MATTERS FOR WHICH A NAZIR DOES NOT SHAVE (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 3 Daf 36b)
àîø ø' éåçðï ñëëåú åôøòåú úåøä äï àöì úøåîä åàéï äðæéø îâìç
(R. Yochanan): Even though Sechachos and Pera'os are Torah Tum'ah regarding Terumah (we burn Terumah due to them), a Nazir does not shave [and bring Korban Nazir Tamei and cancel the previous days due to them].
øáé éøîéä áòé àí ìùøåó àôé' òì ñô÷ ãáøéäï ùåøôéï
Question (R. Yirmeyah): (What does it mean that they are Torah Tum'ah regarding Terumah?) If it is to burn, [this cannot be, for] we burn even due to Safek [Tum'ah] mid'Rabanan!
Note: A Mishnah (Taharos 4:5) lists six [Tum'os mid'Rabanan due to] Sefekos for which we burn Terumah. Chachamim decreed Tum'ah on Benos Kusim, but we do not burn Terumah for this, for it is due to Safek (Nidah 4:1). R. Yirmeyah means that since we burn for some Sefekos mid'Rabanan, it is improper to say that it is called Torah Tum'ah to teach that we burn for it. (PF)
àí ìì÷åú [ö"ì àìà - ÷øáï äòãä]
Answer: Rather, it is to be lashed [if he became Tamei through them and ate Terumah].
úðé øáé [ö"ì éåñé - ÷øáï äòãä] öééãðééä ÷åîé ø' éøîéä åôìéâ òì ø' éøîéä ëì èåîàä îï äîú ùäðæéø îâìç çééáéï òìéä òì áéàú äî÷ãù åëì èåîàä îï äîú ùàéï äðæéø îâìç òìéä àéï çééáéï òìéä òì áéàú äî÷ãù
Question (against R. Yirmeyah - R. Yosi Tzaidaniyah, in front of R. Yirmeyah - Beraisa): Any Tum'as Mes for which a Nazir shaves, one is liable for it for Bi'as Mikdash. Any Tum'as Mes for which a Nazir does not shave, one is not liable for it for Bi'as Mikdash.
Note: The question assumes that Terumah and the Mikdash are the same. Tosefta (5:1) says that a Revi'is of blood or a Rova of bones is Tamei for Terumah and Kodshim, and Tahor for a Nazir and the Mikdash! This supports KORBAN HA'EDAH, who fixed the text above (Sof Halachah 2) to be like the Bavli (it does not mention Kodshim), and unlike the Tosefta. I.e. the Amora'im knew the correct version, which is unlike our version of the Tosefta. Alternatively, perhaps this is not a question against R. Yirmeyah here. This was copied from Halachah 4; there, it challenges R. Yirmeyah's teaching that all agree that one is lashed for Bi'as Mikdash, even if he did not directly contact the Mes. (KORBAN HA'EDAH fixed the text there to say 'lashed', and not 'liable'.)
àîø ø' éåçðï øåáãé àéìï ùéù áäï àøáòä òì àøáòä äðæéø îâìç
(R. Yochanan): Branches that come out of a tree, and they are four by four [Tefachim, and they towered about Tum'as Mes and a Nazir], the Nazir shaves [due to this. Our Mishnah says that a Nazir does not shave for Sechachos, i.e. when they cannot hold a roof. Since the wind can blow it away, it is not considered an Ohel. If the branches are four by four, presumably they can hold a roof.]
øáé éåñé àîø ø' éåçðï éãå àçú [ãó ìæ òîåã à] áöã æå åéãå àçú áøåáã àéï äðæéø îâìç
(R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): If one hand is on this side [of the branch, and the Tum'ah is on the other side], or one hand is on [top of] the branch, the Nazir does not shave. (The branch blocks the Tum'ah from going to the other side, or from breaking through and ascending. We discuss a branch less than four by four, i.e. Sechachos.)
ø' éåñé áòé àí çåöõ äåà áôðé äèåîàä éçåõ áôðé èäøä àí àéðå çåöõ áôðé èåîàä àì éçåõ áôðé èäøä
Question (R. Yosi): (No matter what you will say, this is difficult!) If [the branch] blocks the Tum'ah, it does not block Taharah (i.e. it is an Ohel over the Tum'ah, and a Nazir should shave for Sechachos). If it does not block the Tum'ah, it should not block Taharah (i.e. it is not an Ohel, so the Tum'ah should pass through it! We must say that R. Yochanan distinguishes blocking Tum'ah and being an Ohel, like we find in Ohalos, Perek 8.)
àîø øáé éåçðï äîú ááéú åäðæéø úçú äîéèä ðæéø îâìç ëì ùëï äîú úçú äîéèä åäðæéø ááéú (àéðå) îâìç
(R. Yochanan): If a Mes is in the house, and a Nazir is under the bed, the Nazir shaves (for Kelim bring Tum'ah, but do not block it), and all the more so if the Mes is under the bed, and the Nazir is in the house, the Nazir shaves.
àîø ø' éåçðï äîú åäðæéø úçú (ëøòé - ÷äéìú éò÷á îåç÷å) äîéèä úçú îòé äâîì úçú (îòé - ÷øáï äòãä îåç÷å) äù÷åó úçú îìúøéåú àéï äðæéø îâìç åìà ëì ãáø ùðøàä ìäâï
(R. Yochanan): If the Mes and the Nazir are [outside] under the bed, [or] under a camel's belly, under the lintel (outside the house), or under Maltriyos (beams that jut out from the doorway for beauty), the Nazir does not shave, and not [if they were under] any matter proper to protect (but it was not made in order to protect what is under it).
ùîò çæ÷éä åàîø èäøå îúéí
Chizkiyah heard this, and said 'they were Metaher Mesim!'
àîø ø' éåçðï äîú ááéú åäðæéø áèøé÷ìéï [ö"ì àéï - ÷øáï äòãä] äðæéø îâìç ëì ùëï äîú áèøé÷ìéï åäðæéø ááéú (ùäðæéø) [ö"ì ùàéðå - ÷äéìú éò÷á, - àåø éò÷á] îâìç
(R. Yochanan): If the Mes is in the house, and the Nazir is in the Traklin (an adjacent booth; there are windows in between, and due to roses there is not an open Tefach between them. The roses are like Sechachos, for the wind moves them), the Nazir does not shave, and all the more so if the Mes is in the Traklin, and the Nazir is in the house, he does not shave.
ø' îðà áòé àí àäì ìçåõ éäà àäì ìäîùéê àí àéðå àäì ìäîùéê úéô÷ò èåîàä
Question (R. Mana): If [Sechachos] are an Ohel to block Tum'ah, they should be an Ohel to extend (why does our Mishnah say that a Nazir does not shave for Sechachos)? If they not are an Ohel to extend, the Tum'ah should break through! (We explained the entire Sugya like KEHILAS YAKOV Nazir 17/18.)
àîø ø' éåçðï èåîàä îçöé ëåúì åìçåõ äðæéø îâìç
(R. Yochanan): If Tum'ah is [in a wall], even from the middle of wall and to the outside, the Nazir [in the house] shaves. (This is like R. Yehudah, and unlike Chachamim.)
àîø ø' éàùéä èåîàä èîåðä á÷ø÷òå ùì áéú [ö"ì àéï - ñôø ðéø] ðæéø îâìç
(R. Yoshiyah): If Tum'ah is buried in the ground under a house, a Nazir does not shave [for it].
ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø' éàùéä øåá áðééðå åøåá îéðééðå ùì îú àéï äðæéø îâìç.
(R. Yakov bar Acha citing R. Yoshiyah): [Tum'as Ohel of bones that comprise] the majority of a person's height (e.g. two shins and a thigh bone) or the majority of his bones (at least 125), a Nazir does not shave [for them. This is why our Mishnah did not teach them.]
áàîú (ãàîø ø' àìéòæø ëì î÷åí ùùðéðå áàîú) [ö"ì áàîú à"ø àìéòæø ëì áàîú àîøå - ÷øáï äòãä] äìëä ìîùä îñéðé
[Our Mishnah said] b'Emes [days of a Zav... count] - R. Eliezer said, every 'b'Emes, they said' is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai.
[áîãáø å éá] éôìå ëé èîà ðæøå îéëï ùèîàéí ðåôìéï
"Yiplu Ki Tamei Nizro" [is extra] - this teaches that days of Tum'ah (e.g. of Sefirah and of Muchlat) fall (do not count).
Question: They should cancel [the previous days]!
àéï ìê ñåúø àìà éîé äîú áìáã
Answer: Only days of [Tum'as] Mes cancel.
(åìà) [ö"ì åìîä ìà - ÷øáï äòãä] éòìå
Question: [Since they do not cancel,] they should count!
îä àí éîéí ùòåùéï îùëá åîåùá àú àåîø òåìéï éîéí ùàéï òåùéï îùëá åîåùá àéðå ãéï ùéòìå îä çîéú îéîø ùàéï òåìéï
Days [of Hesger] in which he makes a Mishkav u'Moshav, you say that they count - days [of Sefirah] in which he does not make a Mishkav u'Moshav, all the more so they should count! Why do you say that they do not count?
à"ø áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù [ùí ä] âãì ôøò ùòø øàùå éîéí ùì âéãåì ùéòø òåìéï éîéí ùì [ãó ìæ òîåã á] äòáøú ùéòø àéï òåìéï
Answer (R. citing Reish Lakish): "Gadel Pera Se'ar Rosho" - days of growing hair (a Musgar need not shave, unless he becomes Muchlat) count. Days of [Sefirah, which lead to] removing hair do not count.
Note: The Amora's name is missing. Rebbi would not cite Reish Lakish! Do not say that the abbreviation means 'Amar Rav.' Also he would not cite Reish Lakish, who was a Talmid Chaver of R. Yochanan, who considered Rav his Rebbi. Also, in Defus Vinitziyah, it explicitly says 'Rebbi b'Shem Reish Lakish.' (PF)
òã ëãåï áéîé ñôéøå áéîé âîøå
Question: This applies to days [of Sefirah. What is the source for] days of Gamro (while he is Muchlat? KEHILAS YAKOV Nazir 17/18 - why don't we learn also this from Gadel Pera Se'ar Rosho? He must shave afterwards! He shaves only after the Tzara'as heals; it is possible for him to grow Pera, i.e. 30 days of hair. In Yemei Sifro, he always shaves on the seventh day.)
ø' éåçðï áùí ø' éðàé [áîãáø éá éá] àì ðà úäé ëîú îä éîé äîú àéï òåìéï àó éîé (äñâø) [ö"ì âîøå - ÷øáï äòãä] àéï òåìéï
Answer (R. Yochanan citing R. Yanai): "Al Na Tehi ka'Mes" - just like days of [Tum'as] Mes do not count, also days of Gamro do not count.
çã áé (øáé) [ö"ì øá - ÷øáï äòãä] àîø äãà ãø' éåçðï ÷åîé ø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù åìà ÷éáì òìåé
One of the Talmidim said this teaching of R. Yochanan in front of Reish Lakish; he did not accept it.
àîø ìéä äëà àú òáã ìä äñâø åäëà àú òáã ìä äçìè ìéú éëéì
Objection (Reish Lakish): Here (elsewhere) you expound [this verse] to discuss Hesger, and here you expound it to discuss Muchlat?! You cannot [say that it discusses Muchlat];
ãàîø ø' éåçðï áùí ø' éðàé àì ðà úäé ëîú úñâø îä éîé äîú ùáòä àó éîé äñâø ùáòä:
(R. Yochanan citing R. Yanai): "Al Na Tehi ka'Mes" refers to Hesger. Just like days of [Tum'as] Mes are seven, so the days of Hesger are seven.