תוספות ד"ה ואביי
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara only asks what "flesh" teaches us according to Abaye according Rebbi Shimon.)
ולרבי יונתן לא מיבעיא ליה דמוקי ליה בינוני
Explanation: The Gemara does not ask how Rebbi Yonasan understands the Pasuk, as he requires it for a Milah of a minor that is done later than the eighth day.
ולאביי נמי דאמר לעיל דבינוני אתי מביניא מצי למימר דסבר ר' יונתן מילתא דאתי בק"ו טרח וכתב לה קרא
Explanation (cont.): According to Abaye as well who says that we derive this Milah of a minor done later than the eighth day from a Tzad ha'Shaveh from a minor who has a Bris on the eighth day and an adult who has a Bris, it is possible to say that Rebbi Yonasan holds (the same and) that the Torah will say a Pasuk to teach a lesson even though it can be learned through a Kal v'Chomer.
תוספות ד"ה באומר
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Abaye does not think it is also needed for Rebbi Shimon.)
וא"ת אם כן אמאי קאמר אביי לא נצרכא אלא לרבי יהודה הא לר"ש נמי איצטריך כדאמר הכא
Question: If so, why does Abaye say that this is only needed according to Rebbi Yehudah? Rebbi Shimon also needs it, as explained here!
ויש לומר דלשון ברייתא משמע דמיירי בלא מתכוין מדלא קתני בשר אע"ג דמתכוין לקוץ בהרת ימול
Answer: The language in the Beraisa implies that the case is where there is no intent. This is apparent from the fact that it did not say, "flesh - even though he intends to cut off the leprosy he should circumcise."
תוספות ד"ה ותנן
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the ruling regarding Pesach is stated to strengthen the ruling regarding Milah.)
והכא לא פריך הילכתא למשיחא
Implied Question: The Gemara here does not ask that this is a Halachah that is only relevant when Moshiach arrives. (Why not?)
משום דנפקא מינה גבי מילה אע"ג דגבי מילה נמי פסיק הכי מ"מ לאלומי פיסקא דמילה פסיק נמי גבי פסח אגב דפסיק גבי מילה דתילף מינה שפסק ברור הוא לכל דבר
Answer: This is because the rule regarding the Korban Pesach applies to Milah. Even though this is explicitly stated here regarding Milah, it reinforces the ruling regarding Milah. Therefore, it is stated by Pesach as an aside to the ruling regarding Milah in order to teach that this is a clear ruling that can be applied to anything (not just Korban Pesach and Milah).
תוספות ד"ה וצריכא
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara is explaining Rav Yehudah, not Rebbi Akiva.)
אדרב יהוד' קאי דפסיק כר"ע הכא והתם
Explanation: This means that Rav Yehudah had to say that he rules like Rebbi Akiva both here (regarding Milah) and there (Korban Pesach).
דאי אדרבי עקיבא א"כ בפ' שתי הלחם (מנחות דף צו.) דקתני נמי כלל אמר ר"ע הוה ליה למימר וצריכא וכן פירש בקונטרס
Explanation (cont.): If this would be explaining why Rebbi Akiva needed to say this law both by Milah and Korban Pesach, the Gemara in Menachos (96a) should have explained why Rebbi Akiva had to say his rule there (in the Mishnah) as well. This is Rashi's explanation as well.
תוספות ד"ה עושין
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Mishnah repeats what was said in a previous Mishnah.)
אע"ג דלעיל נמי קתני בשילהי מפנין (ד' קכח.)
Implied Question: The Mishnah states this despite the fact that it was already stated in a previous Mishnah (128b). (Why does it have to be repeated?)
התם תני לה אגב גררא דמילי דתינוק אבל הכא עיקר
Answer: The Mishnah there (ibid.) states this as an aside because it is discussing the baby. Our Mishnah is the main place that discusses this topic (and it therefore bears repeating in our Mishnah).
תוספות ד"ה גדול
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Rav Ashi's question.)
אע"ג דבכמה דוכתין תניא מה שבהדיא בפסוק
Implied Question: This is despite the fact that in many places the Beraisa states what is explicitly stated in the Pasuk. (Why is it difficult that the Beraisa is stating what is stated in a Pasuk?)
איבעי למתני גדול שלא מל ענוש כרת
Answer: The Beraisa should have explicitly said (if this was its intent) that if an adult does not ascertain that he has a Bris he is punished with Kares.
תוספות ד"ה לועס
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the chewing is necessary.)
אף על גב דאחר מילה חולה שיש בו סכנה הוא
Implied Question: This is despite the fact that after the Milah the baby is a sick person in danger. (Why do we require this to be done with a Shinuy?)
מ"מ כמה דאפשר לשנויי משנינן
Answer: Whatever can be done with a Shinuy should be done with a Shinuy.