[9a - 54 lines; 9b - 39 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, the Tzon Kodashim, the Vilna Ga'on and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 9a [line 37]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #16
[2] Gemara [line 46]:
"me'Ikara Amar la'Hen Rebbi Shimon... Taima Didi" îòé÷øà àîø ìäï øáé ùîòåï... èòîà ãéãé
Rashi does not have these words in his Girsa of the Lishna Kama
[3] Gemara 9b [line 14]:
The words "Hai Ka Mibaya Lei, Kedushah Acheres" äé ÷à îéáòéà ìéä ÷ãåùä àçøú
should be "Hai Ka Mibaya Lei, Iy Kedushah Acheres" äé ÷à îéáòéà ìéä àé ÷ãåùú àçøú (as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #3)
[4] Gemara [lines 16, 18, 20, 37, last line]:
The words "Guf Echad" âåó àçã
should be "Guf Acher" âåó àçø (Vilna Ga'on, Rashash and other Acharonim)
[5] Rashi 9b DH v'Iy Shnei Kedushos v'Guf Echad ã"ä åàé ùðé ÷ãåùåú åâåó àçã:
The Girsa printed in the margin is the more correct one, and is similar to the correction of the Chok Nasan, and is the intention of Rashi (as he writes later in DH Mai Ka Mibaya Leiîàé ÷à îéáòéà ìéä , "v'Lishama Idach Minah" "åìéùîò àéãê îéðä"
[6] Rashi 9b DH v'Im Timtzi Lomar ã"ä åàí úîöé ìåîø:
"(Mishum debeha'Hi Kedushah)" îùåí ãáääéà ÷ãåùä
These words, although enclosed in parentheses, are actually the correct Girsa (Rashash)
[7] Rashi 9b DH Amar (Lei) Abaye ha'Dein ka'Mibaya ã"ä àîø (ìéä) àáéé äãéï ÷îéáòéà:
The words "Guf Echad b'Osah Kedushah âåó àçã áòåùä ÷ãåùä
should be "Guf Acher b'Osah Kedushah" âåó àçø áòåùä ÷ãåùä (see above, Girsa #4)
[8] ibid.:
"Chada Tefei" çãà èôé
It appears that the word "Chada" çãà is the correct Girsa and should not be deleted (contrary to the Bach #9 and Shitah Mekubetzes #25)
[9] Rashi 9b DH Iy Shnei Gufin ã"ä àé ùðé âåôéï:
The words "v'Humam Hai Sheni" åäåîí äàé ùðé are not in their proper place; they belong above, before the words "d'Chomesh Lo Shayach" ãçåîù ìà ùééê
1)[line 1]áåöéðà èá î÷øàBOTZINA TAV MI'KARA- a young pumpkin (today) is better than a large pumpkin (in the future)
2)[line 28]ãòìåéé ÷à îòìé ìéäD'ILUYEI KA MA'ALEI LEI- he makes it greater in value
3)[line 33]àáì îîéøAVAL MEMIR- but when one makes a Temurah, and he intends that both the Temurah and the original animal should be Kodesh
4)[line 35]îä áéúå áøùåúå àó ëì áøùåúåMAH BEISO BI'RESHUSO, AF KOL BI'RESHUSO
Just like one's house is in his domain, so, too, everything [that he wants to be Makdish] must be in his domain. This teaches that a person may only be Makdish an object under two conditions: 1. it belongs to him; 2. it is under his control.
5)[line 46]îòé÷øà àîø ìäïME'IKARA AMAR LAHEN- originally, he said to them. (The Gemara points out an apparent contradiction. In the Mishnah, Rebbi Shimon's source for his teaching that a Temurah may be made only from one animal of Hekdesh to one animal of Chulin is the verse "v'Hayah Hu u'Semuraso." In the Beraisa, however, Rebbi Shimon cites as his source the word "Behemah" (in singular, and not plural). RASHI offers two explanations for the Gemara's answer. (a) The words in the Gemara from "me'Ikara" until "Ta'ama Didi" should be omitted. Reish Lakish is explaining that Rebbi Shimon learns from "Behemah" that the rule that one cannot make one animal a Temurah for two animals (or vice versa) is limited to a situation in which both Temuros are being made at once. If one makes a single animal Temurah for a Korban, and then later he makes another animal Temurah for the same Korban, then both are Temuros (Hagahos ha'Gra #3). (b) Accepting our Girsa, Rashi explains that the Gemara means to say that Rebbi Shimon learns his Halachah from "Behemah" only as a rejoinder to those who argue with him on the basis of that word. His real source for this Halachah is from the verse, "Hu u'Semuraso.")
6)[line 49]ùîîéøéï åçåæøéï åîîéøéïSHE'MEMIRIN V'CHOZRIN U'MEMIRIN- one may make Temurah from the same animal multiple times
7)[line 9]äà àéúîø áä çãà æéîðàHA ITMAR BAH CHADA ZIMNA- but Temurah was made from it once already
8)[line 25]çåîùCHOMESH
When a person dedicates an item to Hekdesh, if he redeems it himself he must pay to Hekdesh an additional fifth (of the ensuing total, or a quarter of the original value). For example, if the object is worth 100 Sela'im, he must redeem it for 125. If another person redeems it from Hekdesh, he does not have to add a Chomesh.
9)[line 27]áòé øáé àáéïBA'I REBBI AVIN- Rebbi Avin asked; see Chart #1