[67a - 51 lines; 67b - 25 lines]
1)[line 2]÷ãùéí ÷ìéíKODSHIM KALIM
(a)The term Kodshim Kalim refers to Korbanos of a lesser degree of sanctity, and includes the Korbenos Shelamim, Todah, Ma'aser Behemah, Pesach and Bechor. They may be slaughtered in the entire Azarah (and not only in its northern part) and may be eaten in the entire city of Yerushalayim by any member of Klal Yisrael, men and women, as long as they are Tahor.
(b)The category of Kodshei Kodashim, Korbanos of a higher degree of sanctity, includes Korbenos Olah, Chatas and Asham, as well as Menachos. These may be slaughtered (when applicable) only in the northern part of the Azarah. Those parts of these Korbanos which are eaten may be consumed only in the Azarah, and only by Kohanim.
2)[line 26]áùéðåé áòìéíB'SHINUI BA'ALIM- with a change [of intent] of the owner of the Korban (e.g. slaughtering Reuven's Korban with the intention to perform Zerikas ha'Dam for the sake of Shimon)
3)[line 32]ëéåï ùîì÷ áä ñéîï àçã ðîùëúKEIVAN SHE'MALAK BAH SIMAN ECHAD NIMSHECHES- as soon as he has performed Melikah on one Siman, the bird is transformed into (lit. drawn to) a Chatas ha'Of (see Background to Zevachim 43:4)
4)[line 1]çèàú ìæå åòåìä ìæåCHATAS L'ZO V'OLAH L'ZO- if Rachel gave a bird to the Kohen to offer for her Chatas, and Leah gave a bird for her Olah (according to RASHI, each woman had no obligation to bring the other Korban; according to TOSFOS, each woman had an obligation to bring the other Korban)
5)[line 8]çèàú åòåìä åñúåîä åîôåøùúCHATAS V'OLAH U'SESUMAH U'MEFORESHES - one woman gave a Chatas to the Kohen, and another woman gave an Olah, and they jointly bought and gave a pair of birds but they did not specify which bird would be for which Korban. They did specify which is the Chatas and which is the Olah, but not which one is for which woman. (KINIM)
Kinim are bird offerings. A Ken (lit. nest) consists of two birds of the same type, either Torim or Benei Yonah (see Background to Me'ilah 11:3). In a Ken Chovah one bird is brought as a Korban Chatas ha'Of and the other as a Korban Olas ha'Of. In a Ken Neder or Nedavah, both of the birds are Olos. A Ken Mefureshes refers to a pair of birds that have each been designated as a specific Korban. A Ken Sesumah refers to a pair of birds that have not been designated.
6)[line 17]֕KEN- a nest
7)[line 22]ôøéãäPEREIDAH- bird
8)[line 25]÷áòä ðãøäKAV'AH NIDRAH- if she established her vow; i.e. in addition to specifying a specific type for her vow (which she has forgotten, she states that her Olah be offered together with her childbirth offering; see Insights to the Daf)