YOMA 59 - Dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel of Ra'anana, Israel, in memory of his father, Reb Yisrael Shimon ben Shlomo ha'Levi Turkel, whose Yahrzeit is on 10 Av.

[59a - 52 lines; 59b - 11 lines]

1a)[line 1]הקפה ברגלHAKAFAH B'REGEL- [that the Kohen Gadol] walked around [the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav when applying blood to its corners, like the opinion of the Tana Kama of our Mishnah]

b)[line 3]הקפה בידHAKAFAH B'YAD- [that the Kohen Gadol stood in one place] and moved his hand around [to the four corners of the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav when applying blood to its corners, like the opinion of Rebbi Eliezer in our Mishnah]

2)[line 9]תנא קמאTANA KAMA- The Gemara assumes that the unnamed Tana Kama of our Mishnah must be Rebbi Yosi ha'Gelili, since he expresses the stance taken by Rebbi Yosi ha'Gelili in the Beraisa.

3)[line 10]מחוורתא כדשנינן מעיקראMECHAVARTA KED'SHANINAN ME'IKARA- it is clear [that the correct answer is] as we answered originally

4)[line 14]במקום חדא קרן דמזבח חיצון קאיBI'MEKOM CHADA KEREN D'MIZBE'ACH CHITZON KA'I- is in place of one of the Keranos of the outer Mizbe'ach [since they are both one Amah wide by one Amah long]

5)[line 26]שבאלכסוןSHEB'ALACHSON- that is in the opposite diagonal

6)[line 30]כי היכי דלא ניתווסן מאניהKI HEICHI D'LO NITAVSAN MANEI- in order that his garments not become [blood]stained

7)[line 33]פלגיה דמזבחPALGEI D'MIZBE'ACH- half[way up the side] of the Mizbe'ach

8)[line 33]טהר טיהראTAHER TIHARA- noon has arrived

9)[line 35]חותה גחלים אילך ואילךCHOTEH GECHALIM EILACH V'EILACH- he shovels the coals this way and that

10)[line 36]גלויה דמזבחGILUYAH D'MIZBE'ACH- on the revealed part [of the top] of the Mizbe'ach [which has been cleared - "Nit'har" - of ash]

11)[line 37]"... וּכְעֶצֶם הַשָּׁמַיִם לָטֹהַר""... UCH'ETZEM HA'SHAMAYIM LA'TOHAR"- "... and as the clarity of the sight of the heavens" (Shemos 24:10).

12)[line 37]בצד צפוני הוא נותןB'TZAD TZEFONI HU NOSEN- he sprinkles [the blood seven times] on the northern side [of the top of the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi]

13)[line 38]מר סבר פיתחא בדרום קאיMAR SAVAR PISCHA B'DAROM KA'I- Chananya [agrees with Rebbi Yehudah (51b), who] maintains that [there were two curtains separating the Heichal from the Kodesh ha'Kodashim in the second Beis ha'Mikdash. Therefore, the outer one was] open on the southern side. [Since this was the side that the Kohen Gadol exited and therefore began applying blood from, he ended with the northeastern corner. Consequently he sprinkled from the north.]

14)[line 40]"[וְהִזָּה עָלָיו מִן הַדָּם בְּאֶצְבָּעוֹ שֶׁבַע פְּעָמִים;] וְטִהֲרוֹ וְקִדְּשׁוֹ...""... V'TIHARO V'KIDESHO..."- "[And he shall sprinkle upon it from the blood with his finger seven times;] and he shall purify it and sanctify it..." (Vayikra 16:19). Our Gemara explains that the "purification" is the application of blood to its corners, and the "sanctification" refers to the seven times that blood is sprinkled upon the Mizbe'ach.

15)[line 41]"... וְאֵת כָּל דַּם הַפָּר יִשְׁפֹּךְ [אֶל יְסוֹד מִזְבַּח הָעֹלָה, אֲשֶׁר פֶּתַח אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד""... V'ES KOL DAM HA'PAR YISHPOCH [EL YESOD MIZBACH HA'OLAH, ASHER PESACH OHEL MO'ED]"- "... and all of the blood of the bull he should pour [upon the base of the Mizbach ha'Olah, which is opposite the door of the Ohel Mo'ed]" (Vayikra 4:7). This verse refers to what should be done with the remainder of the blood of the Par Kohen Mashi'ach (see Background to 58:26) after some of it has been sprinkled inside the Heichal. However, Chazal understand from the word "ha'Par" that it refers to the bull of the Kohen Gadol on Yom ha'Kipurim as well.

16)[line 41]וכי נפיקV'CHI NAFIK- and when he leaves [the Heichal/Ohel Mo'ed]

17)[line 42]"[... וְאֶת כָּל דָּמָהּ יִשְׁפֹּךְ אֶל] יְסוֹד הַמִּזְבֵּחַ""V'ES KOL DAMAH YISHPOCH EL] YESOD HA'MIZBE'ACH"- "[... and all of its blood he should pour upon] the base of the Mizbe'ach" (Vayikra 4:30). This verse refers to a Korban Chatas (see Background to 57:27), whose blood is applied to the outer Mizbe'ach.

18)[line 45]כבשKEVESH- the ramp [of the outer Mizbe'ach, which leads up to the Mizbe'ach from the south]

19a)[line 48]סתוםSASUM- that which is not clearly stated (i.e., where to pour the remaining blood of a Korban Chatas)

b)[line 48]מפורשMEFURASH- that which is clearly stated (i.e., where to pour the remaining blood of a Par Kohen Mashi'ach)

20)[line 49]פתחא בדרום קאיPISCHA B'DAROM KAI- the entrance to the Heichal is alongside the south of the Mizbe'ach. This is because according to the opinion of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai, the Mizbe'ach is located in the north of the Azarah. Therefore, when one exited the Heichal into the middle of the Azarah, either a) the single Amah of the southern Yesod was directly in front of the entrance, or b) five Amos of the western Yesod, which culminated in the single Amah of the southern Yesod, were directly in front of the opening. Although part of the western Yesod was in front of the Kohen Gadol as well, the entire southern Yesod lay in front of him, as opposed to the western Yesod, of which only a part lay before him (TOSFOS to Zevachim 53a; Shitah Mekubetzes ibid. #13).

21)[line 49]תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל בדבי רבי שמעון בן יוחאיTANA D'VEI REBBI YISHMAEL BED'VEI REBBI SHIMON BEN YOCHAI- a) the students in the Yeshivah of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai learned that Rebbi Yochanan had capitulated and agreed with their Rebbi (RASHI); b) the students in the Yeshivah of Rebbi Yochanan learned that Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai had capitulated and agreed with their Rebbi (RABEINU CHANANEL)

22)[line 51]משכוה גברי לגבראMASHCHUHA GAVREI L'GAVRA- the many scholars drew the one scholar; i.e. a) the students of Rebbi Shimon ben Yochai drew Rebbi Yishmael to agree with their opinion (RASHI); b) Rebbi Shimon ben Yochai [who is mentioned along with his father] drew Rebbi Yishmael over to his opinion (RABEINU ELYAMIM); c) in accordance with the Girsa "Zeh v'Zeh Yesod Ma'aravi" - the students of Rebbi Yishmael drew Rebbi Shimon ben Yochai to agree with their opinion (RABEINU CHANANEL)


23)[line 1]מדרבנןMID'RABANAN- [whether or not Me'ilah is applicable] mid'Rabanan [in which case there is no Chomesh (fifth) added to the payments made to Hekdesh]

24)[line 3]"[כִּי נֶפֶשׁ הַבָּשָׂר בַּדָּם הִוא, וַאֲנִי נְתַתִּיו] לָכֶם [עַל הַמִּזְבֵּחַ] לְכַפֵּר [עַל נַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם; כִּי הַדָּם] הוּא [בַּנֶּפֶשׁ יְכַפֵּר]""[KI NEFESH HA'BASAR BA'DAM HI, VA'ANI NESATIV] LACHEM [AL HA'MIZBE'ACH] L'CHAPER [AL NAFSHOSEICHEM; KI HA'DAM] HU [BA'NEFESH YECHAPER]"- "[For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it] to you [(to place) upon the Mizbe'ach] in order to achieve atonement [for your souls; for] it is [the blood that will atone for the soul]" (Vayikra 17:11). Rebbi Yochanan understands that "it is" implies that its status quo should remain.

25)[line 6]אין בו מעילהEIN BO ME'ILAH- there is no prohibition against deriving benefit from it [since, once its Mitzvah has been performed, it is no longer sanctified]

26)[last line]תרומת הדשןTERUMAS HA'DESHEN

(a)Every morning, a Kohen removes some of the ashes of the consumed sacrifices heaped upon the Mizbe'ach. He then places them southeast of the Mizbe'ach alongside its ramp, at a distance of three Tefachim (approx. 10.5 inches) away from the ramp and 10 Amos from the foot of the ramp (Vayikra 6:3).

(b)It is forbidden to derive benefit from these ashes even after they are placed at the side of the ramp. Generally, after the completion of a Mitzvah that is performed with a particular object, it becomes permitted to derive benefit from the object (if it was previously forbidden). The Torah specifies that with regard to Terumas ha'Deshen, however, even though its Mitzvah has been completed once the ashes are placed on the floor of the Azarah, they remain Asur b'Hana'ah.