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Stories of Baba Sali, Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeira ZT"L

excerpts from the book Maase Nissim part two by R.Avraham Mugrabi (with permission)
Baba Sali ("our praying father") was one of the greatest kabalists of recent times. He possessed clairvoyant, supernatural powers and it was said of him that the keys to nature were in his hands. The following are some of the many thousands of eyewitness accounts of the great miracles brought about by his prayers.

Go Home Now

A story from a Jew called Yitzchak Tzarfati who today lives in Maaleh Adumim near Jerusalem.

The story occurred while he lived in Be'er Shevah and he had an important position in the army Cheyl Hashiryon. At that time, he frequently went to visit Baba Sali. One time, when he came to visit during the day, Baba Sali invited him to a meal which would happen in the evening. For that night would be the Yahrtzeit of one of the tzadikim. He told him to come with his wife.

They came at night to the home with joy and left a babysitter at home from the family to watch over the kids who were sleeping.

When they reached the house of Baba Sali, the Rabbi was in his room. They waited a bit and then Baba Sali told his wife to tell Yitzchak Tzarfati and his wife to return immediately to their home without asking why. The main thing is to not delay even one second.

The man recognized well Baba Sali and immediately did as he was commanded. When he arrived at his home, he was shocked to see that the gas was open and spewing while the windows in the house were closed. It was dangerous to stay there. Immediately, they opened the windows, woke up the kids and the babysitter in order to see if everyone was ok.

The babysitter simply did not know how to turn off the gas properly and thus endangered everyone.

Afterwards, they returned to Baba Sali and he immediately asked them if everything was ok. He told them that he did not want that a catastrophe occur because of him.


Maaser Fruits

One time I was sitting with Baba Sali and reading Mishnayot before him. Suddenly, he stopped me and said: "go outside, and immediately you will see two cars from the village of Yad Rambam. To Mr.X tell him to enter and bring his fruits, but to Mr.Y tell him to not enter, not him and not his fruits."

Thus, it was like the words of the Rabbi. I told them the words of the Rabbi and the second man cried. I entered and told the Rabbi that the second man is crying in distress saying "why is the Rabbi not accepting me with the things I brought?"

The Rabbi told me: "tell him that when he learns to Maaser (tithe) his produce of the field, he will accept to enter him in his home."


Suspecting a Tzadik

This story I heard from R.Nissim Amsalem, who heard it from an eyewitness who is an important torah scholar in our generation.

This torah scholar went with his friend who was also an important rabbi to visit Baba Sali and receive a blessing. Baba Sali invited them to eat. At the end of the meal, he brought a tray of fruit and the tzadik told everyone to take from the fruit and recite a blessing over them (before eating).

The friend of the torah scholar told him to take a fruit but not to eat since there is a concern that perhaps the fruit was not tithed (maasered). Not that he is concerned of Baba Sali but rather on the helpers in the house. Perhaps they did not maaser (tithe) the fruit.

Thus, he took two fruits and placed them in the pocket of his jacket. His friend told him that he should be careful of what he does for Baba Sali knows everything with his ruach hakodesh (clairvoyance). But he did not listen.

Thus, they blessed grace after meal and left Baba Sali. When they left the house, that friend felt that something was burning in his jacket. He put his hand in the pocket where he put the fruits and behold the fruits were like hot coals and he was afraid that the whole jacket is about to be burned.

His friend told him: "I warned you not to do this. Go back to the tzadik and ask him for forgiveness."

He ran to the Rabbi and before he could open his mouth, the Rabbi told him: "don't you know that 'one does not check from the altar and above' (Kidushin 4:5)? Why did you suspect eating from the fruits? Nevertheless, I forgive you and the fruit has transformed back to being fruits as they were. But be careful next time and know that by me everything is completely kosher".


No Evil Inclination

When Baba Sali lived in Ashkelon, he once told me about his uncle, the Tzadik, Rabbi Yitzchak Abuchatzeira, son of R.Yaakov Abuchatzeira that he learned with him for a long time and they fulfilled the verse "six years he will work and on the seventh year, he will go out free". They secluded themselves for six years, studying torah in holiness and purity and they would go out at midnight to break ice in order to immerse. From then, they sanctified themselves so much that the Rabbi said he fulfilled like the words of king David, "my heart is hollow within me" (Psalms 119:22), that the Satan (evil inclination) abandoned him and already has no influence on him at all.

He had an amazing memory in torah. When he arose at night, he would learn everything by heart until the morning. One time I slept with the tzadik in his Sukkah, and he arose at midnight. I heard him learning the Idra Rabba by heart and he would pray at sunrise with tremendous kavana (intent) and the Amidah prayer took him about 20 minutes.


Wait Until After the Sabbath

Another story I heard from an eyewitness. One time a policeman came in the middle of the Sabbath to collect a debt that the family forgot to pay. The policeman demanded the money. The family told him that the person who is supposed to pay is a big Rabbi and will not pay it on the Sabbath under any circumstances. The policeman did not care. He refused to leave the house until he received the money.

Without choice, they told Baba Sali what was happening. He came out of his room and asked the policeman to come back another time. But the policeman refused. When the Rabbi saw this he warned him three times that if he does not listen to him, he will regret it. But the policeman was adamant.

After the third time that he did not heed, the policeman froze in place like a stone statue and remained there until after the Sabbath. Then the Rabbi did Havdala and gave him the money.


Such a Nice Beard

One time, a big kabalist came with a long beard which reached his belly button. The kabalist entered to the Rabbi and began to speak on commentaries to the Etz Chaim (kabalistic work) and gave a lengthy explanation.

Rabeinu blessed him saying "chazak u'baruch" when he finished and the kabalist left. When he left, Baba Sali said to his son in law, Rabbi Yehudayof, to bring the Etz Chaim. He opened the book and showed him that the whole explanation they heard now is completely the opposite of the words of the Etz Chaim. His son in law asked him why he did not argue with him? The tzadik answered: "how can I embarrass a man who comes to me with such a nice beard?"

The tzadik was very makpid (meticulous) on beards and would generally not count in a minyan someone who did not grow a beard.


Half of Sins

One time he convinced a man to grow a beard. The man promised the Rabbi to grow a beard. This was after Baba Sali promised him that on the day of judgment in the world of truth, he will be forgiven for half of his sins (in the merit of growing a beard).

But the wife of this man did not accept this insistently. The tzadik sent a message to his wife that if she continued to refuse, he will decree that she herself will sprout a beard.

The man returned to the tzadik with his wife and the tzadik told her that he promises also to her that half of her sins will be forgiven for allowing her husband to grow a beard.


Greeting the Moshiach

Rabbi Reuven Bendavid who served as the Rabbi of Ashkelon and was very close to Baba Sali, had a daughter in law who during her pregnancy became ill with measles. As known this is very dangerous for the fetus. She requested from the daughter of Baba Sali, Rebbetzin Sarah to go with her to Netivot to ask a blessing and advice from the Tzadik.

When they arrived, they found the Rav sitting with his face covered with his cloak. His daughter approached him and when he asked why they came, she explained to him their goal.

The Rav told his daughter to tell her not to worry at all and that she will heal quickly with G-d's help and the baby will be born healthy and whole.

When he finished, he asked her where is her husband and why he did not come. She told him that he returns from work in the evening.

The Rav told her to tell him to come here immediately whenever he returns home. For today is a very great day whereby Moshiach is coming here and from there everyone will come out with him. Then immediately, Baba Sali told his wife to prepare a big special meal in honor of the Moshiach who is revealing himself tonight in his home.

Everyone did as his words. They prepared a king's meal. In the evening, Baba Sali's son-in-law, R.Yaakov Turgeman, arrived and they waited about an hour. Then Baba Sali removed the covering over his face and when he saw his son-in-law, the first thing he told him was that the Moshiach indeed came to here but continued on his way. For the generation was not yet fit for this.

Nevertheless, they made a great meal in honor of the Moshiach and Baba Sali did wondrous motions with his hands holding a cup full of water to the rim. Everyone rejoiced together, basking in the holiness of Rabeinu.

This story I heard from my own son-in-law, Rabbi Moshe son of R.Yaakov Turgeman mentioned above.

I remember that a few times when I went to Baba Sali, he told me "too bad you did not come a few minutes earlier. For you would have merited to see the Moshiach" or sometimes "the disciples of the Baal Shem Tov".


Supporting Torah Scholars

Every friday, he would distribute maaser (tithe) money to those who learn torah. He would distribute this from all the income money he received that week and gave to each person according to his personal situation, single, married, with kids, etc.

But there was never any need to tell him the person's situation. He himself knew all this on his own and would distribute the money according to the person's needs for the Sabbath.

Almost every friday, he would go to the Yeshiva Hanegev to distribute the money.


Only Kosher Money

as known, the tzadik Baba Sali would sometimes travel to France, mainly to Paris. There he would strengthen Judaism and whoever came to him would come out strengthened in his service of G-d.

Many of those who came to receive a blessing from Baba Sali would bring an envelope with pidyon (money).

Among those who came was a certain Jew who recognized the Tzadik well. He came to receive a blessing and left an envelope.

The Rav was very meticulous to have this envelope placed on the side and not mixed with the other envelopes. After some time, he sent his shamash (attendant) to return the envelope to its owner since he did not want to embarrass him by returning it immediately to his face.

This occurred three times. When the envelope was returned a third time, the man came to Rabeinu pained and sad. He asked him for an explanation why he did not merit like everyone else that the tzadik accepts from him a pidyon (money). He added that he also very much wanted Rabeinu to come to his home.

Rabeinu answered him that he is unable to accept the money from him because he desecrates the Sabbath and that he does not accept money from one who profits on the Sabbath. But he promised him that if he observes the Sabbath, he will accept from him the pidyon and visit his home.

For that Jew it was very difficult. He claimed before the Rav that most of his profits are earned on the Sabbath and thus he will be left without a livelihood.

But the Rav promised him that if he closes his business on the Sabbath, he will have good and very abundant livelihood. The Jew decided to accept the words of the Rav and also asked him advice on how his repentance can be accepted after desecrating so many Sabbaths.

The Tzadik's answer was harsh. For he instructed the man to throw out of his home all of his belongings without leaving even a shoelace since all of them were purchased with forbidden money through desecrating the Sabbath. Not only that, he must not give anything as a gift to anyone in order to not receive even a thank you.

The man asked how he could afterwards receive new belongings. Rabeinu calmed him down and told him not to be afraid and to do everything he told him and it will all come back to him.

The man did as Rabeinu commanded him. He threw out all his belongings in the street and the house was empty of everything. He then returned to Rabeinu and told him that he did as commanded and that he is prepared to do whatever else the Rav instructed him in order to rectify himself.

The Rav blessed him, gave him an amount of 4 Francs and told him to purchase a lottery ticket with the 4 Francs.

The Jew went and purchased a lottery ticket and later that day won the lottery prize of 200 thousand Francs. He used the money to purchase new furniture for his home. He then returned to Rabeinu and told him what happened. But he said the amount is still not enough to restore all that he lost from the house.

The Rav took out from his pocket another 4 Francs and instructed him to buy another lottery ticket. Indeed the man won the lottery a second time and filled his home anew.

This Jew became a true G-d fearing person, sabbath observant as understood. Rabeinu went to him several times and the man served him with love and he became very rich and gave tzedaka (charity) to all those who sought from him. Fortunate is he and his portion.


The Frogs Left

This story occurred during one of the special nights where Rabeinu was especially joyous and would bless all those there with a blessing of "L'Chaim". All of them joined in song and joy in honor of the tzadik,

In the late hours of the night, suddenly as if the tzadik awoke from deep thoughts - he turned to R.Amram A. who was very close to Rabeinu and told him he wants to go now to the Mikveh (ritual bath water).

R.Amram tried to explain to Rabeinu that it is now very late at night and the mikveh is very dark and there are frogs in the water.

But the Rav told him to come with him now and to not be afraid of anything besides G-d. R.Amram did as Rabeinu commanded and when they reached the mikvah, it was difficult to enter. It was very dark and there was only one candle to illuminate the water.

The frogs were very visible on the surface of the water and R.Amram felt extremely uneasy and was afraid to enter.

But Baba Sali undressed and descended into the water. Until today, R.Amram tells over with tremendous emotion what his eyes saw: "as soon as the feet of the tzadik touched the water, all the frogs came out of the water and climbed up the walls of the mikveh far from the water". Thus, the tzadik descended into a clean mikveh. R.Amram also descended after him, but another wonder (and to his dismay), as soon as the tzadik came out of the mikveh, the frogs returned into the water as before and swam as they pleased.


Prayer for Rain

When Baba Sali saw the problems due to immersing in the river opposite the French troops, he decided to build a Mikveh in the courtyard of his home in Boudenib, Morocco to be filled by rainwater. The rabbis there tried and failed to dissuade him from his decision. For besides, rain does not fall there.

The construction workers toiled for 2 months. They dug a channel from the street to the mikveh and in the end of the channel they placed a sort of metal gutter through which the rainwater would flow into the Mikveh. The work was completed in the month of Tammuz (June).

Boudenib, Morroco was located in the area of the western Sahara desert where rainfall was rare even in the winter months and all the more so in the scorching summer.. But nevertheless, Baba Sali came out of his room to the entrance of his house with his great trust in the kindness of G-d. He looked above and said:

"Master of the World! We did what is incumbent on us, please do for the holiness and purity of Your people Israel and send us rain until the Mikveh is full".

Baba Sali returned to his studies and sent an emissary to check if everything is ready and nothing will prevent the rain from flowing into the Mikveh. When the emissary returned and informed him that everything is prepared, Baba Sali told those with him: "now, with G-d's help, rain will fall". Before he finished his words, clouds began to cover the sky and rain started to fall.. until the Mikveh was full.

Everyone went outside to see the rare sight. When they saw with their own eyes that the Mikveh was filled up by rainwater miraculously, the city of Boudenib was full of joy.

But when Baba Sali noticed the metal gutter through which the water passed, his face looked unhappy.

"what happened Rabeinu?" They asked him worriedly.

"the Mikveh is pasul (invalid) according to the view of the Nodah B'Yehudah", he replied.


"Because of the small metal gutter. I am concerned of the view of the Nodah B'Yehudah that the Mikveh is Pasul (invalid). Therefore, we must empty out the Mikveh".

Silence fell on the area briefly. Then the Rabbis there began to argue with Baba Sali claiming that the Halacha (law) follows the majority opinion and the view of the Nodah B'Yehudah is just a minority opinion. Why would Rabeinu be stringent like his view and invalidate the Mikveh, especially at such a difficult time.. A miracle does not happen every day...

But Baba Sali was not persuaded and ignored their words.

When Baba Sali's cousin, R.Yichya Adahan saw that Baba Sali was determined to empty the Mikveh, he stood up and with great emotion said: "Rabeinu! On my head, I take full responsibility in Heaven that the Mikveh is kosher. Please do not invalidate it... Do you think that another miracle will happen and rain will fall again?!"

But Baba Sali did not heed even the emotional words of his beloved friend and commanded the workers to empty the Mikveh and replace the metal gutter with a wooden one. All this despite the seemingly sound claims and that R.Yichya accepted full responsibility in Heaven.

Without choice and with feelings of distress, the Mikveh was emptied of its rainwaters and the gutter was replaced as Baba Sali instructed.

When the work was finished, Baba Sali again went out to the entrance of his home and said: "our teacher, the Nodah B'Yehudah, we did as you taught us and invalidated the Mikveh and emptied it. It is incumbent upon you to fill the Mikveh. Stand in prayer before the Creator of the world to repeat the miracle of sending us rain for the purity of the people of Israel..."

Before he was able to enter his home, a north wind blew. Clouds covered the sky and rain fell. When the Mikveh was full, the rain stopped just like the first time...

All the Rabbis there and at their head R.Yichya Adahan (grandson of R.Yaakov Abuchatzeira) stood amazed. For the second miracle was even greater than the first.

They arranged a special prayer of thanks to G-d for His great kindness and they inaugurated the Mikveh with a festive meal and words of torah.

This story publicized Baba Sali throughout all of Morocco as a tzadik whose prayers are heard in Heaven and as a miracle worker. From then on, people started to flock to his home.


To Save a Life

One day, while Baba Sali was sitting at a meal with many people, a certain Jew arrived suddenly with a large pick up truck full of boxes of fruits and vegetables for the Rav as he had done a few times already.

He started to bring them in the house of Rabeinu but when the Rav saw this man entering his home, for some reason he became estranged to him and told him: "who are you to bring me fruits and vegetables. Do I need favors from you? Please take everything and go home".

The man was confounded. His face fell from the humiliation and shame of the words of the Rav. He loaded back all the produce on the pick up truck and drove off to his home in great distress.

On the way home, the arabs attacked the area and a bomb fell straight into his pickup truck. But miraculously, the bomb exploded in one of the boxes of fruits and vegetables on the vehicle and thus his life was saved.

After a few days, the man returned to Baba Sali to thank him for the humiliations which saved his life.

Some people there asked the Rav how he could embarrass a Jew so harshly. Isn't he concerned to what our sages said: "one who embarrasses his fellow in public loses his portion in the world to come"?

The Rav answered that this man entered his home with the angel of death and through the embarrassments he received, the decree of death was overturned. Thus, he was able to be saved. And regarding my portion in the world to come - in order to save a Jew from death, it is worth to forgo even on the world to come.


Moshiach was here

One time on Tisha B'Av (9th of Av), his important disciple Rabbi Massoud Malul was there. Suddenly the Rav told him: "sing now the piyut (song): 'the Moshiach will come soon'".

His disciple replied: "Rabeinu, how can we sing such a song on this fast day?"

The Rav answered: "sing and don't ask questions".

Thus they sang and after the fast, the disciple asked Rabeinu to explain to him why he asked him to sing during the fast day?

Rabeinu answered: "very simple. when we sat, the Moshiach sat with us and through the song we requested that he reveal himself. But in our sins, we did not merit".

He then informed his disciple that he would be fasting for 3 days straight and perhaps we will merit to hasten the Redemption.


Prayer for the Jewish Soldiers

During the Galilee War (1982), as known, the Rav was very troubled from the situation. He would worry on the soldiers and pray for them that G-d would save them and that they returned to their homes healthy and whole.

One time I came to him during the war and I saw him making gestures with his fingers in several directions. Suddenly, he held out his five fingers with his hand as a man signaling to someone to stop.

I asked him "what is this?"

He answered me: "I am guarding the soldiers to not get struck by the bombs and bullets". He would tell me: "look, look how G-d is saving them". But I did not merit to see.

I heard from a soldier who was with another soldier in an armored vehicle and suddenly a bomb struck the vehicle. The two succeeded in jumping from the vehicle but the arabs shot at them from all directions.

Then one of the soldiers told the other: "let us sing the song 'yodu lecha rayonai' which Baba Sali composed. Maybe we will be saved in this merit". Thus it happened that they were saved.

After the war, that soldier who sang came to Baba Sali and just as he entered his room, the Rav immediately told him: "in the merit of the song I composed and that you sang, you and your friend were saved!"

We must emphasize that this soldier did not recognize the tzadik and this was the first time he ever visited him. When asked what brought him to sing that song, he replied that in his parents' home, on every trouble they had they mentioned the Baba Sali and the other rabbis in the family and were saved. I also did like this.

Do not enter!

On the 14th of Shevat, on the Yahrtzeit (anniversary of death) of Rabbi Yitzchak Abuchatzeira, son of R.Yaakov Abuchatzeira, uncle, Rabbi, and Sandak, of Baba Sali, with which he learned 6 years in the attic of his home and fulfilled the verse: "six years he shall work and on the seventh, he will go out free (from the Yetzer Hara/evil inclination)".

This was in 1970. Baba Sali sat with some people and was studying from the book "Toldot Yitzchak" by R.Yitzchak Abuchatzeira. After studying torah for a few hours and reciting the kadish, they started the seudah mitzvah (meal of mitzvah). Suddenly, the door opened and a Jew with a long beard and honorable appearance stood at the doorway.

Baba Sali commanded him sternly to not cross through the door and to leave immediately. All those present were amazed on why this "honorable" Jew was banished. But no man dared to ask Rabeinu for the explanation of the matter.

While the people sang songs with great fervor in honor of the deceased R.Yitzchak Abuchatzeira, Baba Sali called to his son-in-law and began to tell over a story:

My uncle, Rabbi Yitzchak Abuchatzeira, in one of his travels for the benefit of our yeshiva (in Morocco), the yeshiva "Abir Yaakov", he arrived at the city Casablanca.

The Jews of the city hastened to greet him and invited him to a big meal with the great men and important people of the city.

Among those invited was the president of the community. He was a violent man who chased after honor and who took unforgiving revenge on anyone who slighted his honor, even to the point of handing the person to the (arab) government for punishments.

Everyone was afraid of him. At the appointed time for the beginning of the meal, all those invited came but the president of the community did not arrive yet.

Word spread around the people that they wanted to wait for the president of the community. But Rabbi Yitzchak decided to wash his hands and start the meal.

Near midnight, the president of the community arrived at the place of the meal. When R. Yitzchak saw him standing at the entrance, he began to yell at him and insult him with harsh words: "wicked, tamei, abomination, get out of here! leave and flee from here!"

The president left outside in shame and closed the door of the room. Those present at the meal rejoiced at the fate of the president of the community who was a tough and violent man. But when they considered what this violent man is liable to do to them tomorrow, their hearts fell inside them.

The next day, in the morning, the owner of the house along with the honorable guests came to R.Yitzchak requesting that he permit them to go and appease the president of the congregation and invite him to a meal in the afternoon with R.Yitzchak in order that he be appeased. For this man is dangerous to the community and he is liable to take revenge on them for hearing R.Yitzchak curse him such harsh curses and not protesting to R.Yitzchak.

R.Yitzchak told them: "what are you talking about? Did I curse the president of the congregation? I don't curse Jews and all the more so the president of the congregation. It seems you saw this in a dream!!!"

The host told R.Yitzchak: "your honor told him such and such words", then he repeated to R.Yitzchak all his curses to the president of the congregation.

R.Yitzchak listened to his words and stood on his claim that he did not curse the president of the congregation.

All those present thought that R.Yitzchak must have said those words out of drunkenness. For he does not remember anything of what happened yesterday. Therefore, the host tried again to remind R.Yitzchak of his curses to the president of the congregation.

R.Yitzchak answered him, whispering in his ear: "correct, that these curses were uttered by me, but they were directed at someone else. Know that when the door opened, an angel of destruction entered. It was created from the severe sin of adultery with a married woman. It was to that angel of destruction who was walking before the president of the congregation that I cursed.."

The host heard the words of R.Yitzchak and had doubts in his heart but did not say anything. Only he asked again and again permission to go with some of his friends to appease the president of the congregation.

R.Yitzchak permitted them and a large group of honorable men made their way to the home of the president with an honorable gift in their hands and words of appeasement in their mouths so that the president will not be upset at them and will view the whole incident as one big mistake.

The president of the congregation received them with a pleasant face and told them: "dear friends, no need for lengthy words, if the wise man cursed, he knows why he cursed." He did not explain further.

After a bit of drinks, the men started to leave each one to his home and affairs except for the host who was curious to know why the president is not taking revenge as usual.

The host asked the president again and again to reveal to him until the president revealed to him why he had arrived late to the meal last night. For on the way, the Satan enticed him and he sinned a severe sin with a married woman.

When Baba Sali finished the story, he said parenthetically, R.Yitzchak saw one angel of destruction and yelled so much, cursing and insulting. What can I do? For I saw 500 angels of destruction with that man who wanted to enter.

But immediately, Baba Sali regretted his words and told his son-in-law: "hide and seal the matter in your heart until the time will come".


El Al landing failure

Many years ago, an El Al jumbo jet coming from the United States to Israel with several hundred passengers was coming for landing. But the landing gear was stuck and the wheels would not come down. All the passengers were in great danger for all efforts to bring down the landing gear failed. There was very little fuel left in the plane. People came and told the Rav that there is a plane with 500 passengers who are all in mortal danger. The Rav secluded himself in his room and asked not to be disturbed.

After 15 minutes, he came out of his room smiling and said the decree was annulled and b"H the plane will land normally.

When asked why it took him so much time to pray, he told over: "I started to request mercy in the merit of my grandfather, R.Yaakov but I sensed that the prayer was not received. I asked in the merit of my father, R.Massoud, but again sensed that I was not answered. I asked in the merit of R.David (who was murdered by arabs) and here too was not answered. In the end, I told the Creator of the world that I am prepared to give my own life to save the 500 passengers. Then I sensed that my prayer was accepted and the decree was annulled."

The plane landed normally and all the passengers were safe in the merit of Rabeinu.


Bottle of Arak (liquor)

One time many many people were in the home of the Rav. The Rabbi told R.Suissa to bring the bottle of hard liquor. After searching a lot he found what the Rabbi asked for. But the bottle looked very old and inside were signs the drink was no longer so good.

The Rav said: "bring this bottle, we will cover it with a cloth and with G-d's help everyone will drink from it".

Thus it was, that he poured to everyone from the bottle. They all drank and rejoiced. Afterwards, he took off the cloth from the bottle and saw that the amount was the same as the beginning.


No Hair

This story I heard from a student of R.Shokron who had a student in yeshiva who was sixteen years old and still did not have any hair not on his head nor on his face.

This very much bothered him, especially when among his friends. The Rav decided to take him to Rabeinu. When they entered, the Rav asked: "what does this yeshiva student need?"

The Rav told the tzadik that he has no hair and showed his head to Rabeinu. The tzadik said: "if this is the only thing he needs, then hair will sprout from him soon".

Amazingly, a month later, hair sprouted from his head and beard and he became like all the other students.


Stories by R.Mordechai Eliyahu

Some stories told by R.Mordechai Eliyahu, former chief Rabbi of Israel who was close to Baba Sali. translated from: youtu.be/-Tga2OTLuU8

Baba Sali guarded his eyes. Only G-d was before his eyes. He did not look outside his 4 amot (cubits). His prayer was clean and pure and such a prayer does not return empty.

One time he was praying in a synagogue and criminals entered the synagogue and started to shoot with guns. Everyone left immediately. A bullet flew near his ear but he did not hear anything. After his prayer, he looked around and no one was there. Afterwards people told him what had happened and showed him the bullet hole in the wall.

He was a gaon (torah master), an expert judge. He was the Av Beit Din (head judge) of Arpoud in Morocco. I have a book of Ben Ish Chai with Baba Sali's signature. On it is his stamp "Av Beit Din, Arpoud". In those times, to be Av Beit Din (head judge) in Morocco is certainly not an easy thing.

He was a Gaon Atzum (tremendous genius) in the Shas and Poskim (Talmud and Halacha) but he hid himself. He did not reveal himself in this area.

His son, Meir was a tremendous scholar, an expert judge who could delve into the depths of judgment in Halacha. R.Meir was also an Av Beit Din (head judge) in Morocco.

When Baba Sali's son Meir, died on Chol Hamoed (festival), the people did not want to tell him. But Baba Sali told them, "I know what happened to my son. You don't need to tell me". Ruach Hakodesh.

Baba Sali was once in the desert in Morocco and he told the bus driver to stop so he can pray mincha (Afternoon prayer) and he needs a mikveh.

The driver told him: "I recognize this area, there is no water here. Everything is dry."

Baba Sali told him: "please stop". He stopped and lo and behold there was a Mikveh. Miraculously, a spring was created there for him.

When he arrived in Israel. A certain important minister came to drive him from the airport. When Baba Sali saw the car, he said: "this car rides on Shabbat". Thus, he did not board it. He went on a regular bus.

As he was travelling on the bus, he tells the driver, "please stop, I have to pray minchah". The driver said: "this is a direct line. There are no stops here."

Baba Sali told him: "fine so I will get out of the bus".
The driver said: "so get out". He stopped the bus and dropped him off in the middle of the road and continued.

After Baba Sali finished the prayer, he asked someone where is there a bus stop to Jerusalem. The person pointed nearby and said there is a bus stop.

"What number bus to Jerusalem?"
He replied "such and such a number".
He saw a bus standing there with that number.

He boarded the bus and noticed that the driver recognized him and so too everyone on the bus. It was the same bus who dropped him off in the middle of the road earlier (it had broken down).

He asked the driver: "how much do I need to pay?"

The driver answered: "no, no, you received a card. Just tell me to drive. The bus is not moving."

Baba Sali told him: "fine. drive." and the bus was able to move.

R.Mordechai Eliyahu relates: one time I asked Baba Sali: "is this story true?"

He replied: "yes people say this". I asked him again: "your honor, but is it true?" He answered: "it is true. I paid and had to pray mincha".


On R.Yitzchak Abuchatzera of Ramle (brother of Baba Sali)

It is well known that Rabbi Yitzchak Abuchatzeira would make every year a great meal in his home in honor of his grandfather, R.Yaakov Abuchatzeira. Hundreds of people would come. One time, at the meal, about an hour before all the people started to come, a certain Jew which the Rav was friendly with arrived.

The Rav rejoiced greatly with him and told him: "I will give to you an important job today. Stand at the entrance to the house and take this bottle of Arak (which was about 2 liters) and pour to anyone who enters one full cup of Arak".

Wonder of wonders, from 4pm in the afternoon until 2am in the morning, he served hundreds of people a full cup of Arak and the bottle was not empty. The Jew was very moved by this.

When he decided to go home, the Rav told him: "take this bottle as a gift for yourself and you will never lack Arak".

His son who lived in Moshav Gadish told me that they drank from that bottle for 2 years and the Arak did not finish until someone came and took it from them.

Another time, R.Yitzchak Abuchatzeira was a guest in this man's home. The man invited many people but in the middle of the meal, the Arak was almost finished. Only about a half cup of Arak was left in the bottle. The host was very upset for from where can he obtain Arak at that time. Rabbi Yitzchak sensed this and told him: "give me the bottle" and said: "see that there is only a half cup. Give me a cloth." He gave him a cloth and the Rabbi covered the bottle and said to him: "now pour Arak as much as you want to everyone!"

Thus he did for the entire meal and in the end the Rav removed the cloth and said: "here is your half cup of Arak, baruch Hash-em who made a miracle for us".

(translator: note that I have a friend from Netivot who told me he witnessed personally how Baba Sali once blessed a bottle of Arak and covered it and the Shamash poured from it to people for the whole day)


Rabbi Meir Abuchatzeira (son of Baba Sali)

Baba Sali's son Rabbi Meir Abuchatzeira - known as "Baba Meir" (1917-1983) was a holy kabbalist and outstanding Torah scholar. He served as rabbi in Midelt, Morocco (town near Meknes), yet spent most his life worshipping G-d in holiness and purity, hardly stepping out of his home, to the extent that his illustrious father humbly stated that R. Meir was a tzadik and a kadosh (holy man) who filled his place in his lifetime. He immigrated to Israel and settled in Ashdod.

Torah scholars, rabbis and yeshiva deans flocked to his home in Ashdod to benefit from his wise counsel and be inspired in their worship of G-d.

The sons of R.Meir Abuchatzeira are the famous rabbis of the Abuchatzeira family: R. Elazar of Be'er Sheva (Baba Elazar), R. David in Nahariya, R. Yekutiel and R. Refael.

(Translator:) I have personally met R.David Abuchatzeira. He receives people daily for several hours until today and I have personally witnessed that he possesses clairvoyant powers.

Unfortunately, I did not merit to meet R.Elazar Abuchatzeira before he died. But I have a good friend who was very close to him. He told me that R.Elazar had phenomenal powers to see hidden things and that he would go to him regularly for all his problems.

The fact that so many members of the Abuchatzeira family had such powers indicates that really anyone can get there. It is a matter of following a formula - separating oneself from worldly matters and focusing oneself completely in torah and service of G-d.

This is as the Rambam writes (Hilchot Talmud Torah 3:6): "A person whose heart inspires him to fulfill this mitzvah in a fitting manner and to become crowned with the crown of Torah should not interrupt his mind (masiach daato) to other matters... (see there)"

I was also told that a key ingredient to the powers in the Abuchatzeira family is their extreme in guarding the eyes since early age.  

see also:
article on Baba Sali (Yated Neeman, web archive)

Baba Sali blesses on chanuka candles at 94

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