ONE WHO WAS BORN AFTER HIS BROTHER DID AN ACTION (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 10a)
מתני' שני אחין ומת אחד מהן וייבם השני את אשת אחיו ואחר כך נולד להן אח ומת הראשונה יוצאה משום אשת אחיו שלא היה בעולמו והשנייה משום צרתה
(Mishnah): Reuven died, and Shimon did Yibum with Chanah. Levi (another brother) was born, and Shimon died. Chanah is exempt, for she is Eshes Achiv she'Lo Hayah b'Olamo. Leah (Shimon's other wife) is exempt, because she is Chanah's Tzarah.
עשה בה מאמר ומת שנייה חולצת ולא מתייבמת
If Shimon gave a Ma'amar and died, Leah does Chalitzah but not Yibum;
ר' שמעון אומר מייבם לאיזו שירצה או חולץ לאיזו שירצה:
R. Shimon says, Levi may do Yibum or Chalitzah with either woman.
גמ' ר' שמעון אומר המאמר או קונה או לא קונה ואת אמר אכין ומייבמין לבעלת מאמר
(Gemara) Question #1: R. Shimon says, [it is a Safek whether] Ma'amar acquires or does not acquire, and you say so, [in the Seifa] he permits Yibum with Ba'alas (the one who received) ha'Ma'amar?!
וחש לומר שמא [צ"ל לא - קרבן העדה] קנה מאמר ונמצא מתחייב עליה משם אשת אחיו שלא היה בעולמו.
You should be concerned lest Ma'amar does not acquire, and he is liable for Eshes Achiv she'Lo Hayah b'Olamo!
וחולצין לבעלת מאמר וחש לומר שמא [צ"ל לא - קרבן העדה] קנה מאמר ונמצאת השנייה זקוקה לו
Question #2: [Why does he permit] Chalitzah with Ba'alas ha'Ma'amar? You should be concerned lest Ma'amar does not acquire, and [only] the second [widow] is Zekukah to him (so Chalitzah of Ba'alas ha'Ma'amar did nothing)!
הוויי מה דאמר רבי שמעון על רישיה.
Answer (to both questions): R. Shimon refers to the Reisha (if Shimon did Yibum, Levi was born, and then Shimon died, Levi may do Yibum or Chalitzah with either woman).
אמר רבי יוחנן מודה רבי שמעון בראשונה.
(R. Yochanan): R. Shimon agrees in the first case [the previous Mishnah, in which Levi was born and then Shimon did Yibum].
אשכח תני עוד היא במחלוקת.
A Beraisa was found that says that also this (the first case) is an argument (R. Shimon permits Yibum).
מה בין ראשונה ומה בין שנייה.
Question: [According to R. Yochanan,] what is the difference [between the first case and the second, i.e. our Mishnah]?
ראשונה בא ומצאה באיסור. והשנייה בא ומצאה בהיתר.
Answer: In the first case, he came [to the world] and found [his Yevamah] forbidden. In the second, he came and found her permitted.
רבי יוחנן בעי אשת אביו שמצאה לפני אחד מן השוק מה אמר בה רבי שמעון מפני שמצאה בהיתר מותרת.
Question (R. Yochanan): If [one was born after his mother was widowed or divorced,] and he found Eshes Aviv married l'Shuk (to another man), what would R. Shimon say? Because he found her permitted (i.e. when he was born, she was not Eshes Aviv, rather, another's wife), is she permitted (after she is widowed or divorced from her current husband)?!
לא אמר רבי שמעון אלא על ידי אחין (מן האב - ספר ניר מוחקו)
Answer: R. Shimon said [since he found her permitted...] only regarding brothers [since the Isur goes away through Yibum].
רבי יעקב בר אחא אמר רבי שמעון בן לקיש בעי אשת אחיו מאמו שמצאה לפני (אחד מן השוק) [צ"ל אחיו מן האב - הג"ר מאיר שמחה] מה אמר בה רבי שמעון. מפני שמצאה בהיתר מותרת.
Question (R. Yakov bar Acha citing Reish Lakish): If one found his maternal brother's wife married to his paternal brother (i.e. she did Yibum), what would R. Shimon say? Because he found her permitted, is she permitted (to do Yibum if her husband died)?
לא אמר רבי שמעון אלא על ידי אחים מאב.
Answer: R. Shimon said only regarding paternal brothers. (Do not say that since the Isur of a paternal brother's wife was permitted, also the Isur of a maternal brother's wife was permitted.)
רבי יודן בעי צרת אחות אמו שמצאה לפני (אחד מן השוק) [צ"ל אחיו מן האב - הג"ר מאיר שמחה] מפני שמצאת בהיתר מותרת
Question (R. Yudan): The Tzarah of Achos Imo that he found her married to his paternal brother - because he found her permitted, is she permitted? (A Tzarah is forbidden only due to Eshes Ach, which was permitted through Yibum. Or, perhaps R. Shimon permits only when she would have been permitted to him had he been born the first time she fell to Yibum. Here, had he been born then, she would have been forbidden due to Tzaras Ervah!)
רבי אבין בעין [דף י עמוד ב] גרושה שנעשית אלמנה
Question (R. Avin): If [a brother was born after the Yevamah did Yibum and was] divorced, [and she remarried the Yavam] and she was widowed, [what is the law? Is she forbidden, for he found her without Zikas Yibum? Or, since Eshes Ach was permitted, when she falls to Yibum, she is permitted? We explained this like R. MEIR SIMCHAH.]