[8a - 24 lines; 8b - 46 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 8a [line 1]:

"b'Reshus ha'Yachid d'Chulei Alma Lo Peligei ked'Rav Chisda, Ela" ברשות היחיד דכולי עלמא לא פליגי כדרב חסדא אלא

Rashi is not Gores these words. It seems that Tosfos DH Amar Abaye and Tosfos 4b DH b'Ilan also did not have them in the text of the Gemara.


1)[line 4]שדי נופו בתר עיקרוSHADI NOFO BASAR IKARO- the branch is considered to be four by four Tefachim since it is attached to the trunk (lit. throw the branch after the trunk)

2)[line 5]כוורתKAVERES- a beehive (which is cylindrical)

3)[line 8]קרומיות של קנהKEROMIYOS SHEL KANAH- the skin-like, scaly envelope of reed (that juts out of the top of the cylinder)

4)[line 11]מחיצות לתוכן עשויותMECHITZOS L'SOCHAN ASUYOS- the walls of the beehive are made to hold their contents

5)[line 19]תשמיש על ידי הדחקTASHMISH AL YEDEI HA'DECHAK- when one is forced to use something because he has no other choice


6)[line 1]לשבותLISHBOS

A person is only allowed to travel a distance of 2000 Amos from his city or dwelling place (if he is not in a city) on Shabbos. If he wants to travel more than 2000 Amos, he must make an Eruv Techumin. This is done by placing enough of one food that would be used for two meals near the end of his 2000 Amos, in the direction in which he wishes to travel. The location where his food is placed is considered his new dwelling for that Shabbos, and he may travel 2000 Amos in any direction from there.

7)[line 4]דלאי ואותביהDALA'I V'OSVEI- he placed it higher than ten Tefachim from the bottom of the pit

8)[line 5]תתאי ואותביהTATA'I V'OSVEI- he placed it within the bottom ten Tefachim of the pit

9)[line 13]כל דבר שהוא משום שבותKOL DAVAR SHE'HU MISHUM SHEVUS- anything which is forbidden because of a decree of the Chachamim

10)[line 16]רקק מיםREKAK MAYIM- a puddle or pool of water

11)[line 22]לקרורי נפשיהוL'KERURI NAFSHAIHU- to cool themselves off

12)[line 24]אגב דמטניף מקרי ונחיתAGAV D'MATNIF MIKRI V'NACHIS- since they get dirty, it happens that they go into the water to clean themselves off

13)[line 28]זירזא דקניZIRZA D'KANEI- a bundle of long, stiff reeds

14)[line 28]רמא וזקפיהRAMA V'ZAKFEI- if he threw it down and stood it up over and over (thereby moving it in Reshus ha'Rabim)

15)[last line]העבירו דרך עליוHE'EVIRO DERECH ALAV- (a) he passed it over himself, above ten Tefachim from the ground of Reshus ha'Rabim, which is a Mekom Petur (RASHI); (b) he passed it in front of himself, from his right hand to his left. It is possible to say that at the point that he is holding the object in front of himself, it is considered at rest, since most objects are held in this fashion.