TOSFOS DH v'Tiba'i Lei Nezirus Mu'etes
úåñôåú ã"ä çãà îâå çãà ÷îéáòé ìéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how one question depends on the other.)
ëìåîø úçéìä ùàì áðæéøåú îåòèú åùåá ùàì áðæéøåú îøåáä áàí úîöà ìåîø
Explanation: First he asked about a small Nezirus, and then he asked about a big Nezirus, in the way of "if you will say";
ãàôéìå àú"ì ãðæéøåú îåòèú ìà çééìà ëéåï ãòùøä éåîéï ìáã äåà ãéúéøéï (äâäú áøëú øàù)
Even if you will say that a small Nezirus does not take effect, since only 10 days are left over...
ìà ñì÷é äðê òùøä ùéùìéí àçø ðæéøåú ãàçø òùøéí (äâäú äøù"ù) ìàéöèøåôé ìòùøéí ùñôø îúçéìä îùåí ãäðê òùøä ìà çæå ìðæéøåú ìçåãééäå
These 10 do not suffice to complete, after the Nezirus after 20 days, and join with the 20 he counted initially, because these 20 are not proper for Nezirus by themselves;
åìäëé ìà ðéçà ìéä ìäôñé÷ ðæéøåúå àìà àìå òùøéí éåí øåöä ùéäéå ôðåééí åéäéä îåúø áééï åáúâìçú åìéèîàåú ìîúéí
Therefore, he does not want to interrupt his Nezirus. Rather, he wants these 20 days to be free, and he may drink wine, shave and become Tamei Mes.
àëúé îéáòé ìéä ìðæéøåú îøåáä ãîàä éåí ëéåï ãàé çééìà äùúà ë' éåí àëúé ôùå ìäå ô' éåí àçø ðæéøåú ãì' éåí ãçæå ìðæéøåú ìçåãééäå åîöèøôé ùôéø ìäðé òùøéí éåí ìäùìîú ÷' éåí
Still, he asks about a big Nezirus of 100 days. Since if 20 days take effect now, 80 days will remain after the Nezirus of 30, and they (the 80) are proper for Nezirus by themselves, they properly join to the 20 days to complete 100 days;
åéîðä [ë'] éåí åùåá îåðä ì' éåí åîâìç åéáéà ÷øáï åùåá îåðä ô' éåí ìäùìéí äîàä éåí åéâìç ùðéú åéáéà ÷øáï åìà ÷ôéã àäôñ÷ú ðæéøåú
He counts 20 days, and then counts 30 days and shaves and brings a Korban, and then counts 80 days to complete the 100, and shaves a second time and brings a Korban. He is not concerned for the interruption of Nezirus;
àå ãéìîà àô"ä ìà çééìé ëéåï ãìà ùìîé îàä éåí áäðê [ë'] éåí åàéï øöåðå ìäôñé÷ ðæéøåúå
Or, perhaps even so, they do not take effect [now], since 100 days will not finish within these 20 days, and he does not want to interrupt his Nezirus;
åîñúîà áùòú ÷áìä äéä áãòúå [áë'] éåí ÷îàé éäéä îåúø áééï åáúâìçú åáèåîàä
Presumably, at the time he accepted, he intended that in these first 20 days he will be permitted wine, shaving and Tum'ah;
åàçøé ëï éòùä ùìùéí éåí åéâìç åéáéà ÷øáï åùåá éòùä îàä éåí øöåôéï åéâìç åéáéà ÷øáï:
Afterwards he will do 30 days [of Nezirus], shave and bring a Korban, and then do another 100 consecutive days, and shave and bring a Korban.
äâä"ä åö"ò àé îöé ìîéáòé äéëà ãàîø äøéðé ðæéø îàä éåí åðæéø ìàçø òùøéí éåí ãäùúà ä÷ãéí äîàä éåí[àé àîøú] çééìé îäùúà àé ìà
Comment - Implied question: This requires investigation. whether he could ask about when he said "I am a Nazir 100 days and a Nazir after 20 days. Now, he put the 100 days first. Does it take effect now, or not?
[åùîà] ãä"ä ãîöé ìîéáòé äëé åçãà îðééäå ð÷è, äâä"ä.
Answer: Perhaps he could have asked it, and he asked one of them (the possible questions he could ask).
TOSFOS DH Amar Hareini Nazir Le'acher Esrim Yom ume'Achshav Nazir l'Olam
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø òùøéí éåí åîòëùéå ðæéø ìòåìí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the law of a Nazir Olam.)
ããéðå àí äëáéã ùòøå ãîé÷ì åîáéà ùìù áäîåú.
Explanation: His (a Nazir Olam's) law is that when his hair gets burdensome, he lightens it, and brings (offers) three animals.
Note: Above (7a), The Gemara distinguished a Nazir Olam from a Nazir l'Olam. The latter conducts one his term of Nezirus his entire life. Here, and once in the coming Dibur, Tosfos says "Nazir l'Olam", but it seems that he refers to a Nazir Olam.
úåñôåú ã"ä îé çééìà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question.)
ðæéøåú òìéä îäùúà àå ìà
Explanation: [We ask] whether or not Nezirus takes effect on him now, or not;
àú"ì ãáéï ðæéøåú îåòèú åáéï ðæéøåú îøåáä îäùúà çééìà îùåí ãëé îèå òùøéí åéçåì ðæéøåú ìà äåé äôñ÷ ëåìé äàé ùäøé ãîé äåà ìðæéøåú ãîàä
If you will say that both small and big Nezirus take effect now, this is because when 20 days come, and Nezirus takes effect, it is not such an interruption, for it is like Nezirus of 100;
àáì äëà àé çééìà îäùúà ðæéø òåìí ðæéøåú ãàçø òùøéí àéðå ëéåöà áå ëìì åäåé äôñ÷
However, here, if Nazir Olam takes effect now, the Nezirus after 20 is not like it at all, and it is an interruption!
äéìëê ìà äåé ðæéø òåìí ëìì òã ùéùìéí ðæéøåúå (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) åáäðê òùøéí ÷îàé éäéä îåúø áééï åáúâìçú åáèåîàä
Therefore, he is not a Nazir Olam at all until after he finishes his Nezirus, and in these first 20 days he is permitted wine, shaving and Tum'ah.
àå ãéìîà ãî"î éçåì îäùúà ðæéø ìòåìí åëé àúå òùøéí éîðä ðæéøåú ùìùéí éåí åîâìç ìî"ã ðæéø òåìí îé÷ì àçø ùìùéí éåí àå àçø [ù"à =ùðä àçú=] ìîø ëãàéú ìéä åìîø ëãàéú ìéä (ìòéì ãó ä.)
Or, perhaps in any case Nazir l'Olam takes effect now, and when 20 days come, he counts Nezirus 30 days and shaves, according to the opinion that a Nazir Olam lightens his hair after 30 days, or after one year, each opinion like he holds;
ããîéà (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ìðæéøåú òåìí ùäúçéì åìà çùéá äôñ÷ú ðæéøåúå ëéåï ùáéãå ìùàåì òì ðæéøåú ùì ùìùéí éåí åäéä òåùä ðæéøåú òåìí ìôðéå áìé äôñ÷
[The Stam Nezirus] resembles the Nezirus Olam that he began. His Nezirus is not considered an interruption because he could permit the Nezirus of 30 days, and he would fulfill Nezirus Olam without interruption;
äéìëê àîøéðï (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) àôéìå ìà ùàì òì ðæéøåú [ãì' éåí] éçåì òìéå ðæéø òåìí îäùúà
Therefore, we say that even if he did not permit the Nezirus of 30 days, Nezirus Olam takes effect on him now.
åä"ä ãîöé ìîéáòé àé àîø äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø ë' ðæéø òåìí åîòëùéå ðæéø ñúí.
Observation: Also, we could have asked if he said "I am a Nazir Olam after 20 days, and from now a regular Nazir."
TOSFOS DH v'Im Timtzi Lomar Hacha Vadai
úåñôåú ã"ä åàú"ì äëà åãàé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why possibility of She'elah causes that it takes effect.)
ëéåï ãàôùø ìàúùåìé àðæéøåú ùéçåì ìàçø òùøéí éåí ìäëà çééìà ðæéø òåìí îäùúà åéëåì (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìùàåì àðæéøåú ãáúø òùøéí åìà úäéä äôñ÷ ëìì áúåê ðæéøåú ãðæéø òåìí.
Explanation: Since it is possible to permit the Nezirus that will take effect after 20 days, therefore Nezirus Olam takes effect from now, and he can permit the Nezirus after 20 days, and there will not be any interruption at all in the Nezirus Olam.
TOSFOS DH Amar Hareini Nazir k'Shimshon Le'acher Esrim Yom...
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø äøéðé ðæéø ëùîùåï ìàçø òùøéí éåí...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the two sides of the question.)
äëà åãàé ìà àôùø ìàúùåìé àðæéøåú ùîùåï ùéçåì òìéå àçø [òùøéí]
Explanation: Here, surely it is impossible to permit Nezirus Shimshon, so it will take effect on him after 20;
äéìëê ìà éçåì òìéå ñúí ðæéøåú áäðê òùøéí ëìì äåàéì åìà îöé ìäùìéí áäðê òùøéí ñúí ðæéøåú ãäåééï ùìùéí éåí
Therefore, Stam Nezirus does not take effect within 20 at all, since he cannot finish within 20 days Stam Nezirus, which is 30 days;
åéäéä îåúø áééï åìèîàåú ìîúéí áäðê òùøéí åàç"ë éúçéì ðæéøåú ùîùåï [åéãçä] ñúí ðæéøåú ëéåï ãìà àôùø ìäùìéîå ÷ôéã àäôñ÷ú ðæéøåúå
He is permitted wine and Tum'as Mes in these 20, and after begins Nazir Shimshon, and it overrides Stam Nezirus. Since it is impossible to complete it, he is adamant about the interruption of Nezirus.
àå ãìîà ñåó ñåó çééì òìéä ñúí ðæéøåú áúåê òùøéí éåí åðäé ãìà îöé ìâìç ìñåó òùøä ãìàçø òùøéí ãäà çì ðæéøåú ùîùåï
Or, perhaps Stam Nezirus takes effect on him within 20 days. Granted, he cannot shave at the end of 10 [days] after the 20, for Nazir Shimshon takes effect.
î"î ëì ãéï ðæéøåú ùéëåì ìðäåâ éðäåâ ëâåï àéñåø ééï åèåîàú îúéí
In any case, all laws of Nezirus that he can fulfill, he fulfills, e.g. the Isur of wine and Tum'as Mes.
åàçø òùøéí éôñé÷ ðæéøåú æä åéúçéì ðæéøåú ùîùåï ãìà ÷ôéã àôé' àäôñ÷ú ðæéøåúå
After 20, he interrupts this Nezirus and begins Nazir Shimshon. He is not adamant even about interruption of his Nezirus.
àáì ìà îöé ìîéáòé äéëà ãàîø äøéðé ñúí ìàçø [ë'] åîòëùéå ðæéø ùîùåï
Implied question: Why didn't we ask about when he said Hareini Nazir Stam after 20, and from now I am a Nazir Shimshon?
ãåãàé çééì òìéä ìàìúø ðæéø ùîùåï ãëéåï ãîöé ìàúùåìé àñúí ðæéøåú ìàçø òùøéí éùàì òìéå åìà éäéä äôñ÷ áðæéøåú ùîùåï
Answer: Surely Nazir Shimshon takes effect immediately. Since he can permit Stam Nezirus after 20, he will permit it, and there will not be an interruption in Nazir Shimshon.
åäê áòéà ìà îöé áòé áðæéø òåìí ëâåï ãàîø äøéðé ðæéø òåìí ìàçø [òùøéí] åîòëùéå ðæéø [ñúí]
Implied question: Why didn't we ask this question about a Nazir Olam, e.g. he said "I am a Nazir Olam after 20, and from now a Nazir Stam"?
ãåãàé çééì òìéä ðæéø ñúí îäùúà ëéåï ãàôùø àéúùéì àðæéø òåìí äáà ìçåì òìéå àçø òùøéí ùéùàì òìéå åéùìéí ñúí ðæéøåú
Answer: Surely Nazir Stam takes effect on him now, since it is possible to permit Nazir Olam, which was destined to take effect on him after 20. He will permit it, and complete Stam Nezirus;
Note: At the end of DH Mi, Tosfos said that we could have asked this! Here, Tosfos means that at this stage (if you will say that since he can permit it, it takes effect) we could not ask this (Arzei ha'Levanon).
ããå÷à àðæéø ùîùåï îéáòéà ãìà àôùø ìàéúùåìé òìéä
We ask only about Nazir Shimshon, which cannot be permitted.
åä"ð îùîò áô"â ãîëåú (ãó ëá.) àîúðé' ãéù çåøù úìí àçã ãðæéø ùîùåï ìà àôùø ìàúùåìé ðæéø òåìí àôùø àúùåìé.
Support: It connotes like this in Makos (22a) on the Mishnah of [getting eight sets of lashes for] plowing one furrow, that Nazir Shimshon cannot be permitted, but Nazir Olam can be permitted.
TOSFOS DH Amar k'Moshe b'Zayen b'Adar Mahu
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ëîùä áæ' áàãø îäå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the two possible intents.)
ãáéåí äååìãå ãäééðå áæ' áàãø ùîçå ùîçä âãåìä åáéåí îåúå áæ' áàãø îñúîà øáéí ðãøå áðæéø (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) åøáå ðæéøéí áéùøàì îçîú öòø
Explanation: On the day he was born, i.e. Adar 7, they had great Simchah, and on the day he died on Adar 7, presumably many vowed to be Nezirim, and there were many Nezirim in Yisrael due to pain;
åäåà àîø áñúí àäà äééðå ëîå ùäéä ãåøå ùì îùä áæ' áàãø áéåí îåúå åðæéøåú ÷áì òìéä
He says Stam 'I will be", i.e. like it was in the generation on Moshe on Adar 7 on the day he died, and he accepted Nezirus on himself;
àå ëéåí äååìãå ÷àîø åùîçä ÷áì òìéä
Or, perhaps he means like the day he was born, and he accepted Simchah on himself.
å÷"÷ ìî"ã (æáçéí ãó ÷éæ.) ãìáø îðçåú åðæéøåú (äâäú äøù"ù) ìà ÷øéáéï ááîä à"ë àåúí ùðãøå áðæéø áôèéøú îùä øáéðå äà äéå ðæéøéí ëì éîéäí
Question: According to the opinion (Zevachim 117a) that we may offer only Nedarim and Nedavos on a Bamah, those who vowed to be Nezirim at the death of Moshe Rabbeinu, they were Nezirim for the rest of their lives;
åìà éëìå ìä÷øéá ÷øáðåú ã÷øáï ðæéø ìàå (äâäú äøù"ù) ðéãø åðéãá äåà
They could not offer Korbanos [Nazir], for Korban Nazir is not brought through Neder or Nedavah (one may offer it only if he is obligated)!
åìà äéä äéúø âí áùéìä åëï ÷ùä îï ðæéøåú ãàáùìåí.
Strengthening of question: Also in Shilo there was no Heter! Also, the Nezirus of Avshalom is difficult.
Note: Tosfos (Temurah 14b DH Ela) answers that R. Shimon is the one who permits only Nedarim and Nedavos on a Bamah, and he holds (below, 46b) that even a Shelamim of Nedavah permits a Nazir.
TOSFOS DH Pashut Miha Kamaisa
úåñôåú ã"ä ôùåè îéäà ÷îééúà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos species which question we resolve.)
äøéðé ðæéø åëå' (òì ôé áøëú øàù)
Explanation: [This is the question about] Hareini Nazir [after 20 days... (13b)].
TOSFOS DH Pashut (part 2)
úåñôåú ã"ä ôùåè (çì÷ á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the argument of R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish.)
ðèîà áéîé áðå
Citation of Gemara: He became Tamei in the days of [Nezirus for] his son.
àîúðé' ÷àé ãúðï îðéç àú ùìå åîåðä ùì áðå
Explanation: This refers to our Mishnah, which taught that he sets aside his Nezirus, and counts that of his son;
ìøéù ì÷éù ðô÷à îéðä ìòðéï ãàí ðèîà áéîé áðå àéðå ñåúø àú ùìå
According to Reish Lakish, this (setting aside his Nezirus, and counting his son's) affects if he became Tamei in the days of his son. He does not cancel his own [Nezirus];
åìø' éåçðï ðîé ãñåúø äééðå ãå÷à ëùôåñ÷ îðééðå åäðéç àú ùìå åîåðä àú ùì áðå åòåîã áàîöò îðééðå àæ ãñåúø àú ùì áðå ñåúø ðîé àú ùì îðééðå ìôé ùìà äùìéí îðééðå
According to R. Yochanan, even though he cancels, this is only when he ceases his count and he set aside his Nezirus, and counts that of his son, and was in the middle of his [son's] count. Then, when he cancels his son's Nezirus, he cancels also his own count, because he did not finish his count;
åàéìå äéä îåðä ùðé îðééðéí àçã ìå îñåééí ìòöîå åùåá äéä îåðä ìáðå ìòöîå åðèîà áéîé áðå ìà äéä ñåúø îðéï ùì òöîå ùäøé äùìéí îðéï ùì òöîå (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ìâîøé òã ùìà äúçéì îðéï ùì áðå
If he would count two counts, one special for him, and after he would count just for his son, and he became Tamei in the days of his son, he would not cancel his own count, because he totally finished his own count before he began the count for his son.
åøéù ì÷éù àîø àéðå ñåúø àìà ðæéøåú ùì áðå àáì îä ùîðä îùìå úçéìä àéðå ñåúø
Reish Lakish says that he cancels only his son's Nezirus, but what he counted for his own he does not cancel;
àáì áøéùà ãîúðé' ã÷úðé äøéðé ðæéø åðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï ãîåðä àú ùìå åàç"ë àú ùì áðå ãàí ðèîà áéîé áðå ã"ä àéðå ñåúø àìà ùì áðå
However, in the Reisha of our Mishnah, which teaches "I am a Nazir, and a Nazir when I will have a son", that he counts his own, and afterwards of his son, if he became Tamei in the days of his son, all agree that he cancels only his son's Nezirus
ãëáø ðñúì÷ ìâîøé (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) àú ùìå.
This is because he already totally finished his own.
TOSFOS DH Chada Nezirus Arichta Hi
úåñôåú ã"ä çãà ðæéøåú àøéëúà äéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the source to say that it is all one Nezirus.)
ùäøé àéðå îâìç [àìà] ìàçø ùéùìéí ùìå åùì áðå åáàîöò ðæéøåúå äåà òåîã
Source: [It is one long Nezirus,] for he shaves only after he completes his own and his son's. He stands in the middle of his Nezirus;
àáì åãàé ðèîà áéîé äùìîä ùìå àéðå ñåúø àìà àåúå ùìå åìà ùì áðå, á"ù äâ"ä.
However, surely if he became Tamei in the days of completing his Nezirus, he cancels only his own, but not his son's.
TOSFOS DH Nitma b'Yemei Tzarato
úåñôåú ã"ä ðèîà áéîé öøòúå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the argument.)
àîø äøéðé ðæéø îàä éåí (äâäú ÷øï àåøä) åäúçéì ìîðåú ðæéøåú åðöèøò (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) [ùéîé] çìåèå àéðå òåìä ìðæéøåú åâí àéðå ñåúø ëãì÷îï áôø÷ îé ùàîø (ãó éæ:)
Explanation: He said "I am a Nazir from today", and he began to count Nezirus, and he became a Metzora. The days of being a Muchlat do not count for Nezirus, and do not cancel, like it says below (17b);
åðèîà áîú áéîé çìåèå ìø"ì àéðå ñåúø äéîéí äøàùåðéí ùîðä ìðæéøåúå ÷åãí éîé öøòúå
If he became Tamei Mes in the days of being a Muchlat, Reish Lakish holds that he does not cancel the first days that he counted for his Nezirus before his Tzara'as;
åëùéèäø îöøòúå éâìç åéáéà ÷øáðåú îöåøò åéçæåø åéùìéí îðéï ðæéøåú ëîå ùôñ÷
When he becomes Tahor from his Tzara'as, he shaves and brings Korbanos Metzora, and returns to finish the count of Nezirus like he specified.
åø' éåçðï àåîø ñåúø ãäà áðæéøåú ÷àé åòãééï ìà îðä äîàä
R. Yochanan says that he cancels, for he is in Nezirus, and he still did not count the 100;
åìëùéèäø îöøòúå öøéê ìîðåú ëì éîé ðæéøåúå,
When he becomes Tahor from his Tzara'as, he must count all the days of his Nezirus.
TOSFOS DH Nitma b'Yemei Tzarato (part 2)
úåñôåú ã"ä ðèîà áéîé öøòúå (çì÷ á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains which two arguments are needed.)
Citation of Gemara: It is necessary [to teach both cases].
, ìàùîåòéðï ôìåâúééäå ááðå åáöøòúå.
Explanation: We need to learn the argument about his son, and about his Tzara'as.
TOSFOS DH Nitma b'Yom Gidul Se'ar
úåñôåú ã"ä ðèîà áéåí âéãåì ùéòø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what is the day of growing hair.)
ôé' àîø äøéðé ðæéø ùìùéí éåí åëùîðä ë' îðæéøåúå âéìçåäå ìéñèéí òì ëøçå
Explanation: He said "I am a Nazir for 30 days", and when he counted 20 from his Nezirus, bandits shaved him b'Al Korcho (against his will);
ãäùúà ìà éåëì ìâìç áéåí ùìùéí ìðæéøåú åìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå òã àçø ùìùéí éåí îéåí ùâéìçåäå äìéñèéí ãàéï âéãåì ôçåú îùìùéí éåí
Now, he cannot shave on day 30 of Nezirus and bring Korbanos, until 30 days from when the bandits shaved him, for Gidul (the required growth of hair for a Nazir Tahor to shave) is never less than 30 days.
åäúçéì äì' åëùîðä òùøä ñééí ðæéøåúå ùäøé úçéìä îðä òùøéí èøí ùâéìçåäå äìéñèéí
He began the 30, and when he counted 10, he finished his Nezirus, for initially he counted 20 before the bandits shaved him;
åàìå äòùøéí éåí äàçøåðéí àéðí ø÷ ìâãì ùéòø ùéåëì ìâìç àçø ðæéøåúå åìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå åáäí ðèîà
These last 20 days are only to grow hair, so he can shave after his Nezirus and bring his Korbanos, and in these days he became Tamei.
åäàé ãð÷è áéåí âéãåì ùéòø åìà ð÷è áéîé ëãð÷è ìòéì áéîé öøòúå
Implied question: Why does it say "the day of growing hair", and not "during the days", like it said above "during the days of his Tzara'as"?
ìôé [ùàé] àôùø ùìà éäå ðîùëéí éîé öøòúå èôé îéåí àçã àáì âéãåì ùéòø àôùø ùìà éàøéê òìéå àìà éåí àçã ëâåï ùâéìçåäå ìéñèéí éåí ùðé ìðæéøåúå
Answer: It is impossible that the days of Tzara'as will not exceed one day. However, growing hair, it is possible that it will endure only one day, e.g. bandits shaved him on the second day of his Nezirus;
ãäùúà àéðå îåñéó òì ùìùéí àìà éåí ùìáñåó áòáåø âéãåì ùéòø.
Now, he adds to 30 only one day at the end for the sake of growing hair.
TOSFOS DH Hasam Shnei Neziros
úåñôåú ã"ä äúí ùðé ðæéøåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the two cases that are like two Neziros.)
ùì áðå åùìå åëï ðèîà áéîé öøòúå ðæéøåú ìçåã åöøòú ìçåã
Explanation: [The two Neziros are] of his son, and his own. Similarly, if he became Tamei during the days of his Tzara'as, Nezirus is one matter, and Tzara'as is another matter;
äëà çãà ðæéøåú äåà åëé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ðèîà áéåí ùäåà èäåø çã ðæéøåú äåà.
Here, it is one Nezirus. When he became Tamei on a day that he is Tahor, it is one Nezirus.
Note: Keren Orah said that these words have no meaning. Perhaps "Hacha Chada Nezirus Hu" is a new Dibur ha'Maschil, and the text should say "v'Chi Nitma b'Yom Gidul Se'ar Chad Nezirus Hu" (when he became Tamei on the day of growing his hair, it is one Nezirus) - PF.)
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Chisda ha'Kol Modim she'Im Kidesh Se'ar b'Dam
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá çñãà äëì îåãéí ùàí ÷éãù ùéòø áãí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to Tum'ah between Zerikah and shaving.)
ôéøåù àí ìàçø ùðæø÷ äãí ðèîà ÷åãí ùâéìç å÷åøà ÷éãåù ùéòø ùìà âéìç ëãëúéá å÷éãù øàùå ùôéøåùå éúçéì ìâãì øàùå
Explanation: After Zerikas ha'Dam, he became Tamei before shaving. He calls this "Kidush of hair" because he did not shave, like it says "v'Kidash Rosho", which means [that after a Nazir Tamei shaves and brings Korbanos,] he begins to grow his hair.
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Chisda (part 2)
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá çñãà (çì÷ á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina that he can never drink wine or shave.)
àéï ìå ú÷ðä,
Citation of Gemara: He has no solution.
÷ñ"ã ùìà éåëì òåìîéú ìùúåú áééï åìâìç ëéåï ùäáéà ëáø ÷øáðåúéå åðèîà (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) ÷åãí ùâéìç åáìà äáàú ÷øáï ìà éåëì ìâìç,
Explanation: We are thinking that this means that he can never drink wine or shave, since he already brought Korbanos and became Tamei before shaving. He cannot shave without bringing a Korban.
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Chisda (part 3)
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá çñãà (çì÷ â)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that shaving is Me'akev the Heter for wine.)
àìéáà [ãîàï] àé àìéáà ãø' àìéòæø ëéåï ãàîø úâìçú îòëáå
Citation of Gemara: Like whom is this? If it is like R. Eliezer, since he said that shaving is Me'akev him...
ìùúåú ééï
Explanation: [It is Me'akev him] from drinking wine.
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Chisda (part 4)
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá çñãà (çì÷ ã)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is as if he is within the days of Nezirus.)
úåê îìàú äåà
Citation of Gemara: He is within Melos.
ëìåîø äøé äåà ëàéìå ðèîà ÷åãí äáàú ÷øáðåúéå ùäåà áúåê îìàú
Explanation: I.e. it is as if he became Tamei before bringing his Korbanos, which is Toch Melos.
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Chisda (part 5)
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá çñãà (çì÷ ä)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that "Stirah" refers to bringing Korbanos again.)
Citation of Gemara: He should be Soser!
ëìåîø éçæåø åéáéà ÷øáðåú
Explanation: This means that he should bring Korbanos again;
ëãúðï ôø÷ â' îéðéï (ì÷îï ãó îæ.) îé ùðæø÷ òìéå àçã îï äãîéí åðèîà ø' àìéòæø àåîø ñåúø àú äëì
Source: A Mishnah below (47a) teaches that if the blood of one [of the Korbanos] was thrown, and he became Tamei, R. Eliezer says that he is Soser (cancels) everything;
åôøéê áâîøà åäàîø ø' àìéòæø ëì àçø îìàú [ùáòä] ñåúø åîùðé îàé ñåúø ÷øáðåúéå åìàçø [ùéèäø] éáéà ÷øáðåúéå
The Gemara [there] asks that R. Eliezer said that any Tum'ah after Melos (finishing the days) cancels seven days, and answers that "Soser" refers to his Korbanos. After he becomes Tahor, he brings his Korbanos [again].
åäàé ìñúåø ãäëà ò"ë ìàå ãåå÷à áðèîà (äâäú áøëú øàù) áéåí ùìùéí ãäà à"ø àìéòæø áôéø÷éï ì÷îï (ãó èæ:) ãàéðå ñåúø [àìà ùáòä],
Proof: You are forced to say that here, "Listor" (the question that he should cancel) is not specifically when he became Tamei on day 30 (and we suggest that he must count Nezirus again), for below (16b), R. Eliezer says that it is Soser only seven days! (Rather, he must bring his Korbanos again. If so, he has a solution!)
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Chisda (part 6)
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá çñãà (çì÷ å)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is not Me'akev drinking wine.)
àìà àìéáà ãøáðï äàîøé ãúâìçú ìà îéòëáà,
Citation of Gemara: Rather, it is according to Rabanan. They say that shaving is not Me'akev!
ìùúåú áééï åëéåï ùäáéà ÷øáðåú îåúø ìèîàåú åìùúåú áìà úâìçú ëìì.
Explanation: [It is not Me'akev the Heter] to drink wine. Since he brought his Korbanos, he may become Tamei and drink without shaving at all! (If so, he has a solution!)
TOSFOS DH l'Olam Aliba d'Rabanan u'Mai Ein Lo Takanah l'Mitzvas Gilu'ach
úåñôåú ã"ä ìòåìí àìéáà ãøáðï åîàé àéï ìå ú÷ðä ìîöåú âéìåç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he lost the Mitzvah.)
ãëéåï ùäáéà ëáø ÷øáðåúéå ùåá ìà éáéà åðñúì÷ åîéã îåúø ìùúåú áééï áìà úâìçú ëìì
Explanation: [He has no solution for the Mitzvah of Gilu'ach, for] since he already brought his Korbanos, he does not bring them again. He lost [Mitzvas Gilu'ach]. Immediately he may drink wine without shaving at all.
åäëì îåãéí ã÷àîø øá çñãà
Implied question: Why did Rav Chisda say "all agree"? (His law is only according to Rabanan!)
÷àé àôìåâúà ãøá åùîåàì ãôìéâé ãðèîà áéåí âéãåì ùòø àí ñåúø åäëà ãðèîà ÷åãí úâìçú îåãéí ãàéðå ñåúø ãäåé ëîé ùâéìç ëáø.
Answer: He means that Rav and Shmuel, who argue about one who became Tamei on Yom Gidul Se'ar, whether he is Soser, here, that he became Tamei before shaving, they agree that he is not Soser. It is as if he already shaved.
TOSFOS DH Nazir she'Kalu Lo Yamav
úåñôåú ã"ä ðæéø ùëìå ìå éîéå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is after he finished the days of Nezirus.)
ùîðä ëì éîé ðæéøåú åòåîã áéåí äáàú ÷øáðåúéå.
Explanation: He counted all the days of Nezirus, and he is on the day of bringing Korbanos.
TOSFOS DH Lokeh Al ha'Tum'ah
úåñôåú ã"ä ìå÷ä òì äèåîàä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he is not Soser.)
àí ðèîà ÷åãí äáàú ÷øáðåúéå àáì àéðå ñåúø ðæéøåú ùîðä àçø ùëìå éîéå ëáø
Explanation: [He is lashed for Tum'ah] if he became Tamei before bringing Korbanos. However, he does not cancel the Nezirus he counted, since his days already finished.
åðäé ãàùëçï áôéø÷à ãì÷îï (ãó èæ.) åàééúé ìòéì ðèîà éåí îàä åàçã ñåúø ùìùéí
Implied question: We find below (16a), and it was brought above, that if he became Tamei on day 101, he cancels 30 days!
Note: Tosfos cited this above (6a DH Nitma). In our text, the Gemara (6a, 6b) cited much of our Mishnah, but not the Seifa in which he became Tamei on day 101.
äééðå ãå÷à éåí ÷"à åâæøéðï àèå éåí ùìùéí ãäåé éåí úâìçú ãàåøééúà ëãúðï ôø÷ ÷îà (ìòéì ãó ä:)
Answer: That refers only to day 101 (i.e. one more than the number of days he accepted). We decree due to day 30, which is the day of shaving mid'Oraisa [for Stam Nezirus], like a Mishnah above (5b) taught;
àáì áéåí îàä åùðéí àéðå ñåúø àå áéåí ùìùéí åàçã àéðå ñåúø.
However, on day 102, he is not Soser, or on day 31, he is not Soser. (Shalmei Nazir - above (6a DH Nitma), Tosfos said that also on day 31, he is Soser mid'Rabanan! That is when he accepted 30 days. Here Tosfos refers to Stam Nezirus.)
TOSFOS DH She'ani Hacha d'Amar (pertains to the coming Daf)
úåñôåú ã"ä ùàðé äëà ãàîø (ùééê ìãó äáà)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when and why he is liable for Tum'ah.)
ìòðéï èåîàä ãàîø øçîðà åèîà øàù ðæøå îé ùðæøå úìåé ìå áøàùå ùëáø ùìîå åàéï ìå òåã (äâäú áøëú øàù) ðæéøåú àìà áøàùå ùìà âéìç
Explanation: Regarding Tum'ah, it says "v'Timei Rosh Nizro" - one whose Nezirus depends on his head, that his [days] already finished, and he has no more Nezirus, only in his head, that he did not shave;
àæ ìå÷ä òì äèåîàä ãëúéá åèîà [øàù ðæøå]
Then, he is lashed for Tum'ah, for it says "v'Timei Rosh Nizro."
åîéäà àí ðèîà àçø ùäáéà ÷øáðåúéå ìà îçééá ìî"ã úâìçú ìà îòëáà
Distinction: If he became Tamei after he brought Korbanos, he is not liable according to the opinion that shaving is not Me'akev.
ãäê ãøùà ìà îúå÷îà àìà ÷åãí äáàú ÷øáï
Source: [According to him,] this Drashah is established only before bringing the Korban. (After bringing the Korban, everything is permitted!)
åîé÷øé ùôéø ðæéøåú úìåé áøàùå àò"ô ùòãééï ìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå ìôé ùàéï áâåôå ìòùåú àìà úâìçú
He is properly called one who Nezirus depends on his head, even though he did not yet bring Korbanos, since the only thing he must do with his body is to shave;
àáì àí ùúä ééï àå âéìç ìà îçééá ãäà ìéëà áäå ÷øà ëîå âáé èåîàä.
Distinction: However, if he drank wine or shaved, he is not liable, for there is no verse for them like there is about Tum'ah.