ARE MA'ASER AND HEKDESH OBLIGATED IN CHALAH? (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 1 Halachah 3 Daf 6a)
מע"ש והקדש שנפדו:
(Mishnah): Ma'aser Sheni or Hekdesh that was redeemed.
רבי זעירא רבי יוסי רבי חמא בר עוקבא (רבי) [צ"ל ורבי - פני משה] הלל בן הליס מטא בה בשם רבי יודה דמן הדא מעשר שני שהקדימו בשיבלין פטור מתרומה גדולה.
Inference (R. Ze'ira citing R. Yosi citing R. Chama bar Ukva, and R. Hillel ben Halis leaned to say in the name of R. Yehudah): From here, we learn that if [one separated] Ma'aser Sheni from sheaves (before Miru'ach), it is exempt from Terumah Gedolah. (The Ma'aser Sheni is obligated in Chalah and exempt from Ma'aseros. If it were not exempt from Terumah Gedolah, it would be liable in Ma'aser Rishon! - R. ISAR ZALMAN MELTZAR.)
רבי יונה בעי [צ"ל קומי רבי זעירא - שערי תורת ארץ ישראל] כמ"ד אינו כנכסיו ברם כמ"ד כנכסיו הוא חייב.
Question (R. Yonah, to R. Ze'ira): Is this like the opinion that [Ma'aser Sheni] is not like his property, but according to the opinion that it is like his property, it is obligated?
א"ל אוף אנא סבר כן
Answer (R. Ze'ira): Also I hold like this.
הוי (מע"ש) [צ"ל מעשר עני - ר"ש סיריליו] הואיל וכל עמא מודיי שהוא כנכסיו חייב
Consequence: Ma'aser Oni, since all agree that it is like his property, it is obligated.
הוי פליגי (היא - הגר"א מוחקו) מ"ד חייב אפילו תרומה שבו חייבת. ומ"ד פטור אפילו חולין שבו פטורין.
They argue [about Ma'aser Rishon, from one extreme to the other - SEDEI YEHOSHUA]. The one who says that [it is like his property, so] it is obligated, even the Terumah in it is obligated [in Chalah]. The one who says that [it is not like his property, so] it is exempt, even the Chulin in it is exempt [from Chalah. We explained this like R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO.]
מאן דאמר חייב עשאו תרומת מעשר על מקום אחר מה את עביד לה (בגדיש שנדמע [דף י עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] בעיסה שנדמעה) [צ"ל כגדיש שנדמע או כטבל - הגר"א]
Question: According to the opinion that it is obligated, if he made it Terumas Ma'aser on another place, how do you judge it - like a stack that became Nidma (mixed with Terumah, since some of it should be Terumah Gedolah; one must separate its tithes from elsewhere, lest he take the Terumah that was mixed in), or like Tevel (one may separate its tithes from it itself? We explained this like GRA.)
ר' יוחנן אמר אנא בעיתה.
R. Yochanan: I asked [the following question].
ר' יאשיה אמר אנא בעיתה.
R. Yoshiyah: [Also] I asked [the following question].
מה בין גדיש שנדמע לעיסה שנדמעה. גדיש שנדמע את אמר חייב עיסה שנדמעה את אמר פטורה.
Question: What is the difference between a stack that became Nidma and a dough that became Nidma (flour of Terumah was mixed in)? A stack that became Nidma, you say that it is obligated [in Terumah], and a dough that became Nidma, you say that it is exempt [from Chalah]!
רבי תנחומא בשם רבי [דף ו עמוד ב] חונא גדיש שנדמע עד שלא נדמע עבר והפריש ממנו תרומ' (אינה) [צ"ל הרי זה - הגר"א] תרומה. עיסה שנדמעה עד שלא נדמעה עבר והפריש ממנה חלה אינה חלה
Answer (R. Tanchuma citing R. Huna): A stack that became Nidma, before it was Nidma, if he transgressed and separate Terumah from it, it is Terumah. A dough that became Nidma, before it was Nidma, if he transgressed and separated Chalah (i.e. flour) from it, it is not Chalah;
דתנינן תמן המפריש חלה קמח אינה חלה וגזל ביד כהן:
(Mishnah): If one separated Chalah from flour (before kneading), it is not Chalah, and [if the Kohen took it], it is theft in the Kohen's hand.
ומותר העומר:
(Mishnah): Excess [barley harvested for] the Omer.
מתני' דלא כר"ע דר"ע מחייב בחלה ובמעשרות:
Our Mishnah is unlike R. Akiva, for R. Akiva obligates in Chalah and Ma'aseros.