TOSFOS DH v'Harei Kodshei Kodoshim she'Shactan b'Darom v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åäøé ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is not difficult for Rabah in Me'ilah.)
îùîò ãîï äúåøä îåòìéí ã÷''å ãàåøééúà äåà
Inference: Mid'Oraisa, Me'ilah applies, for a Kal v'Chomer is mid'Oraisa.
åúéîä ãìà î÷ùä îäëà ìøáä ãàîø áøéù îòéìä ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí àéï îåòìéï áäï îï äúåøä åîàé àéöèøéê ìéä ìà÷ùåéé äúí çãà îâå çãà
Question: Why didn't we ask from here against Rabah, who said in Me'ilah (2b) that if Kodshei Kodoshim were slaughtered in the south, Me'ilah does not apply to them mid'Oraisa? Why did we need to challenge him there (3a) from [three Mishnayos] that teach about each other?
åé''ì ãìøáä îòéìä ãø' àìéòæø ãäëà ðîé îãøáðï ãòåìä ùòùàä ìîèä ëùçéèú ãøåí äéà
Answer: According to Rabah, also the Me'ilah of R. Eliezer here is mid'Rabanan, for Olah done below is like Shechitah in the south;
å÷''å ã÷àîø ø' àìéòæø äééðå ùéù ìäí ìáéú ãéï ìú÷ï îòéìä
The Kal v'Chomer that R. Eliezer said [is not mid'Oraisa. Rather,] Beis Din should enact Me'ilah.
TOSFOS DH l'Davar Yesh Bo Isur v'Heter
úåñôåú ã"ä ìãáø ùéù áå àéñåø åäéúø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this, and defends it.)
åà''ú çèàú äòåó ùùéðä àú ùîä ìùí çèàú äòåó ãéåìãú úåëéç ùùéðä àú ùîä ìãáø ùàéï áå îòéìä åîåòìéï áä ãäà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ôñåìä äéà
Question: Chatas ha'Of in which there was Shinuy Shem to Chatas ha'Of of Yoledes should be Yochi'ach. He changed its name to something without Me'ilah, and Me'ilah applies to it, for it is Pasul!
ëãàîø áô''÷ (ãó è:) ìùí çèàú éåìãú ìùí çèàú ðæéø ôñåìä äðé òåìåú ðéðäå
This is like it says above (9b) [that Chatas slaughtered] l'Shem Chatas Yoledes or l'Shem Chatas Nazir is Pasul, for these are [like] Olos (they do not atone)!
åîéäå ìîàé ãîñ÷éðï áâîøà ãðçéú øáé àìéòæø ìèòîéä ãøáé éäåùò îùåí ãðîùëú åðòùéú çèàú äòåó ðéçà
Answer #1: According to what we conclude in the Gemara that R. Eliezer understood R. Yehoshua's reasoning, because it is drawn to be Chatas ha'Of, this is fine. (Here it is not drawn, for the Hakravah does not show that it is Chatas Yoledes.)
åòåã é''ì ãø' éäåùò äåä îöé ìàäãåøé æàú úåøú äçèàú úåøä àçú ìëì äçèàåú ëã÷àîø ø''ù áô''÷ ãîðçå' (ãó â:) åà''ë àéï îåòìéï áä ãäà ëùéøä äåéà
Answer #2: R. Yehoshua could have answered Zos Toras ha'Chatas - there is one law for all Chata'os, like R. Shimon said in Menachos (3b). If so, there is no Me'ilah, for it is Kosher.
TOSFOS DH Amar R. Eliezer Asham she'Shacto b'Tzafon...
úåñôåú ã"ä à''ø àìéòæø àùí ùùçèå áöôåï...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)
úéîä ìé àéîú îåòìéï
Question: When does Me'ilah apply?
àé ìàçø æøé÷ä ìéëà îòéìä ãäà îåúø áàëéìä
It cannot be after Zerikah, for there is no Me'ilah then, for one may eat it then;
åàé ìôðé æøé÷ä ëôøù''é òåìú äòåó ðîé ìôðé äæàä åîéöåé îåãä ø' éäåùò ãîåòìéï ãàëúé ìà ðîùëä ìäéåú ëçèàú äòåó
If it is before Zerikah, like Rashi explained, also Olas ha'Of before Haza'ah and Mitzuy, R. Yehoshua agrees that Me'ilah applies, for it was not yet drawn to be like Chatas ha'Of!
åö''ì ãø''à ìèòîéä ãàîø àùí ùìà ìùîå ôñåì ëçèàú åîééøé ìàçø æøé÷ä. áøå''ê.
Answer: We must say that R. Eliezer says like he taught elsewhere, that Asham Lo Lishmah is Pasul like Chatas, and he discusses after Zerikah. This is from R. Baruch.
úéîä ìé ìéîà ìéä ùëï ùéðä àú ùîå ìãáø äàñåø åìãáø äîåúø ëã÷àîø áîúðé'
Question #1: [R. Yehoshua] should say to [R. Eliezer that there is no proof from Asham slaughtered l'Shem Shelamim, for] he changed its name to something forbidden and something permitted, like he said in our Mishnah!
åëé ôøéê áñîåê ìéîà ìéä ùéðåé áòìéí ãéìîà ìà àîøé ìéä îùåí ãäåä àîø (äâäú îìàëú éå"è) ìéä äà ãôøéê áîúðé'. áøå''ê
Question #2: When [Rava] asked below "[R. Eliezer] should say to [R. Yehoshua that we learn from Asham slaughtered in the south l'Shem Shelamim with] Shinuy Ba'alim", perhaps [R. Eliezer] did not say so because [R. Yehoshua] would have answered what he asked in our Mishnah (that he changed its name to something with Isur and Heter. How did Rava infer that he did not ask because he understood R. Yehoshua's reason?)
TOSFOS DH b'Shinuy Ba'alim
úåñôåú ã"ä áùéðåé áòìéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that he could have mentioned Lo Lishmah instead.)
ä''ð äåä îöé ìîéîø àùí îöåøò ù÷áì ãîå áãøåí áëìé ìùí ùìîéí éåëéç ùäøé ùéðä ùîå åùéðä î÷åîå åùéðä îòùéå ãöøéê ÷áìä áéã ëãàîø áøéù àéæäå î÷åîï (ìòéì ãó îæ:) ùðé ëäðéí î÷áìéï àú ãîå àçã áéã åàçã áëìé
Observation: Likewise, he could have said that Asham Metzora whose blood was received in the south in a Kli l'Shem Shelamim is Yochi'ach, for he changed its name, and its place, and its Ma'asim, for Kabalah must be [partially] in the hand, like it says above (47b) that two Kohanim receive its blood - one in the hand and one in a Kli.
TOSFOS DH Chatas ha'Of she'Asa'ah l'Ma'alah v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä çèàú äòåó ùòùàä ìîòìä ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he asked only from birds.)
îùàø ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí ìùí ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ìà ôøéê ùéîùëå
Implied question: Why didn't he ask from other Kodshei Kodoshim slaughtered in the south, that they should be drawn [to be Kodshim Kalim]?
àìà î÷éðéí ãàîøé' (éåîà ãó îà.) àéï ä÷éðéí îúôøùåú àìà àå áì÷éçú áòìéí àå áòùééú ëäï äéìëê úéäðé ðîé äëà ùúéîùê
Answer: [He asked] only from Kinim, for we say (Yoma 41a) that Kinim become specified [which will be Chatas ha'Of and which Olas ha'Of] only when the owner buys them or when the Kohen offers them. Therefore, [Hakravah like the other Korban] should help also to draw it [to be the other Korban].
TOSFOS DH v'Olas ha'Of l'Matah Leisa
úåñôåú ã"ä åòåìú äòåó ìîèä ìéúà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what is needed to draw a Korban to another Korban.)
îúåê ãáøé øá àùé îùîò ãàé äéúä ìîèä àò''ô ãäàé áñéîï àçã åäàé áùðé ñéîðéï ìà äéúä ðîùëú åðòùéú çèàú äòåó
Inference: From Rav Ashi's words it connotes that if [the place for Olas ha'Of] were below, even though [Melikas Chatas ha'Of] is in one Siman and [Olas ha'Of] is in two Simanim, it would not be drawn to become Chatas ha'Of.
åúéîä à''ë âáé çèàú äòåó ëéåï ãàîø îø îìé÷ä áëì î÷åí áîæáç ëùéøä ìîä ìéä ìîéîø îëé îì÷ áä ñéîï àçã îéôñìà áä ðéîà (äâää áâìéåï, îöàï ÷ãùéí) ëéåï ãàéï áä ùéðåé î÷åí àéðä éëåìä ìäéîùê
Question #1: If so, regarding Chatas ha'Of, since it was taught that Melikah is Kosher anywhere on the Mizbe'ach, why must [Rav Ashi] say "once he did Melikah of one Siman it is Pasul"? He should say that since there is no Shinuy Makom, it cannot be drawn [to Olah]!
åòåã ÷ùä ãîùîò àí äéúä ðôñìú ìîòìä äéúä ðîùëú ìòåìä ùäøé äî÷åí âåøí ìä ìäîùê
Question #2: It connotes that if it were disqualified above, it would be drawn to Olah, for the place causes it to be drawn;
àí ëï âáé òåìä ìîä ìéä èòîà ãäàé áñéîï àçã åäàé áùðé ñéîðéï úéôå÷ ìéä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) äéúä ðîùëú îçîú äî÷åí åðòùéú çèàú äòåó
If so, regarding Olah, why do we need the reason that [Chatas] is in one Siman and [Olah] is in two Simanim? Even without this, it would be drawn due to the place, and become Chatas ha'Of!
åîôøù ä''ø çééí ãëìì æä éäà áéãê ãìòåìí àéï ä÷øáï ðîùê ìéòùåú ÷øáï àçø àìà îçîú ùðé èòîéí ùîîùéëéï àåúå ìôé ùäéå ôñåìéï áøàùåï åëùøéí áùðé
Answer (R. Chaim): The general rule is, a Korban is never drawn to become another Korban unless two reasons draw it, that [these reasons] would disqualify its initial [kind of Korban], and are Kosher in the second;
äéìëê âáé òåìä öøéëéï ùðé èòîéí ãôñåìä ìîèä åâí äëùøä áùðé ñéîðéï
Therefore, regarding Olah we need two reasons, that it is Pasul below, and also two Simanim are needed for it to be Kosher;
åëï çèàú äòåó ùòùàä ìîòìä àí äéúä ìîòìä ôñåìä äéúä ðîùëú îëç ùðé èòîéí
Similarly, Chatas ha'Of that was done above - if above were Pasul, it would be drawn due to two reasons.
åàí úàîø òåìú äòåó ùòùàä ìîòìä ëîòùä çèàú úéîùê åúéäåé çèàú ãäà éù ëàï ùúé ôñåìåú ìòåìä åäëùéøï ìçèàú ùäøé ìà äáãéì åäæä
Question: If Olas ha'Of was done above like Chatas ha'Of it should be drawn to be Chatas ha'Of, for there are two Pesulim for Olah and they are Kosher for Chatas - he did not divide, and he did Haza'ah!
åé''ì ùäîìé÷ä îåùëúå åáñéîï øàùåï ìéëà ôñåì ùì òåìä ãðéîà ùúéîùê åúéäåé çèàú åäæàä îéìúà àçøéúé äéà:
Answer: Melikah draws it and in the first Siman there is no Pesul of Olah, that we should say that it should be drawn to be Chatas. Haza'ah is another matter.
TOSFOS DH bi'Trei Gavrei Mi Amar
úåñôåú ã"ä áúøé âáøé îé àîø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the Havah Amina.)
úéîä äéëé ñ''ã îòé÷øà ùúéîùê òåìú ìàä åúéòùä çèàú øçì
Question: How could he initially think that Leah's Olah is drawn to become Rachel's Chatas?!
åùîà ñ''ã áùäúðä àí úéôñì ìâáé ãéãä ùéåòéì ìçáéøúä àí éåëì
Answer #1: Perhaps he thought that she stipulated that if it will be Pasul for her, it will help for her friend, if it can.
åîñé÷ áúøé âáøé îé àîø ãìà îééøé ëìì áäúðå
[The Gemara] concludes that [R. Yehoshua] did not say about two people (that one's Olah becomes a Chatas for the other). He does not discuss stipulations at all.
åîéäå ìà îùîò ìéùðà äëé
Disclaimer: The wording [of the Gemara] does not connote like this.
åðøàä ãîééøé áùçééáéï ëì àçú çèàú åòåìä åðúðå ÷ï àçã ìëäï ìòùåú îîðå çèàú ìæå åòåìä ìæå åäåáøø àéæå ìçèàú åàéæå ìòåìä
Answer #2: He discusses when each is obligated a Chatas and an Olah, and they gave one Ken to the Kohen to offer a Chatas for this one and an Olah for this one, and it was clarified which is the Chatas and which is the Olah;
åìäëé ôøéê ãðäé ã÷øáä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) òåìä ìîèä úéîùê åúäéä çèàú åúôèø îï äçèàú ùäéà òöîä çééáú
Therefore, [the Makshan] asks granted, Olah was offered below. It should be drawn and becomes a Chatas, and she should be exempt from the Chatas that she herself was obligated!
åîùðé áúøé âáøé îé àîø
[The Gemara] answers that [R. Yehoshua] did not say about two people;
ãäééðå úøé âáøé ãëùðúðå ùúéäï ìëäï çèàú ìøçì åòåìä ììàä åäëäï èòä ìä÷øéá òåìú ìàä ìîèä ëîòùä çèàú ìùí çèàú ùäéä ñáåø ùäéà çèàú øçì
I.e. [he did not discuss] two people that when they gave to the Kohen a Chatas for Rachel and an Olah for Leah, and the Kohen erred to offer Leah's Olah below like Ma'aseh Chatas l'Shem Chatas, for he thought that it is Rachel's Chatas for the other). He does not discuss stipulations at all.
àéê úôèø ìàä îçèàú ùäéà çééáú îùåí ãðîùëú òåìúä åðòùéú çèàú äøé ìùí øçì òùàä åéù ëàï ùéðåé áòìéí
How can Leah be exempt from the Chatas that she is obligated, because her Olah is drawn to become a Chatas? [The Kohen] did it for Rachel. There is Shinuy Ba'alim!
åà''ú àîàé ìà ôøéê îøéùà ãúðï áîñ' ÷éðéí (ô''â î''à) àçú ìæå åàçú ìæå ùúéí ìæå åùúéí ìæå [â' ìæå] åâ' ìæå òùä ëåìï ìîòìä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îçöä ëùø åîçöä ôñåì
Question: Why didn't it ask from the Reisha of the Mishnah in Kinim (3:1)? It teaches "one [Ken] is for this [woman] and one [Ken] is for this, [or] two are for this and two are for this, three are for this and three are for this, if [the Kohen] offered all of them above, half are Kosher and half are Pasul";
çöéå ìîòìä åçöéå ìîèä àú ùìîòìä îçöä ëùø åîçöä ôñåì åàú ùìîèä îçöä ëùø åîçöä ôñåì
If he offered half above and half below, [of those offered] above half are Kosher and half are Pasul, and below half are Kosher and half are Pasul.
ôé' ëì ÷ï å÷ï òåîã áôðé òöîå åìà ùòùä îëì àçú çöéå ìîòìä åçöéå ìîèä àìà ùìùä ÷éðéí ùìéîéí òùä ìîòìä åâ' ùìéîéí òùä ìîèä
Explanation: Every Ken is by itself. He did not offer from each [Ken] half [one bird] above and half below. Rather, he offered three full Kinim above and three full below;
Note: Chak Nasan's text says "mi'Kol Echad" (masculine), just like "Chetzyo". However, "Ken" is feminine - we say Ken Stumah. Perhaps the text should say "Chetyah" in place of Chetzyo. Perhaps Tosfos means that he offered from each woman half of her birds above... If "mi'Kol Achas" means from every Ken, Tosfos could have said "one [bird] above and one below"!
åäùúà îàåúï ùìéîéí ùìîòìä àéï ëùø àìà äòåìåú åîàåúï ùìîèä äçèàåú
Now, of the full [Kinim] above only the Olos are Kosher, and of those below [only] the Chata'os [are Kosher];
åàé áäðê ãìîèä ùúéí îäï ùì àùä àçú ìà îéôñìé îéðééäå àìà ôøéãä à' ãäà îéçééáà â' çèàåú åîîùëä òåìä åðòùú çèàú åàîàé úðé ãùìîèä îçöä ëùø åîçöä ôñåì
If of those below two [Kinim, i.e. four birds] are of one woman [who was obligated three Kinim], only one bird is Pasul, for she was obligated three Chata'os, and an Olah is drawn and becomes a Chatas. Why does it teach that below, half are Kosher and half are Pasul?
åé''ì ã÷úðé äëé îùåí ãàéîø ùìùúï ùì àùä àçú
Answer: It says so because I can say that all three [Kinim, i.e. all six birds] are of one woman.
åàâá âøøà éôøù ñéôà ãäê ááà àçú ìæå ùúéí ìæå ùìù ìæå òùø ìæå îàä ìæå òùä ëåìï ìîòìä ëå' òã çöéä ìîòìä åçöéå ìîèä äîøåáä ëùø
Remark: By the way, I will explain the Seifa of this clause. One [Ken] is for this [woman], two are for this, three are for this, 10 are for this, and 100 are for this. If he offered all of them above... until [if he offered] half above and half below, the largest amount is Kosher.
ôéøåù àåúï àøáò ðùéí ùì àçú åùì ùúéí åùì ùìù åùì òùø ìà éöàå ëìì éãé çåáúï ãàéðï éåãòåú àí ëì ÷éðéäï ìîòìä ãîúééï çèàåú àå ëì ÷éðéäï ìîèä ãîúééï òåìä
Explanation: The four women of one, two, three and 10 were not Yotzei their obligations at all, for they do not know if all their Kinim were [offered] above (so they fulfilled their Olos, but they must) bring their Chata'os, or if all their Kinim were [offered] below, so [they must] bring their Olos;
àáì àåúï ùì îàä îîä ðôùê (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) éù îäï î''á ìîòìä åî''á ìîèä
However, the woman of 100 [Kinim], no matter what you will say, [at least] 42 [of them were offered] above, and [at least] 42 below;
ãáéï ëåìäå ÷è''æ ÷éðéï åëùòùä ð''ç ìîòìä åð''ç ìîèä ãì îéðééäå è''æ ãîñô÷à ìäå áäê ðùé ôù ìäå î''á åîúëùøé ìäå ìëì äôçåú î''á çèàåú åî''á òåìåú
Source: In all there are 116 Kinim. When he did 58 above and 58 below, deduct from them 16, about which we are unsure (perhaps they are all the 16 Kinim of the first four women), and at least 42 Chatas [of the woman who had 100] are Kosher, and [at least] 42 Olos.
TOSFOS DH Chatas v'Olah
úåñôåú ã"ä çèàú åòåìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos says that there was no need for the Mishnah to teach this.)
ìà äåä öøéê ìîéúðé àìà ñúåîä åîôåøùú ãáçèàú åòåìä àéï îøåéç ëìåí:
Observation: [The Mishnah says that Rachel gave a Chatas to the Kohen, and Leah gave an Olah, and they jointly gave a Ken Stumah (they did not specify which bird is for which Korban) and a Ken Mefureshes (they specified which is the Chatas and which the Olah, but not which is for each woman. The Tana] needed to teach only a Stumah and a Mefureshes. He does not gain anything through teaching Chatas and Olah.