As we learned in the Mishnah (above, Daf 25a) ''If somebody else or a relative redeems it and he redeems it (from him) it goes out from his domain in the Yovel.
åé"ì, ãàéï ñáøà ãîééøé ÷øà (áäðé) áâàåìä äáàä îéã àçø ìéã äáòìéí, ãìà îééøé ÷øà àìà áâàåìä îéã âæáø ...
Answer: It is not logical to say that the Pasuk is referring to a redemption that takes place from a third person to the hands of the owner, since it is speaking specifically about a redemption directly from the treasurer ...
ùäøé àí âàìä àçø, ìà éîëøðä ìáòìéí àí éøöä (åîéäå)...
Reason: Since, should a third person redeem it, he will not sell it to the owner if he does not want to ...
[åîù"ä] ìà îééøé "ìà éâàì òåã" ëé àí áâàåìä äáàä îéã äâæáø.
Answer (cont.): That is why "Lo Yiga'el Od" is speaking exclusively about a field that is redeemed from theb treasurer.
úåñ' ã"ä àéáòéà ìäå áòìéí áéåáì ùðé
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the She'eilah.)
ôéøåù ìøáé àìéòæø ëàçø ãîå àå ìà ... ?
Clarification: According to Rebbi Eliezer - is he like somebody else or not? ...
ãëéåï ãìà âàìä åìà ðúçì÷ä ìëäðéí áéåáì, ùòãééï äéà áéã äâæáø, éëåìéí äáòìéí ìâàìä...
Reason for Side #1: Because, seeing as he did not redeem it and it is still in the hands of the treasurer, the owner may redeem it ...
ãäà ãëúéá "ìà éâàì òåã" ããøùéðï îéðéä ùàéðä ðâàìú ìëîå ùäéúä ...
Implied Question: Because when the Torah writes "Lo Yiga'el Od", from which we extrapolate that it canot be redeemed to its former status ...
äééðå ùâàìä àçø îéã äâæáø...
Answer: That speaks exclusively where someone else re4deemed it from the treasurer ...
àáì ìà âàìä àçø îéã äâæáø ,åìà ðúçì÷ä îòåìí ìëäðéí, áäëé ìà îééøé áéä ÷øà ã"ìà éâàì òåã" ...
Conclusion: But if nobody did, and the field was never distributed among the Kohanim, about such a scenario, the Pasuk "Lo Yiga'el Od" is not speaking ...
àìà úòîåã áéã äáòìéí ëùâàìä îéã äâæáø.
Conclusion (cont.): And the Din there is that it remains in the possession of the owner who ultimately redeemed it from the treasurer.
úåñ' ã"ä àìà äëà áîàé òñ÷éðï áùãä ùéöúä ìëäðéí
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Gemara's conclusion and elaborates.)
ôéøåù ëâåï ùãä àçåæä ùä÷ãéùä áòìéí åâàìä àçø ìôðé äéåáì, ùéåöàä ìëäðéí áéåáì ...
Clarification: This refers to a Sadeh Achuzah which the owner declared Hekdesh and someone else redeemed before the Yovel, which goes out to the Kohanim in the Yovel ...
åáà ëäï àùø äâéò ìå àåúå ùãä åä÷ãéù -åäééðå áéåáì ùðé -åàúå áòìéí ìîéôø÷ ...
Clarificarion (cont.): The Kohen who received it is then Makdish it - in the second Yovel - and the owner comes and redeems it (from him) ...
ãñã"à àé ìà ëúéá (ëé) "àí ìà éâàì" -ãìà úôøé÷ ùúäà ìôðéå àôé' ëùãä î÷ðä ...
The Havah Amina: We would have thought, had the Torah not written "Im Lo Yiga'el" - that it can no longer be redeemed, even like a purchased field ...
ú"ì òåã ìëîåú ùäéúä àéðä ðâàìú, [àáì ðâàìú] ùúäà ëùãä î÷ðä ...
The Conclusion: Therefore the Torah adds that it cannot be redeemed to its former status (like a Sadeh Achuzah), but it can be redeemed to be like a Sadeh Mikneh ...
ôéøåù åúçæåø ìëäðéí áéåáì.
The Conclusion (cont.): And it reverts to the Kohanim in the Yovel.
åäùúà ÷àé "åäéä äùãä áöàúå áéåáì... " à'ùðé ãøëéí ãîééøé áäå ÷øà -áéï à"åàí ìà éâàì äùãä" áéï à"åàí îëø ìàéù àçø ... "
Explanation: And it now transpires that "ve'Hayah ha'Sadeh be'Tzeiso ba'Yovel ... " refers to both cases of which the Torah speaks, both to "Im Lo Yig'al ha'Sadeh" and to "ve'Im Machar le'Ish Acher" ...
ãìòåìí ÷øà áùðé òðéðéí àééøé, ëãôéøùúé ìòéì ,åà"ë ìø"à ðîé ôéøåùà ã÷øà äëé äåà.
Explanation (cont.): Because the Pasuk is speaking about two cases, as Tosfos explained earlier (Daf 25b DH 'Mah'), in which case, that is also how we will explain according to Rebbi Eliezer (See Avodah Berurah DH 'u'Le'el Miba'i leih')
åìòéì îéáòé ìé' 'îàé èòí ãøáé àìéòæø' åîñé÷ 'îàé äåé òìä (ôéøåù î"è) ãøáé àìéòæø? ...
Explanation of Sugya on Amud Alef: Earlier (on Amud Alef) the Gemara searching for Rebbi Eliezer's reason, continued 'What is indeed his reason? and concluded ...
àîø øáà àîø ÷øà "åäéä äùãä áöàúå áéåáì" , áöàúå îúçú éãé àçø' -ôéøåù ëé áéöéàúå îùîò ùéåöà îéã àçø ùâàìä îéã äâæáø...
Explanation of Sugya on Amud Alef (cont.): Quoting Rava 'The Pasuk says "And the field shall be when it goes out in the Yovel" , 'when it goes out from the domain of somebody else' - since 'when it goes out' implies that it goes out from the hand of the treasurer ...
àáì ëì æîï ùäéà áéã äâæáø ìà éöà áéåáì.
Explanation of Sugya on Amud Alef (concl.): But as long as it is in the hands of the treasurer it does not go out in the Yovel.
úåñ' ã"ä ùãä î÷ðä àéðä éåöàä ìëäðéí áéåáì
(Summary: Tosfos presents the reason for the ruling, and cites two interpretations of the case?
ù'àéï àãí î÷ãéù ãáø ùàéðå ùìå' .
Reason: Because 'A person cannot be Makdish something that does not belong to him.
ìôåí øéäèà îùîò àí âàì äàçø îäâæáø ìôðé äéåáì.
Explanation #1: At first glance it seems that it speaks where a third person redeemed the field from the treasurer before the Yovel.
åøù"é ôéøù áôéøåù çåîù ùìå ãàôé' ìà âàìä àçø, àìà ùòãééï äéà áéã äâæáø...
Explanation #2: Rashi however, in his explanation of the Chumash, establishes it even where a third person did not redeem it, but it is still in the hands of the treasurer ...
úöà áçðí áéåáì ìáòìéí äøàùåðéí "àùø ìå àçåæú äàøõ."
Explanation #2: It nevertheless goes out in the Yovel to the original owner "to whom the portion of land initially belonged".
úåñ' ã"ä ìøáé éäåãä åø"ù ÷ðéï ôéøåú ë÷ðéï äâåó ãîéà ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos refers to his explanation in Gitin.)
ôéøùúé áäùåìç (âéèéï ãó îç.).
Reference: Tosfos explained this in 'ha'Shole'ach' (Gitin, Daf 48a [See also Tosfos Bava Basra, Daf 50b DH 'Kinyan'])