TOSFOS DH Nasantan l'Kohen v'Einah Yoda'as Mah Nasnah
úåñôåú ã"ä ðúðúï ìëäï åàéðä éåãòú îä ðúðä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's Perush.)
áçðí ãç÷ ä÷åðèøñ ìàå÷îä áù÷áòä ðãøä òí çåáúä
Explanation (Rashi): The case is, she fixed her vow with [to be the same species as] her obligatory [Ken].
ãäê ááà îéúå÷îà ùôéø áùìà ÷áòä
Objection: There was no need to explain so. It is properly established when she did not fix!
TOSFOS DH keshe'Hu Chai Kolo Echad keshe'Hu Mes Kolo Zayin
úåñôåú ã"ä ëùäåà çé ÷åìå àçã ëùäåà îú ÷åìå æ'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what the horns are used for.)
îôøù áîñëú ÷éðéï (ô''â î''å) ÷øðéå ìçöåöøåú îùîò ãáàåú ùìà îï äëñó
Explanation: In Kinim (3:6) it explains that it horns are for Chatzotzeros (trumpets in the Mikdash). This implies that [the Chatzotzeros] are not of silver.
åëï îùîò áôø÷ ëì äöìîéí (ò''æ ãó îæ. åùí) ãáòé øîé áø çîà äîùúçåä ìáäîä ÷øðéä îäå ìçöåöøåú
Support: Also Avodah Zarah (47a) connotes like this. Rami bar Chama asked, if one bowed to an animal [to worship it], are its horns Kosher for Chatzotzeros?
åúéîä ãáä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ëç.) úðéà çöåöøåú äéúä áàä îï äòùú ùì ëñó
Question: In Menachos (28a), a Beraisa teaches that Chatzotzeros come from a chunk of silver!
îéäå îääéà ìà ÷ùä ëåìé äàé ãäúí áùì îùä ùìà äéå ëùøåú ìãåøåú ëãîùîò äúí
Answer: That is not so difficult. There it discusses Moshe's Chatzotzeros. They were not Kosher for all generations.
àáì ÷ùä îîñëú úîéã (ãó ìâ:) ãúðï åùúé çöåöøåú ùì ëñó áéãí îùîò ãàó ìãåøåú áùì ëñó
Question: In Tamid (33b), a Mishnah teaches that [two Kohanim stood by the marble table near the Mizbe'ach, and] two silver Chatzotzeros were in their hands. This connotes that even for generations, they are of silver!
åúéøõ ø''ú ãùðé òðééðé çöåöøåú äéå ùì ëäðéí áùì ëñó åùì ìåéí áùì ÷øðé áäîä ìëìé ùéø
Answer #1 (R. Tam): There are two matters of Chatzotzeros. Those of Kohanim were of silver, and those of Leviyim were from animal horns, for music.
åòåã é''ì ãçöåöøåú ã÷éðéí åãîñëú ò''æ äééðå ùåôø ëãàîø áñåó áîä îãìé÷éï (ùáú ãó ìå.) åáôø÷ ìåìá äâæåì (ñåëä ãó ìã.) ãàéùúðé ùîäúééäå çöåöøúà ùéôåøà ùéôåøà çöåöøúà
Answer #2: The Chatzotzeros [mentioned] in Maseches Kinim and in Avodah Zarah are Shofaros, like it says in Shabbos (36a) and in Sukah (34a) that the names Chatzotzeres and Shofar switched. (What we call now Shofar was initially called Chatzotzeres, and vice-versa);
åáñåó áîä îãìé÷éï (ùáú ãó ìå.) àéëà áøééúà ù÷åøàä ìçöåöøåú ùåôø
In Shabbos (36a) there is a Beraisa that calls Chatzotzeros "Shofar".
åîéäå ÷ùä ãáîñëú òáåãä æøä àééøé áîëùéøé ÷øáï ëãàîø äúí åòì ä÷øáï ìà äéå úå÷òéï áùåôø àìà áçöåöøåú ëãëúéá åú÷òúí áçöåöøåú òì òåìåúéëí åòì æáçé ùìîéëí (áîãáø é)
Question: In Avodah Zarah it discusses what is needed for the Korban, like it says there 'during [Hakravah of] the Korban they did not blow the Shofar, rather, Chatzotzeres, like it says "u'Skatem ba'Chatzotzeros Al Oloseichem v'Al Zivchei Shalmeichem"!' (Tzon Kodoshim - rather, we must say like Answer #1.)
TOSFOS DH Eimar d'Amar R. Yehoshua Le'afukah mi'Ydei Me'ilah...
úåñôåú ã"ä àéîø ãà''ø éäåùò ìàôå÷ä îéãé îòéìä...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why it helps only for Me'ilah.)
úéîä î''ù æå îæå
Question: Why is [Me'ilah] different than [fulfilling one's obligation? If it drawn to become a Chatas to uproot Me'ilah, it must be totally Kosher!]
åé''ì ãëé äàé âååðà àùëçï ô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó éá.) ãùéøéí ùçñøå áéï ÷îéöä ìä÷èøä ùàñåøéï áàëéìä åä÷èøúï îåöéàï îéãé îòéìä (äâää áâìéåï, îöàï ÷ãùéí)
Answer #1: We find like this in Menachos (12a) that if Shirayim became Chaser (lacking) between Kemitzah and Haktarah, one may not eat them, but Haktarah [of the Kometz] uproots Me'ilah from them;
åæøé÷ä îåòìú ìéåöà åôéâåì ëãàîøéðï (äâää áâìéåï, îöàï ÷ãùéí) áô''÷ ãîòéìä (ãó â:) ãîô÷à îéãé îòéìä àò''â ãìà òìä ìùí çåáä
And Zerikah helps for Yotzei and Pigul, like we say in Me'ilah (3b) that it uproots Me'ilah, even though [the Korban] did not fulfill [the owner's] obligation.
åé''î ãîãàåøééúà ðîùëä åðòùä çèàú âîåøä åú÷ðúà ãøáðï äéà ãàéðå òåìä ìùí çåáä
Answer #2: Some say that mid'Oraisa, it is drawn and becomes a Chatas totally. It is an enactment mid'Rabanan that it does not fulfill his obligation.
åö''ì ã÷ñáø ø' éäåùò àéï ùçéèä ìòåó îï äúåøä åçåìéï áòæøä ìàå ãàåøééúà
Possibility #1: [If so,] R. Yehoshua must hold that the Torah does not require Shechitah for birds (the owner will bring another Chatas ha'Of, and the Kohen will eat it even though it is Chulin that was killed through Melikah, without Shechitah) and [the Isur of] Chulin b'Azarah is not mid'Oraisa;
ëãàîø áðæéø (ãó ëè.) âáé îãéø áðå áðæéø ìî''ã ëãé ìçðëå áîöåú
This is like it says in Nazir (29a) about one may put a vow of Nezirus on his [minor] son in order to train him in Mitzvos.
åàé ðîé ÷ñáø çåìéï áòæøä ãàåøééúà çéä åòåó ìàå ãàåøééúà
Possibility #2: Alternatively, he holds that Chulin b'Azarah is mid'Oraisa [for Behemos, but for] a Chayah or bird it is not mid'Oraisa;
ëãàùëçï âáé ø''ù áô' ëéñåé äãí (çåìéï ãó ôä:) ã÷ñáø ãàåøééúà åàô''ä çéä åòåó ìàå ãàåøééúà
This is like we find about R. Shimon in Chulin (85b). He holds that [Chulin b'Azarah] is mid'Oraisa, and even so for a Chayah or bird it is not mid'Oraisa;
åìéú ìéä ääéà ãøùä áô''á ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ðæ: ðç.) ãîøáä áòåôåú
He disagrees with the Drashah in Kidushin (57b-58a) that includes birds.
åà''ú ìî''ã ìàå ãàåøééúà ìîàé àéöèøéê ÷øà ìçèàú äòåó áàä òì äñô÷
Question: According to the opinion that [Chulin b'Azarah] is not mid'Oraisa, why do we need a verse to teach that Chatas ha'Of may be brought amidst Safek?
ãäà ø' éåñé áø çðéðà ãàîø ìàå ãàåøééúà ëãîåëç áðæéø åîöøéê ÷øà ìçèàú äòåó áàä òì äñô÷
R. Yosi bar Chanina says that it is not mid'Oraisa, like is proven in Nazir, and he requires a verse for Chatas ha'Of brought amidst Safek!
åé''ì ãàúà ÷øà ìîéîø ãçééá (ëï äåà áãôåñ éùï) ìäáéà òì äñô÷ ëîå ááäîä àùí úìåé
Answer: The verse teaches that one must bring it amidst Safek, just like regarding a Behemah one brings Asham Taluy [if it is a Safek if he is Chayav Chatas].
TOSFOS DH Malak bi'Smol Oh ba'Laylah Ein Metam'in b'Beis ha'Bli'ah
úåñôåú ã"ä îì÷ áùîàì àå áìéìä àéï îèîàéï ááéú äáìéòä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses who taught our Mishnayos.)
ìëàåøä ëåìä îúðéúéï ø''ù äéà ãàîø ì÷îï áôø÷ äîæáç î÷ãù (ãó ôã.) ùëì ùôñåìå á÷åãù àí òìä ìà éøã
Opinion #1: It seems that our entire Mishnah (including the previous Mishnah) is R. Shimon, who says below (84a) that anything that is Pesulo b'Kodesh, Im Alah Lo Yered;
ãäà àîøéðï áâîøà ãîìé÷ä äîúøú àú äàéñåø ôé' ãàí òìä ìà éøã àéðä îèîàä ááéú äáìéòä
Source #1: We say in the Gemara (69a) that Melikah that permits the Isur, i.e. Im Alah Lo Yered, [the bird] is not Metamei b'Beis ha'Bli'ah;
åîìé÷ú ìéìä ìø' éäåãä úøã ëãàîø áô' äîæáç î÷ãù (ùí) ôøè ìðùçèä áìéìä
Melikah done at night, according to R. Yehudah [Im Alah] Yered, like it says below (84a) "this excludes what was slaughtered at night." (Melikah corresponds to Shechitah.)
åëï ìòéì ãúðï åëåìï àéï îèîàéï ááéú äáìéòä åäééðå ëùçéèú (äâää áâìéåï, îùéèä î÷åáöú) ãøåí ãúøã ìø' éäåãä ëãàîø áùîòúéï ÷îééúà ãîòéìä (ãó á:) àìà îúðéúéï ø''ù äéà
Source #2: Above (66b), the Mishnah says "all of these are not Metamei b'Beis ha'Bli'ah." [Melikas Olas ha'Of done below] is like Shechitah [of Kodshei Kodoshim] in the south, about which R. Yehudah says Yered, like it says in Me'ilah (2b). Rather, our Mishnah is R. Shimon.
åúéîä àé ëø' ùîòåï äàîø ãîìé÷ú ùîàì îìé÷ä âîåøä äéà ìîàé ãâøñ ø''ú ìòéì áô''á (ãó ëã:) îì÷ áùîàì ôñåì åøáé ùîòåï (äâää áâìéåï, îùéèä î÷åáöú) îëùéø
Question: If it is like R. Shimon, he said that Melikah bi'Smol (with the left hand) is full Melikah, according to R. Tam's text above (24b) "if he did Melikah bi'Smol, it is Pasul, and R. Shimon is Machshir"!
åé''ì ãñáø ìéä ëååúéä áçãà åôìéâ òìéä áçãà
Answer: [Our Tana] holds like R. Shimon about one matter (anything that is Pesulo b'Kodesh, Im Alah Lo Yered), and argues with him about one (Melikah bi'Smol).
à''ð îåãä ø' éäåãä áòåó ãëì ùôñåìå á÷åãù àí òìä ìà éøã ãäðê úìúà îéòåèé ãì÷îï ááäîä ëúéáé
Opinion #2: (Our Mishnah is like R. Yehudah.) R. Yehudah agrees about a bird that anything that is Pesulo b'Kodesh, Im Alah Lo Yered. The three exclusions below (84a) are written [only] about a Behemah.
åîéäå òì ëøçéï çã îéðééäå áòåó ãìà úéîà ëì ôñåìé ãòåó àí òìä ìà éøã
Disclaimer: However, you are forced to say that one of them refers to a bird. If not, any Pesul of a bird, Im Alah Lo Yered!
TOSFOS DH Schachat Chulin Bifnim v'Kodoshim b'Chutz
úåñôåú ã"ä ùçè çåìéï áôðéí å÷ãùéí áçåõ
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source that these are not Metamei b'Beis ha'Bli'ah.)
áâî' ðô÷à ìï ãùåí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùçéèä àéðä îèîàä ááéú äáìéòä àò''â ãàéðä îúøú àú äàéñåø
Source: In the Gemara (69a) we derive this, because no Shechitah is Metamei b'Beis ha'Bli'ah, even if it does not permit the Isur.
TOSFOS DH Malak b'Sachin
úåñôåú ã"ä îì÷ áñëéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three explanations why this is Chaladah.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãîçìéã ìôé ùðåòõ øàùå ùì ñëéï îùåí ãàéðå øåöä ìçúåê øåá áùø ÷åãí äñéîðéï
Explanation #1 (Rashi, Kesav Yad): This is Chaladah (one of the Pesulim of Shechitah), because he inserts the end of the knife because he does not want to cut most of the meat before the Simanim.
åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï áô' ÷îà ãçåìéï (ãó ë:) ãäúí ÷øé ìéä îçìéã àò''â ãñì÷à ãòúê ùçåúê øåá áùø
Rejection: One cannot say so, for in Chulin (20b) it calls this Chaladah, even though we were thinking that he cuts the majority of flesh!
åäúí ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãìàçø ùðúôø÷å ôéø÷é äòöí ðéðòõ äñëéï úçú äòöí åäåéà çìãä
Explanation #2: There, Rashi explained that after the parts of the bone came apart, the knife is inserted under the bone, and this is Chaladah.
åìôé' æä ìà àééøé áñëéï øçáä
Consequence: According to this, we do not discuss a wide knife.
åðøàä ãçùéá çìãä ìôé ùùåçè äñéîðéï îîèä ìîòìä åàôéìå áñëéï øçáä:
Explanation #3: It seems that it is considered Chaladah because he cuts the Simanim from below to above, and even with a wide knife.
TOSFOS DH veshe'Nismeis Einah
úåñôåú ã"ä åùðéñîéú òéðä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is missing an eye.)
äééðå ùðçèèä ãîçåñø àáø åîîòèéðï ìä áô''÷ ã÷éãåùéï (ãó ëã:) îãëúéá îï äòåó åìà ëì äòåó ôøè ìùéáù âôä
Explanation: This means that the eye was gouged out. It is missing a limb. We exclude this in Kidushin (24b) because it is written "Min ha'Of", and not any bird, to exclude if the wing dried [so much that it will fall off].
åìà ëîå ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ îùåí ä÷øéáäå ðà ìôçúê
This is unlike Rashi explained, that it is due to Hakrivehu Na l'Fechasecha.
åà''ú ì''ì ÷øà ìîçåñø àáø äà àôéìå ìáðé ðç àñåø ëããøùéðï ì÷îï ô' áúøà (ãó ÷èæ.) åô''÷ ãò''æ (ãó ä:) äáà áäîä ùçééï øàùé àéáøéí ùìä
Question: Why do we need a verse for Mechusar Ever (a Korban missing a limb)? Even for Bnei Noach it is forbidden, like we expound below (116a) and in Avodah Zarah (5b), bring an animal whose outermost limbs are intact!
åé''ì ãàé ìàå ãëúéá ÷øà áéùøàì äåä îå÷îéðï ÷øà ãáðé ðç ìéùøàì åìà ìáðé ðç
Answer #1: If no verse were written about Yisrael, we would establish the verse of Bnei Noach for Yisrael, and not for Bnei Noach;
ëãàîø áô' ã' îéúåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ðè.) ëì îöåä ùðàîøä ìáðé ðç åìà ðùðéú áñéðé ìéùøàì ðàîøä åìà ìáðé ðç
This is like it says in Sanhedrin (59a), that any Mitzvah said to Bnei Noach and was not repeated at Sinai, it was said to Yisrael, and not to Bnei Noach.
à''ð äåä àîéðà ãëéåï ãàéùúøé áòì îåí áòåôåú ìéùøàì èôé îáäîä àéùúøé àôé' îçåñø àáø
Answer #2: One might have thought that since a Ba'al Mum was permitted to Yisrael for birds more than for Behemos, and Mechusar Ever is permitted.
à''ð äåä îå÷îéðï îëì äçé ãëúéá ááðé ðç ããå÷à áäîä ùîöéðå ùðàñø áä îåí ìéùøàì
Answer #3: We would establish "mi'Kol ha'Chai" written about Bnei Noach only to Behemah, in which we find that a Ba'al Mum was forbidden to Yisrael.
TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Smol v'Laylah
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá ùîàì åìéìä ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when there is Tum'ah and when Yered.)
ëåìä äê ñåâéà ëø''ù ëãôøéùéú áîúðé' åùîàì åìéìä ãàéï îèîàéï ãàí òìå ìà éøãå
Explanation #1: This entire Sugya is like R. Shimon, like I explained in our Mishnah (68a DH Malak). [Melikah done with] bi'Smol or at night, which are not Metamei, Im Alah Lo Yered;
åæø åñëéï ãîèîàéï (éøãå) ìø''ù ãëéåï ãàéøò ôñåì áùçéèä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëîå ãçð÷éðåï ãîé åéøãå ãàéï ôñåìï á÷åãù ùìà ðú÷ãù áëìé
[Melikah done through] a Zar or knife, which are Metamei, descend according to R. Shimon. Since a Pesul occurred in Shechitah, it is as if he choked it, and Yered, for Ein Pesulo b'Kodesh, for it was not Mekudash in a Kli;
åëì ùôñåìå á÷åãù ãìà éøã äééðå ùàéøò ôñåì îùðùçè åðú÷ãù á÷ãåùú ëìé
Anything that is Pesulo b'Kodesh, which Lo Yered, i.e. a Pesul occurred after Shechitah and it became Kodesh through a Kli.
åìà ëîå ùôé' á÷åðèøñ ì÷îï áô' äîæáç î÷ãù (ãó ôã.) àéï ôñåìå á÷åãù ùàéøò ôñåì ÷åãí áéàúå ìòæøä ëâåï øåáò åðøáò
Explanation #2: This is unlike Rashi explained below (84a) that Ein Pesulo b'Kodesh means that a Pesul occurred before it came to the Azarah, e.g. bestiality.
ãðøáò áòæøä îàé àéëà ìîéîø
Rebuttal #1: If a man had Bi'ah with it in the Azarah, how can [Rashi] explain [why this is called Ein Pesulo b'Kodesh? It was Kosher when it came to the Azarah!]
åòåã ãùçéèú ãøåí ø''ì áîòéìä ãúøã ìø''ù åìàå ãå÷à ð÷è (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ø''ù øåáò åðøáò ãä''ä æø áîìé÷ä åá÷îéöä úøã
Rebuttal #2: Shechitah in the south, [the Gemara] in Me'ilah (2b) wanted to say that Yered according to R. Shimon, and R. Shimon did not mention specifically bestiality, for likewise if a Zar did Melikah or Kemitzah, Yered;
ãòì ëøçéê ìîàé ãáòé ìîéîø øáä ãùçéèú ãøåí úøã ìø''ù åùîàì åìéìä ãàéï îèîàéï ááéú äáìéòä åàí òìå ìà éøãå
Source: You are forced to say that according to what Rabah wanted to say that Shechitah in the south, according to R. Shimon Yered, and Smol or at night, which are not Metamei Begadim b'Beis ha'Bli'ah, and Im Alah Lo Yered...
èòîà áëì î÷åí ëãîôøù äëà ùîàì ãàéú ìéä äëùø' áéåí äëôåøéí åìéìä ìàéáøéí åôãøéí
The reason everywhere is like it explains here. Smol is Kosher on Yom Kipur, and night is Kosher for limbs and Chelev.
åøáé éäåãä îîòè ìéìä àò''â ãàéú ìéä äëùø' åùîàì ðîé ä''ì äëùø' åîîòè
R. Yehudah excludes night, even though it has a Hechsher. Also Smol has a Hechsher, and he excludes it.
ãàéï ìåîø ãìà îîòè àìà â' ãáøéí îùåí ãúìúà îéòåèé ëúéáé
Implied suggestion: He excludes only three things, before three exclusions are written.
ãäà îì÷ä æø åáòì îåí úøã ìø' éäåãä åëï ùçéèú ãøåí
Rejection: If a Zar did Melikah, or a Ba'al Mum, Yered according to R. Yehudah, and the same applies to Shechitah in the south!
åà''ú åîä áéï ùçéèú ãøåí ìøáé éäåãä ìôñç åçèàú ùìà ìùîå ãøåí ðîé ëùø áùàø ÷ãùéí
Question: According to R. Yehudah, what is the difference between Shechitah in the south and Pesach and Chatas Lo Lishmah? Also the south is Kosher for other Kodshim!
åé''ì ããøåí ãîé ìðùçè áçåõ ãúøåééäå ôñåìé î÷åí åîäàé èòîà äéä øåöä ìåîø øáä ìø''ù ãúøã
Answer: The south is as if it was slaughtered outside, for both of them are a Pesul due to place. This is the reason why Rabah wanted to say that Yered according to R. Shimon.
åà''ú ãäëà îùîò ãìøá ìà äåé ôñåì æø ëôñåì ùîàì åáô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó å:) îùååä ìäå ìòðéï àí ÷îõ éçæéø
Question: Here it connotes that according to Rav, the Pesul of Zar is unlike the Pesul of Smol, and in Menachos (6b) he equates them regarding if he did Kemitzah, he returns [it to the Minchah and proper Kemitzah is done]!
åé''ì ãäúí àéï úìåé áäëùø ãäà îëùø ø' éäåãä áï áúéøà áëì äôñåìéï ëåìï.
Answer: There it does not depend on Hechsher, for R. Yehudah ben Beseira is Machshir all Pesulim.
äâä''ä ð''ì ôéøåù ãëì ùôñåìå á÷åãù äééðå ëì ùôñåìå ëùø áòìîà á÷åãù
Comment - Explanation #3: It seems to me that "anything that Pesulo b'Kodesh" means anything that its Pesul is Kosher elsewhere in Kodesh.
ãäà ìùåï æä úðï ì÷îï áô' äîæáç î÷ãù (ãó ôã.) âáé àí òìå ìà éøãå åäúí ðîé îôøù ìëì àåúí ùìà éøãå äéëï ëùøéí áòìîà
Source: This expression is taught below (84a) regarding Im Alah Lo Yered, and also there it explains all those that do not descend, where they are Kosher elsewhere;
åìòéì ô''ä (ãó ðà.) îôøù ìäå ìï áãí ëùø ùäøé ìï ëùø áàéîåøéí åëï ëåìäå
Above (51a) it explains them. Linah of blood is Kosher, because land of Eimurim is Kosher, and similarly all of them.
åáùîòúà ðîé îôøù î''ù ùîàì ãàéðå îèîà ãàéú ìéä äëùéø' áéåä''ë åìéìä áàéáøéí åôãøéí åæø åñëéï îèîàéï ãìéú ìäå äëùéø' áòìîà
Also in our Sugya it explains why Smol is different, that it is not Metamei, because it has a Hechsher on Yom Kipur, and night has a Hechsher for limbs and Chelev, and a Zar a knife are Metamei, for they do not have a Hechsher elsewhere;
åø' éåçðï ãàîø îìé÷ú æø àéï îèîàä îùåí ãàéú ìéä äëùéøà àå áùçéèä àå ááîä
R. Yochanan says that Melikah of a Zar is not Metamei because [Avodas Zar] has a Hechsher, in Shechitah or on a Bamah;
åëï áäîä áòìú îåí ãìà úøã ìø''ò áãå÷éï ùáòéï äåàéì åëùø áòåôåú
And similarly in an animal Ba'al Mum, Lo Yered according to R. Akiva regarding a cataract (a crust over the eye), since it is Kosher in birds (below, 85b);
åìøáðï ðîé àé îùëçú ìéä ááäîä äëùéøà ìà úøã
Also according to Rabanan, if a Hechsher is found in a Behemah, Lo Yered.
åìøáé ùîòåï ðîé áòé äëùéøà áòìîà ãäééðå ôñåìå á÷åãù
Also according to R. Shimon, he requires a Hechsher elsewhere. This is Pesulo b'Kodesh!
åìäëé úðï âáé àúðï åëìàéí éøãå ãìéú ìäå äëùéøà áòìîà
This is why the Mishnah says about Esnan and Kil'ayim that Yered, because they have no Hechsher elsewhere.
åäà ãø' éäåãä áòöîå àåîø îôðé îä ìï áãí ëùø ùëùø áàéîåøéï [åìï] áàéîåøéï [ùëùø] ááùø
Implied question: Why did R. Yehudah himself say "why is Linah of blood Kosher? It is because Linah of Eimurim is Kosher, and Linah of Eimurim is Kosher due to [Linah of] meat"? (Chak Nasan - he should have said that Linah of blood and of Eimurim is Kosher, because Linah of meat is Kosher!)
ìàåøåéé ãùàø òáåãåú éìôéðï îìëúçéìä àå îáîä àáì òáåãåú ãí ìà
Answer: This is to teach that we learn other Avodos [b'Di'eved] from [what is] l'Chatchilah, or from a Bamah, but not Avodos Dam;
åìäëé ÷àîø éøãå áâ' ãîëùéøï ø''ù ãàéðå çåùù äà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ãîùëç äëùéøà áùåí î÷åí
Therefore he says Yered for the three that R. Shimon is Machshir. [R. Yehudah] is not concerned that we find a Hechsher for them in some other place;
àáì òáåãåú ãí ùôéø éìéó ø' éäåãä îòáåãåú ãí àôé' îäëùéøï åìäëé ùìîòìä ìîèä ùáôðéí áçåõ (äâää áâìéåï) ìà éøã
However, Avodos Dam R. Yehudah properly learns from Avodos Dam, even [b'Di'eved] from their proper way. Therefore, if [blood that should be put] above was put below, or [what should be put] inside was put outside, Lo Yered;
åèøéôä ãéøã (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) àôé' ìø''ù àôé' ìø''ò ãéìéó áäîä îòåó àò''â ãàùëçï äëùéøà áòåó èøéôä áîìé÷ä
Implied question: Why is a Tereifah Yered even according to R. Shimon, according to R. Akiva, who learns Behemah from birds, even though we find a Hechsher for a Tereifah bird through Melikah?
àí úúøõ äúí îöååúå áëê
Suggestion: There, that is the Mitzvah [to make it Tereifah through Melikah. Therefore, we do not learn from it.]
äà éìôéðï ùîàì ìà éøã îäëùø ãéåä''ë
Rebuttal: We learn that Smol Lo Yered from the Mitzvah [other use the left hand for Avodah] on Yom Kipur!
é''ì ãúøúé ìà éìôé áäîä îòåó åâí ùìà áäëùøå îîöååúå áëê
Answer #1: We do not learn both Behemah from a bird and not the proper way from the proper way.
àé ðîé ìà éìôéðï ôñåì ùì ÷åãí ùçéèä ëâåï èøéôä îîìé÷ä ùàéðå ãåâîúå ùìà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) àéøò ÷åãí ùçéèä åëîãåîä ìé ùëï ôéøù ìðå øáéðå ä÷ãåù ð''ò åìà ëîå ùáôðéí
Answer #2: We do not learn a Pesul before Shechitah such as Tereifah from Melikah, which is unlike it, for it did not occur before Shechitah. It seems to me that Rabbeinu ha'Kadosh explained like this to us, unlike inside (what Tosfos wrote).
åà''ë àéï îèîàéï áâãéí àáéú äáìéòä åâí àí òìå ìà éøãå ãäà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) áäà úìéà
If so, it is not Metamei Begadim b'Beis ha'Bli'ah and also Im Alah Lo Yered, for these depend on each other;
ãäà ìéùðà ãëì ùôñåìå á÷åãù âáé úøååééäå úðï ìä åáøéù îòéìä (ãó á:) ðîé îãîä ìäå ìúøååééäå
Source: The expression "anything that Pesulo b'Kodesh" was taught in the Mishnah regarding both of them, and also in Me'ilah it equates them to each other.
åùçéèú òåó ÷ãùéí áôðéí ãàîøéðï áñîåê àéï îèîàéï àò''â ãúøã ëãîåëç áôø÷ äùåçè åäîòìä (ì÷îï ãó ÷éà.)
Implied question: Below (69a), we say that Shechitah of a Kodshim bird inside is not Metamei, even though Yered, like is proven below (111a)!
ãôèø ìéä àí äòìäå àçøé ëï áçåõ åàí ìà éøãå áôðéí äéä çééá áçåõ ëãàéúà áô''á
Source: He exempts him if he offered it outside afterwards. If Lo Yered inside, he would be liable outside, like it says there (109a)!
äëà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) àéëà ÷øà áñîåê ìîéîø àéï îèîàéï
Answer: Here there is the verse below (69a, "Neveilah u'Tereifah") to teach that they are not Metamei.
åäà ãàîøéðï áùçéèú ãøåí ãéøãå ìøáé éäåãä ô''÷ ãîòéìä (ãó á:) àò''â ãàéú ìéä äëùéøà ã÷ãùéí ÷ìéí åãîéí ùìîèä ìîòìä ìà éøã àó ìø' éäåãä
Implied question: It says that what was slaughtered in the south, according to R. Yehudah Yered, in Me'ilah (2b), even though it is Kosher for Kodshim Kalim, and blood [that should be put] below was put above Lo Yered even according to R. Yehudah!
î''î ëéåï ãùçéèúï çåõ ìî÷åîï çùéáé ëùåçè çåõ åäåå ëîàï ãçð÷éðäå ãîé
Answer: Even so, since they were slaughtered outside of their place, they are like one who slaughtered outside, and they are like one who choked them.
åîìé÷ú ôñåì ã÷àîø áñîåê àéï îèîàä àéï ð''ì (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëôéøù''é ùôéøù áòì îåí
Opinion #1: Below (69a), it says that Melikah of a Pasul is not Metamei. Rashi explained that a Ba'al Mum [did Melikah]. I disagree.
ãìà àùëçï ëäï áòì îåí ùëùø ìòáåãä åàôéìå ááîä
Rebuttal: We do not find a Ba'al Mum Kosher for Avodah, even on a Bamah!
ëãîåëç (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìòéì øéù ô''á (ãó èæ.) ãôøéê îä ìäöã äùåä ùáäï ùëï ìà äåúøå ááîä
Source: This is proven above (16a. The Gemara) asked "you cannot learn from the Tzad ha'Shavah (of a Ba'al Mum and a Tamei), for they are not permitted on a Bamah."
àáì îìé÷ú ôñåì äééðå àå àåðï àå èîà àå ôñåì àçø ãàéùúøé áòìîà
Opinion #2: Rather, it discusses Melikah of a Pasul, i.e. an Onen or Tamei or another Pesul that is permitted elsewhere;
åðùôê ãîä îï äöåàø ãìà éøãå îùåí ãëáø ðòùéú ëì äùçéèä ëäåâï. áøå''ê
And when the blood spilled from the neck, Lo Yered because the entire Shechitah was already done properly. This is from R. Baruch.
TOSFOS DH d'Eis Lei Hechsheirah b'Yom ha'Kipurim
úåñôåú ã"ä ãàéú ìéä äëùéøä áéåä''ë
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that there is another Hechsher for the left hand.)
äåä îöé ìîéîø áäåìëú àáøéí
Implied question: [The Tartzan] could have said that [Smol] is Kosher for bringing limbs!
àìà ëéåï ãîùëç éåä''ë áòáåãä ãîòëá ëôøä ð÷èéä
Answer: Since he finds on Yom Kipur [that Smol is Kosher] in an Avodah that is Me'akev Kaparah, he mentioned this.
TOSFOS DH Shechitah Lav Avodah Hi
úåñôåú ã"ä ùçéèä ìàå òáåãä äéà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explained above why Shechitah is not an Avodah.)
ôéøùúé ìòéì áñåó ô''÷ (ãó éã:)
Reference: I explained this above (14b. Some say that it is because all Pesulim are Kosher for it, or because it need not be Lifnei Hash-m. Tosfos preferred to say that it is because it is the same in Chulin and in Kodshim.)
TOSFOS DH v'Neilaf mi'Bamah
úåñôåú ã"ä åðéìó îáîä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he did not give a different answer.)
ôé' ëéåï ãîëùøú ìéìä àò''â ãàéï ôñåìå á÷åãù îùåí ãàéú ìéä äëùéøà à''ë æø ðîé ëéåï ãàéú ìéä äëùéøà
Explanation: Since you are Machshir night, even though it is not Pesulo b'Kodesh, because it has a Hechsher [for limbs and Chelev], if so also a Zar [should be Kosher], since he has a Hechsher [on a Bamah]!
åäåä îöé ìùðåéé ãàúéà ëî''ã (ì÷îï ãó ñè.) ãàéï îðçä åòåôåú ááîä åáøééúà ãúðéà ì÷îéä ëøáé éåçðï ìà ÷ùéà ìãéãéä ãàúéà ëî''ã ãéù îðçä
Implied question: [the Tartzan] could have answered that this is like the opinion (below, 69a) that Menachos and birds cannot be offered on a Bamah, and the Beraisa that teaches below (69a) like R. Yehudah is not difficult for him, for it is like the opinion that Menachos [and birds] are [offered on a Bamah]!
åùîà îùîò ìéä ãàé éìôà îáîä éìôéðï àôé' îðçä åòåôåú ëéåï ãàéëà äëùéøà îéäà ìæø
Answer: It connotes to him that if we learn from a Bamah, we learn even from Menachos and birds, since there is a Hechsher for a Zar.
TOSFOS DH v'Chi Teima mi'Bamah Lo Yalif veha'Tanya Minayin l'Yotzei v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åëé úéîà îáîä ìà éìéó åäúðéà îðéï ìéåöà ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)
àò''â ãäê áøééúà ëø' éäåãä áô' äîæáç î÷ãù (ì÷îï ãó ôã:)
Implied question: This Beraisa is like R. Yehudah below (84b)!
î''î ëéåï ãø' éäåãä ãîçîéø éìéó îáîä ëì ùëï ø''ù
Answer: In any case, since R. Yehudah, who is stringent, learns from a Bamah, all the more so R. Shimon [does].
åîùðé àæàú úåøú äòåìä ñîéê ãîøáéðï ëì ãáø ùéù ìå äëùø àò''â ãìéú ìéä äëùø àìà ááîä
Explanation: [The Gemara] answers that he relies on Zos Toras ha'Olah. We include everything with a Hechsher, even if it has a Hechsher only on a Bamah;
îéäå òáåãú äãí ìà éìéó ø' éäåãä ãäà îîòè ðùçèä áìéìä åéöà ãîä åëï ùçéèú ãøåí
However, R. Yehudah does not learn Avodas ha'Dam [from a Bamah], for he excludes what was slaughtered at night, and Yotzei, and similarly Shechitah [of Kodshei Kodoshim] in the south.
TOSFOS DH Ela l'Rav Le'asuyei Mai
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ìøá ìàúåéé îàé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it does not include Pesulim due to intent.)
åìéëà ìîéîø ìàúåéé çåõ ìæîðå åçåõ ìî÷åîå åùìà ìùîå ãìà úðé áîúðéúéï
Implied suggestion: Perhaps it includes Chutz li'Zmano, Chutz li'Mkomo, and Lo Lishmah, which were not taught in our Mishnah!
ãäà î÷ì åçåîø àúå ãîìé÷ú ìéìä ãìøáé éäåãä úøã àéðä îèîàä ëì ùëï äðê ãìà úøã ìø' éäåãä ãìà îèîå:
Rejection: We learn these from a Kal v'Chomer. R. Yehudah holds that if Melikah was done at night, Yered, and it is not Metamei. All the more so these, for which Lo Yered, according to R. Yehudah they are not Metamei!