THE FINES OF PEROS AND MAMZERUS (Yerushalmi Perek 10 Halachah 1 Daf 53b)
ולא פירות.
(Mishnah): And she does not have Peros.
ואמר ר' אבינא שאינה יכולה להוציא ממנו אכילת פירות שאכל.
(R. Avina): She cannot takes from him (makes him pay for) Peros that he ate.
הדא דתימר בשאכל עד שלא בא הראשון. אבל אם אכל משבא הראשון מוציאה:
Limitation: This refers to what [the latter] ate before the first [husband] came, but if he ate after the first came, the latter] ate before the first [husband] came, she takes from him.
ואם נטלה מזה ומזה תחזור.
(Mishnah): If she took from this one or from this one, she returns.
הדא דתימר בשנטלה משבא הראשון אבל אם נטלה עד שלא בא הראשון [דף נד עמוד א] כמה דלא מפקא מיניה כן לא מפקא מינה:
Limitation: This refers to what she took after the first came, but if she took before the first came, just like she cannot take from him, he cannot take from her.
והוולד ממזר מזה ומזה.
(Mishnah): If she has a child from either man, he is a Mamzer.
ניחא דוולד ממזר מן השני. הוולד ממזר מן הראשון.
Question: Granted, the child from the second man is a Mamzer (she is still married to the first). Why is the child from the first a Mamzer?
רבי בא בשם רבי זעירא אמר דרבי עקיבה היא דרבי עקיבה אמר הבא על סוטתו הוולד ממזר. המחזיר גרושתו משנישאת הוולד ממזר.
Answer #1 (R. Ba citing R. Ze'ira): This is like R. Akiva, who says that one who had Bi'ah with his Sotah, the child is a Mamzer (for a Lav forbids her), and one who is Machzir Gerushaso after she married, the child is a Mamzer. (SEFER NIR - we needed to say that the child from Machzir Gerushaso is a Mamzer according to Shmuel, who says that even though she is considered Anusah, we are stringent lest people say that her first husband divorced her; Sotah does not apply to Ones.)
ר' יוסי בשם רבי הילא דברי הכל הוולד כשר כגיטה כן ממזירה.
Answer #2 (R. Yosi citing R. Heila): All agree that the child is Kosher (mid'Oraisa). Just like her Get (that she must get from the second) is mid'Rabanan, so is her Mamzer [from the second, a Mamzer mid'Rabanan. He may not marry a Mamzeres.]
מה נפק מן ביניהון.
Question: What do [these answers] argue about?
נתן לה השני גט ואחר כך בא עליה הראשון על דעתיה דרבי בא בשם רבי זעירא הוולד ממזר כרבי עקיבה. על דעתיה דרבי יוסי בשם רבי הילא דברי הכל הוולד כשר:
Answer: If the second gave a Get to her, and afterwards the first had Bi'ah with her - according to R. Ba citing R. Ze'ira, the child is a Mamzer according to R. Akiva. According to R. Yosi citing R. Heila all agree that the child is Kosher (mid'Oraisa).