KERISUS 23 - dedicated by Rabbi Kornfeld's father in memory of his aunt, Malka Gitel bas Reb Yakov Mordechai (Malvina Marmorstein), who took him into her home and raised him like her own child after the Holocaust. Her Yahrzeit is 20 Nisan.



úåñ' ã"ä åîé àéú ìéä ìøáé ùîòåï åëå'

(Summary: Tosfos discusses why we cannot answer that Isur Nosar overrides Isur Cheilev.)

åàí úàîø, îàé ôøéê? ãå÷à âáé éåí äëéôåøéí ìà çì òì àéñåø ðáìä, àáì àéñåø ðåúø çì ùôéø òì àéñåø çìá...


Question: What is the Gemara asking? It is specifically the Isur of Yom Kipur that does not take effect on that of Neveilah, but the Isur of Nosar does take effect on that of Cheilev.

ùäøé àéñåø ðáìä åàéñåø èøôä çì òì àéñåø çìá, ëãàéúà ôø÷ äùåçè (çåìéï ãó ìæ.)- ëì ùëï àéñåø ðåúø ãçîéø èôé îðáìä, åðîöà ãçì òì àéñåø çìá?


Reason: Since Neveilah and T'reifah take effect on Cheilev, as the Gemara says in Perek ha'Shochet (Chulin, Daf 37a) - Kal va'Chomer Nosar, which is more stringent than Neveilah, should certainly take effect on the Isur of Cheilev?

åéù ìåîø, ãñáéøà ìéä ëéåï ãçæéðï âáé éåí äëéôåøéí ãàéñåø çîåø ìà çì òì àéñåø ÷ì, äåà äãéï âáé ðåúø ãàéäå çîåø, ìà éçåì òì àéñåø çìá, àó òì âá ãäåúø îëììå.


Answer: He holds that since we see that Yom Kipur, which is a stringent Isur, does not take effect on a lighter one, by the same token Nosar which is also strict, will not take effect on Cheilev, despite the fact that it (Cheilev) has a Heter (by a Chayah) See Olas Sh'lomoh.

åàí úàîø, îàé ôøéê? ãìîà ùàðé âáé éåí äëéôåøéí îù"ä ìà çì òì àéñåø ðáìä -îùåí ãàéðå ø÷ àéñåø ëåìì, àáì äëà âáé ðåúø äåé àéñåø îåñéó ...


Question #1: What is the Kashya? Perhaps Yom Kipur is different, inasmuch as it does not take effect on Neveilah - because it is only an Isur Kollel, whereas here by Nosar, it is an Isur Mosif (See Olas Shlomoh) ...

åðéîà àó òì âá ãìéú ìéä ìøáé ùîòåï àéñåø ëåìì, àéñåø îåñéó îéäà àéú ìéä? ...


Question #1 (cont.): And we will say that even though Rebbi Shimon does not hold Isur Kollel, he does hold Isur Mosif? ...

åäëé àùëçï ìøáé éåñé ðîé ,ãìéú ìéä àéñåø ëåìì, åàéñåø îåñéó àéú ìéä, ëãàîøéðï ìòéì (ãó éã:).


Precedent #1: Indeed, we find this by Rebbi Yossi, who does not hold Isur Kollel, but he does hold Isur Mosif.

åëï ôø÷ é' éåçñéï (÷ãåùéï òæ: åùí) ã÷àîø 'ëäï âãåì äáà òì àçåúå àìîðä àéï àéñåø àìîðä çì òì àéñåø àçåúå' ...


Introduction to Question #2: The same Kashya will apply in Perek Asarah Yuchsin (Kidushin, Daf 77b & 78a), where it says that 'If a Kohen Gadol has relations with his sister who is an Almanah the Isur Almanah does not take effect on that of Achoso' ...

å÷àîø øá ùùú 'äà îðé ø"ù äéà, ãàîø "àéï àéñåø çì òì àéñåø" ...


Introduction to Question #2 (cont.): And Rav Sheishes establishes the author as Rebbi Shimon, who holds 'Ein Isur Chal al Isur' ...

ãúðéà "äàåëì ðáìä áéåí äëéôåøéí, ôèåø... "


Introduction to Question #2 (concl.): As we learned in a Beraisa 'Someone who eats Neveilah on Yom Kipur, is Patur' ...

åîàé îééúé? ãìîà ùàðé âáé éåí äëéôåøéí ãàéñåø ëåìì äåà; àáì áàéñåø îåñéó îåãä ø"ù... ?


Question #2: What is the proof from there? Perhaps Yom Kipur, which is (only) an Isur Kollel, is different; but by Isur Mosif, Rebbi Shimon will concede (that it takes effect)?

ëîå øáé éåñé ãìéú ìéä àéñåø ëåìì, ëääéà ã'çîåúå åðòùéú àùú àéù ... ' , åàåîø 'îåãä ø' éåñé áàéñåø îåñéó.'


Precedent: Like Rebbi Yossi, who does not hold Isur Kollel, as in the case of 'Chamoso she'Na'asis Eishes Ish', yet the Gemara says that 'Rebbi Yossi concedes by Isur Mosif'.

åéù ìåîø, ãäù"ñ éãò ãøáé ùîòåï ìéú ìéä àó àéñåø îåñéó...


Answer: The Gemara knew that Rebbi Shimon does not even hold Isur Mosif ...

ãúðéà ôø÷ àøáòä àçéï (éáîåú ìá.) 'äáà òì àùú àçéå ùäéà àçåú àùúå, àéðå çééá àìà àçú, áéï ðùà îú åàçø ëê ðùà çé, áéï ðùà çé åàçø ëê ðùà îú' .


Source: From the Beraisa in Perek Arba'ah Achin (Yevamos (32a) 'Someone who has relations with the wife of his brother who is also the sister of his wife, is Chayav only one Chatas, irrespective of whether the deceased man married her and then the living one, or vice-versa' (Eishes Ach is an Isur Mosif - See Sugya there).

åàí úàîø, àí ëï äëà åáääéà ã÷éãåùéï (ãó òæ:) àîàé ìà äáéà àåúä äù"ñ?


Question: In that case, why does the Gemara, both here and there in Kidushin, not mention this?

åéù ìåîø, ãäëà (îáéà ãäúí åäëà) àéñåø çîåø òì àéñåø ÷ì äåà...


Answer: It is speaking here where one Isur is Chamur and the other, Kal (See Birchas ha'Zevach).

åàé îùåí ãäëà àéñåø îåñéó âáé ðåúø, åâáé éåí äëéôåøéí àéñåø ëåìì ...


Implied Question: And if you will ask that here there is an Isur Mosif by Nosar and an Isur Kollel by Yom Kipur ...

äëé îééúé -ëéåï ãàùëçðà ìø' ùîòåï ãìéú ìéä àéñåø ëåìì áéï áàéñåø ÷ì åáéï áàéñåø çîåø, à"ë áòìîà ðîé àùëçðà ãìéú ìéä àéñåø îåñéó ...


Answer: What the Gemara is saying is - Even if we find that Rebbi Shimon does not hold Isur Kollel, whether by an Isur Kal or by an Isur Chamur, we also find that, generally, he does not hold Isur Mosif ...

[à"ë] àôéìå áàéñåø çîåø òì àéñåø ÷ì ðîé ìéú ìéä...


Answer (cont.): In which case, he will not hold of mit even by an Isur Chamur on an Isur Kal ...

åàí ëï, àîàé çééì àéñåø ðåúø òì àéñåø çìá- ã÷ì ùäåúø îëììå?


Answer (concl.): Then why is Isur Nosar effective on Isur Cheilev - which is lenient because it has a Heter?

åëï ðîé ôø÷ òùøä éåçñéï (ùí) àéöèøéê ìéä ìàåëåçé ãàéï àéñåø çîåø çì òì àéñåø ÷ì...


Precedent: And likewise in Perek Asarah Yuchsin (Ibid.) the Gemara needs to prove that an Isur Chamur does not take effect on an Isur Kal

ãìàéëà ãàîøé úðé äúí, åàâá äëé, àééúé ìéä ðîé ììùåï øàùåï ãäúí.


Precedent (cont.): Because it learns it there on account of the second Lashon, and due to it, it cites it even according to the first Lashon.




úåñ' ã"ä àùø ìä' ìøáåú äàéîåøéï

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Sugya in Menachos.)

åä÷ùä øáéðå àìçðï, äà àéöèøéê ÷øà ã"àùø ìä' , "ìîãøù 'äðéúø ìèäåøéí çééáéï òìéå îùåí èåîàä (îðçåú ãó ëä:),


Question: Rabeinu Elchanan asks that we need the Pasuk "asher la'Hashem" to Darshen that 'One is only Chayav because of Tum'ah on whatever is permitted to Tehorim' (Menachos, Daf 25b. [See Shitah Mekubetzes 19]).

åéù ìåîø, ãù÷åìéí åéáàå ùðéäí áçã ÷øà: [åò"ò áúåñ' îðçåú ëä: ã"ä ú"ì].


Answer: Since both D'rashos are equally feasible, we learn them both from the same Pasuk (See also Tosfos, Menachos, 25b DH 'Talmud Lomar').



úåñ' ã"ä áååìãåú ÷ãùéí å÷ñáø áäååééúï äï ÷ãåùéí

(Summary: Tosfos clarifes the statement and reconciles it with Sugyos in Me'ilah and Chulin.)

ãàéñåø çìá åàéñåø îòéìä áäãé äããé ÷à àúå...


Clarification: Since the Isur Cheilev and that of Me'ilah come simultaneously.

åàó òì âá ãá÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ìéëà îòéìä òã ìàçø æøé÷ä ...


Implied Question: And although there is no Me'ilah by Kodshim Kalim until after the Zerikah ...

ëãúðï ô"÷ ãîòéìä (ãó æ:) ...


Source: As we learned in the Mishnah in Me'ilah (Daf 7b) ...

îë"î àéñåøà îéäà àéëà.


Answer: Nevertheless, an Isur there is.

åàí úàîø, äà àéñåø çìá ÷ãéí îîòé àîå? ...


Question: The Isur Cheilev comes into effect earlier - when it is still in its mother's womb? ...

ãäëé àîø ø' éåçðï ôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï òä.) 'úìù çìá îáï è' çé, çìáå ëçìá áäîä, ãçãùéí âøîé åìà àåéøà' .


Source: For so Rebbi Yochanan says in Perek Beheimah ha'Maksheh (Chulin, Daf 75a) - 'If he tore detached Cheilev from a live nine-month animal, its Cheilev is like that of a live animal, since the criterion lies in months and not in air (being born)'.

åéù ìåîø, ãðäé ãìà áòé àåéøà ùéöà äåìã ìçåõ, îëì î÷åí áòéðï àåéøà ãçìá ùéöà äçìá ìçåõ, åáîòé àîå ìà çééì.


Answer: Granted, we do not need the animal to have come out into the world, we do however, need the Cheilev to have come out, but as long as it is still in the its mother's womb, the Isur does not take effect.



úåñ' ã"ä äîáéà àùí, éôìå ãîéå ìðãáä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

'åéáéà áãîéå òåìä' ìà ÷úðé, ãàæ äåä îùîò ùéáéà ðñëéí îùìå...


Clarification: It does not say that 'He should bring an Olah with its proceeds, as that would imply that he brings the Nesachim from his own pocket ...

àìà 'ìðãáä' ÷úðé - ôéøåù éáéà áãîéå òåìä, åäðñëéí îùì öéáåø.


Clarification (cont.): But that it goes 'to Nenavah' - that buys with its proceeds an Olah, but that the Nesachim come from the communal funds.

ãîåúøåú àùí ì÷éõ äîæáç, åìëê éáéà òåìä.


Reason: Since the leftovers of an Asham go to Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach, which is why he brings an Olah - (which Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach is, and the Nesachim come from communal funds - Shitah Mekubetzes quoting the Rosh).



úåñ' ã"ä àí îùðùçè ðåãò ìå äãí éùôê

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles the statement with the Rabanan.)

ìøáé îàéø àúé ùôéø ,ãçåìéï áòæøä ðéðäå...


Clarification (Rebbi Meir): This goes nicely according to Rebbi Meir, who holds that they are Chulin in the Azarah ...

àìà àôéìå ìøáðï ãàîøé ãòáãé îéðéä òåìú ðãáä, äééðå ãå÷à ìãîéå àáì àéäå âåôéä îåãå ãæáç ôñåì äåà, åìà îúëùøà.


Clarification (Rabanan #1): But even according to the Rabanan, who say that one makes from it an Olas Nedavah, that is from the proceeds, but they concede that the Asham itself is a Pasul Korban, and it is not acceptable.

à"ð, ëéåï ãáùòú ùçéèä ìà äéä øàåé ìòåìä ùòãééï ìà ðåãò ìå, ìëê ìà é÷øéáäå òåìä àçø ùçéèä.


Clarification (Rabanan #2: Alternatively, since at the time of Shechitah it was not eligible to be brought as an Olah, seeing as he did not yet know (that he sinned), he cannot bring it as an Olah after the Shechitah.