[40a - 39 lines; 40b - 41 lines]
1)[line 2]בציריאTZIRIYA- the crack
2a)[line 2]ולא סליק להו דיקולא דמיאV'LO SALIK LEHU DIKULA D'MAYA- and the boiling water will not cover them
b)[line 3]מארבע רוחתאME'ARBA RUCHASA- from all four sides
3)[line 4]לא ליחרוך אינישLO LICHROCH INISH- one may not roast
4)[line 10]דכל אגב מדלייהוKOL AGAV MADLAIHU- whatever [juice] is dripping down
5)[line 11]חצבא דאבשינאCHATZBA D'AVISHNA- a pitcher used to hold kernels while roasting them in an oven
6)[line 12]סחיפא שריSECHIFA SHARI- [if the pitcher is] tilted downward (which allows the liquid to run off), it is permitted
b)[line 12]זקיפא אסורZEKIFA ASUR- [if the pitcher is] upright (in which case any liquid which exudes from the kernels is absorbed back into the grain), it is forbidden
7)[line 13]לותתיןLOSESIN- soak
8)[line 14]נתבקעוNISBAKE'U- if they [after having being removed from the water] crack open
9)[line 15]שורן בחומץSHORAN B'CHOMETZ- [if he sees that they are swelling, he may] soak them in vinegar
10)[line 15]צומתןTZOMSAN- (O.F. estreint) seals them (preventing them from becoming Chametz)
11)[line 16]חביתCHAVIS- a barrel [of wine] (which has a powerful odor)
12)[line 17]בדורא דבי בר חשוB'DURA D'VEI BAR CHASHU- the village of [the household of] bar Chashu
13)[line 18]בעל נפשBA'AL NEFESH- one who is especially careful to distance himself from sin
14)[line 20]דשריריD'SHERIREI- which are hard[er than barley, and therefore less likely to become Chametz]
15a)[line 20]מאן דציית ליה לאבאMAN D'TZAYIS LEI L'ABA- he who heeds the teaching of Rabah. (Rabah was referred to as "Aba" (a) out of respect for his authority (RASHI); (b) because that was his name (ARUCH, Erech Abaye))
b)[line 20]אכיל נהמא דעיפושאACHIL NAHAMA D'IPUSHA- (lit. will eat moldy bread) will eat black (whole wheat) bread
16)[line 24]דשיעיD'SHI'EI- that are smooth
17)[line 25]בפת נקיהPAS NEKIYAH- Matzah made with white flour
18)[line 25]והדראהHADRA'AH- (a) black (whole wheat) Matzah (RASHI); (b) thick Matzah (ARUCH Erech Rad)
19a)[line 26]הקמחיןKEMACHIN- flour
b)[line 26]סולתSOLES- fine flour
20a)[line 26]כפריםKEFARIM- villages
b)[line 26]כרכיןKERACHIN- a town
21)[line 31]לאו שימור הואLAV SHIMUR HU- i.e. it is too late to guard it properly
22)[line 32]בצקות של נכריםBETZEIKOS SHEL NOCHRIM- [Matzos made from] dough of Nochrim [which has clearly not yet become Chametz]
23)[line 33]באחרונהBA'ACHARONAH- The Korban Pesach must be eaten on a full stomach. Therefore the Matzah - which is eaten together with the Pesach - is eaten at the end of the meal.
24)[line 33]בראשונהBA'RISHONAH- with [the eating of the Matzah which was eaten at] the beginning [of the meal; that is, that which was baked from the dough of Nochrim]
25)[line 35]מעיקראME'IKARA- from the onset (i.e. from when the kernels were soaked)
26)[line 35]דבעידנא דנחית לשימור לא עבד לה שימורDEB'IDNA D'NACHIS L'SHIMUR LO AVAD LAH SHIMUR- that from the time that guarding was required (that is, from when the water and flour were mixed), it was not guarded
27)[line 38]דמהפכי כיפיD'MEHAPCHEI KEIFEI- who turn over the sheaves of wheat [with a pitchfork after they are cut]
28)[line 1]מנקטא ליה אימיהMENAKTA LEI IMEI- his mother set [wheat] aside for him [at the beginning of the harvest]
29)[line 1]בארביB'ARBEI- in tubs (to guard against their becoming moist)
30)[line 1]ארבאARBA- boat
31)[line 2]בחישתאCHISHTA- the Chishta River, in Bavel
32)[line 3]לנכריםL'NOCHRIM- to Nochrim [only]. Ravah was worried that Jews would buy the wheat - which was now Chametz - without realizing its status, and not rid themselves of it before Pesach.
33)[line 4]שאבד בו כלאיםSHE'AVAD BO KIL'AYIM- within which Kil'ayim was lost (i.e. a thread of Kil'ayim is somewhere in the garment, and it is unidentifiable)
34)[line 5]מרדעתMIRDA'AS- a pack-saddle (since it could conceivably be turned into a garment)
35)[line 6]תכריכיןTACHRICHIN- shrouds (which one may not derive benefit from)
36)[line 8]לזבינהו קבא קבאLAZBINHU KAVA KAVA- to sell it in single-Kav increments
37)[line 9]כי היכי דכליאKI HEICHI D'KALYA- so that it be finished
38)[line 10]מולליןMOLELIN- thicken with flour
39)[line 11]החומץCHOMETZ- vinegar
40a)[line 14]האילפסILFAS- a tightly covered pot
b)[line 14]והקדירהKEDEIRAH- an open pot
41)[line 15]שהעבירןSHE'HE'EVIRAN- that were removed [from the fire on Shabbos]
42)[line 15]מרותחיןMERUTACHIN- boiling hot
43)[line 15]תבליןTAVLIN- spices
44a)[line 16]הקערהKE'ARAH- a dish
b)[line 16]התמחויTAMCHUY- a large bowl or serving tray. Placing cooked food into one of these two vessels is not Halachically considered cooking, as they are examples of a Kli Sheni.
45)[line 17]לכל הוא נותן...LA'KOL HU NOSEN...- Rebbi Yehudah is of the opinion that strongly acidic foods are considered to cook food even when they are placed in a dish prior to that food. Since vinegar, etc. "cook" food, kernels placed in vinegar can no longer become Chametz.
46)[line 18]וצירTZIR- fish brine
47)[line 18]ונוקמה כרבי יוסי?V'NOKMA K'REBBI YOSI?- and why do we not say that [the above Beraisa] follows the opinion of Rebbi Yosi?
48)[line 19]צומתןTZOMSAN- (O.F. estreint) seals them (preventing them from becoming Chametz)
49)[line 21]בעיניהB'EINEI- when [the vinegar] is alone
50)[line 22]לך לך אמרינן נזירא סחור סחור לכרמא לא תקרבLECH LECH, AMRINAN NEZIRA; SECHOR SECHOR L'CHARMA LO SIKRAV- "Go, go," we say to the Nazir; "Go around - do not come near the vineyard!" That is, Ula prohibits placing flour into a pot whether the vinegar is there already or whether it is poured in afterwards, in order to distance a person from transgression.
51)[line 24]לבורדיקיBURDIKI- the bakers
52)[line 25]לממחהMEMACHEH- to dissolve
53)[line 25]בחסיסיCHASISEI- (a) flour roasted in an oven (RASHI); (b) lentil flour (ARUCH, TOSFOS); (c) Matzos ground into flour (Matzah meal) and cooked in water (RIF, ROSH)
54)[line 25]איכא דשריIKA D'SHARI... ?- is there anyone who would allow such a practice where slaves are found (such as the household of the Reish Galusa)? (Slaves are not known for their meticulousness in performing Mitzvos, and they may learn to be lax in Chametz-related matters from such a practice.)
55)[line 28]חרוסתCHAROSES- a vinegar-based dip intended to be eaten with meat. Flour (which subsequently ferments) is placed in the dip in order to somewhat counterbalance the acidity (O.F. aigrum) of the vinegar.
56)[line 29]החרדלCHARDAL- mustard
57)[line 32]מי תשמישו של נחתוםMEI TASHMISHO SHEL NACHTOM- water within which a baker cools his hands [while working with Matzah dough]