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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
1) MANY THAT COME FROM ONE (d) R. Yehoshua says, a live ram has only one voice, when it dies, the carcass produces seven voices:On to Tamid1. Each of the two horns becomes a Shofar, each of the two thigh bones becomes a flute, the skin becomes a tambourine, the large intestines become lyre strings, its small intestines become harp strings (this is like the two Kinim which in the end obligate bringing an extra seven birds; the next opinion is like Ben Azai, who requires bringing an extra eight);(e) R. Shimon ben Akashya says, when Amei ha'Aretz get old, they become befuddled -- "Mesir Safah l'Ne'emanim v'Ta'am Zekenim Yikach";