
TOSFOS DH v'Teipuk Lei Mishum Tzinora d'Am ha'Aretz (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä åúéôå÷ ìéä îùåí öéðåøà ãò"ä (äîùê)

åäà ãð÷è åãøñ åìà ð÷è åðâò


Implied question: Why does it say that he stepped, and it does not say that he touched?

îùåí ãîúðéúéï àééøé áúçúåðå


Answer: This is because our Mishnah discusses [a Kusi's] Tachton.

åàéï ìä÷ùåú åìå÷îä áãìà èáì åëâåï ùéù ãáø îôñé÷ áéï áâãé çáø ìøâìéå ùì ëåúé


Implied question: We should establish it when he did not immerse, and something interrupts between the Chaver's garment and the Kusi's foot!

ãäà ò"ë àéöèøéê ìàå÷îé áèáì ëé äéëé ãìéäåé ñô÷ ñô÷à ãàé ìà èáì îä ìé áåòì á÷øåá îä ìé áøçå÷


Answer: You are forced to establish it when he immersed, in order that it will be a Sefek-Sefeka. If he did not immerse, what is the difference whether he had Bi'ah recently or a long time ago? (Surely, at one time he was Bo'el Nidah!)

åëï îùîò áôø÷ æ' (äâäú éòá"õ) ãîñëú èäøåú ãúðï äâðáéí ùðëðñå ááéú àéï èîà àìà î÷åí øâìé äâðáéí


Support - Citation (Taharos 7:6 - Mishnah): If thieves entered a house, only the place where they walked is Tamei;

åîä äí îèîàéï àåëìéï åîù÷éï åëìé çøñ ôúåçéí àáì îùëáåú åîåùáåú åëìé çøñ äîå÷ó öîéã ôúéì èäåøéí


Citation (cont.): What are they Metamei? They are Metamei only food and drink and open Klei Cheres, but Mishkav, Moshav and Klei Cheres surrounded by a Tzamid Pasil (tight seal) are Tehorim;

åàí éù òîäí òåáã ëåëáé' àå àùä äëì èîàéï


If there is a Nochri or woman with them, everything is Tamei.

îùîò ãàéï òí äàøõ òåùä îùëá åîåùá åàéï îèîà áäéñè


Inference: An Am ha'Aretz does not make a Mishkav or Moshav [and Av ha'Tum'ah], and he is not Metamei through moving.

åäà ã÷úðé (ùí ô"ç î"à) äãø òí òí äàøõ áçöø åùëç ëìéí áçöø àôé' çáéåú äîå÷ôåú öîéã ôúéì äøé àìå èîàéï


Implied question: It was taught there (8:1) that if one lives with an Am ha'Aretz in a Chatzer, and he forgot Kelim in the Chatzer, even barrels surrounded by a Tzamid Pasil, they are Tamei!

äééðå îùåí àùúå


Answer: They are Tamei due to his [the Am ha'Aretz'] wife.

åëï äà ãúðï áúåñôúà ãçâéâä (ô"â) ñô÷ øùåú òí äàøõ îãøñå åäéñèå èäåøéï ìçåìéï åèîàéï ìúøåîä


Implied question: A Tosefta in Chagigah (3:21) teaches that Safek Reshus Am ha'Aretz, his Midras and Heset are Tehorim for Chulin and Tamei for Terumah;

äééðå ðîé îùåí çùùà ãàùúå åîééøé ääéà ãèäøåú ðîé ìúøåîä


Answer: Also this is due to concern for Ishto Nidah. Also the Mishnah in Taharos (8:1, says that barrels surrounded by a Tzamid Pasil are Tamei) refers to Terumah.

åäà ãáâãé òí äàøõ îãøñ ðîé ìôøåùéí


Question: Why are Bigdei Am ha'Aretz Midras also for Perushim (who are stringent about Taharah)?

äééðå îùåí ãçééùéðï ùîà éùáä òìéäí àùúå ðãä


Answer: We are concerned lest Ishto Nidah sat on them.

åäø"ø îùä îôåðèéé"æ äéä îôøù ãìùåí ãáø ìà òùå òí äàøõ ëæá åàéðå îèîà àìà îùåí áâãéå ùéùáä òìéäï àùúå ðãä åäøé äåà ðåùà àú äîãøñ


Opinion #2 (R. Moshe of Pontaiz): We did not make an Am ha'Aretz like a Zav in any way. He is Metamei only due to his clothes, which [perhaps] Ishto Nidah sat on them, and he carries a Midras;

åöéðåøà ùìå èîà ìôé ùðâòä áùôúéå åìà îùåí îòééï


His spit is Tamei because it touched his lips, and not due to Mayan (one of his bodily fluids).

åìà ðøàä ãàí ëï ìîä ìéä ìîéîø ìòéì àé îùåí èåîàú òí äàøõ äà èáéì ìéä ãëéåï ãòì ëøçê àééøé áòøåí ëãôé' ìòéì


Rejection #1: If so, above why did we say "Tum'as Am ha'Aretz does not apply, for he immersed"? You are forced to say that he is naked, like I explained above;

àôéìå àé ìà èáéì ìéä ìà îèîà ëéåï ùôéøù îï äîãøñ ëãúðà áúåøú ëäðéí ùäáàúé ìòéì


Even if he did not immerse, he is not Metamei, since he separated (is not wearing) the Midras, like it teaches in Toras Kohanim that I brought above (33b DH b'Kusi);

åòåã âáé öãå÷é ãäëà ãôøéê úéôå÷ ìéä îùåí öéðåøà ãòí äàøõ ôéøåù åîä äøåéç áîä ù÷ãí àöì àùúå


Rejection #2: Regarding a Tzeduki, here we ask "in any case, [it is Tamei due to spit of an Am ha'Aretz]!" I.e. how did it help to ask his wife?

åäà àí áåòì ðãä äåà ðèîà äåà åáâãéå ëðåùà øå÷å ùì æá


(According to R. Moshe, it helped greatly!) If he (the Tzeduki) was a Bo'el Nidah, he (the Kohen Gadol) and his garments became Tamei, like one who carries a Zav's spit;

åàé îùåí öéðåøà ãòí äàøõ ìà ðèîà àìà äáâã ìçåã îùåí îù÷ä ùîèîà ëìé îãøáðï.


If [the only concern is] for spit of an Am ha'Aretz, only his garment became Tamei, because a liquid is Metamei a Kli mid'Rabanan.


TOSFOS DH Litamei Lach v'Lo Yavesh Chilakta b'Shel Torah

úåñôåú ã"ä ìéèîà ìç åìà éáù çéì÷ú áùì úåøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike Dam Tohar of a Yoledes.)

àò"â ããí éåìãú ùìà èáìä ãèäåøä îï äúåøä àîøé á"ù ãîèîà ìç åìà éáù


Implied question: Dam [Tohar] of a Yoledes who did not immerse is Tahor mid'Oraisa, and Beis Shamai say that it is Tamei only wet, but not dry!

äúí éãòé ëéåï ùòáøå éîé ìéãä ãàéï ãîä [èîà] îï äúåøä


Answer: There, people know that since Yemei Leidah passed, her blood is not Tamei mid'Oraisa;

àáì òåáãú ëåëáéí ùòùàåä ëðãä ùäøé äí ëæáéï àí ðçì÷ áãîä àúé ìçì÷ áùì éùøàì


However, a Nochris, whom they made like a Nidah, for they (Nochrim) are like Zavim, if we will distinguish in her blood [between wet and dry], people will come to distinguish regarding a Yisraelis' blood.

åãí èäøä ùì îöåøòú ùèäåø ìâîøé


Implied question: Why is Dam Tohar of a Metzora'as totally Tahor?

àéï ìçåù ùìà äçîéøå áä ëéåï ãëáø èáìä åãí èäåø äåà.


Answer: We are not concerned that they [Rabanan] were not stringent about her, since she already immersed, and the blood is Tahor.


TOSFOS DH Zovo Tamei d'Avdei Heikera b'Kiryo

úåñôåú ã"ä åæåáå èîà ãòáãé äéëøà á÷øéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike an Am ha'Aretz' spit.)

åà"ú åàîàé ìà ùøôéðï äà ùøôéðï òì ñô÷ øå÷å ãòí äàøõ ôø÷ ÷îà ãùáú (èå:) ëì ùëï áæåáå ùì òåáã ëåëáéí


Question: Why don't we burn due to it? We burn due to a Safek about spit of an Am ha'Aretz, in Shabbos (15b). All the more so [we should burn] due to a Nochri's Zov!

åéù ìåîø ãáòí äàøõ ùåøôéï îùåí ãàéú áéä ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà àí äåà æá àå áåòì ðãä


Answer: We burn due to an Am ha'Aretz's spit, for there is concern for Tum'ah mid'Oraisa if he is a Zav or Bo'el Nidah;

àáì òåáã ëåëáéí àéï ìå ùåí èåîàä ãàåøééúà.


A Nochri has no Tum'ah mid'Oraisa.



TOSFOS DH Ki ka'Miba'i Lei l'Acher Gimel

úåñôåú ã"ä ëé ÷îéáòéà ìéä ìàçø â'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two explanations of which cases Rav Papa asked about.)

àò"ô ùäù"ñ ÷áòå áãáøé øá ôôà áùáú ôø÷ ø"ò (ãó ôå:)


Observation: In Shabbos (86b), the Gemara fixed this (limitation, that he asks only about after three days) in Rav Papa's words.

àéðå îãáøé øá ôôà ëãîùîò äëà


Explanation #1: Rav Papa himself did not say this, like it connotes here. (Rather, the Gemara itself resolved that surely, within three days it is Tamei.)

åëé äàé âååðà àùëçï ô' äî÷áì (á"î ãó ÷éá.) ãáòå îøá ùùú ÷áìï òåáø ááì úìéï àå ìà


Support: We find like this in Bava Metzi'a (112a). They asked Rav Sheshes whether or not Bal Talin (the Isur not to pay a worker the same day) applies to a Kablan;

àåîï ÷åðä áùáç ëìé åäìåàä äéà àå àéðå ÷åðä åùëéøåú äéà


Citation (112a): Does a craftsman acquire improvements he made to a Kli, and [when he gave the Kli to the one who hired him, the money owed to him] is a loan? Or, he does not acquire, and [the money owed to him is] wages?

àîø ìäå òåáø


Citation (cont.) Answer (Rav Sheshes): He transgresses.

åáäâåæì ÷îà (á"÷ ãó öè.) îå÷é ìä ääéà áòéà áùìéç ãàâøú ãìà ùééê àåîï ÷åðä áùáç ëìé


In Bava Kama (99a), we establish the question to discuss a Shali'ach to deliver a letter. A craftsman acquiring improvements does not apply! (This shows that the questioner never said "does a craftsman acquire...? This was the Gemara's elucidation of the question, and it is clear from 99a that the Gemara misunderstood the question!)

à"ð é"ì ãäëì îãáøé øá ôôà åäëà ñáø äî÷ùä ãøá ôôà áòé áéï úåê â' áéï ìàçø â'


Explanation #2: Rav Papa said all this. Here, the questioner thought that Rav Papa asked about both within three days and after three days;

îé àîøéðï ãëéåï ãàëìé ù÷öéí åøîùéí àó áúåê â' îñøéç åèäåø


Do we say that since [Nochrim] eat vermin [they are hot, so] even within three days [the semen] putrefies, and it is Tahor?

àå ãìîà ëéåï ãìà ãééâé áîöåú àó àçø â' èîà.


Or, perhaps since they do not worry about Mitzvos, [they are cool, so] even after three days [the semen does not putrefy, and] it is Tamei? (After this, we answer that Rav Papa asked only about after three days.)


TOSFOS DH Im Eino Inyan l'Zachar Tenehu Inyan li'Nekevah

úåñôåú ã"ä àí àéðå òðéï ìæëø úðäå òðéï ìð÷áä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not apply this to other fluids in a man.)

åà"ú åìå÷é ìéä áãí îâôúå àå éåöà îôéå àå îðçéøéå åùàø îù÷éï ùáå ùàéðå îòéï


Question: We should establish it to teach about blood of his wound, or that comes from his mouth or nostrils, and other fluids in him that are not a Mayan;

ãîèäø ì÷îï áôø÷ ãí äðãä (ãó ðä:) áæá


Regarding a Zav, we are Metaher them below (55b)!

åé"ì ãìà áòé ìàå÷îéä áäå îùåí ãìà àùëçï áäå èåîàä áùåí î÷åí


Answer: We do not want to establish it regarding these, for we do not find that these are Tamei in any place;

àáì ãí èåäø ãîé ìãí ðãä àôéìå ìî"ã á' îòéðåú äï.


However, Dam Tohar is like Dam Nidah, even according to the opinion that they come from two different sources [in her body].


TOSFOS DH v'Beis Hillel Nafka Lehu mi'Zos Toras ha'Zav

úåñôåú ã"ä åáéú äìì ðô÷à ìäå îæàú úåøú äæá

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out another possible source.)

äåä îöé ìîéîø îàéù àéù


Implied question: We could have said [that they learn from] "Ish Ish [Ki Yihyeh Zav...]"!

àìà ãáòé ìàå÷îé áéú äìì àôé' ëî"ã ãáøä úåøä ëìùåï áðé àãí.


Answer: We want to establish Beis Hillel even according to the opinion that holds that the Torah speaks like people speak. (This opinion does not expound the doubled word.)


TOSFOS DH Mekom Zivah Mayan Hu Oh Lo

úåñôåú ã"ä î÷åí æéáä îòéï äåà àå ìà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara below does not resolve the question.)

åà"ú ãáô' ãí äðãä (ì÷îï ãó ðå.) îùîò ãæåá ìàå îòéï äåà ãàîø åðéìó îæåáå ùàéðå îúòâì


Question: Below (56a), it connotes that Zov is not a Mayan, for it says "we should learn from his Zov, which does not gather [before it leaves]!"

åé"ì ãäúí ÷àîø åðéìó îæåáå àé ìàå îòéï äåà


Answer #1: There, it says that we should learn from his Zov, if it is not a Mayan.

à"ð àó òì âá ãàéðå îúòâì ëã÷àîø äúí î"î áòé ìéä äëà àé ëîòéï äåà åøáéðï ìéä áîöåøò î÷øà ãìæëø ëîå ùàø îòéðåú


Answer #2: Even though it does not gather, like it says there, in any case we ask here whether it is like a Mayan, and we include it in a Metzora from the verse "la'Zachar", like other Mayanos;

ëéåï ãáæá àéú ìéä ìæåá èåîàä çîåøä ëîå áøå÷å åîéîé øâìéå.


This [Hava Amina] is because in a Zav, Zov has severe Tum'ah, just like his spit and urine.


TOSFOS DH Ileima b'Zav Greida l'Acherim Gorem Tum'ah

úåñôåú ã"ä àéìéîà áæá âøéãà ìàçøéí âåøí èåîàä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions how Rava did not know that a Beraisa refutes this.)

úéîä åëé ìà éãò øáà ñéôà ãáøééúà ã÷úðé áä áäãéà ì÷îï áôø÷ ãí äðãä (ãó ðä.) ùòéø äîùúìç éåëéç.


Question: Did Rava not know the Seifa of the Beraisa taught below (55a), which explicitly says that Se'ir ha'Mishtale'ach Yochi'ach (proves that something can make others Tamei even if it is Tahor)?!