[68a - 14 lines; 68b - 28 lines]
1)[line 6]ëùäåà çé ÷åìå àçã åëùäåà îú ÷åìå æ'KESHE'HU CHAI KOLO ECHAD UCHESHE'HU MES KOLO ZAYIN- when it (the ram) is alive, its voice is one (it makes one sound), and when it is dead, its voice is seven (it makes seven sounds). That is, when the ram is alive, it makes only one sound, the bleating of its voice, but when it is dead, it makes seven sounds: Its two horns are made into two trumpets, its two thigh-bones are made into two flutes, its skin is made into a drum, its stomachs are made into the boxes of violins, and its guts are made into the strings of harps.
2)[line 8]ìîéñ÷ ìéä ìçåáäL'MEISAK LEI L'CHOVAH- to fulfill one's obligation
3)[line 1]úåøéïTORIN- turtle-doves
4)[line 2]ùðéñîéú òéðäSHE'NISMEIS EINAH- that its eye has been blinded
5)[line 10]åôãøéíU'FEDARIM- and the fats
6)[line 12]åîçåé øá òìäU'MACHVEI RAV ALAH- and Rav demonstrated this
7)[line 13]÷ãùé áã÷ äáéúKODSHEI BEDEK HA'BAYIS
The term Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis refers to objects that are dedicated to Hekdesh not as sacrifices, that are the property of the Beis ha'Mikdash. Such objects are not fit to be used in their present state in the Beis ha'Mikdash, but their value is consecrated to Hekdesh. Such objects are sold, and the proceeds go toward any day-to-day needs of Hekdesh. This is also termed KEDUSHAS DAMIM.
8)[line 15]îéãé ãäåä àîøàåú ðâòéíMIDI D'HAVAH A'MAR'OS NEGA'IM- similar to appearances of Tzara'as (see Background Zevachim 93:14, 95:10, and 102:3). (Just as a Kohen is needed to rule about Tzara'as even though this is not Avodah, a Kohen is needed to perform the service of the Parah Adumah, even though it is not an Avodah.)