תוספות ד"ה כביצה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos understands that Rashi's explanation is only valid if liquids are considered a separate entity within the grape.)
פי' בקונטרס שאע"פ שהאוכל טמא אינו מטמא את המשקה שאין אוכל מטמא בפחות מכביצה
Explanation: Rashi explains that even though the food is impure it does not cause the liquid to become impure, as food does not cause impurity if it is less than the size of an egg.
והאי טעמא לא ניחא אלא למ"ד בפרק כל שעה (פסחים דף לג: ושם) משקים מיפקד פקידי אבל למ"ד התם מיבלע בליעי טמאים המשקין מאליהן כיון שנגע באוכל
Observation: This reason is only valid according to the opinion (Pesachim 33b) that liquids are gathered. However, according to the opinion that they are absorbed in the item itself, the liquids are impure on their own since they were touching (i.e. were considered part of) the food.
[ומשני התם דבמתני' מיירי בענבים שלא הוכשרו לאימת מתכשרי לכי סחיט להו וכי סחיט להו בציר שעוריה והשתא לפי' רש"י מה בכך] מיד כשיצאה הטיפה ראשונה נטמאה הואיל ואוכל מקבל טומאה בכל שהוא
Observation (cont.): The Gemara answers there that the Mishnah is referring to a case of grapes that never became able to become impure. When do they become impure? They only become impure when they are squeezed, and when they are squeezed they no longer are the minimal amount to become impure. According to Rashi's opinion here this should not make a difference, as immediately when the first drop exits it should become impure since it is part of the food that becomes impure even if it is a minute amount! (This is why Rashi's explanation only works according to the opinion that liquids are considered a separate entity within the grape.)
ומה שהקשה ר"ת לפירו' פי' לעיל בריש המצניע (דף צא.)
Observation: Rabeinu Tam's question on Rashi has been explained earlier (91a).
תוספות ד"ה דכ"ע
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rava Papa could not have said everyone agrees it is food.)
לא מצינן למימר דכ"ע אוכל הוא א"כ מ"ט דמ"ד הוכשר
Explanation: Rav Papa could not have said that everyone agrees it is food, as if so what would be the reason of the opinion that it is able to become impure?
תוספות ד"ה אם הגיעו
(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes that he explained earlier how Rav Nachman's opinion can be reconciled with our Gemara.)
מה שקשה ליה לרב נחמן דמפרש בפ"ק (דף יז.) דגזרו לבצור בטהרה משום דפעמים שאדם הולך כו', שם פירשתי בד"ה גוזרני
Observation: The difficulty that this presents to the opinion of Rav Nachman (17a) who says that they decreed that one should harvest while pure because sometimes a person goes etc. was explained by me earlier (DH "Gozreini").
תוספות ד"ה כבשים
(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding the reasoning of Rav.)
רב לטעמיה דאמר לקמן דבר תורה אינו חייב אלא על דריכת זיתים וענבים
Explanation #1: Rav is basing himself on his opinion later that according to Torah law one is only liable for pressing olives and grapes.
ולפירוש הקונטרס דפי' משום דאתי המשקה מעלמא
Explanation #2: Rashi explains that this is because the liquid squeezed out did not originate in the vegetables.
קשה לרבי אמאי גזרו להדוקי אודרא אפומא דשישא בשלהי תולין (לעיל דף קמא.) שמא יסחוט הא אפילו סחיט ליכא איסור דאורייתא
Question: Rebbi has difficulty with this explanation. Why did they decree earlier (141a) that it is forbidden to press stuffing (i.e. cotton, wool) into the mouth (i.e. spout) of a container containing liquid because a person might come to squeeze it out? Even if he will do so he will not transgress a Torah prohibition (according to Rashi as the liquid did not originate in the stuffing)!
מיהו י"ל דהתם רבא דקאמר לה וס"ל כר' יוחנן דמחייב חטאת
Answer: However, it is possible to answer that Rava there (141a) who makes this decree holds like Rebbi Yochanan that one would indeed be liable to bring a Chatas (for such squeezing).
תוספות ד"ה ורבי יוחנן
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we rule like Rebbi Yochanan, and discusses if we therefore cannot squeeze fruit into food.)
ובדג לצירו נמי הוה מחייב ר' יוחנן חטאת לתוך הקערה דדג לצירו מדמינן לשלקות בכולה שמעתיה
Observation: If someone would squeeze a fish in order to obtain the fish oil in a bowl, Rebbi Yochanan would also say he is liable to offer a Chatas. This is because squeezing a fish for its oil is compared to squeezing cooked vegetables in our Gemara.
דפריך מדשמואל דשלקות אההיא דדג לצירו
Proof: This is apparent from the fact that the Gemara asked a question from Shmuel's statement regarding cooked vegetables on a statement regarding squeezing fish for the fish oil.
ופי' ר"ח דהלכה כר' יוחנן דקיי"ל כוותיה לגבי רב ושמואל
Opinion: Rabeinu Chananel explains that the law follows Rebbi Yochanan, as we rule like Rebbi Yochanan over Rav and Shmuel.
ושמעינן ממילתא דר"י שאסור לסחוט כבשים ושלקות למימיהן ואם סחט חייב חטאת
Opinion (cont.): We understand from Rebbi Yochanan's statement that it is forbidden for a person to squeeze pickled or cooked vegetables to obtain their liquids, and if he does he is liable to offer a Chatas.
ולא הפריש בסחיטה בין קדירה לקער' אלא הכל אסור מתוך אלו דברים מתברר שאין הלכה לא כשמואל ולא כרב שאמרו סוחט אדם אשכול של ענבים לתוך הקדירה
Opinion #1: Rebbi Yochanan does not differentiate between squeezing into food or an empty bowl, rather both actions are forbidden. This teaches us that the law does not follow Shmuel or Rav in their leniency that a person may squeeze a cluster of grapes into a pot of food.
ויש שמעמידין דברי רב ושמואל ביום טוב מדדייק רב חסדא מדברי שמואל כן
Opinion #2: Some want to say that Rav and Shmuel were only discussing Yom Tov, as Rav Chisda deduces this from Shmuel's statement.
ואין לנו להדורי אפריכי ולאפוקי שמעתא מדוכתיה אלא ודאי בשבת קאמרי רב ושמואל ואין הלכה כמותן לא בשבת ולא ביום טוב ע"כ פי' ר"ח
Question: We should not go after these kinds of weak proofs in order to take the Gemara out of context. Rather, it is clear that Rav and Shmuel were speaking regarding Shabbos, and the Halachah is not like them regarding Shabbos and Yom Tov. This is the opinion of Rabeinu Chananel.
ומה שדקדק מדלא מפליג ר' יוחנן משמע דמיירי אפילו לתוך הקדירה אין זה דיוק
Question: Rabeinu Chananel (apparently, see Sfas Emes) deduced that since Rebbi Yochanan does not differentiate between squeezing into food or into an empty bowl, the implication is that one would be liable even for squeezing into food. However, this is not a valid deduction.
דהא רב ושמואל נמי אסרי סתמא בכבשים למימיהן ואף על גב דשרו לסחוט בהדיא אשכול של ענבים לתוך הקדירה
Question (cont.): This is because Rav and Shmuel also forbid squeezing pickled vegetables for their juice, despite the fact that they permit squeezing a cluster of grapes into a pot of food.
ומה שדחה דברי המעמידין דברי רב ושמואל ביום טוב אומר ר"ת שהדין עמו אבל דברי רב חסדא ביום טוב כדפירשתי לעיל
Observation: Rabeinu Chananel pushed aside those who say that Rav and Shmuel were only discussing Yom Tov, and Rabeinu Tam agrees that this is indeed correct. However, Rav Chisda is indeed discussing Yom Tov, as I explained earlier.
תוספות ד"ה בהמה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gematria is merely an Asmachta that the land was desolate for fifty two years.)
אסמכתא בעלמא היא דנ"ב נפקא לן בלאו גימטריא כדפי' בקונטרס
Explanation: This merely an Asmachta, as we would know it was fifty two without the numerical value of the letters as well, as Rashi explains.