LIABILITY FOR TEREIFAH AND NEVEILAH (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 1 Daf 26a)
èøéôä ùòùàä ðáéìä ø' éñà áø áøúéä ãøáé éñà áùí øáé éøîéä àéúôìâåï øáé éåçðï åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù øáé éåçðï àåîø çééá ùúéí åøáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø àéðå çééá àìà àçú
If a Tereifah became Neveilah - R. Yosah the grandson of R. Yosah, citing R. Yirmeyah, said that R. Yochanan and Reish (Lakish argued about this. R. Yochanan said that he is liable twice. Reish Lakish said, he is liable only once.
àîø øáé àìòæø áé øáé éåñé ÷åîé øáé éåñé åãà îñééòà ìøáé éåçðï [åé÷øà éæ èå] åëì ðôù àùø úàëì ëì ðáéìä îä ú"ì åèøéôä
Support (for R. Yochanan - R. Elazar bei R. Yosi, to R. Yosi - Beraisa): "V'Chol Nefesh Asher Tochal Neveilah" - why does it say "u'Tereifah"?
àí èøéôä çéä åäìà ëáø ðàîø ðáéìä
If the Tereifah is alive (and he ate meat that he detached from it), it says "Neveilah" (and this is not Neveilah)!
àí èøôä îúä äøé äéà áëìì ðáéìä
If the Tereifah died, it is included in "Neveilah"!
åééîø ðáéìä äéà
[According to Reish Lakish, one is liable only once, for Neveilah. If so, why does the Beraisa say 'it is included in Neveilah'? It should say 'it is Neveilah'! (Rather, it is Tereifah, and it is also included in Neveilah - PNEI MOSHE.)
ø' àáäå áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðä Ñ(èòîà ãøáé éåñé ìà) [ö"ì ÷åîé ø' éåçðï [ùí ë ëä] åìà - ÷øáï äòãä] úù÷öå àú ðôùåúéëí ááäîä åáòåó åäìà àéï ìê îèîà àìà ùîåðä ùøöéí áìáã
Question (R. Avahu citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah, in front of R. Yochanan): "V'Lo Seshaktzu Es Nafshoseichem ba'Behemah uva'Of [uv'Chol Asher Tirmos ha'Adamah... Letamei]" - are not the eight Sheratzim [listed in the Torah] the only ones that are Tamei? (Is it permitted to eat the others?!)
àìà ëùéòåø èåîàåúéäï ëê äåà ùéòåø àëéìúï
Answer (R. Avahu): (The verse does not say that the Isur Achilah depends on Tum'ah.) Rather, like the Shi'ur of their Tum'ah, so is the size of eating (to be liable).
äúéá øáé àìòæø äøé àéáøé áäîä èäåøéï îèîàéï ëì ùäï åàëéìúï ëæéú
Question (R. Elazar): Ever [Min ha'Chai] of a Tahor animal of any size is Metamei, but the Shi'ur [for liability] of eating is k'Zayis!
He (R. Avahu) accepted this.
îäå å÷áìä ëàéðéù ãàîø áòì ãéðà ÷áìéä
Answer: What does it mean 'he accepted this'? It is like one whose opponent said a claim, and he took it (he was not concerned to answer him; the following teaching shows why);
çééä áø áà àîø (ìà) [ö"ì úàëìå - ÷øáï äòãä] ëì ðáéìä äúåøä äùååú ëì äàëéìåú ùáúåøä ëàçú
(R. Chiya bar Ba): "Lo Sochlu Chol Neveilah" - the Torah equated all consumptions in the Torah like one. (For any species, the Shi'ur is always the same.)
äúéá øáé çðéðä äøé ùîåðä ùøöéí îèîàéï áëòãùä åàëéìúï ëæéú áéï ìãí áéï ìáùø [ö"ì îï äçé - ÷äéìú éò÷á]
Question (R. Chaninah, against R. Yosi ben Chaninah): The eight Sheratzim, [when dead the Shi'ur of] their Tum'ah is ka'Adashah, and [the Shi'ur of] their eating [to be liable] is k'Zayis, both for blood and for meat from a Chai!
[ãó ëå òîåã á] øáé ùîåàì áø ñåñøèé áòé îòúä äàåëì àáø îï äçé îï äèäåøéï éäà çééá ùúéí îùåí [ãáøéí éã ëà] ìà úàëìå ëì ðáéìä åîùåí [ùí éá ëâ] ìà úàëì äðôù òí äáùø
Question #1 (R. Shmuel bar Susarti): (The Beraisa that R. Elazar bei R. Yosi brought above to support R. Yochanan said that if one detached meat from a live Tereifah and ate it, he is liable for Neveilah.) If so, one who eats Ever Min ha'Chai of Tahor species should be liable twice, due to "Lo Sochlu Chol Neveilah" and "v'Lo Sochal ha'Nefesh Im ha'Basar"!
[ö"ì îòúä äàåëì àáø îï äçé îï äèîàéï éäà çééá ùìù îùåí ìà úàëì ëì ðáéìä åîùåí ìà úàëì äðôù òí äáùø åîùåí [ùí éã ç] îáùøí ìà úàëìå - ÷äéìú éò÷á]
Question #2: If so, one who eats Ever Min ha'Chai of Temei'im should be liable three times, due to "Lo Sochlu Chol Neveilah" and "v'Lo Sochal ha'Nefesh Im ha'Basar", and "mi'Besaram Lo Sochlu"!
åîùéáéï èäåøéï òì äèîàéí
Question: Do we challenge [through applying a law of] Tehorim against Temei'im?! (The Beraisa discusses only Tehorim!)
åëé øáé àìéòæø ìà äùéá èäåøéï òì äèîàéí
Answer: Did R. Eliezer not challenge Tehorim against Temei'im?! (We explained this Sugya like KEHILAS YAKOV Nazir 18/19).
øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðä àëì ä' ðîìéí ëàçú (áäòìí) [ö"ì äúøàä - ÷äéìú éò÷á] àçã çééá òì ëì àçú åàçú îùåí áøééä
(R. Avahu citing R. Yosi ben Chaninah): If one ate five ants at once, in one Hasra'ah (KEHILAS YAKOV Nazir 18/19), he is liable for each one, due to a Beriyah.
øññï åàëìï àéðå çééá àìà àçú åäåà ùéäà áäï ëæéú
If he crushed them and ate them, he is liable only once. This is if they are a k'Zayis [in all];
àëì îï äøéñåñéï åéù áäï ëæéú çééá àëì îï äøéñåñéï ëæéú åðîìä çééá ùúéí
If he ate from the pieces a k'Zayis, he is liable. If he ate from the pieces a k'Zayis and a [whole] ant, he is liable twice.
àéï ëéðé àëì îï äøéñåñéï ôçåú îëæéú åäùìéí ìäí ðîìä çééá ùúéí
Consequence: If so, if he ate from the pieces less than a k'Zayis, and a [whole] ant completed [the Shi'ur of a k'Zayis], he is liable twice.
àéï ëéðé àëì ðîìä ùéù áä ëæéú çééá ùúéí
Consequence: If so, if he ate a [whole] ant that has a k'Zayis, he is liable twice.
àó áöéøåôé ðæéø ëï àëì îï äöéøåôéï åéù áäï ëæéú çééá
Also for joining [Isurei] Nazir it is so - if he ate matters [from vines] that join, and they are a k'Zayis, he is liable;
àëì îï äöéøåôéï ëæéú åòðáä çééá ùúéí
If he ate a k'Zayis of matters that join, and a [whole] grape, he is liable twice.
àéï ëéðé àëì òðáä ùéù áä ëæéú çééá ùúéí
Consequence: If so, if he ate a [whole] grape that has a k'Zayis, he is liable twice.
øáé àáäå áùí ø' éåçðï ëì äàéñåøéï îöèøôéï ìì÷åú òìéäï ëæéú åðîìä çééá ùúéí
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): All Isurim (for which the Shi'ur is a k'Zayis), they join to be lashed for them [due to "Lo Sochal Kol To'evah." If one ate] a k'Zayis [of Isur] and an ant, he is liable twice.
àéï ëéðé àëì îï äàéñåøéï ôçåú îëæéú åäùìéí ìäï ðîìä çééá ùúéí
Consequence: If so, if he ate less than a k'Zayis of [any] Isurim, and an ant completed [the Shi'ur of a k'Zayis], he is liable twice.
(àéï ëéðé àëì ðîìä ùéù áä ëæéú çééá ùúéí) øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï åìàéñåø îùòøéï àåúå ëàéìå ááöì ëàéìå á÷ôìåè
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): For Isur [that fell into Heter Min b'Mino, we are stringent, and] we estimate as if an onion or leek [the size of the Isur fell into the Heter. If it would give taste, the mixture is forbidden.]
åàúééà ëéé ãîø ø' àáäå áùí ø' éåñé áï çðéðä ðáéìä ùáéèìä áùçåèä áèì îâòä ãáø úåøä
This is like R. Avahu cited R. Yosi ben Chaninah to say, that Neveilah that became Batel in Shechutah, its [Tum'as] Maga (through touching) is Batel mid'Oraisa. (We hold that mid'Oraisa, Min b'Mino is Batel, unlike R. Yehudah. SEFER NIR - the Seifa said, its Tum'as Heset is not Batel, for one moves also the Neveilah. I.e. even when the Isur is not sensed, it is as if it is still there.)
øáé àáäå áùí ø' éåçðï ëì ðåúðé èòîéí àéï ìå÷éï òìéäï òã ùéèòåí [ãó ëæ òîåã à] èòí îîùå ùì àéñåø
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): All Nosenei Ta'am (Isurim that give taste to Heter), one is not lashed of them unless he tastes the actual Isur itself.
äåúéá øáé çééà áø éåñó ÷åîé ø' éåçðï äøé áùø áçìá åìà èòí (èòí - ÷øáï äòãä îåç÷å) îîùå ùì àéñåø åàú àîø ìå÷ä
Question (R. Chiya bar Yosef, to R. Yochanan): Meat and milk, he does not taste the actual Isur, and you say that he is lashed!
He (R. Yochanan) accepted this.
åà"ø áåï áø çééä ÷åîé øáé æòéøà îàé å÷áìä ëàéðù ãàîø áòì ãéðéä ÷áìéä
Explanation (R. Bun bar Chiyah, in front of R. Ze'ira): What does it mean 'he accepted this'? It is like one whose opponent said a claim, and he took it (he was not concerned to answer him, for meat and milk is a Chidush).
øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï ëì ðåúðé èòîéí àéï ìå÷éï òìéäï çåõ îðåúðé èòîéí ùì ðæéø
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): All Nosenei Ta'am, one is not lashed of them, except for Nosenei Ta'am of Nazir. (He did not explain this. R. Zeira and R. Aba bar Mamal argue about what he meant, and resolve it with R. Avahu's teaching above.)
àîø øáé æòéøà ëì ðåúï èòí àéï ìå÷éï òìéäï òã ùéèòåí èòí îîùå ùì àéñåø åðæéø àôéìå ìà èòí èòí îîùå ùì àéñåø
Explanation #1 (R. Ze'ira): All Nosenei Ta'am, one is not lashed of them unless he tastes the actual Isur itself. For Nazir, [he is lashed] even if he does not taste the actual Isur itself.
àîø ø' áà áø îîì ëì ðåúðé èòîéí àéï àéñåø åäéúø îöèøôéï åäðæéø àéñåø åäéúø îöèøôéï
Explanation #2 (R. Ba bar Mamal): All Nosenei Ta'am, Isur and Heter do not join [to a Shi'ur to be liable]. For Nazir, Isur and Heter join.
îúðéúà îñééòà ìãéï åîúðéúà îñééòà ìãéï
A Beraisa supports this one (R. Ze'ira), and A Beraisa supports this one (R. Ba bar Mamal).
îúðéúà îñééòä ìø' æòéøà ëæéú ééï ùðôì ì÷ãéøä åàëì îîðä ëæéú ôèåø òã ùéàëì ëåìä
Support (for R. Ze'ira - Beraisa #1): If a k'Zayis of wine fell into a pot, and [a Nazir] ate a k'Zayis of [the food inside], he is exempt, until he eats all of it (for then, he consumed the entire k'Zayis of wine).
òì ãòúéä ãø' áà áø îîì îëéåï ùàëì îîðä ëæéú éäà çééá
According to R. Ba bar Mamal, once he ate a k'Zayis of it, he is liable (for the Heter joins to the Isur)!
îúðéúà îñééòä ìøáé áà áø îîì îîùîò ùðàîø [áîãáø å â] åëì îùøú òðáéí ìà éùúä åòðáéí ìçéí åéáùéí ìà éàëì åëé îä äðéç äëúåá ùìà àîø
Support (for R. Ba bar Mamal - Beraisa #2) Question: Since it says "v'Chol Mishras Anavim Lo Yishteh va'Anavim Lachim vi'Yveshim Lo Yochal" - what did the Torah omit (that it needed to say v'Chol Mishras Anavim)?
àìà ìôé ùðàîø [ùí ã] îëì àùø éòùä îâôï äééï îçøöðéí åòã æâ ìà éàëì åëúéá [áîãáø å â] îééï åùëø éæéø îä úìîåã ìåîø åëì îùøú òðáéí ìà éùúä àìà ùàí ùøä òðáéí áîéí (åùøä ôéúå áäå) [ö"ì åëï àí ùøä ôéúå áééï - äâø"à òøìä á:ä] åéù áäï ëãé ìöøó ëæéú çééá
Answer: Rather, because it says ""mi'Chol Asher Ya'aseh mi'Gefen ha'Yayin me'Chartzanim v'Ad Zag Lo Yochal", and it says "mi'Yayin umi'Shechar Yazir" - why does it say "v'Chol Mishras Anavim Lo Yishteh"? Rather, [this teaches that] if he soaked grapes in water, or similarly if he soaked his bread in [wine], and there is enough to join to a k'Zayis (i.e. the grapes and the water they absorbed, or the bread and the wine it absorbed), he is liable.
îéëï àú ãï ìëì äàéñåøéï ùáúåøä åîä äéåöà îï äâôï ùàéï àéñåøå àéñåø òåìí åàéï àéñåøå àéñåø äðééä åéù ìå äéúø àçø àéñåøå òùä áå èòí ëòé÷ø
From here you learn to all Isurim in the Torah. What comes from the vine, it is not a permanent Isur (it is permitted after he finishes Nezirus), and it is not an Isur Hana'ah, and there is a Heter after its Isur (even during the term the accepted, through Heter Chacham), and Ta'am k'Ikur (what absorbed the taste of the Isur is forbidden like the Isur itself)...
ùàø àéñåøéï ùáúåøä ùàéñåøï àéñåø òåìí åàéñåøï àéñåø äðééä åàéï ìäï äéúø àçø àéñåøï ãéï äåà ùðòùä áäï èòí ëòé÷ø îéëï ìîãå çëîéí ìëì ðåúðé èòîéí ùäï àñåøéï
Other Isurim in the Torah, their Isur is permanent, it is an Isur Hana'ah, and there is no Heter after its Isur, all the more so we should say that Ta'am k'Ikur! From here Chachamim learned to all Nosenei Ta'am, that they are forbidden.
Note: If another Isur has even one of these three stringencies, there is a Kal v'Chomer. The Bavli (Kidushin 38a) says that Chadash has all three leniencies. Rishonim argue about the Heter after its Isur. Perhaps the Yerushalmi argues, and holds that Chadash has no Heter after its Isur. Alternatively, we do not learn to all other Isurim. (PF)
å÷ùéà òì ãøáé æòéøà áëì àúø àú àîø òã ùéèòåí åëà àú àîø àôéìå ìà èòí:
This is difficult for R. Ze'ira [who says that] everywhere [else] one is liable only if he tastes [the actual Isur itself], and here (Nazir) even if he did not taste it. (We explained this like BI'UR HA'GRA, Orlah 2:5.)