1) TOSFOS DH Ashkechan Chelev v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àùëçï çìá ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that a verse teaches about meat.)

åáùø ðô÷à ìï î÷øà áôø÷ ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ãó (ô) [ðøàä ùö"ì òæ].). î''ø:

(a) Explanation: We learn meat [whether or not it is Me'akev Zerikah] from a verse, in Pesachim (77a). This is from my Rebbi.

2) TOSFOS DH v'R. Yanai Amar Kivan she'Kamtzu mi'Kli Shares v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åøáé éðàé àîø ëéåï ù÷îöå îëìé ùøú ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source to require the right hand.)

÷îéöä áéîéï ðô÷à ìï áô' ÷îà áñåôå (ìòéì ãó é:) àìéáà ãøáé ùîòåï îøáé éäåãä áøéä ãøáé çééà

(a) Reference: We learn that Kemitzah is with the right hand above (10b) according to R. Shimon, from [the Drashah of] R. Yehudah brei d'R. Chiya;

åøáé éðàé ãìéú ìéä ðô÷à ìéä ùôéø áâ''ù ãéã éã ëãîåëç ìòéì áñåó ô''÷ (â''æ ùí). î''ø

1. And R. Yanai, who disagrees, properly learns from the Gezeirah Shavah "Yad-Yad", like is proven above (10b). This is from my Rebbi.

3) TOSFOS DH Hekter Chalavim v'Evarim Bein b'Yamin Bein bi'Smol Kesherah

úåñôåú ã"ä ä÷èø çìáéí åàáøéí áéï áéîéï áéï áùîàì ëùéøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether or not Rabanan could agree.)

îöé ìîéîø ãàúéà ëø''ù ëîå ãñéôà ã÷åîõ àáì ìøáðï áòé éîéï

(a) Possibility #1: We can say that it is like R. Shimon, just like the Seifa of a Kometz, but according to Rabanan, the right hand is required.

àé ðîé àôéìå ìøáðï àéëà ìàëùåøé ä÷èø çìáéí áùîàì ëîå äåìëú àéáøéí ìëáù ãìòéì áñåó ô''÷ (â''æ ùí.). î''ø

(b) Possibility #2: Even according to Rabanan we can be Machshir Hekter Chalavim with the left hand, just like Holachah of limbs to the ramp above (10b). This is from my Rebbi.

4) TOSFOS DH ha'Kometz veha'Ketores u'Levonah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ä÷åîõ åä÷èåøú åìáåðä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why these were not taught in the first clause.)

äàé ãìà òøáéðäå

(a) Implied question: Why weren't these taught together (in the first clause, with Chelev, limbs, and wood)?

ãìîà úìú úìú ùîòéðäå. î''ø:

(b) Answer: Perhaps [the Tana] heard three at a time. (After he heard three, he taught them. When he heard the other three, he taught them in a separate clause.)


5) TOSFOS DH Ein Haktarah Pachosah mik'Zayis

úåñôåú ã"ä àéï ä÷èøä ôçåúä îëæéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves R. Yochanan's opinion.)

áô' ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (ì÷îï ãó ðç.) ôìéâé àáéé åøáà å÷ééîà øáà ëøáé éäåùò áï ìåé ãäëà åàáéé ëøáé éåçðï

(a) Reference: Below (58a), Abaye and Rava argue, and Rava holds like R. Yehoshua ben Levi here, and Abaye holds like R. Yochanan.

åö''ò áô' àìå òåáøéï (ôñçéí ãó îâ:) ãàîø øáé éåçðï ëì àéñåøéï ùáúåøä àéï äéúø îöèøó ìàéñåø çåõ îàéñåøé ðæéø ùàîøä úåøä îùøú åëì îùøú

(b) Question: In Pesachim (43b), R. Yochanan said that all Isurim in the Torah, Heter does not join with Isur, except for Isurei Nazir, for the Torah said "v'Chol Mishras" (to obligate for bread that absorbed wine. The bread joins to a Shi'ur to be liable);

æòéøé àîø àó ùàåø ááì ú÷èéøå

1. Ze'iri said that also Se'or (sourdough, Heter joins with Isur) for the Isur of Haktarah.

ëîàï ëø' àìéòæø ããøéù ëì àé äëé àôéìå çîõ áôñç ðîé àéï äëé ðîé åìàôå÷é ãàáéé

2. Citation (43b): Like whom is this? It is like R. Eliezer, who expounds "Kol". If so, even Chametz during Pesach (Heter should join with Isur, for it says "v'Chol Machmetzes")! Indeed, it does. [Ze'iri taught Se'or] to teach unlike Abaye (who says that Haktarah can be less than a k'Zayis);

åäùúà îøáé éåçðï îéäà ú÷ùé ãëøáé àìéòæø äåé åìà î''ì ãìàôå÷é îãàáéé [ö"ì åòåã - ç÷ ðúï] ãäà ø''é ÷àé ëàáéé

3. Summation of question: Now, it is difficult from R. Yochanan, for he holds like R. Eliezer, and we cannot say that [he did not teach about Chametz because] he comes to teach unlike Abaye (for Abaye did not discuss Nazir). Also, (even if you would say that Abaye argues,) R. Yochanan holds like Abaye!

åé''ì (ãàáéé àôéìå î''ã) [ö"ì ãñáø ø' éåçðï ãàôéìå îàï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãìà ãøéù ëì åëì ãøéù

(c) Answer #1: R. Yochanan holds that even according to the opinion that does not expound "Kol", he expounds "v'Chol".

(åöøéê òéåï) [ö"ì åòåã é"ì - ç÷ ðúï] ãîîùøú ãøéù îãôøéê ì÷îéä åäà îùøú ìäëé äåà ãàúà. î''ø

(d) Answer #2: He expounds from "Mishras" (and not from v'Chol), since it asks below "does Mishras come for this!?"

6) TOSFOS DH Yesh Haktarah b'Pachos mik'Zayis

úåñôåú ã"ä éù ä÷èøä áôçåú îëæéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out cases in which Haktarah has a Shi'ur.)

áä÷èø ùåîùåí áñåó ä÷åîõ æåèà (ìòéì èæ:) îåãä ãàéï ãøê ä÷èøä áëê

(a) Observation: Haktarah a bit at a time (above, 16b), he agrees that it is not normal to do Haktarah like this.

åäà ãîùîò áëì ãåëúé ãàéï ä÷èøä áôçåú îëæéú ëãàîø ìòéì ãàí ìà ðùúééø ëæéú çìá àéï æåø÷ àú äãí

(b) Implied question: It connotes everywhere that there is no Haktarah less than a k'Zayis, like it says above (26a) that if a k'Zayis of Chelev does not remain, he does not do Zerikas Dam!

äëà äééðå èòîà îùåí ãéù ÷åîõ ôçåú îùðé æéúéí åçöé ÷åîõ îøáéï áôø÷ ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (ì÷îï ðç.) åáøéù àìå òåáøéï (ôñçéí îâ:) îãëúéá ëì ùàåø. î''ø

(c) Answer: Here the reason is because there is a Kometz less than two k'Zeisim, and we include a half-Kometz below (58a) and in Pesachim (43b) from the verse "Kol Se'or." This is from my Rebbi.

7) TOSFOS DH Toras ha'Olah Ribah

úåñôåú ã"ä úåøú äòåìä øéáä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere we expound another law from this verse.)

àëúé ãøùéðï îéðä áô' éåöà ãåôï (ðãä î:) úåøä àçú ìëì äòåìéï ùàí òìå ìà éøãå. î''ø

(a) Observation: Still, we expound from this in Nidah (40b) "Torah Achas for all Olin", that Im Alah Lo Yered. This is from my Rebbi.

8) TOSFOS DH Kometz me'Eimasai Matir Es ha'Shirayim l'Achilah

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷åîõ îàéîúé îúéø àú äùéøéé' ìàëéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he did not ask about the Eimurim.)

äåä îöé ìîéð÷è àéîåøéí ãëîä ãìà (ôñçéí ðè:) îé÷èøé àéîåøéí ìà îéùúøé áùø áàëéìä

(a) Implied question: He could have asked about the Eimurim, for as long as the Eimurim are not Huktar, one may not eat the meat!

àìà îùåí ãëé ðèîàå àå ùàáãå îéùúøé áùø ìà ôñé÷à ìéä àáì ÷åîõ ôñé÷à ìéä. î''ø

(b) Answer: Because when [the Eimurim] became Tamei or were lost, the meat is permitted, it is not uniform (that they are Me'akev the meat). However, the Kometz is uniform (Shirayim are never permitted before Haktaras ha'Kometz).

9) TOSFOS DH Ela Im Ba ha'Shemesh v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà òí áà äùîù ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses a Heter to offer after the afternoon Tamid.)

î÷åîõ åìáåðä ìà ÷ùä äéàê äí ÷øéáéï àçø äúîéã

(a) Implied question: How may the Kometz and Levonah be offered after the [afternoon] Tamid?

ãùîà ëéåï ùð÷îöå ÷åãí äåé ëàáøéí ùðúåúøå ùäúéøúï ä÷îéöä

(b) Answer: Perhaps since Kemitzah was done before [the Tamid], they are like limbs that were left over. Kemitzah permitted them.

åîðçú ëäðéí åëäï îùéç àó òì ôé ùàéï áäí ÷îéöä

(c) Implied question: Minchas Kohanim and Kohen Mashi'ach have no Kemitzah [to permit them]!

éù áäí ÷éãåù ëìé ëãàîøéðï (æáçéí ãó îä:) ãëì ãáø ùàéï ìå îúéøéï îù÷éãù áëìé çùéá ëîúéøéï. î''ø

(d) Answer: They have Kidush Kli, like we say (Zevachim 45b) that anything that has no Matirim, from when he was Mekadesh in a Kli, it is considered like Matirim. This is from my Rebbi.

10) TOSFOS DH v'Iy Atah Machazir Ikulei Ketores

úåñôåú ã"ä åàé àúä îçæéø òéëåìé ÷èåøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not learn from "ha'Olah".)

îäòåìä ìà îîòè òéëåìé ÷åîõ åìáåðä ëéåï ãàéúðäå òì îæáç äçéöåï àáì ÷èåøú òì îæáç äôðéîé. î''ø:

(a) Explanation: From "ha'Olah" we exclude only consumed Kometz and Levonah, since they are on the outer Mizbe'ach, but Ketores is on the inner Mizbe'ach.