NIDAH 13 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


WHEN IT IS GOOD TO CHECK (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 6a)

îúðé' ëì äéã äîøáä ìáãå÷ áðùéí îùåáçú åáàðùéí úé÷öõ


(Mishnah): The more a woman checks herself, the better. If a man does so (puts his hand to his Ever to check himself), his hand should be cut off!

äçøùú åäùåèä åäñåîä åëì îé ùðèøôä ãòúä àí éù ìäï ôé÷çåú îú÷éðåú àåúï åàåëìú áúøåîä


If a Kohenes is deaf, insane, blind or went crazy, healthy women check and immerse her, and she eats Terumah.

ãøê áðåú éùøàì îùîùåú áòãéí àçã ìå åàçã ìä


Benos Yisrael prepare two cloths for Bedikos after Bi'ah - one for him (perhaps she saw blood and it came on his Ever), and one for her;

åäöðåòåú îú÷éðåú ìäï ùìéùéú àçã ìäú÷éï àú äáéú:


Tzenu'os (very pious women) prepare a third cloth to check themselves beforehand.

âî' ëéðé îúðéúà ëì äîøáä ìéúï éãå òì òéðå îøáä ìäåöéà ãîòä


(Gemara): Our Mishnah the more one puts his hand on his eye, it sheds more tears. (The more one puts his hand on his Ever, he will have more emissions.)

ø' èøôåï àåîø úé÷öõ òì èéáåøå


R. Tarfon says, it should be cut off on his navel.

àîøå ìå åäøé ëøéñå ðá÷òú


Chachamim (to R. Tarfon): [If so,] his stomach will split!

àîø ìäï ìëê àðé àîøúé ùîåúå ùì æä éôéï ìå îçééå.


R. Tarfon: Therefore, I said that his death (to cut his hand there and split his stomach) is better than his life (if he will touch there! We explained this like RIDVAZ.)

çáøééà àîøéï ø' èøôåï î÷ììå ÷ììä ùäéà ðåâòú áâåôå


Talmidim: R. Tarfon cursed him for touching his body.

àîø øáé éåñé ìà áà àìà ìôøù ùàñåø ìîùîù îï äèéáåø åìîèï


R. Yosi: R. Tarfon [did not literally mean to cut it off on his navel. Rather, he] comes only to teach that one may not put his hand below his navel. (BECHOR SHOR, 13a - the Rambam explains that one should not do so, but it is not an absolute Isur. The Rif and Rosh explain that it is Midas Chasidus. Tosfos explains that R. Tarfon refers to touching the Ever.)

äãà ãú îø ìòðéï ùëáú æøò àáì ìòðéï æéáä ëì äîøáä ìáãå÷ îçáéøå îùåáç îçáéøå.


Limitation: This is regarding semen, but regarding Zivah, one who checks more [to know how many emissions he had, to know whether or not he must bring a Korban] is better than his colleague who checks less. (Since Zov comes without an erection, he must check to know whether or not he saw Zov, even if it will cause emissions - TOSFOS HA'ROSH 13a, ME'IRI 11b. Mishnah Acharonah - if one is already a Zav, touching the Ever is not prone to cause more emissions.)

öðåòåú äéå áåã÷åú òì ëì çáéú åçáéú åòì ëì ëëø åëëø


Tzenu'os check after every barrel and after every loaf.

îòùä áèáéúä ùôçúå ùì øáï âîìéàì ùäéä îëúôú ééðåú ìðñëéï åäéúä áåã÷ú òì ëì çáéú åçáéú àîøä ìå øáé øàéúé ëúí åðæãòæò øáï âîìéàì


A case occurred in which Tavisah, R. Gamliel's Shifchah, was transporting wine for Nesachim, and she checked after every barrel. She said to him, 'Rebbi, I saw a stain!' R. Gamliel was agitated (he thought that she was Metamei all his wine);

àîøä ìå áåã÷ú äééúé òì ëì çáéú åçáéú åìà ðèîéúé àìà òì çáéú æå áìáã


She told him, I checked after every barrel. I became Tamei only on this barrel (while carrying the last barrel).

àîøåï áùí øáé éðàé àéï ëï ñåîà å÷îú àîøåï áùí ø' çðéðä àéï ëï ñåîà å÷îú


(In the name of R. Yanai): [In the correct text of our Mishnah] it does not say 'Suma' (a blind Kohenes). This was accepted (the Bnei Yeshivah did not disagree). They said in the name of R. Chaninah, [our Mishnah] does not say 'Suma'. This was accepted. (We explained this like KIKAR LA'ADEN.)

ø' àéìà ø' éåñé áø çðéðä áùí ãáéú øáé éðàé àéï ëï ñåîà


(R Ila citing R. Yosi bar Chaninah citing Beis R. Yanai): It does not say 'Suma'.