[39a - 41 lines; 39b - 41 lines]
1)[line 2]חובתוCHOVASO- his obligation [of eating Maror]
2)[line 2]בחזרתCHAZERES- (O.F. laitugue) lettuce
3)[line 2]בתמכאTAMCHA- (O.F. marrubie) horehound, a plant with a bitter fluid; alternatively, horseradish
4)[line 2]ובחרחבינאCHARCHAVINA- (O.F. vedille) tendrils; a hair-like creeping ivy found on palm trees
5)[line 3]ובעולשיןULSHIN- (O.F. crespele) endives
6)[line 3]ובמרורMAROR- (O.F. amerfoil) burdock; alternatively, (O.F. forferez) a plant with a bitter fluid
7)[line 4]כבושיןKEVUSHIN- pickled
8)[line 4]שלוקיןSHELUKIN- thoroughly cooked to the point where they are falling apart
9)[line 5]ומצטרפין לכזיתMITZTARFIN L'KEZAYIS- [the different species that are considered Maror] may be combined with one another in order to reach [the minimally required amount of] a k'Zayis
10)[line 5]בקלחKELACH- stalk
11)[line 10]אצוותא דדיקלאATZVASA D'DIKLA- (O.F. vedille) tendrils; a hair-like creeping ivy found on palm trees
12)[line 12]בחרחליןCHARCHALIN- thistles; palm-ivy
13)[line 17]עסווס וטורא ומר ירוארASVAS, TURA, MAR YERU'AR- types of bitter herbs
14)[line 19]ובחרגיניןCHARGININ- cultivated ivy
15)[line 19]ובהרדופניןHIRDUFNIN- according to some opinions this is (O.F. aloisne) wormwood (absinth; RASHI)
16)[line 19]חזרת יוליןCHAZERES YULIN- cultivated lettuce
17)[line 20]]וחזרת גליןCHAZERES GALIN- wild lettuce
18)[line 20]ערקבליםARKEBALIM- prickly creepers on palm trees
19)[line 21]חברCHAVER- in this usage, another student of Rebbi Eliezer who remembered this particular ruling of his
20)[line 22]שרףSARAF- (O.F. laiton) a milky fluid which oozes from herbs when they are cut
21)[line 23]כל שפניו מכסיפיןKOL SHE'PANAV MACHSIFIN- any herb which is (O.F. paldes) pale (as opposed to very green)
22)[line 24]מדברי כולן נלמד...MI'DIVREI KULAN NILMAD...- We see from all of the above suggestions for Maror that Maror must have these two characteristics, as all of them share these two things in common.
23)[line 25]אמרירתאMERIRASA- (a) marsh lettuce (RASHI Sukah 13a); (b) Ranunculus, crowfoot (TOSFOS ibid.); (c) (O.F. tore) aconite (RASHI, TOSFOS Chulin 59a)
24)[line 27]חסאCHASA- (O.F. laitugue) lettuce
25)[line 27]דחס רחמנא עילווןD'CHAS RACHMANA ILAVAN- (in order to remember) that HaSh-m had mercy on us
26)[line 28]למה נמשלו מצריים כמרור?LAMAH NIMSHELU MITZRIYIM K'MAROR? why were the Egyptians compared to Maror (as it says, "vay'Mareru Es Chayeihem..."- "and they embittered their lives..."; Shemos 1:14)?
27)[line 29]וסופן קשהSOFO KASHEH- its stalk hardens
28)[line 29]תחילתן רכהTECHILASAN RACHAH- their beginning was soft (i.e., the Egyptians paid the Jews for their work when they were first employed)
29)[line 30]הדרי ביHADRI BI- [because of what you have told me,] I retract [my previous opinion]
30)[line 30]מרירתא דכופיאMERIRASA D'KUFYA- the gall of a fish named Kufia, (possibly synonymous with Kolias)
31)[line 31]דומיא דמצהDUMYA D'MATZAH- see above, entry #36:21
32)[line 32]הירדוףHIRDUF- a shrub or tree with bitter and stinging leaves (possibly synonymous with rhodaphne [oleander])
33)[line 32]הרזיפוHARZIPU- a bitter plant, poisonous to animals, which is not generally eaten
34)[line 33]שניקחת בכסף מעשרSHE'NIKECHES B'CHESEF MA'ASER- which may be purchased with Ma'aser Sheni money; see above, entry # 36:2
35)[line 34]מרור חדMAROR CHAD- [one may fulfill the Mitzvah of] Maror [with] one [type of vegetable only]
36)[line 37]בערוגה אחתB'ARUGAH ACHAS- in one vegetable patch
37)[line 37]כלאיםKIL'AYIM (KIL'EI ZERA'IM)
It is forbidden to plant different types of crops together, as the Torah states, "Sadecha Lo Sizra Kil'ayim" - "Do not plant different species (together) in your field" (Vayikra 19:19), and "Lo Sizra Karmecha Kil'ayim, Pen Tikdash ha'Melei'ah ha'Zera Asher Tizra u'Sevu'as ha'Karem" - "Do not sow your vineyard with other species, lest the fruit of the seed which you have sown, as well as the fruit of the vineyard, be forfeited" (Devarim 22:9). If one sows Kil'ayim, the produce becomes prohibited ("Kidesh," from the word in the verse, "Tikdash").
38)[line 38]כרישיןKEREISHIN- cultivated leeks
39)[line 38]וכרישי שדהKEREISHEI SADEH- wild leeks [(O.F. salvages) wild]
40)[line 38]כוסברKUSBAR- cultivated coriander
41)[line 38]וכוסבר שדהKUSBAR SADEH- wild coriander
42)[line 39]חרדלCHARDAL- cultivated mustard
43)[line 39]וחרדל מצריCHARDAL MITZRI- Egyptian mustard
44)[line 39]ודלעת המצריDELA'AS MITZRI- Egyptian gourd
45)[line 39]והרמוצהREMUTZAH- (a) a pumpkin from Karkuz (Gemara's conclusion in Nedarim 51a); (b) a certain type of gourd made edible through baking it in hot ashes (Rav Ashi, ibid., Yerushalmi Kil'ayim 1:2 and Nedarim 6:1)
46)[last line]זוגות זוגות קתניZUGOS ZUGOS KA'TANI- [the ruling in the Mishnah] was taught about pairs of herbs (such as Chazeres and Chazeres Galin). (That is to say that the members of each pair listed are not Kil'ayim when planted with each other, but an herb from one pair planted with an herb from another pair (such as Chazeres and Ulshin) would be Kil'ayim when planted with each other.)
47)[last line]כהלכתןK'HILCHASAN- properly (meaning spaced such that they are not receiving sustenance from the same plot of land)
48)[line 1]ערוגהARUGAH- a plot of land
49)[line 2]זרעוניןZER'ONIN- types of seeds (see Insights to Shabbos 84b as to how these seeds are situated within the plot, as well as Graphic #2 to Shabbos 85a)
50)[line 5]אלימאALIMA- (lit. are stronger) draw nourishment from a larger area
51)[line 6]והתנן כל מיני זרעים...VEHA'TNAN KOL MINEI ZERA'IM...- that is, the guidelines described above as to how one may plant five different species of plants in one six-by-six Tefach patch are applicable only to vegetables, not grains.
52)[line 13]מרחיבין לו בית רובעMARCHIVIN LO BEIS ROVA- an area large enough to plant a quarter [of a Kav of grain; approximately 21 sq. meters] is left unplanted around it
53)[line 24]כמושיןKEMUSHIN- (O.F. flacede) withered
54)[line 26]תרגומא אקלחTARGUMA A'KELACH- explain [that which Rebbi Meir allowed one to use Yeveishin as referring only] to the stalk
55a)[line 29]דאורייתאD'ORAISA- [from which Ma'aser must be given] according to Torah law
b)[line 29]דרבנןD'RABANAN- [from which Ma'aser must be given] according to Rabbinic law (as one need not separate Ma'aser from vegetables mid'Oraisa)
56)[line 32]המורסןMURSAN- coarse bran
57)[line 32]חולטיןCHOLTIN- one may scald [the bran] (since boiling water does not allow fermentation)
58)[line 33]שפהSHAFAH- she may rub
59)[line 33]שפה היא בבשרהSHAFAH HI BI'VESARAH- she may rub dry Mursan (bran) on her skin (for medicinal purposes). (When she later sweats in the bathhouse the Mursan will not become Chametz, since sweat does not cause grain to ferment as water does. However, she must remove the Mursan from her skin before washing herself with water - ROSH 2:21.)
60)[line 33]ילעוסYIL'OS- chew
61)[line 37]דלףDELEF- water leaking from the roof
62)[line 38]טיף להדי טיףTIF L'HADI TIF- (lit. drop after drop) steadily (since the falling water continually unsettles the mixture, not allowing it to ferment)
63)[line 38]ותיקאVATIKA- a certain type of pastry
64)[line 40]לא לימחי איניש קדראLO LIMCHI INISH KIDRA- one may not stir flour into a pot [of food in order to thicken it]
65)[line 40]בקמחא דאבישנאB'KIMCHA D'AVISHNA- [even] with flour roasted in an oven
66)[last line]דילמא לא בשיל שפירDILMA LO BASHIL SHAPIR- [for] perhaps [the flour] was not fully roasted
67)[last line]ליחלוטLICHLOT- pour boiling water over