[7a - 29 lines; 7b - 17 lines]

1)[line 3]מנחת העומרMINCHAS HA'OMER (KORBAN HA'OMER)

(a)It is a Mitzvah to bring the Korban ha'Omer on the second day of Pesach. A large quantity of barley is reaped after nightfall following the first day of Pesach. At this time the grain is still moist, and the process of extracting one Omer (approximately 2.2, 2.5 or 4.3 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) of barley flour is extremely difficult. The flour is then kneaded and offered as a Korban Minchah on the 16th of Nisan. (This Korban is also referred to as the Minchas Bikurim - Vayikra 2:14-16).

(b)One Kometz (a three-fingered handful; see Background to Shekalim 18:24) of the Minchah is burned upon the Mizbe'ach. The rest is eaten by Kohanim in the Azarah.

(c)A lamb is offered as an Olah along with the Minchah, as it states in Vayikra 23:12.

(d)Chadash refers to grain that begins to take root after the Korban ha'Omer is brought on the second day of Pesach. This grain may not be eaten until the following year's Korban ha'Omer is offered, as the Torah states in Vayikra 23:14. When there is no Beis ha'Mikdash, Chadash may not be eaten until after the second day of Pesach, which is when the Korban Omer would have been offered.

2)[line 5]הוי פקחHEVEI PIKE'ACH- be wise

3)[line 7]היכא דאיכא שיריים לאכילהHEICHA D'IKA SHIRAYIM L'ACHILAH- when part of the Korban Tzibor is left over to be eaten

4)[line 8]מנחת פרים ואילים וכבשיםMINCHAS PARIM, EILIM U'CHEVASIM (MINCHAS NESACHIM)

(a)A Minchas Nesachim is a Korban Minchah (meal-offering; see Background to Menachos 2:1) offered together with a Korban Shelamim or Olah. This term describes such a Minchah offered along with Korbanos offered by the Tzibor (Bamidbar 28:11-15, 20-21), as well as those offered by an individual (Bamidbar 15:3-16). It is called a Minchas "Nesachim" due to that which it is normally offered along with the Nesachim (wine libations) belonging to the Korbanos.

5)[line 11]פרים אילים וכבשים דחגPARIM, EILIM, U'KEVASIM D'CHAG

(a)The Korbenos Musaf offered on each of the days of Sukos are not identical. Thirteen bulls are offered as Olos on the first day of Sukos. Subsequently, the number of bulls offered on each day of the festival decrease by one per day, until seven are offered on the seventh day. In addition, on each day of Sukos two rams, one he-goats, and fourteen sheep are offered. In all, a total of seventy bulls, fourteen rams, seven he-goats and ninety-eight sheep are offered as Korbenos Musaf over the course of Sukos.

6)[line 13]פר ע"זPAR AVODAH ZARAH

(a)If the majority of Klal Yisrael mistakenly worships Avodah Zarah, two communal sacrifices are offered. A bull is offered as an Olah, and a goat as a Chatas. Following this, the Tzibor has gained atonement (Bamidbar 15:22-26).

7)[line 14]אילו של אהרןEILO SHEL AHARON- the ram offered by the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kipur that is purchased from his personal funds

8)[line 16]כבש הבא עם העומרKEVES HA'BA IM HA'OMER- see above, entry #1c

9)[line 18]וזרקוV'ZARKO (ZERIKAS DAM)

(a)Part of the blood of every Korban is either dashed on to the side of the Mizbe'ach or applied to the sides or the Keranos (cubic Amah posts on the four corners of the Mizbe'ach). It is this service that gains atonement for he who offered the Korban, as the verse states, "Ki ha'Dam Hu, ba'Nefesh Yichaper" - "for it is the blood that will atone for the soul" (Vayikra 17:11).

10a)[line 18]בשוגג הורצהB'SHOGEG HURTZAH- [if it became Tamei] unintentionally, it is desirable [through the power of the Tzitz (see next entry), and the owner receives atonement and may partake of the meat of his Korban]

b)[line 18]במזיד לא הורצהB'MEZID LO HURTZAH- [if it became Tamei] intentionally, it is not desirable (i.e., the owner may not partake of the meat of his Korban mid'Rabanan, although he still receives atonement through the power of the Tzitz)

11)[line 19]על מה הציץ מרצהAL MAH HA'TZITZ MERATZEH (RITZUY TZITZ)

(a)If a Korban or any part of a Korban becomes Tamei, it is unfit to be offered. Therefore, if the blood of a Korban becomes Tamei before it is sprinkled on the Mizbe'ach (Zerikas ha'Dam), the Zerikah may not be performed. Rebbi Yehoshua rules that even if the Dam is Tahor, if all of the meat and Chelev of a Korban become Tamei or otherwise unfit before Zerikas ha'Dam, it is prohibited to perform Zerikas ha'Dam (Pesachim 77b). Another application of this law is that if the Emurim (innards) or other parts of a Korban that are offered on the Mizbe'ach become Teme'im, The Kohanim may no longer offer them on the Mizbe'ach.

(b)These laws, however, apply only l'Chatchilah. B'Di'eved, if the Kohen Gadol was wearing the Tzitz (see next entry) at the time during which a Kohen sprinkled Dam which was Tamei, then the presence of the Tzitz causes that Avodah to be accepted. This means that the owner has fulfilled his obligation of bringing that Korban, and he may therefore eat from his offering. This Halachah is derived from the verse, "... l'Ratzon Lahem Lifnei HaSh-m." (Shemos 28:38). If it was the meat that became Tamei, then the presence of the Tzitz does not allow it to be eaten, although it does render the Korban acceptable.

(c)Those who maintain that Tum'ah Hutra b'Tzibor (see Background to 6:22) understand that Korbenos Tzibor (public sacrifices) do not require the Tzitz in order for them to be accepted as valid offerings. These offerings may be offered l'Chatchilah even while in a state of Tum'ah. Another related difference between Korbenos Tzibor and Korbenos Yachid according to this opinion is that even if all of the Kohanim are Teme'im, they may still offer Korbanos Tzibor l'Chatchilah. These Korbanos, when offered b'Tum'ah, may not be eaten (with the exception of the Korban Pesach, which has the status of a Korban Tzibor and may be eaten even b'Tum'ah).

12)[line 19]ציץTZITZ- a thin gold band upon which the words "Kodesh la'Sh-m" are inscribed, worn upon the forehead of the Kohen Gadol

13)[line 24]כי קתני הציץ מרצה אדיחידKI KA'TANI HA'TZITZ MERATZEH AD'YACHID- that which we learned in the Beraisa that the Tzitz is necessary is only applicable to private Korbanos [but Public offerings are valid even without the conciliatory effects of the Tzitz]

14)[line 26]"[וְהָיָה, עַל מֵצַח אַהֲרֹן,] וְנָשָׂא אַהֲרֹן אֶת עֲוֹן הַקֳּדָשִׁים [אֲשֶׁר יַקְדִּישׁוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לְכָל מַתְּנֹת קָדְשֵׁיהֶם; וְהָיָה עַל מִצְחוֹ תָּמִיד, לְרָצוֹן לָהֶם לִפְנֵי ה']""[V'HAYAH AL METZACH AHARON,] V'NASA AHARON ES AVON HA'KODASHIM [ASHER YAKDISHU BNEI YISRAEL L'CHAL METNOS KODSHEIHEM; V'HAYAH AL MITZCHO TAMID, L'RATZON LAHEM LIFNEI HASH-M]"- "[And it (the Tzitz) shall be upon Aharon's forehead,] and Aharon will bring forgiveness for the sin of the Kodashim [that Bnei Yisrael will consecrate as all manner of consecrated gifts; and it shall be upon his forehead always, to cause them to be be desirable in front of HaSh-m]" (Shemos 28:38).

15)[line 28]פיגולPIGUL

(a)If one slaughters a sacrifice with the intention to offer or eat it after the time within which it must be offered or eaten, it is disqualified. Such a Korban may not be eaten, as the Torah states, "v'Im He'achol Ye'achel mi'Besar Zevach Shelamav ba'Yom ha'Shelishi Lo Yeratzeh, ha'Makriv Oso Lo Yechashev Lo, Pigul Yiheyeh" - "If [the person offering the Korban plans] to eat it on the third day, [the sacrifice] will not be accepted. It is considered Pigul (putrid; rejected), and it will not be counted in his favor" (Vayikra 7:18).

(b)If a person intentionally consumes at least a k'Zayis of Pigul he is Chayav Kares; if he eats it unintentionally he must bring a Korban Chatas. (Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah 144)

16)[last line]נותרNOSAR

(a)Any meat of a Korban which remains after the time within which it may be eaten must be burned, as the Torah states (Vayikra 19:6) "b'Yom Zivchachem Ye'achel umi'Macharas, veha'Nosar Ad Yom ha'Shelishi ba'Esh Yisaref" - "It shall be eaten on the day that you slaughter it and on the next, and that which remains until the third day shall be burned in fire."

(b)If someone eats at a k'Zayis of Nosar intentionally he is Chayav Kares, as the Torah states (ibid. 19:8) "... v'Ochlav Avono Yisa ... v'Nichresah ha'Nefesh ha'Hi me'Ameha" - "... and one who eats it shall bear his sin... and that soul will be cut off from its nation." If he eats it unintentionally, he must bring a Korban Chatas. (Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah 215)


17a)[line 1]אלא עון טומאהELA AVON TUM'AH- the sin of [a private Korban] having become Tamei

b)[line 1]שהותרה מכללה בציבורSHE'HUTRAH MI'CHLALAH B'TZIBOR- since [we have found a leniency with regard to Tum'ah; namely, that] Tum'ah is permitted with regard to public Korbanos

18)[line 3]בין שישנו על מצחוBEIN SHE'YESHNO AL METZCHO- whether it is on his forehead [when the Tum'ah occurred]

19)[line 7]שאין עודהו על מצחוSHE'EIN ODEHU AL METZCHO- for it is not still on his forehead [during the special Yom Kipur service, for then the Kohen Gadol wore only four white linen garments]

20)[line 12]בסיכתאB'SICHTA- on a peg

21)[line 15]מינםMEINAM- to sleep

22)[line 16]שלא יסיח דעתוSHE'LO YASI'ACH DA'ATO- that he should not remove his attention from

23)[last line]למשמשL'MASHMESH- to touch