NAZIR 13 (14 Shevat 5781) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Gitti Kornfeld A'H (Gittel bas Yisrael Shimon ha'Levy), who passed away on 14 Shevat 5779. Rabbi Kornfeld's mother's dedication to the growth of the Dafyomi Advancement Forum is still felt literally in every facet of the Kollel's work. Dedicated by her children.


TOSFOS DH Chazrah v'Yaldah

úåñôåú ã"ä çæøä åéìãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he is a Vadai Nazir according to R. Yehudah.)

ôé' îäøéåï àçø åìã ÷ééîà äøé æä ðæéø åãàé ìøáé éäåãä îìéãä æå ãåìã (äâäú áøëú øàù) ÷ééîà


Explanation: [She gave birth] to a viable baby from another pregnancy. He is a Nazir Vadai according to R. Yehudah due to this birth of a viable baby;

ãîîä ùäôéìä úçéìä àôé' ñô÷ ðæéø ìà åëàéìå ìà äôéìä ëìì.


Due to the initial miscarriage, he is not even a Safek Nazir. It is as if she did not miscarry at all.


TOSFOS DH R. Shimon Omer Yomar v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé ùîòåï àåîø éàîø åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he must stipulate according to R. Shimon.)

ãìø"ù îòú ùäôéìä äåé ñô÷ ðæéø äéìëê éúðä òúä áìéãä æå


Explanation: According to R. Shimon, from when she miscarried, he was a Safek Nazir. Therefore, he stipulates now about this birth;

åéàîø àí äéä äøàùåï áï ÷ééîà ðîöà ùéöà ðãøå îðæéøåú øàùåï åðæéøåú ùì ìéãä àçøåðä ðãáä


He says that if the first was viable, so it turns out that he fulfilled his vow from the first Nezirus, and the Nezirus of the latter birth is Nedavah;

àå ùîà äøàùåï ðôì äéä åäðæéøåú äøàùåï ðãáä äéúä åòëùéå áìéãä æå îåèìú òìéå ðæéøåú ùì çåáä ùðãø áðæéø ùéäéä ìå åìã


Or, perhaps the first was a Nefel, and the first Nezirus was Nedavah, and now, due to this birth is incumbent on him the obligatory Nezirus that he vowed when he will have a son;

ìëê öøéê ìäúðåú ãìà ñâé ìéä áðæéøåú äøàùåï ãùîà ðãáä äéúä.


Therefore, he must stipulate. His first Nezirus does not suffice, for perhaps it was Nedavah [and now he is obligated]!


TOSFOS DH licheshe'Ebaneh Hu deka'Amar

úåñôåú ã"ä ìëùàáðä äåà ã÷àîø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina that "Ben" includes any child.)

åìà áï îîù ÷àîø àìà ì' áðéï ëîå åàáðä âí àðëé åáëä"â áðåé.


Explanation: He did not mean when he will have a son. Rather, "Ben" is an expression of Binyan (having children), like "v'Ibaneh Gam Anochi". In such a case, he is built.


TOSFOS DH Vlad d'Chashiv Beini Inshi

úåñôåú ã"ä åìã ãçùéá áéðé àéðùé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina that "Vlad" is only a son.)

ãáú ðîé ìà îéçùáà åëì ùëï èåîèåí åàðãøåâéðåñ ÷îùîò ìï.


Explanation: [One might have thought that] also a daughter is not esteemed, and all the more so a Tumtum or Androginus. The Mishnah teaches that this is not so (he was not adamant about an esteemed child).


TOSFOS DH R. Yehudah di'Chri

úåñôåú ã"ä ø' éäåãä ãëøé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not establish it like another teaching of R. Yehudah.)

ááøééúà ãàéúðéà ìòéì ô"÷ (ãó ç.) ã÷àîø ìòéì ãìà (äâäú áøëú øàù) äåé ðæéø ëìì ìø' éäåãä


Explanation: In a Beraisa above (8a, if one accepted Nezirus on condition that a stack has at least 100 Kor, and it was lost or stolen before he measured it, R. Yehudah] said that he is not a Nazir at all.

àáì ìà øöä ìåîø ø' éäåãä ãäôìàä äåà


Implied question: Why didn't we say that [our Mishnah is like] R. Yehudah of Hafla'ah? (If people saw a man walking towards them, and one accepted Nezirus if the man approaching is Ploni, and one accepted Nezirus if it is not Ploni... R. Yehudah said in the name of R. Tarfon that none of them are Nezirim, for Nezirus requires Hafla'ah, i.e. a Vadai acceptance.)

ãàí ëï àôéìå äéä äåìã áï ÷ééîà àéðå ðæéø ëéåï ãáùòú äðãø ìà äéä äåìã áòåìí ëð"ì.


Answer: If so, even if the baby was viable, he would not be a Nazir, since at the time of the vow the baby was not in the world.


TOSFOS DH v'Hipilah Ishto v'Hifrish Korban

úåñôåú ã"ä åäôéìä àùúå åäôøéù ÷øáï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains both sides of the question.)

ôé' ìðæéøåúå åéìãä ôéøåù îàåúå äøéåï òöîå åìã ÷ééîà


Explanation: [He separated a Korban] for his Nezirus, and she gave birth to a viable baby, i.e. from the same pregnancy;

ãäùúà éù äåëçä âãåìä îãäàé áø ÷ééîà äðôì [äåä] ðîé áø ÷ééîà åëìå ìå çãùéå ãèéôä äéà ðçì÷ú ìùúéí


Now there is a great proof that since this baby was viable, also the miscarriage was viable, and it had full months, for [both fetuses came from one] drop of semen; it split into two.


Note: A baby born during the ninth months is [Muchzak to be] viable. Also a baby born during the seventh month is viable, for it had accelerated development. A baby born before the seventh month, or during the eighth month, is a Nefel, unless it was a seven month baby that delayed coming out until the eighth month. We discuss when the delay between the miscarriage and viable birth was too small to say that perhaps they are born in different months.

äéìëê çìä ÷ãåùä òì ÷øáï ùäôøéù ëùäôéìä àó (äâäú áøëú øàù) ùùåá ìà ä÷ãéù àåúí äáäîåú


Therefore, the Korban that he separated when she miscarried, it gets Kedushah, even if he was not Makdish the animals again [after the viable baby was born].

ãàôéìå ìø' éäåãä ãàîø ìà îçéú àéðéù ðôùéä ìñôé÷à äëà ãàéëà äåëçä âãåìä ÷ãåù ä÷øáï ìéàñø áâéæä åáòáåãä


Even according to R. Yehudah, who says that one does not enter himself into a Safek, here there is a great proof that the Korban is Kadosh to forbid shearing and working with it.

àå ãéìîà àôé' (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ëé ä"â ãàéëà äåëçä ìø' éäåãä ãìà îçéú àéðéù ìñôé÷à ìà çìä ä÷ãåùä òì ä÷øáï ëìì îëç äôøùä øàùåðä


Or, perhaps even in such a case that there is a proof, according to R. Yehudah, who holds that one does not enter himself into a Safek, there is no Kedushah on the Korban at all due to the first separation.

ãùîà î÷öú äèéôä ð÷ìèä îéã åî÷öú äèéôä äùðéä ìà ð÷ìèä òã àçø ùðé éîéí àå áéåí â' åääåà ðôì


Perhaps part of the drop was absorbed (fertilized a cell and began a fetus) immediately, and the other part of the drop was not absorbed until after two days, or on the third day, and [the miscarriage was born in the previous month, and] it was a Nefel.

(ëê îñé÷ äù"ñ åàæéì ãìø"é ÷îáòéà ìéä


So the Gemara concludes that he (R. Aba) asked according to R. Yehudah;

ãàé àìéáà ãø' ùîòåï äà àîø ñô÷ ðæéøåú ìäçîéø ãáìà éìãä ðîé äåé ÷ãåù îñô÷ åäùúà ðîé ëé éìãä àéðå àìà ñô÷


Distinction: If it were according to R. Shimon, he said that we are stringent about Safek Nezirus. Even if she did not give birth [now to a viable baby], it is Kadosh due to Safek. Also now that she gave birth, it is only a Safek!

àìà àìéáà ãø' éäåãä ãàé ìà éìãä çåìéï äåà åäùúà ëé éìãä ìéä îé äåé ÷ãåù îñô÷ åëãôé'.


Conclusion: Rather, [he asked] according to R. Yehudah. If she did not give birth [now to a viable baby], it is Chulin. Now that she gave birth, is it Kadosh due to Safek, like I explained?


TOSFOS DH v'Nafka Minah l'Gizaso v'Avodaso

úåñôåú ã"ä åðô÷à îéðä ìâéæúå åòáåãúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that he did not ask about lashes.)

[åìà] ãìéì÷é àäàé îùåí ãìéëà ëç áäê ñáøà ãåìã àç"ë ìîùåé ìéä ëåãàé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ)


Explanation: One would not be lashed for this (shearing or working with it), for this reasoning, that a viable baby was born afterwards, is not strong enough to make [the miscarriage] a Vadai [viable baby];

ãàé îñô÷à ìéä ìäù"ñ àé ìéì÷å ëåãàé (äâäú áøëú øàù) îãùðé áø ÷ééîà äøàùåï àéðå ðôì


Implied Suggestion: Perhaps the Gemara really was unsure whether one is lashed, like for a Vadai. Since the latter is viable, the first was not a Nefel!

à"ë ìø' ùîòåï ðîé îöé ìîéáòé ìîì÷åú


Rejection: If so, we could ask also according to R. Shimon, regarding lashes!

ãàé ìà éìãä ìéëà ÷ãåùä åãàéú àìà äåé ñô÷ ìø' ùîòåï åäùúà ãéìãä é÷ãù áåãàé


If she did not give birth [to a viable baby afterwards], there is not Vadai Kedushah. Rather, it is a Safek according to R. Shimon. Now that she gave birth, it is Vadai Kadosh!

àìà ù"î ãìà îùîò ìéä ìäù"ñ ãì÷é ã÷ãåùä åãàéú àéï áå ëé ðîé éìãä àôé' ìø"ù, ò"ë äâä"ä).


Inference: Rather, the Gemara holds that one is not lashed, for there is not Vadai Kedushah, even if she gave birth afterwards, even according to R. Shimon. Until here is a comment.


TOSFOS DH v'Shama Chavero v'Amar v'Alai

úåñôåú ã"ä åùîò çáéøå åàîø åòìé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the first side of the question.)

äéëà ãàîø åòìé àãáåøéä îùîò (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëìåîø âí àðé ðåãø áðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï.


Explanation: When he said "v'Alai", [if] this connotes that he refers to his utterance. I.e. also I vow to be a Nazir when I will have a son. (Birkas Rosh - Tosfos explains the first side of the question. If he refers to himself, he accepts Nezirus immediately, unconditionally.)


TOSFOS DH Im Timtzi Lomar Hach a'Gufei Mishtama

úåñôåú ã"ä àú"ì äê àâåôéä îùúîò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question about va'Ani.)

äåàéì åàîø òìé äéëà ãàîø åàðé îäå


Explanation: [If you will say that it connotes that he refers to himself,] since he said Alai, if he said "va'Ani (and I)", what is the law?

àðôùéä ÷àîø ëìåîø àôé' áùàîø åàðé àâåôéä îéùúîò


He refers to himself. I.e. even when he said va'Ani, this connotes he refers to himself [and he accepts Nezirus immediately, unconditionally];

àå ãéìîà øçéîðà ìê ëååúê ìëùéäéä ìê (äâäú áøëú øàù) áï ÷ééîà.


Or, perhaps [he means that] I love you like myself, [and also I accept Nezirus] when you will have a viable son.


TOSFOS DH Im Timtzi Lomar Kol b'Anpei Kesifa Lei Milsa

úåñôåú ã"ä àú"ì ëì áàðôéä ëñéôà ìéä îéìúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos give a reason to assume that he means "I love you like myself.")

ãéìîà îñúîà ä"÷ ãøçéîðà ìê ëååúê.


Explanation: Perhaps [when he is in front of him, due to shame] presumably he means "I love you like myself."


TOSFOS DH Amar Reuven Hareini Nazir keshe'Yihyeh l'Levi Ben (pertains to Amud B)

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øàåáï äøéðé ðæéø ëùéäéä ììåé áï (ùééê ìòîåã á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains both sides of the question.)

åùîò ùîòåï åàîø åàðé îé àîøéðï (äâää áâìéåï) ùìà áôðéå àðôùéä ÷àîø àå ãéìîà ä"÷ øçéîðà ìéä ìôìåðé ëååúê.


Explanation: Shimon heard, and said "va'Ani". Do we say that not in front of him, he refers to himself? Or perhaps he means "I love Ploni (Levi) like you do"!


TOSFOS DH Hareini Nazir v'Nazir keshe'Yihyeh Li Ben (pertains to Amud B)

úåñôåú ã"ä äøéðé ðæéø åðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï (ùééê ìòîåã á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the order of fulfilling the two Neziros.)

äùúà ÷éáì (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) ðæéøåú ãðôùéä áøéùà åäúçéì åîåðä àú ùìå ùäøé ÷áìå îúçéìä ÷åãí ðæéøåú ãáðå


Explanation: Now he accepted his own Nezirus first, and began counting his, for he accepted it initially, before the Nezirus for his son;

åáîìàú éîé ðãøå îâìç åîáéà ÷øáðåú ìðæéøåú ãðôùéä åàçø ëê îåðä àú ùì áðå


When he finishes his vow, he shaves and brings Korbanos for his own Nezirus first, and afterwards counts that of his son;

åëï ëùéùìéí àú ðæéøåú áðå éâìç åéáéà ÷øáï ìðæéøåú áðå (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé).


Similarly, when he finishes the Nezirus for his son, he shaves and brings Korbanos for his son's Nezirus.


TOSFOS DH Hareini Nazir keshe'Yihyeh Li Ben v'Nazir (pertains to Amud B)

úåñôåú ã"ä äøéðé [ðæéø] ëùéäéä ìé áï åðæéø (ùééê ìòîåã á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how he fulfills both Neziros.)

ãäùúà ÷áì ðæéøåú ãáðå áøéùà åðæéø îìáã ðæéøåú ãáðå ÷éáì òåã ðæéøåú àðôùéä


Explanation: Now, he accepted the Nezirus for his son first, and accepted another Nezirus on himself in addition to the Nezirus for his son

äúçéì îåðä àú ùìå åðåìã ìå áï ôé' òã ùìà äùìéí îðééðå îðéç àú ùìå åîåðä àú ùì áðå


He began to count his own, and then a son was born, i.e. before he finished his own count, he sets aside his Nezirus, and counts the Nezirus for his son;

ëéåï ã÷áì òìéå úçéìä ðæéøåú ùì áðå äåà æ÷å÷ ìîðåúí îéã ëùéååìã åàçø ùäùìéí ðæéøåú áðå éùìéí ðæéøåú ùì òöîå


Since he accepted the Nezirus for his son first, he is obligated to count it immediately when a son is born. After he finishes the Nezirus for his son, he completes his own Nezirus;

åàçø ëê éâìç òì ùúéäí åîáéà ùúé ÷øáðåú àçã ìðæéøåú áðå åàçã ìðæéøåú òöîå


Afterwards, he shaves for both of them and brings two [sets of] Korbanos - one for Nezirus for his son, and one for his own Nezirus.

àáì ìà éâìç àçø ùäùìéí ðæéøåú [áðå] ãàí ëï äéàê éùìéí ðæéøåúå ðîöà ëé ìà éåëì ìâìç áäùìîú ðæéøåúå ãàéï âéãåì ùéòø ôçåú îùìùéí éåí


However, he does not shave after the Nezirus for his son, for if so, how can he complete his own Nezirus? He would not be able to shave when he completes his Nezirus, for the growth of hair may not be less than 30 days!

åðäé ãàí ðãø ðæéø îøåáä ùäéä ðùàø àçø ðæéøåú ãáðå ùìùéí éåí ãàæ äéä éëåì ìâìç ìðæéøåú áðå åìäùìéí ðæéøåúå åìùåá åìâìç


Implied question: If he vowed a long Nezirus, and 30 days remained after the Nezirus for his son, he could shave after the Nezirus for his son, and complete his Nezirus, and shave!

î"î áîúðéúéï ãîééøé áñúí ðæéøåú ãäåé ùìùéí éåí äéìëê àí éâìç ìðæéøåú áðå ìà éåëì ì÷ééí îöåú âéìåç àðæéøåú ãðôùéä


Answer: In any case, our Mishnah discusses Stam Nezirus, which is 30 days. Therefore, if he shaves [after] the Nezirus for his son, he cannot fulfill the Mitzvah of Gilu'ach for his own Nezirus;

ìëê ìà éâìç òã ùéùìéí ùúé äðæéøåú åéáéà ùúé ÷øáðåú.


Therefore, he does not shave until he completes both Neziros, and he brings two [sets of] Korbanos.



TOSFOS DH Hareini Nazir keshe'Yihyeh Li Ben (pertains to Daf 15A)

úåñôåú ã"ä äøéðé ðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï (ùééê ìãó èå.)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when days count for two Neziros.)

ôéøåù ãñúí ðæéøåú ãäåé ùìùéí éåí åðæéø îàä éåí ðæéøåú ãðôùéä åäùúà ðîé ÷áì ðæéøåú ãáðå áøéùà åäúçéì ìîðåú ðæéøåú ãðôùéä ÷' éåí åðåìã ìå áï


Explanation: [He accepted] Stam Nezirus, which is 30 days, and Nezirus of 100 days for himself. Also now, he accepted the Nezirus for his son first, and began to count his own Nezirus of 100 days, and a son was born;

òã ùáòéí åéåí ùáòéí ðîé áëìì ìà äôñéã ëìåí


[If he was born] until 70 days, and 70 days is included, he does not lose anything.

ôéøåù àçøé ùðæéøåú áðå ùì ùìùéí éåí îåáìòéí úåê ÷' éåí ìîðééï ãôéøù åìëï àîøéðï (äâää áâìéåï) äðé ÷' éåí òåìéí ìðæéøåú ãáðå åâí ìîàä éåí ãðôùéä


Explanation: Since his son's Nezirus of 30 days are enveloped within 100 days of the count he specified, therefore we say that the 100 days count for the Nezirus of his son, and also for the 100 days of his own Nezirus.

ãàó ò"â ãîéã ëùéååìã áðå öøéê ìäðéç àú ùìå åìîðåú ùì áðå ùäøé ÷éáìå úçéìä ëãàîø ìòéì


Implied question: The moment his son is born, he must set aside his own [Nezirus], and count that of his son, for he accepted it first, like we said above!

àô"ä ëéåï ãùì áðå îåáìòéï áúåê äîàä éåí òåìéí ìùì áðå åìùìå åéùìéí îàä éåí åéâìç òì ùðéäí åéáéà ùðé ÷øáðåú


Answer: Even so, since [the days of] his son's Nezirus are enveloped within the 100 days, they count for [Nezirus] of his son, and for his own. He completes the 100 days, shaves for both of them, and brings two [sets of] Korbanos.

åä"ä ìòéì ëé àîø äøéðé ðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï åðæéø åäúçéì ìîðåú àú ùìå


The same applies above (in our Mishnah, 13b). When he said "I will be a Nazir when I will have a son, and a Nazir, and he began to count his [Nezirus]...

àí ðåìã ìå äáï áéåí à' ìîðééðå (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ãàåúï ùìùéí éåí òåìéï äéå ìáðå åìòöîå ëéåï ãùì áðå îåáìò áùì òöîå ãàéãé åàéãé ì' éåí


If a son was born on the first day of his count, those 30 days would count for [Nezirus of] his son, and of his own, since [the days of] his son's [Nezirus] are enveloped within the days of his [Nezirus], for both of these are 30 days.

åãå÷à ëé ÷áì ðæéøåú ãáðå áøéùà ãîéã ùðåìã äåé æ÷å÷ ìîðåú àåúå îäðé äáìòä


Limitation: This is only if he accepted Nezirus of his son first. The moment he is born, he must count it (Nezirus of his son). Envelopment helps;

àáì ÷áì ðæéøåú ãîàä éåí áøéùà àôé' ðåìã ìå äáï ÷åãí ò' éåí öøéê ìäùìéí äîàä éåí áøéùà ëù÷éáì òìéå úçéìä


However, if he accepted Nezirus of 100 days first, even if a son was born before 70 days, first he must complete the 100 days that he accepted on himself;

ãìà çééì ðæéøåú áðå òìéå [òã] äùìîú ðæéøåúå


This is because the Nezirus of his son does not take effect on him until he completes his Nezirus;

àìà îùìéí ðæéøåú ÷' åéâìç åéáéà ÷øáï ìðæéøåúå åùåá éòùä ðæéøåú ãáðå ì' éåí åéâìç ìì' éåí åéáéà ÷øáï.


Rather, first he completes his Nezirus of 100, shaves and brings a Korban, and then does Nezirus of his son 30 days, shaves after 30 days and brings a Korban.


TOSFOS DH Le'acher Shiv'im

úåñôåú ã"ä ìàçø ùáòéí (ùééê ìãó èå.)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between until 70 and after 70.)

äééðå ò"à ñåúø åì"â ñåúø ùáòéí éåí ãäà àéðå ñåúø ò'


Explanation: I.e. on day 71 [or later, days] are cancelled. The text does not say that 70 days are cancelled, for he does not cancel 70 days;

åä"ô îðéç àú ùìå åîåðä àú ùì áðå åìàå ãå÷à ñåúø ëìåîø îðéç àú îðééðå åîåðä ùìùéí ãáðå ùàéï úâìçú ôçåú îùìùéí éåí


This means that he sets aside his own [Nezirus], and counts that of his son. Soser (he cancels) is not precise. Rather, he sets aside his own count, and counts 30 for his son, for there is no shaving less than 30 days.

ôé' ìëê àéï òåìéï ùàø äéîéí ùòã ÷' éîéí ìðæéøåú ãáðå ìôé ùàéï ðæéøåú ãáðå ôçåú îùìùéí éåí åìéëà ì' éåí òã âîø äùìîú îàä


Explanation: The other days do not count until 100 days of Nezirus of his son, because the Nezirus of his son cannot be less than 30 days, and there are not 30 days until the completion of the 100;

åìëê æ÷å÷ ìäôñé÷ îðééðå äåàéì ãðîùê ãáðå òì éîé ðæéøåúå


Therefore, he must interrupt his count, since Nezirus of his son extends past his Nezirus.

åìùåï úâìçú àéðå îëååï ãèôé ä"ì ìîéîø ùàéï ðæéøåú ôçåú îùìùéí éåí


Implied question: The expression "[there is no] shaving [less than 30 days]" is not precise. (He does not shave after Nezirus for his son. He counts 30 days, for this is the minimal Nezirus.) It should have said "there is no Nezirus less than 30 days"!

åð÷è ùàéï úâìçú ìîéîø îëùéùìéí ùì áðå éçæéø ìîðééðå åéùìéí ðæéøåú ä÷' éåí åéâìç áñåó ëì äîðéï àç' ìëåìï


Answer: It said "there is no shaving" to teach that once he completes that of his son, he returns to his count and completes his count of 100 days, and shaves at the end of the entire count once for all of them;

àáì áñåó îðéï ãáðå àéðå îâìç ãàí ëï ìà éåëì ìäùìéí àç"ë (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) ðæéøåú ùìå ãìéëà ùìùéí éåí îðæéøåú:


However, at the end of the count for his son, he does not shave, for if so, he cannot complete his Nezirus afterwards, for there are not 30 days [left] of Nezirus.

äâä"ä ìëàåøä îùîò ëãîôøù ãàçø ùéùìéí ùì áðå éçæåø åéùìéí àú ùìå ëé éîé áðå àéï òåìéï ìðæéøåú îàä éåí ùìå ëîå áøéùà ã÷úðé îðéç àú ùìå


Comment: [The Gemara] connotes like [Tosfos] explains, that after 30 days for his son, he returns to complete his, for the days of his son do not count towards his Nezirus of 100 days, like in the Reisha, which teaches "he sets aside his [Nezirus, and counts that of his son]."

îéäà éù áéøåùìîé ðåìã áéåí ùîåðéí ñåúø òùøä ðåìã áéåí úùòéí ñåúø àú òùøéí


Question: The Yerushalmi says that if [a son] was born on day 80, he cancels 10 days. If he was born on day 90, he cancels 20.

åìôé ùéèú äéøåùìîé îéã ùðåìã äáï îåðä ùì áï ìáãå (äâäú áøëú øàù) åàåúå îðéï áï òåìä ìå ìðæéøåú ã÷' éåí


Inference: According to the Yerushalmi, once a son is born, he counts of the son alone. That count of the son counts towards his Nezirus of 100 days!

åùîà é"ì äéøåùìîé ãñåúø ë' ëìåîø áùáéì áðå ÷àîø ãîåðä òùøä ùì îàä åë' àçø äîàä åìòåìí ä"ð ÷àîø ùàéï òåìä ìðæéøåú ãîàä ëìì


Answer: The Yerushalmi says that he cancels 20, i.e. for his son. He counts 10 of the 100, and 20 after the 100, and really, it means that they do not count towards his Nezirus of 100 at all;

åçåæø åéùìéí äîàä ëîå ùäéä ìå ìîðåú ÷åãí (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ìéãú äáï


He returns to complete the 100, just like he should have counted before his son was born.

åáâîøà îåëçà ãàí ðåìã ò"à ãñåúø àò"â ãàéëà ùìùéí éåí òã äîàä îéåí ìéãú äáï


It is proven in the Gemara that if he was born on day 71, he cancels, even though there are 30 days until the 100 from the day of birth of the son;

åäèòí ãéåí ìéãú äáï ðéîðéú îîðéï ùìå åìà úçùá ìéîé äáï åìéëà àìà ë"è òã éåí ÷'


This is because the day of birth of the son is counted for his count, and it is not counted for the days of the son, so only 29 remain until 100.

åö"ò ùôéøù ìòéì ùàí ðåìã äáï áéåí øàùåï ùäúçéì áå ðæéøåúå ùéîðä ì' åòåìéï ìùðéäí


Question: Above, he explained that if he was born on the first day he began Nezirus, he counts 30 days, and they count for both of them! (Why don't we say so here?)

åöøéê ìéúï çéìå÷ áãáø ãøéùà äåàéì åáéåí ìéãú äáï äúçéì ìîðåú ðæéøåú ùì òöîå éîðä ìùðéäí


Answer: We must distinguish. In the Reisha, since on the day of birth of the son he began his own Nezirus, he counts for both;

àáì äëà ùäúçéì æä éîéí øáéí ùì òöîå ìà éîðä éåí äìéãä ìáðå ëé àí ìòöîå, ò"ë äâä"ä.


However, here he began his many days [ago]. He does not count the day of birth for [the Nezirus of] his son, only for his own. Until here is a comment.


TOSFOS DH Ba'i Rava Amar Hareini Nazir Le'acher Chaf Yom...

úåñôåú ã"ä áòé øáà àîø äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø ë' éåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot resolve this from our Mishnah.)

ëéåï ãäìéï îàä éåí ìà ùìîé áäðê òùøéí éåí ìà çééìà ðæéøåú ùì îàä éåí òìéä îòëùéå


Explanation: Since these 100 days do not finish within the 20 days, the Nezirus of 100 does not take effect on him now.

ãîñúîà àéï ãòú æä äàéù ìäôñé÷ ðæéøåú ùéîðä òúä òùøéí éåí îï äîàä éåí åàçø òùøéí éåí éîðä ðæéøåú ùìùéí éåí ù÷áì òìéå ìàçø òùøéí éåí åùåá éîðä ùîðéí éåí ìäùìéí äîàä éåí


Source: Presumably, he does not want to interrupt Nezirus, that he would count now 20 days of the 100, and after 20 days he will count Nezirus 30 days that he accepted now after 20 days, and then count 80 days to complete the 100 days;

àìà àçøé ùàéðå éëåì ìäùìéí ðæéøåú ùì ÷' éåí áäìéï ë' ãòúå ùàìå ë' éåí éäéå ôðåééí åéäéä îåúø áééï åáúâìçú áäðê ë' éåí


Rather, since he cannot complete the Nezirus of 100 days in these 20 days, he intends that these 20 days be free, and he is permitted wine and shaving in these 20 days;

åàçø ëê éîðä ì' éåí ìâìç åéáéà ÷øáï åùåá îåðä ÷' éåí øöåôéï åéâìç åéáéà ÷øáï


Afterwards, he counts 30 days to shave and bring a Korban. Afterwards he counts 100 days and shaves and brings a Korban.

åîä ùàîø îòëùéå îàä éåí


Implied question: Why did he say 'from now 100 days' [since they do not start now]?

ø"ì åîòëùéå ëîå ëï àðé î÷áì ÷' éåí àçø ùàòùä (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) ñúí äðæéøåú ìàçø ë' éåí


Answer: He means that from now I accept 100 days, after I will fulfill Stam Nezirus of 30 days after 20 days.

åà"ú åàîàé ìà ôùéè îîúðé' ã÷úðé îðéç àú ùìå åîåðä ùì áðå åùåá îùìéí àú ùìå àìîà ìà çééù äàé âáøà àäôñ÷ú ðæéøåúå


Question: Why don't we resolve this from our Mishnah, which says that he sets aside his Nezirus, counts the Nezirus for his son, and then completes his? This shows that this man is not concerned for interrupting his Nezirus!

ãàéëà ìîéîø ùàðé îúðé' ëùäúçéì ìîðåú ðæéøåúå ñáåø äéä ìäùìåîå (äâäú áøëú øàù) ùìà éãò ùéååìã ìå áï úåê éîé ðæøå åàôùø (äâäú úåøú ðæéø) ìäéåú ùôòîéí éùìéí ðãøå ÷åãí ùéååìã ìå äáï


Answer: We can say that our Mishnah is different. When he began his Nezirus, he expected to finish it. He did not know that he will have a son within the days of his Nezirus. It is possible that sometimes he will finish his vow before a son is born to him;

äéìëê âîø åðãø åàôé' éååìã äáï îôñé÷ ðæéøåúå åîðéç ðæøå (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) åîåðä àú ùì áðå åìà ÷ôéã áäôñ÷ ðæéøåúå


Therefore, he resolved and vowed, and even if a son is born, he interrupts his Nezirus. He sets aside his Nezirus, and counts that of his son. He is not adamant about interruption of his Nezirus;

àáì äëà ãìà àôùø ëìì àí éúçéì ðæéøåú ùì îàä éåí öøéê ìäôñé÷ ëùéòáøå ë' éåí äéìëê ìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú ùì îàä ìàìúø.


However, here it is not possible at all. If he begins Nezirus of 100 days, he must interrupt when 20 days pass. Therefore, Nezirus of 100 days does not take effect immediately.


TOSFOS DH Oh Dilma Kivan d'Eis Lei Gidul Se'ar liv'Sof Chaila

úåñôåú ã"ä àå ãéìîà ëéåï ãàéú ìéä âéãåì ùéòø ìáñåó çééìà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the side to say that Nezirus begins immediately.)

ôé' ëéåï ùðùàøå ìå ì' éîéí ìàçø ñúí ðæéøåú ëãé âéãåì ùéòø äééðå ðæéøåú ùìí çééìà åìà çééù áäôñ÷ú ðæéøåúå


Explanation: Since 30 days remain after Stam Nezirus, enough to grow hair, i.e. a full Nezirus, it takes effect. He is not concerned for interruption of Nezirus.

åäëà ðùàøå ìå àôé' ô' éåí äìëê îåðä òùøéí éåí äììå ìðæéøåú ãîàä éåí åéôñé÷ åéîðä ì' éåí åéâìç åéáéà ÷øáï åàçøé ëï éîðä ô' éåí ìäùìîú îàä éåí


Here, even 80 days remain! Therefore, he counts 20 days for the Nezirus of 100, interrupts and counts 30 days, shaves and brings a Korban, and afterwards counts 80 days to complete 100 days.

åä"ð àîøéðï ááøééúà ãîééúé ì÷îï àçø ùîðä ì' éåí àéðå îåðä ø÷ ô' éåí ìäùìéí äîàä éåí òì äòùøéí ùîðä ÷åãí ùìùéí éåí


Support: We say so also in the Beraisa brought below. After he counts 30 days, he counts only 80 days to complete 100 days, to add to the 20 he counted before the 30 days.

åàò"â ãúâìçú ñåúø


Implied question: Shaving cancels [Nezirus]!

äééðå ëãé ùéäéä ìàçø äúâìçú ùìùéí éåí ëãé âéãåì ùéòø


Answer: This is only so there will be 30 days after the shaving, in order to grow hair.

àáì àí ðùàøå àçø äúâìçú ùìùéí éåí òã ëìåú ðæéøåúå àéðå ñåúø ëìåí ëéåï ãàéú ìéä âéãåì ùéòø ãúâìçú èäøä


However, if 30 days remain after the shaving until the end of his Nezirus, it does not cancel anything, since he has enough hair to shave in Taharah.

åäëé àîøéðï áô' â' îéðéï (ì÷îï îã.) åäëà ðùàøå ìå ô' éåí ëãé âéãåì ùéòø åéåúø


Support: We say so below (44a). Here, 80 days remain, enough to grow hair (30 days) and more.

äâä"ä (äâäú áøëú øàù) åàò"â ãàîøéðï áîúðéúéï ðåìã ìå áï òã ò' ìà äôñéã ëìåí ãéîé áðå òåìéí ìîðéï ä÷' éåí


Comment - Implied question: We say in our Mishnah that if a son was born until 70 days, he does not lose anything, for the days of his son count towards the count of 100 days;

åäéëé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) àîøéðï ì÷îï ááøééúà ãàçø ùîðä ðæéøåú ùì ì' éåí îåðä ô' éåí ìäùìéí äøàùåðéí åìà ñì÷é äðê ì' éåí àò"â ãîåáìòéï äí úåê äô' éåí


How do we say below in the Beraisa that after he counted Nezirus of 30 days, he counts 80 days to complete the first days, and these days do not count [towards the 100], even though they are enveloped within the 80 days?

ãìà ãîéà ìîúðéúéï ãáîúðéúéï ìà ðãø ðæéøåú àìà àí éååìã àçø ò'


Answer: This is unlike our Mishnah. In our Mishnah, he vowed Nezirus [for his son] only if he will be born after 70 days;

àáì àí éååìã úåê äò' ùéåëì ìäáìéò ðæéøåú ãáðå úåê ä÷' àéï ãòúå ìîðåú ðæéøåú ìáðå áôðé òöîå (äâäú ÷øï àåøä) àìà ì' àçøåðéí éòìå ìùðéäí ãäééðå ÷' éåí áéï äëì


However, if he will be born within 70 days, so his son's Nezirus can be enveloped within the 100, he does not intend to count Nezirus for his son by itself. Rather, the last 30 days will count for both of them, i.e. 100 days in all.

åîä ùìà àîø áôé' äøéðé ðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï åîòëùéå ò' éåí


Implied question: Why didn't he say explicitly "I will be a Nazir when I have a son, and from now 70 days"?

äééðå îùåí ùãòúå ìäéåú ðæéø ÷' éåí àí ìà éååìã ìå áï áìà ðæéøåú (äâäú áøëú øàù) ãáðå


Answer: He intends to be a Nazir for 100 days if no son will not be born, without Nezirus for his son;

àáì î"î àí éååìã ìå áï ÷åãí ì' àçøåðéí (äâäú áøëú øàù) çôõ äåà ìäáìéòå áðæéøåú ãéãéä


However, in any case if a son will be born before the last 30 days, he wants to envelop [the Nezirus for his son] within his Nezirus.

àáì äëà ù÷éáì ðæéøåú àçø ë' áãòúå ìîðåú ìå îðéï ùìà éòìä ìîðéï äîàä éåí


However, here that he accepted Nezirus after 20, he intends to count a number (i.e. 30, of Stam Nezirus) that will not count towards the 100;

ãàí àéúà ãçôõ ìäáìéò åäøé äåà éåãò ááøåø ãáäðê ë' ìà [ùìîé] ÷' ìéîà áôé' äøéðé ðæéø àçø ë' åîòúä éäéä (äâäú áøëú øàù) áéï äëì ÷'


If he wanted to envelop it, he knows clearly that in these 20 days the 100 days will not finish. He should say explicitly "I am a Nazir after 20, and from now, it will be in all 100"!

àìà åãàé çôõ ìòùåú ÷' éåí áìà äðæéøåú, ò"ë äâä"ä.


Rather, surely he wants to do 100 days without the Nezirus [of 30]. Until here is a comment.


TOSFOS DH v'Tiba'i Lei Nezirus Mu'etes

úåñôåú ã"ä åúáòé ìéä ðæéøåú îåòèú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what we say that Rava should have asked.)

ôé' ñúí ðæéøåú ãäåà ùìùéí éåí åëâåï ãàîø äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø òùøéí éåí åðæéø îòúä


Explanation: [He should ask about] Stam Nezirus, which is 30 days, e.g. he said "I am a Nazir after 20 days, and a Nazir from now";

àé çééìà äùúà åéîðä òùøéí éåí åéðéç îðéï æä åéîðä ùìùéí éåí åéîðä òùøä éîéí ìäùìéí ðæéøåú øàùåðä åìà éâìç òã [ùùéí] äùìîú ùðéäï.


Does it take effect now, and he counts 20 days, and sets aside this count, and counts 30 days, and count 10 days to complete the first Nezirus, and he does not shave until 60 days, when both of them are completed?