


Answer #2 (to Question 2:h): Rav holds like R. Yehoshua:


(Beraisa - R. Yehoshua): Regarding [almost] all Zevachim, whether the Chelev became Tamei and the meat is intact, or the meat became Tamei and the Chelev is intact, we Zorek.


Regarding Pesach [and Shalmei (the ram of a) Nazir - Tosfos deletes this from the text], if the Chelev became Tamei and the meat is intact, we Zorek;


If the meat became Tamei and the Chelev is intact, we do not Zorek; if Zerikah was done, it was Meratzeh.


If the owner(s) became Tamei, we do not Zorek; if Zerikah was done, it was not Meratzeh.


(Mishnah): Other Zevachim are different...


Our Mishnah is R. Yehoshua:


(Beraisa - R. Yehoshua): If a k'Zayis of the meat or Chelev remains, we Zorek;


If half a k'Zayis of the meat and half a k'Zayis of Chelev remain, we do not Zorek;


However, regarding an Olah we Zorek - since both the meat and Chelev are offered, they join.


Even if a Minchah is fully intact, we do not Zorek.


Objection: Zerikah does not apply to a Minchah!


Answer (Rav Papa): This refers to Minchas Nesachim (that accompanies a Korban) - one might have thought that it is just like the Korban [and we may Zorek on account of the Minchah as if meat remained] - the Mishnah teaches that this is not so.


Question: What is the source that Zerikah may be done on account of Chelev?


Answer (R. Yochanan citing R. Yishmael): ["V'Zorak ha'Kohen Es ha'Dam...v'Hiktir ha'Chelev l'Re'ach Nicho'ach" - it suffices that there is Chelev to be offered, even if there is no meat.


Question: This teaches about Chelev - what is the source to permit Zerikah on account of Yoseres ha'Kaved (diaphragm) or the kidneys [which are offered with the Chelev]?


Question: The questioner assumes that we Zorek on account of them - what is his source?


Answer: We said that we may not Zorek on account of Minchas Nesachim - this implies that one may Zorek on account of any part of the Korban.


Answer (R. Yochanan himself): "L'Re'ach Nicho'ach" - anything [from the animal] offered on the Mizbe'ach [is a remnant to permit Zerikah].


The Torah had to write Chelev and l'Re'ach Nicho'ach:


Had it written only Chelev, we would have said that we may Zorek on account of Chelev, but not on account of Yoseres ha'Kaved or the kidneys - therefore it also says l'Re'ach Nicho'ach;


Had it written only l'Re'ach Nicho'ach, we would have said that we may Zorek on account of anything offered on the Mizbe'ach, even a Minchah - therefore it also says Chelev.




(Mishnah): If the Tzibur or its majority became Tamei, or if the Kohanim were Temei'im and the Tzibur was Tahor, Pesach is brought b'Tumah;


If the minority of the Tzibur became Tamei, the Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon, and the Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni.


(Gemara - Beraisa): If Yisrael, the Kohanim or the Klei Shares were Temei'im, Pesach is brought b'Tum'ah, because we do not divide a Korban Tzibur (it is disgraceful if Chaburos offering b'Taharah are insistent not to touch others offering it b'Tum'ah).


(Rav Chisda): Pesach is brought b'Tum'ah on account of Klei Shares only if the knives became Tamei Mes:


"Ba'Chalal Cherev" - a sword [or any metal Keli that touched a Mes] becomes like a Mes, and is Metamei one who touches it - if an individual slaughtered Pesach with such a knife he would become Tamei, and hence Chayav Kares;


But if the knives became Tamei through a Sheretz, they Metamei only the meat but not people, so only Tehorim bring Pesach [Rishon];


It is better that Tehorim eat Tamei meat, for [normally] this is forbidden only by a Lav, than for Temei'im to eat, for this is punishable by Kares.


This shows that Rav Chisda holds that Tum'ah is Nidcheh b'Tzibur (he allows the bare minimum).


(R. Yitzchak): Tum'ah is Nidcheh b'Tzibur.


(Rava): Even Tamei people may bring Pesach.


Question: What is the reason?


Answer: It says "Veha'Basar Asher Yiga b'Chol Tamei Lo Ye'achel...Kol Tahor Yochel Basar" - the Seifa [which implicitly forbids Temei'im to eat Kodshim] applies only when the Reisha applies [but not when Tamei meat may be eaten].




(Rav): If exactly half of Yisrael were Tehorim, half is like a majority, therefore all bring Pesach Rishon - Tehorim by themselves (in Taharah, since they are like a majority) and Temei'im by themselves (they are like a majority, which is not detained to Pesach Sheni);


(Rav Kahana): Half is not like the majority;


Version #1: Therefore, Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon (even a minority of Tehorim brings it), and Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni [like a minority that is detained];


Version #2: Therefore, Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon, and Temei'im do not bring either Pesach;


They do not bring Pesach Rishon because they are not a majority; they do not bring Pesach Sheni because they are not a minority. (end of Version #2)


Question (against Rav - Mishnah): If the Tzibur or its majority became Tamei, or if the Kohanim were Temei'im and the Tzibur was Tahor, Pesach is brought b'Tumah.


Inference: A majority [of Temei'im] may bring Pesach b'Tum'ah - half may not!


Answer: No - when a majority is Tamei, everyone brings Pesach b'Tum'ah; when half are Tamei, Tehorim bring by themselves and Temei'im by themselves.


Support (Seifa): If the minority of the Tzibur became Tamei, the Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon, and the Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni.


Inference: A minority [of Temei'im] are detained to Pesach Sheni - but if it is half-half, all bring Pesach Rishon - Tehorim by themselves and Temei'im by themselves!


Question: This is difficult for Rav Kahana!


Answer #1: No, we infer differently - if the minority became Tamei, the Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon, and the Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni;


But if it is half-half, Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon, and Temei'im do not bring either Pesach!


Question: This answers for Version #2 - but how can we answer for Version #1, which says that Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni?


Answer: Really, even if it is half-half the Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon, and the Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni - the Tana discusses when the minority is Tamei for parallel structure with the Reisha, when the majority is Tamei.


Support (for Rav - Beraisa #1): If Yisrael was half Tehorim and half Temei'im, Tehorim bring by themselves and Temei'im by themselves.


Support (for Version #1 of Rav Kahana - Beraisa #2): If Yisrael was half Tehorim and half Temei'im, Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon and Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni.


Support (for Version #2 of Rav Kahana - Beraisa #3): If Yisrael was half Tehorim and half Temei'im, Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon and Temei'im do not bring either Pesach.


Question: How can Rav and Version #2 of Rav Kahana explain Beraisa #2?


Answer: If [in all] Yisrael was half Tehorim and half Temei'im, but most men were Tehorim, the Tehorim bring Pesach Rishon and Temei'im bring Pesach Sheni;


The Tana holds that it is Reshus (optional) for women to bring Pesach Rishon - we follow the majority of [people who are obligated, i.e.] men.


Question: How can Rav and Version #1 of Rav Kahana explain Beraisa #3?


Answer - part 1 (for Rav): Half the males of Yisrael were Tehorim and half were Temei'im, and most women were Temei'os;


The Tana holds that Pesach Rishon is obligatory for women and Pesach Sheni is Reshus for them;


Temei'im do not bring Pesach Rishon, for they are the minority; they do not bring Pesach Sheni, because without women they are half, and half do not bring Pesach Sheni.


Answer - part 2 (for Version #1 of Rav Kahana): Half of Yisrael were Tehorim including women, and most women were Temei'os;


The Tana holds that the Rishon is Chovah for women and the Sheni is Reshus for them;


Temei'im do not bring Pesach Rishon, for they are half; they do not bring Pesach Sheni, because without women they are the majority.


Question: How can Rav Kahana explain Beraisa #1?


Answer: He says that Tana'im argue about this - this Tana holds that half is like a majority, and the Tana'im of Beraisos 2 and 3 hold that half is not like a majority.