PESACHIM 111 (5 Cheshvan) - Dedicated in honor of the Yahrzeit of Reb Naftali ben Reb Menachem Mendel (Tuli Bodner) Z"L, an Ish Chesed and Ish Ma'aseh radiating joy whose Ahavas Yisrael knew no bounds. Dedicated by his son Mordechai Bodner of Givat Mordechai, Yerushalayim.

[111a - 40 lines; 111b - 42 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashbam 111a DH Chutz ד"ה חוץ:

The Dibur ha'Maschil should be "Chutz Min ha'Mayim" חוץ מן המים

[2] Gemara 111b [line 7]:

The words Tula d'Kanda טולא דכנדא

should be Tula d'Kinra טולא דכנרא

This is the Girsa in the manuscripts, Aruch, and Menoras ha'Ma'or (Dikdukei Sofrim #60). It also complies with the Gemara Bava Basra 48b.

[3] Gemara 111b [line 14]:

The words "d'Katil l'Avuch v'Katil l'Didei" דקטיל לאבוך וקטיל לדידיה

should be "d'Katil l'Avuch v'Katil Nami l'Didach" דקטיל לאבוך וקטיל נמי לדידך

This is the Girsa in the Pesachim-Yoma-Chagigah manuscript (Dikdukei Sofrim #80).

[4] Gemara 111b [line 27]:

The words "u'Mechezei Bei Kada d'Kamcha" ומיחזי בי כדא דכמכא

should be "u'Mechezei k'Kada d'Kamcha"ומיחזי ככדא דכמכא (see Dikdukei Sofrim #6)

[5] Gemara 111b [line 28]:

The words "u'Mechezei Bei Karna d'Iza, v'Hadar Bei k'Nafya" ומיחזי בי קרנא דעיזא והדר ביה כנפיא

should be "u'Mechezei k'Karna d'Iza, v'Hadar Bei (spelled Beis Yud) Nafya" ומיחזי כקרנא דעיזא והדר בי נפיא (Dikdukei Sofrim #8)

See Bamidbar Rabah 12:3.

[6] Hagahos ha'Bach #6

This Hagahah is incomprehensible.


1)[line 1]חוץ מן המיםCHUTZ MIN HA'MAYIM- aside from [hot] water [diluted with cold water, or vice versa]

2)[line 2]לא אמרןLO AMARAN- [even Rebbi Yochanan] did not say [that water diluted with water combines with other diluted drinks with regard to Zugos]

3)[line 5]דמו בראשוDAMO B'ROSHO- his blood is on his head; that is, he bears responsibility for whatever subsequently befalls him [since these four things carry a "Ru'ach Ra'ah" — an evil presence — which leaves one vulnerable to an attack by Sheidim or witchcraft]

4)[line 6]הנפנהHA'NIFNEH- one who defecates

5)[line 10]ליכא דירכא אחרינאLEIKA DIRCHA ACHRINA- there is no other way [for the Sheid to pass]

6)[line 11]לא פסקינהו רשות הרביםLO PASKINHU RESHUS HA'RABIM- a public thoroughfare has not interrupted [between the two date palms]

7)[line 14]לא שכיחיLO SHECHICHI- [water] is not readily available

8a)[line 16]אפסקינהו בעפראAFSEKINHU B'AFRA- sprinkle dirt upon it

b)[line 16]תף בהו רוקאTAF BEHU ROKA- spit in it

9a)[line 17]לא עבר עלייהו שימשאLO AVAR ALAIHU SHIMSHA- the sun did not pass over it

b)[line 17]שיתין ניגריSHISIN NIGREI- sixty steps

10a)[line 19]חמראCHAMRA- a donkey

b)[line 19]סיים מסניSAYEM MESANEI- put on shoes

11)[line 21]גמוד מסאניהGAMUD MESANEI- his shoes shrank

12)[line 22]צוו כרעיהTZAVU KAR'EI- his feet dried up

13a)[line 22]אין ממצעיןEIN MEMATZ'IN- should not pass between two men

b)[line 22]ולא מתמצעיןLO MISMATZ'IN- nor should a man pass between two of them

14a)[line 24]נפתח ב"א-ל" ונפסיק ב"א-ל"NIFTACH B'E-L V'NAFSIK B'E-L- (a) one should [recite a verse] beginning and ending with "E-l" (the name of HaSh-m), such as Bamidbar 23:22-23 (RASHI, RASHBAM); (b) one should recite a prayer beginning and ending with the word "E-l" (RABEINU CHANANEL)

b)[line 24]נפתח ב"לא" ונפסיק ב"לא"NIFTACH B'LO V'NAFSIK B'LO- (a) one should [recite a verse] beginning and ending with "Lo," such as Bamidbar 23:19 (RASHI, RASHBAM); (b) one should recite a prayer beginning and ending with the word "Lo" (RABEINU CHANANEL)

15)[line 25]מריבהMERIVAH- an argument

16)[line 26]דיתבן בפרשת דרכיםD'YASVAN B'PARASHAS DERACHIM- who are sitting at an intersection

17)[line 27]שבילאSHVILA- the path

18)[line 27]מכוונן אפייהו להדדיMECHAVNAN APAIHU LEHADAI- they face each other

19)[line 29]נינקטו לידייהו בהדי הדדי וניחלפוNINKETU L'YEDAIHU B'HADEI HADADI V'NICHLEFU- they should hold hands and pass through

20a)[line 30]אגרת אזלת אסיא בלוסיאAGRAS AZLAS ASYA BELUSYA- names of demons summoned through the witchcraft of the women

c)[line 30]מתקטלא בחיק קבלMISKATLA B'CHEIK KEVAL- have [already] been killed with arrows from a crossbow (O.F. arc baleste). (This is based on the verse "u'Mechi Kavalo Yiten b'Chomosayich" - "and he will place the strike of his crossbow against [the defenders of] your walls" (Yechezkel 26:9). Alternatively, many commentators translate the verse as "and he will place the blow of his catapult upon your walls. ")

21a)[line 32]משמשMESHAMESH- has marital relations

b)[line 32]אחדא ליה לדידיה רוח זנוניםACHADA LEI L'DIDEI RU'ACH ZENUNIM- a spirit of immorality will seize him

22)[line 33]"שופך בוז על נדיבים, ויתעם בתוהו לא דרך""SHOFECH BUZ AL NEDIVIM, VA'YAS'EM B'SOHU LO DARECH"- "He pours contempt upon nobles, and causes them to wander in the wilderness where there is no path" (Tehilim 107:40). See MAHARSHA for an explanation of how the recitation of this verse counteracts the spirit of immorality.

23)[line 36]טולא דחבריהTULA D'CHAVREI- the shadow of another palm tree

24a)[last line]במערבהB'MA'ARAVAH- [when one sleeps] on the west [side of the wall, at the end of the month when the moon shines from the east]

b)[last line]במדינחתאB'MADINCHASA- [when one sleeps] on the east [side of the wall, at the beginning of the month when the moon shines from the west]


25)[line 1]דמפני אגירדא דדיקלאD'MEFANEI A'GIRDA D'DIKLA- who relieves himself on the stump of a date palm

26)[line 2]אחדא ליה לדידיה רוח פלגאACHADA LEI L'DIDEI RU'ACH PALGA- (O.F. palaisin) paralysis shall seize him

27a)[line 2]דמצלי רישיהD'MATZLEI REISHEI- who leans his head

b)[line 3]רוח צרדאRU'ACH TZRADA- (a) (O.F. esvertin) vertigo; (b) (O.F. estordison) shock, bewilderment (RASHI Chulin 105b)

28)[line 4]דפסעי אדיקלאD'PAS'I A'DIKLA- who steps over a [fallen] date palm (see Hagahos Bach #3)

29a)[line 4]אי מיקטל, קטילIY MIKTAL, KATIL- if [the tree] had been cut down, then [that person] will be murdered

b)[line 4]אי איעקר, מיעקר ומייתIY I'AKAR, MI'AKAR U'MAYIS- if [the tree] had been uprooted, then [that person] will die

30)[line 5]מנח כרעיהMANACH KAR'EI- place his foot

31)[line 7]חמשה טולי הויCHAMISHAH TULEI HAVI- [in] the shade of [the following] five things [lies an evil presence]

32a)[line 7]דיקלא יחידאDIKLA YECHIDA- a lone date palm

b)[line 8](כנדא) [כנרא](KANDA) [KINRA]- the Shizaf, a tree in the Zizyphus family that yields Rimin (the jujube fruit)

c)[line 8]פרחאPARCHA- Tzelaf, (O.F. caprier) the caper-berry bush

d)[line 8]זרדתאZARDESA- (O.F. sorbier) a sorb tree

e)[line 9]ערבתאARVESA- a willow tree

f)[line 9]ארבאARBA- a boat

33a)[line 10]כל דנפיש ענפיה קשי טוליהKOL D'NAFISH ANFEI KASHI TULEI- the shade of any tree which has numerous branches is harmful [due to the demons who inhabit it]

b)[line 11]כל דקשי סילויה קשי טוליKOL D'KASHI SILVEI KASHI TULEI- the shade of any tree whose wood is hard is harmful [due to the demons who inhabit it]

34)[line 11]כרו משאKARU MASHA or KERUMSHA- service tree (a type of sorb tree avoided by Sheidim)

35)[line 13]לברהL'BRAH- to her son

36)[line 13]פירחי נפשיךPIRCHI NAFSHEICH- stay away

37)[line 14]קטיל (לדידיה) נמי לדידךKATIL (L'DIDEI) [NAMI L'DIDACH]- it will kill you as well

38)[line 15]בי פרחי רוחיBEI PARCHEI RUCHEI- the type of demon which haunts caper-berry bushes is called "Ru'ach"

39)[line 16]איגריIGREI- roofs

40)[line 16]קמיעאKAMEI'A- an amulet

41)[line 16]בריהBERYAH- a creature

42)[line 16]לגזוזי להL'GAZUZEI LAH- [that it is effective] to run away from it

43)[line 17]לאפנוייL'AFNUYEI- to relieve himself

44)[line 18]כי אזלאKI AZLA- when [the demon] went after him

45)[line 19]מתאMASA- to the city

46)[line 20]בר קשאBAR KASHA- police officer

47)[line 21]איסתכןISTAKEN- he was endangered

48)[line 23]דתלו חינגא בגוויהD'TALU CHINGA B'GAVEI- that they had suspended a Chinga in the hollow of the tree. A Chinga is a musical instrument, as evidenced by that which is the Targum of Chalil (Melachim I 1:40), Nechilos (Tehilim 5:1), and Machol (Tehilim 150:4). It would appear that it is similar to a flute.

49)[line 23]קא משרוKA MASHRU- and they sang

50a)[line 23]סודריהSUDREI- his scarf (worn wound around the head with its ends hanging over the shoulders)

b)[line 24]בדיקנא ביה במר דלא ידע ברוךB'DIKNEI BEI MAR D'LO YADA BARUCH- but we have determined that he knows not how to recite the proper blessing ("Oter Yisrael b'Sif'arah") over it

51)[line 25]פנו מנייכוPANU MANAICHU- (lit. remove your vessels) pack your bags; i.e., we cannot stay here anymore

52a)[line 26]קטב מריריKETEV MERIRI- the name of a demon

b)[line 26]תרי קטבי הווTREI KITBEI HAVU- takes two forms

53)[line 26]טיהראTIHARA- noon

54a)[line 27]ומיחזי (בי כדא) [ככדא] דכמכאU'MECHZI K'KADA D'KAMCHA- and appears like a pitcher of Kutach (a dip prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt; see Girsa Section #3)

b)[line 27]והדר ביה בחשאV'HADAR BEI BACHASA- with a ladle revolving in it

55a)[line 28]כקרנא דעיזאK'KARNA D'IZA- like the horn of a goat

b)[line 28]והדר (ביה) [בי] כנפיאV'HADAR BEI NAFYA- revolving in a sieve (see Girsa Section #4, and Bamidbar Rabah 12:3)

56)[line 29]הוה שקיל ואזילHAVAH SHAKIL V'AZIL- was walking along

57)[line 30]אהדראAHADRA- he placed

58)[line 32]שעתא קיימת לךSHAITA KAIMAS LACH- your fortune is good at this time [as is evidenced by your wealth, therefore you will not be harmed]

59)[line 33]שיתסר ביהSHITSAR BEI- the sixteenth of [Tamuz]

60)[line 34]חצבאCHATZAVA- a shrub with deep, straight roots, planted in hedges as a boundary marker; prob. Cistus

61)[line 34]לא חצב גרמידאLO CHATZAV GARMIDA- it has not grown to the height of an Amah

62a)[line 34]דצפראTZAFRA- morning

b)[line 34]פניאPANYA- evening

63)[line 35]יהיב ארבונא לנהוראYAHIV ARVONA L'NEHORA- will cause one who can see to go blind

64a)[line 36]מן דסריק רישיה יבשMAN D'SARIK REISHEI YAVESH- one who combs his hair while it is dry

b)[line 36]דשתי טיף טיףD'SHASI TIF TIF- who drinks wine dripping from a barrel

c)[line 36]דסיים מסני (אדמייתניה) [אדמתונא] כרעאD'SAYIM MESANEI (AD'MEISNEI) [AD'MESUNA] KAR'A- who puts on his shoes while his feet are still wet [after having been washed]

65)[line 37]תלאי בביתאTELAI B'VEISA- [bread] suspended [in a basket] in a house

66)[line 37]קשי לעניותאKASHI L'ANIYUSA- is liable to cause poverty

67)[line 37]סילתאSILTA- a [bread] basket

68a)[line 38]ריפתאRIFTA- bread

b)[line 38]בישראBISRA- meat

c)[line 38]כווריKAVREI- fish

69)[line 39]פאריPARI- coarse bran [strewn on the floor]

70)[line 39]נשוראNASHVARA- [fallen] breadcrumbs

71)[line 40]עילויהILAVEI- on it (the crumbs)

72a)[line 40]איסרא דמזוני נקיד שמיהISRA D'MEZONEI NEKID SHMEI- the name of the Mal'ach in charge of disseminating sustenance is "Nekid" [which is related to "Naki," cleanliness]

b)[line 41]איסרא דעניותא נבל שמיהISRA D'ANIYUSA NAVAL SHMEI- the name of the Mal'ach in charge of disseminating poverty is "Naval" [which is related to "filth"]

73)[line 41]צעא אפומא דחצבאTZA'A A'PUMA D'CHATZBA- a plate [hung] upon the mouth of a pitcher

74)[last line]ברוקתיVERUKTI- (O.F. meille) a growth in the eye (RASHI to Shabbos 78a, Gitin 69a)

75)[last line]תחליTACHALEI- cress

76)[last line]לא משי ידיהLO MASHI YADEI- he does not [subsequently] wash his hands

77)[last line]מפחידMAFCHID- will be [irrationally] fearful