PESACHIM 12-15 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the sixth Yahrzeit of her father, Reb Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rebbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study, which was so important to him, during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[14a - 48 lines; 14b - 25 lines]


Note: Our Charts and Insights sections include a comprehensive and detailed introduction to the Sugya of "Rebbi Chanina Segan ha'Kohanim," which starts here and continues until Daf 21. The Background to the following Dafim assumes that the reader has familiarized himself with the information included in this resource.

1)[line 1]בהר המשחהHAR HA'MISHCHAH- the Mount of Olives ("Mishchah" means oil)

2)[line 7]בוולד הטומאהB'VLAD HA'TUM'AH- that is, from a Rishon l'Tum'ah, rendering this meat of a Korban a Sheni l'Tum'ah

3)[line 11]השמןHA'SHEMEN- the oil [of Terumah]

4)[line 11]בנרNER- a receptacle which holds oil and a wick (presumed to be earthenware)

5)[line 15]אינה היא המדהEINAH HI HA'MIDAH- it is not possible to learn this from their words

6)[line 17]התלויהHA'TELUYAH- Terumah which may or may not be Tamei

7)[line 24]בוולד וולדVLAD VLAD- the Vlad of a Vlad, or a Sheni l'Tum'ah

8)[line 35]מקרא מלא דיבר הכתובMIKRA MALEI DIBER HA'KASUV- The verse in the Torah excluded nothing (and therefore even food of Terumah and Kodshim is not Metamei other food of Terumah and Kodshim)


9)[line 1]חרב הרי הוא כחללCHEREV HAREI HU K'CHALAL

(a)A metal utensil which comes into contact with a dead body gains the same level of Tum'ah as the dead body — that of an Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah. Similarly, if a metal utensil comes into contact with an Av ha'Tum'ah which has received its Tum'ah from a Mes, it has the status an Av ha'Tum'ah. (A Rishon or Sheni l'Tum'ah cannot make utensils Tamei.) This is derived from the description in the Torah of a dead body as a "Chalal Cherev" — "A body [who died by the] sword." From this wording we learn that a sword — i.e., a metal utensil — is similar to the dead body itself in terms of Tum'ah.

(b)According to some Rishonim, this law applies to non-metal utensils (other than earthenware ones) as well; see Insights.

10)[line 6]מתניתין קשיתיהMASNISIN KESHISEI- our Mishnah is difficult for him; i.e. the wording of the Mishnah drove Rebbi Yehudah to explain it such

11)[line 7]ניתני שנטמא בשרץNISNI SHE'NITMA B'SHERETZ- that is, why did the Mishnah need to specify which type of Av ha'Tum'ah the Ner received its Tum'ah from? If the Mishnah had simply said "she'Nitma," we would have understood that it received its Tum'ah from an Av ha'Tum'ah, which includes a Sheretz.

12)[line 11]אחריםACHERIM- here, food

13)[line 12]מהניאMEHANYA- here, effect

14)[line 16]כל הפוסל את התרומה מטמא משקין להיות תחלהKOL HA'POSEL ES HA'TERUMAH, METAMEI MASHKIN LIHEYOS TECHILAH

(a)The various levels of Tum'ah are: (1) Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah, (2) Av ha'Tum'ah, (3) Rishon l'Tum'ah, (4) Sheni l'Tum'ah, (5) Shelishi l'Tum'ah, and (6) Revi'i l'Tum'ah. If Terumah becomes a Shelishi, it is Pesulah. This means that although it may not be eaten, it does not affect other Terumah to make them a Revi'i. Such Terumah may not be eaten, but benefit may be derived from burning it.

(b)The Chachamim decreed that a liquid which comes into contact with a person or object which can be Metamei Terumah (i.e. a Sheni l'Tum'ah) becomes a Rishon l'Tum'ah. They did so in order that people should be careful to guard liquids against becoming Tamei. It is far easier for liquids to become Tamei than for dry food to become Tamei, since liquid does not require Hechsher ("preparation" for becoming Tamei through contact with one of the seven liquids which cause that condition; see Background to 20:2). Liquids become Tamei as soon as Tum'ah touches them (Pesachim 18b).