NIDAH 14 (14 Sivan ) - Dedicated by Doug Rabin in memory of his mother, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel (Lucy) Rabin, in honor of her Yahrzeit.


TO WHAT WE CAN ATTRIBUTE BLOOD (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 6b)

[ãó å òîåã á] àîø øáé éðàé àó äøàùåðä ð÷øàú öðåòä


(R. Yanai): Also the first (Mishnah 1:7, she checks herself morning and evening, and before Bi'ah) is called Tzenu'ah.

úðéðï öøéëåú áåã÷åú åàú àîø äëéï


Question: Our Mishnah says that they must check, and you say so (that one who does so is called Tzenu'ah)?!

àîø øáé àéìà ìäåãéòê ùëì îé ùäåà î÷ééí ãáøé çëîéí ð÷øà öðåò.


Answer (R. Ila): This teaches that anyone who fulfils Chachamim's words is called Tzenu'a.

øáé éøîéä áùí øá áã÷ä áéã ùàéðä áãå÷ä àå ùäèéç âåôä ìáéú úåøôä çæ÷ú äâåó ëáãå÷ äåà


(R. Yirmeyah citing Rav): If she checked with a hand that was not checked, or part of her body impacted her Ervah, [and she found blood on her hand or that part of her body], the Chazakah of her body (including her hand) is as if it was checked (we assume that the blood is from her Ervah).

àîø øáé æòéøà îúðéúà àîøä ëï ðîöà òì ùìå èîàéï åçééáéï á÷øáï ìà ùëì äâåó áçæ÷ú áãå÷


Support (R. Ze'ira - Mishnah): If blood is found on his cloth, they are Teme'im, and they must bring a Korban. (We assume that the blood is from her, for his Ever is as if it was checked.) Is it not that the entire body is as if it was checked?

àîø øáé çðéðä úéôúø ùáã÷


Rebuttal (R. Chaninah): The case is, he had checked [his Ever, but if not, it is not as if it was checked].

åàé÷ôã øáé æòéøà àîø åãøëå ìëï


R. Ze'ira was upset. He said, is it normal for a man to do so?! (It is unreasonable to say that our Mishnah discusses such a bizarre case.)

øáé æòéøä áùí øá éøîéä òã ëâøéñ äéà úåìä éåúø îéëï öøéëä îúìà


(R. Ze'irah citing R. Yirmeyah): Until k'Gris (the size of a bean), she attributes [a stain of blood to a louse. If it is] more than this, she needs a Masla (a different source to attribute it to. If not, we attribute it to her, and she is Safek Tamei, due to the stain.)

àîøéï çæø áéä øá éøîéä


They say that R. Yirmeyah retracted [and said that she is Vadai Tamei].

àîøéï ëã ùîò îéìéäåï ãøáðï çæø áéä.


They say that when he heard the words of Rabanan (below), he retracted.

øáé îùáç ìøáé çîà àáåé ãøáé äåùòéä ÷åîé øáé éùîòàì áé øáé éåñé.


Rebbi was praising R. Chama, the father of R. Hoshayah, in front of R. Yishmael bei Rebbi Yosi;

øáé çîà àáåé ãøáé äåùòéä áòà ÷åîé øáé éùîòàì áé øáé éåñé áã÷ä áéã ùàéðä áãå÷ä àå ùäèéç âåôä ìáéú úåøôä


Question (R. Chama, the father of R. Hoshayah, to R. Yishmael bei Rebbi Yosi): If she checked with a hand that was not checked, or part of her body impacted her Ervah, [what is the law]?

à"ì ëãáøé îé àú ùåàìéðé


R. Yishmael bei Rebbi Yosi: According to whom do you ask me?

ëãáøé äøá ëãáøé äúìîéã


R. Chama: [I ask] according to the Rav (your father, R. Yosi) and according to the Talmid (Rebbi, i.e. R. Yehudah ha'Nasi).

àîø ìéä àáà àîø ëúí åøáé àåîø øàééä


Answer (R. Yishmael): My father said [that she is Safek Tamei, due to] a stain. Rebbi said [that she is Vadai Tamei, due to] a sighting.

à"ì ãéï äåà ãàú îùáç áéä


R. Yishmael (to Rebbi): You praise this one [who wants to know also the Talmid's opinion]?!

àîø øáé æòéøä äðé ìáø ðù îéùîåò èòîéä ãøáéä.


R. Ze'irah: A person enjoys hearing his Rebbi's reason (this is why R. Chama asked also according to Rebbi. We explained this like ALEI TAMAR.)

áã÷ä åäðéçúå á÷ôöä ùì æëåëéú øáé çééä àåîø ëúí åøáé àåîø øàééä


If she checked herself and placed [the cloth] in a glass flask [and later saw blood on it], R. Chiyah said [that she is Safek Tamei, due to] a stain. Rebbi said [that she is Vadai Tamei, due to] a sighting.

äúéá øáé çééä ìøáé åàú àéï àú ðåúï ìä îéúìà


Question (R. Chiyah, to Rebbi): Do you not give to her a Masla? (Perhaps it is from a louse!)

àîø øáé áåï áø çééä èòîà ãøáé ãøê ÷ôöéåú áãå÷åú îï äùøöéï åàéðï áãå÷åú îï äîàëåìú


Answer (R. Bun bar Chiyah): Rebbi holds that flasks are checked from Sheratzim, but they are not checked from a louse;

òã ëâøéñ äéà úåìä éåúø îéëï áîä éù ìúìåú ìä:


Up to a k'Gris she attributes [to a louse; even Rebbi is Metaher]. More than this, to what can she attribute it?! (It must be from her.)


CHECKING AFTER BI'AH (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 6b)

îúðé' ðîöà òì ùìå èîàéï åçééáéï á÷øáï


(Mishnah): If blood is found on his cloth, they are both Teme'im. (Surely he was Bo'el Nidah.) Each must bring a Korban;

ðîöà òì ùìä àååúéàåñ èîàéï åçééáéï á÷øáï


If she checked herself Avasiyos (immediately after Bi'ah) and found blood, they are both Teme'im and bring Korbanos;

ðîöà òì ùìä ìàçø æîï èîàéï áñô÷ åôèåøéï îï ä÷øáï:


If she did a Bedikah later and found blood, they do not bring a Korban. Their Tum'ah is Safek. (He is Safek Bo'el Nidah. She is surely Nidah now, but perhaps she was not during Bi'ah);

âî' åúðé òìä áéï äéåúéàåñ áéï ùìà äéåúéàåñ ðîöà òì ùìå


(Gemara - Beraisa): Whether or not it was found Hayosiyos, when it was found on his [they are Teme'im and bring Korbanos];

äéåúéàåñ èîàéï äéåúéàåñ ì÷éðåç àîøå åàéï äéåúéàåñ ìáãé÷ä


[When it was found on hers, only if it was] Hayosiyos, they are Teme'im. Hayosiyos [suffices for] cleaning (passing a cloth over the Ervah, but) Hayosiyos does not suffice for a Bedikah (in which the cloth is pressed into all crevices and cavities inside).

øá äåðà àîø ëãé ùú÷ðç ôé äáéú îáçåõ àáì ìà îä (ùáçãøéï) [ö"ì ùáçåøéï - ôðé îùä] åìà îä ùáñã÷éï.


(Rav Huna): [It suffices for] cleaning the Ervah externally, but not ]for a Bedikah, which must check] what is in cavities and crevices and inside.

áòåï ÷åîé øá ðçîï áø éò÷á îäå ùúäà öøéëä áãé÷ä áúåê ëãé äéåúéàåñ


Question (to Rav Nachman bar Yakov): Must a woman do Bedikah within Hayosiyos [after Bi'ah, to know whether or not they are Chayav Korban]?

à"ø áà àí àåîø àú ùúäà öøéëä áãé÷ä áúåê ëãé äéåúéàåñ áèì äéåúéàåñ.


Answer #1 (R. Ba): If you will say that she needs Bedikah within Hayosiyos, [before she finishes Bedikah, the Shi'ur of] Hayosiyos expired. (It is impossible to do Bedikah within Hayosiyos.)

[ãó æ òîåã à] àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï àí àåîø àú ùúäà öøéëä áãé÷ä áúåê ëãé äéåúéàåñ åìà ëô÷éãä äéà ìîòè îòú ìòú åúðéðï äô÷éãä äéà îîòè îòú ìòú


Answer #2 (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): If you will say that she needs Bedikah within Hayosiyos, it is not like a Pekidah (proper Bedikah) to reduce [retroactive Tum'ah] from me'Es la'Es, but a Mishnah (1:1) teaches that it is a Pekidah to reduce from me'Es la'Es!

àîø ø' éåñé [áé] øáé áåï îùì ìùîù åòã ùäéå òåîãéï àçø äù÷åó éöà äùîù åðëðñ äòã æä äéåúéàåñ:


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): A parable for this is a servant and a witness who were standing in back of the doorway. The servant left and the witness entered [immediately; i.e., right after the Ever left, the cloth entered] - this is Hayosiyos.

åôèåøéï îï ä÷øáï.


(Mishnah): They are exempt from a Korban.

åôèåøéï îï äçèàú åçééáéï áàùí úìåé:


They are exempt from Chatas, but they are obligated Asham Taluy.