CHAINS OF ANIMALS (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 31a)
וכן הסוס בשיר.
(Mishnah): Similarly, a horse may go out with a Shir [and one may sprinkle on them and immerse them while they are in their place].
ולא כן תני כל תכשיטי אדם טמאין ותכשיטי בהמה טהורין
Question: Was it not taught that all adornments of man are Tamei, and all adornments of animals are Tahor?
תיפתר בעשויין (להנותן) [נראה שצ''ל להנחותן - ע''פ - פני מאיר]
Answer: They are made to lead the animal. (They receive Tum'ah because they serve man.)
ואינו עושה חריץ
Question: [When he leads the animal] does [the chain] not [drag on the ground and] make a furrow?!
אלא כרבי שמעון.
Answer #1: [Our Mishnah] is like R. Shimon;
דתני לא יגרר אדם את המטה ואת הכסא ואת הספסל ואת הקתידרה מפני שהוא עושה חריץ. ורבי שמעון מתיר.
(Tosefta): One may not drag [on the ground] a bed, chair, bench or special chair [on which women ride], because he makes a furrow. R. Shimon permits.
א''ר חיננא כהדא.
Answer #2 (R. Chinena): (It is even like Rabanan. Even they permit something tied and hanging, for it is proven that he does not intend to make a furrow.) It is like the following;
דתני דלת גוררת מחצלת גוררת קנקילון גורר פותח ונועל בשבת ואצ''ל בי''ט.
(Beraisa): A door that drags [on the ground], a mat that drags, and a rock with holes [to use like a door and let in light], one may open and close it Shabbos, and we need not say on Yom Tov [for obviously it is not more stringent than Shabbos. The following shows that it is permitted because it is tied and hangs];
ותני כן מחצלת שהיא קשורה ותלויה בעמוד פותח ונועל בשבת ואין צ''ל ביום טוב:
Support (Beraisa): A mat that is tied to and hangs from a pillar, one may open and close it Shabbos, and we need not say on Yom Tov.
ומזין עליהן וטובלין במקומן.
(Mishnah): One may sprinkle on them and immerse them while they are in their place.
[דף לא עמוד ב] תמן תנינן לא תטבול בהן עד שתרפם. וכא הוא אמר הכין.
Question: There, a Mishnah says that [a woman] may not immerse with [ribbons in her head] until she loosens them, and here you say so (one may immerse them while they are in their place)?!
אמר רבי מנא כאן ברפים. כאן באפוצים:
Answer (R. Mana): Here [regarding animals] they are loose. Here (regarding women) they are tight.