[10a - 49 lines; 10b - 47 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 10a [line 21]:

The words "Rav Yirmeyah v'Rebbi Yonah" רב ירמיה ורבי יונה

should be "Rebbi Yirmeyah v'Rebbi Yonah" רבי ירמיה ורבי יונה

[2] Rashi 10a DH Amudei ד"ה עמודי:

The words "Bei ha'Midrash" בי המדרש

should be "Beis ha'Midrash" בית המדרש

[3] Masores ha'Shas [at the end of the page]:

The source "Berachos 26b"

should be "Berachos 26a"

[4] Gemara 10b [line 1]:

"Beis ha'Kisei, d'Ma'is" בית הכסא דמאיס

The Girsa of Tosfos DH Sha'ani, is "Beis ha'Kisei d'Nafish Zuhama" בית הכסא דנפיש זוהמא

[5] Rashi 10b DH v'Shalvasah [at the end of the page]: ושלותה

(a) "Hashket Hayah Lah" השקט היה לה

The source "Yechezkel 15"

should be "Yechezkel 16(:49)"

(b) The words "Ayit Lo Hidrichuhu" עיט לא הדריכהו

should be "Ayit v'Go' (etc.) Lo Hidrichuhu" עיט וגו' לא הדריכוהו


1)[line 2]כיון דקביעא לה זימנאKEIVAN D'KEVI'A LEI ZIMNA- Since the time [for praying Minchah] is more limited

2)[line 2]מירתתMIRTAS- he is worried (about missing Minchah)

3)[line 5]טריחותא למיסר המייניה?TERICHUSA L'MEISAR HEMYENEI?- is it a bother to tie his belt?

4)[line 6]"הכון לקראת אלהיך ישראל""HIKON LIKRAS ELOKECHA YISRAEL"- "Prepare yourself to meet your G-d, Yisrael" (Amos 4:12)

5a)[line 7]רמי פוזמקיRAMI PUZMEKEI- (O.F. chalcon) put on light (felt) shoes, socks

b)[line 8]שדי גלימיהSHADI GELIMEI- took of his cloak

6)[line 9]פכר ידיהPACHAR YADEI- he would interlace his fingers

7)[line 18]נגה לצלוייNAGAH L'TZLUYEI- it was becoming too late to pray

8)[line 19]מסרהבMESARHEV- rushing

9)[line 20]"מסיר אזנו ...""MESIR OZNO ..."- "If a person removes his ear from hearing Torah, his prayer is also an abomination" (Mishlei 28:9). See Insights to the Daf.

10)[line 23]עסקי ואתו בדינאASKEI V'ASU B'DINA- they have already started judging cases

11)[line 24]ביני עמודיBEINEI AMUDEI- between the pillars of the Beis ha'Midrash. See Berachos 8a, 30b.

12)[line 24]הוו טפחי אעיברא דדשאHAVU TAPCHEI A'IBRA D'DASHA- Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi would knock on the bolt of the door

13)[line 26]קא חליש לבייהוKA CHALISH LIBAIHU- (a) they felt discouraged [because they did not learn Torah all day]; (b) they were fasting [all day]

14)[line 32]"אי לך ארץ ... בגבורה ולא בשתי""IY LACH ERETZ ... BI'GVURAH V'LO VA'SHESI"- "Woe to you, O Land, when your king is a youth, and your princes dine in the morning. Happy are you, O Land, when your king is a man of dignity, and your princes eat at the proper time, for strength and not for drunkenness" (Koheles 10:16-17)

15)[line 34]לא בשתייה של ייןLO B'SHESIYAH SHEL YAYIN- That is, even though the Gemara mentioned above that the afternoon is not a time when people get drunk, however, at least a Revi'is of wine was consumed at the afternoon meal (as is implied by Tosfos DH Hasam)

16)[line 34]לודיםLUDIM- (O.F. Cheneleus) the name of a nation of cannibals

17)[line 38]זורק אבן לחמתZOREK EVEN L'CHEMES- throwing a stone into a goatskin sack used to hold liquids, i.e. (a) it is harmful to the body; (b) it does not achieve anything

18)[line 42]חולץCHOLETZ- remove [his Tefilin]


19)[line 4]"ויבן שם גדעון מזבח לה' ויקרא לו ה' שלום [עד היום הזה עודנו בעפרת אבי העזרי]""VA'YIVEN SHAM GIDON MIZBE'ACH LA'SH-M VA'YIKRA LO HASH-M SHALOM [AD HA'YOM HA'ZEH ODENU B'OFRAS AVI HA'EZRI]" - "And Gid'on built there a Mizbe'ach to HaSh-m, and he called it 'HaSh-m Shalom'; [until this day it is still to be found there in Ofras Avi ha'Ezri.]" (Shoftim 6:24) (GID'ON BUILDS A MIZBE'ACH)

(a)The Jewish people were suffering under the heavy yoke of the Midyanim. One day, Gid'on, the Shofet, was beating wheat in the winepress. An angel appeared to him and sat underneath the oak-tree in Ofrah that belonged to his father, Yo'ash, from the family of Aviezer and the tribe of Menasheh. The angel informed him that HaSh-m was with him. When he asked that if HaSh-m was with Yisrael then why were they subjugated by their oppressors, the angel replied that it was precisely on account of his defense of the people that he had been chosen to lead them to victory against the Midyanim, and that is why he would succeed.

(b)Gid'on then pointed out that the section of the family to which his father belonged was the least important in the wider family, and that he was the youngest of his father's children. How, he asked, could he possibly succeed in such an important mission? When HaSh-m replied that He would be with him and that he would defeat Midyan with ease, he asked HaSh-m for a sign that He was speaking with him.

(c)Asking HaSh-m to wait while he brought his gift, he returned a short while later with a kid-goat and an Eifah of Matzah-flour. He prepared the goat, placed the flesh in a basket and the gravy in a pot, and he placed everything under a local oak-tree. The angel instructed him to place the goat and the Matzos on a certain rock and to pour out the gravy.

(d)The angel then stretched out the edge of the staff he was holding and touched the meat and the Matzos, when fire emerged from the rock and consumed them. The angel himself disappeared. Realizing that he had just seen an angel face to face, Gid'on (like Mano'ach, Shimshon's father) was gripped with fear that he was about to die. HaSh-m assured him that all would be well and that he would not die. Gid'on built a Mizbe'ach there.

(e)Gid'on went on to defeat the Midyanim decisively.

20a)[line 5]הימנותאHEIMNUSA- a declaration of faith

b)[line 12]צריך להודיעוTZARICH L'HODI'O- (a) he must notify his friend [before he gives the gift, so his friend will not be embarrassed to accept it]; (b) [if he already placed a gift in his friend's house,] he should let his friend know that he was the one who gave it, [to increase their friendship]

21)[line 19]שאיף ליה משחאSHA'IF LEI MISHCHA- he rubs oil on him (between his eyes)

22)[line 19]מלי ליה כוחלאMALI LEI KUCHLA- he puts a [blue or tinted] powder around his eyes

23)[line 28]מתנתא דתוראMATENASA D'TORA - the priestly gifts given from an ox (ZERO'A L'CHAYAYIM V'KEIVAH)

(a)Whenever a person slaughters an ox, sheep, or goat (which is not Kodshim), he must give to a Kohen the Zero'a, Lechayayim, and Keivah (the foreleg, the [lower] jaw, and the maw [the last of a cow's four stomachs]. (Devarim 18:3)

(b)The ZERO'A consists of the two upper limbs of the right foreleg, from the knee to the top of the shoulder blade.

(c)The LECHAYAYIM consist of the lower jaw, from the joint where it is attached to the upper jaw to the thyroid cartilage, including the tongue.

(d)The KEIVAH consists of the maw together with its Chelev, but the custom of the Kohanim is to let the owner of the animal keep the Chelev.

24)[line 34]מילתא אלבישייהו יקיראMEILASA A'LEVISHAIHU YAKIRA- cloaks are precious to those that wear them; i.e. a teacher's teachings are precious to his closest students

25)[line 38]אל ישנה אדם בנו בין הבניםAL YESHANEH ADAM BENO BEIN HA'BANIM- a person should not treat one son differently from the others

26)[line 39]משקל שני סלעיםMISHKAL SHNEI SELA'IM- the weight of two Sela

27)[line 39]מילתMEILAS- fine wool, a cloak of fine wool

28)[line 43]ישיבתה קרובהYESHIVASAH KEROVAH- it was recently settled

29)[line 44]"הנה נא העיר ...""HINEI NA, HA'IR ..."- "Please, behold this city is near enough to flee to, and it is small." (Bereishis 19:20) - Lot pleaded with the angels that the city of Tzo'ar could be spared since it was settled one year after Sedom and thus did not have as many sins.

30)[last line]"אמלטה נא שמה ...""IMALTA NA SHAMAH …"- "Please, I shall flee there" (ibid.)