TOSFOS DH Amrei Bei Rav Mai Taima d'Rav Chisda
úåñôåú ã"ä àîøé áé øá î''è ãøá çñãà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this, and resolves it.)
àò''â ãàîøé áé øá øá äåðà åøá çñãà úìîéãå
Implied question: "They said in Bei Rav" refers to Rav Huna, and Rav Chisda was his Talmid! (It is astounding that a Rebbi would explain his Talmid's words.)
ùîà øá äåðà ðîé àîøä åôé' èòîå åäù''ñ ÷áòéà áìùåï æä î''è ãøá çñãà
Answer #1: Perhaps also Rav Huna said [Rav Chisda's teaching] and explained the reason. The Gemara recorded it in the words "what is Rav Chisda's reason?"
àé ðîé îöéðå ùøá äåðà øâéì ìùáç ãáøéå ëãàîø áâéèéï (ãó æ.) çñãà ùîê åçñãàéï îéìê åáîñëú ùáú (ôá.) î''è ìà ùëéçú âáé øá çñãà ãîçããï ùîòúúéä
Answer #2: We find that Rav Huna used to praise [Rav Chisda's] words, like he said in Gitin (7a) "your name is Chisda, and your words are Chasda'in (pleasant)", and in Shabbos (82a, Rav Huna said to his own son) "why aren't you commonly found by Rav Chisda? His teachings are sharp!"
TOSFOS DH Mah Chatzos she'Ein Oseh Linah v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä îä çöåú ùàéï òåùä ìéðä ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rabah argues with Rav Chisda.)
åøáä ìèòîéä ãàéú ìéä áñîåê àéï ìéðä îåòìú áøàùå ùì îæáç
Explanation: This is like Rabah taught elsewhere. He holds below that Linah does not take effect on top of the Mizbe'ach;
åìéú ìéä ÷''å ãøá çñãà ãàéëà ìîéôøê îä ìçöåú ùëï òåùä òéëåì áøàùå ùì îæáç ãàí ô÷ò ìà éçæéø úàîø áòîåã äùçø ùàéï ìéðä ôåñìú áøàùå ùì îæáç ëê ôé' ä''ø îðçí æö''ì
He disagrees with Rav Chisda's Kal v'Chomer, for we can ask "you cannot learn from midnight, since it makes Ikul on top of the Mizbe'ach. If [a limb or Chelev] flew off, he does not return it. You cannot learn to dawn, for Linah [of dawn] does not take effect on top of the Mizbe'ach! (I.e. we find that midnight takes effect on top of the Mizbe'ach more than dawn does.) So explained R. Menachem.
TOSFOS DH v'Rav Chisda Amar Ein Bahem Ikul l'Olam
úåñôåú ã"ä åøá çñãà àîø àéï áäí òéëåì ìòåìí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the next dawn does not make Ikul.)
åìéëà ìîéîø ãòîåã äùçø ùðé éòùä òéëåì î÷''å ãçöåú
Implied question: We should say that the second dawn makes Ikul from a Kal v'Chomer from midnight!
ùäøé àéðå òåùä ìéðä àìà ì÷øáðåú äéåí ùìôðéå
Answer: [Dawn] makes Linah only for Korbanos of the previous day.
TOSFOS DH Hilchesa k'Rav Yosef
úåñôåú ã"ä äéìëúà ëøá éåñó
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not a ruling.)
ôéøåù éôä àîø åàéï æä ôñ÷ äìëä åìà ùééê ìîéôøê äéìëúà ìîùéçà
Explanation: [Rav Yosef] said nicely. This is not a ruling, so we cannot ask that it is a ruling for (i.e. it will not apply until the time of) Mashi'ach.
ãäà ìáñåó ðîé îåëç ãìà ôìéâé òìéä åà''ë äìëä ìîä ìé
Source: Also at the end [of the Sugya] it is proven that they do not argue with [Rav Yosef]. If so, why would we need to rule [like him]?!
TOSFOS DH Lo Nehenin
úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ðäðéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply.)
øáéðå äéä îôøù îï äúåøä ëéåï ùäí ìçîå ùì îæáç
Explanation: My Rebbi explained that [the Isur Hana'ah] is mid'Oraisa, since they became food of the Mizbe'ach;
åî''î éöà îéãé îòéìä ãëéåï ãçöåú òåëìí ðòùéú îöååúí åìà çæøä áäí îòéìä
In any case, Me'ilah was uprooted. Since midnight made Ikul, their Mitzvah was done, and Me'ilah does not return to them.
TOSFOS DH l'Shulchan Madminan Lah d'Tanan Afilu Hayah Al ha'Shulchan...
úåñôåú ã"ä ìùìçï îãîéðï ìä ãúðï àôéìå äéä òì äùåìçï ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Rava's source that Linah does not apply on the Shulchan.)
úéîä îðà ìéä ãìà ôñåì ìàçø ùáú ëùðñãø ëäéìëúå
Question: What is [Rava's] source that it is not disqualified after Shabbos, when it was arranged on the Shulchan properly?
åé''ì ããéé÷ îìéùðà éúéøà ã÷àîø ùàôé' äåà òì äùåìçï ëå' ãîùîò ùáà ìäåñéó àôé' áòðéï æä
Answer: He infers from the extra word "even if it was on the Shulchan..." This connotes that it comes to add even in such a case.
Note: Mesores ha'Shas says that the rest of this Tosfos is a comment.
åäà ìéúà ãäà ãå÷à îùåí ùðñãø áàçã áùáú ùìà ëäéìëúå ìà îéôñì ëãàéúà ùéìäé ùúé äìçí (îðçåú ãó ÷.) åôø÷ àîø ìäí äîîåðä (éåîà ãó ëè:)
Rebuttal: This is wrong. Only because it was arranged on Sunday, improperly, it is not disqualified, like it says in Menachos (100a) and Yoma (29b);
åèòîà ãëìé ùøú àéï î÷ãùéï ùìà áæîðå îãìà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îùðé äúí èòîà ãùìçï àéðå î÷ãù ìéôñåì áìéðä ëãàîø äëà ãáòé ìîéìó îéðéä îæáç
The reason is because a Kli Shares is Mekadesh only in its [proper] time, for it does not answer there that the Shulchan is not Mekadesh to become Pasul through Linah, like it says here, that he wants to learn the Mizbe'ach from it!
åö''ò àé îöé ìîéîø ãëé ðñãø ëäéìëúå ðòùä ìçîå ùì ùìçï èôé ìà éôñì áìéðä åæä (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îùîéòðå ìéùðà éúéøà ãàôéìå òì äùìçï ëå'
Question: This requires investigation, whether one may say that when it was arranged properly, it became the food of the Shulchan to a greater extent, and it is not disqualified through Linah, and this we learn from the extra word "even if it was on the Shulchan..." (This would be a defense of the answer Tosfos gave above.)
Note: There (in Menachos), the Gemara said that if Lechem ha'Panim was put on the Shulchan after Shabbos, it gets Kedushah on the coming Shabbos, and they leave it on until the Shabbos after that.
åäúí ãôøéê ëéåï ãìéìä àéðå îçåñø æîï ëé îèé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áé ùîùé ìéôñåì åîùðé ëéåï ãðñãø ùìà ëäìëúå ðòùä ëîé ùñãøå ä÷åó
Implied question: There, it asks "since night is not Mechusar Zman, when [the second] Shabbos night comes, it should become Pasul!", and answers that since it was arranged improperly, it is as if a monkey arranged it. (It did not get Kedushah to be disqualified through Linah.)
îùîò àí ñãøå ëäìëúå ðôñì áìéðä
Inference: If it was arranged properly, it is disqualified through Linah!
é''ì ãàúà ìîéîø ãàí ðñãø áìéìä ëéåï ãìéìä àéï îçåñø æîï ðôñì áìéðä
Answer: It comes to teach that if it was arranged at night, since night is not Mechusar Zman, it is disqualified through Linah;
àáì ðñãø ëäìëúå îîù áéåí äùáú àôéìå äéä ùí éîéí øáéí àéðå ðôñì ãðòùä ìçîå ùì ùìçï (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)
However, if it was arranged truly properly on Shabbos day, even if it was there many days, it is not disqualified, because it became the food of the Shulchan.
î''î úéîä ìîä ìà úéøõ îúçéìä ìôé ñáøúå ëé ðîé ëìé ùøú î÷ãù ùìà áæîðå ùàðé ùåìçï ãàéðå ðôñì òìéå ëìì áùåí òðéï
Question: In any case, this is astounding! Why didn't he answer from the beginning like his reasoning, that even if a Kli Shares is Mekadesh not in its time, the Shulchan is different, that [Lechem ha'Panim] is never disqualified on it in any case at all?
åòì ëøçéï ùåí ôñå÷ éù òì ãáø æä ùàéðå ðôñì àôéìå ëé ðñãø ëäìëúå
Answer: We are forced to say that there is a verse about this, that it is not disqualified even if it was arranged properly! (Perhaps in every case it gets Kedushah, and even so it is not disqualified.)
TOSFOS DH Hagahah Kevesh Minayin
úåñôåú ã"ä äâä''ä ëáù îðéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why even R. Yehudah needs a verse.)
åà''ú ìøáé éäåãä ãàîø òæøä î÷ãùú ëîæáç àîàé àéöèøéê àú ìøáåéé ëáù äà ëéåï ãéøã ò''â øöôä éòìä ë''ù ëáù
Question: According to R. Yehudah, who says (above, 59a) that the Azarah is Mekadesh like the Mizbe'ach, why do we need "Es" to include the ramp? Since it descended on the floor, Ya'alu. All the more so [Ya'alu if it was on] the ramp!
åé''ì ãùîà äà ãòæøä î÷ãùú ëîæáç äééðå ëùéøéï ìä÷èéø òìéä àáì ôñåìéï ìà ìäëé àéöèøéê ÷øà
Answer: Perhaps the Azarah is Mekadesh like the Mizbe'ach, i.e. one may burn Kosher [Korbanos] on it, but not Pesulim. Therefore, we need a verse [that it is Mekadesh Pesulim].
TOSFOS DH Kli Shares Mahu she'Yekadshu Es ha'Pesulim
úåñôåú ã"ä ëìé ùøú îäå ùé÷ãùå àú äôñåìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what the Havah Amina was.)
ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãìòðéï ôãéåï áòé à''ì úðéúåä ëå' à''ì ìëúçìä ìé÷øá ÷îéáòéà ìé åôùéè ãî÷ãù î÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å àú ãîå
Explanation #1 (Rashi): [Reish Lakish] asks about redemption. R. Yochanan answered that a Mishnah teaches this... Reish Lakish said "I asked whether [they are Mekadesh] to offer l'Chatchilah." R. Yochanan resolved that they are, from "if Pesulim received the blood and they threw the blood..."
îàé ìàå ù÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å ôñåìéï ãîùåí åæø÷å ôñåìéï àí òìå ìà éøãå äà àí æø÷åäå ëùøéí ìëúçìä éòìå àéáøéí ãæøé÷ä îòìééúà äéà àó òì âá ã÷áìåäå ôñåìéï
Suggestion (R. Yochanan): This means that Pesulim did Kabalah and Zerikah. Because Pesulim did Zerikah, Im Alah Lo Yered, but if Kesherim did Zerikah, we offer the limbs l'Chatchilah, for it is a proper Zerikah, even though Pesulim did Kabalah!
ãëìé ùøú ù÷áìå áå äãí î÷ãùú ôñåìéï ìëúçìä ìé÷øá åìéæø÷ ëê ôéøù á÷åðèøñ
Inference: This is because the Kli Shares in which they received the blood is Mekadesh Pesulim l'Chatchilah to offer them and do Zerikah! So Rashi explained.
åúéîä ìôé' ãà''ë úé÷ùé ìéä îúðé' äìï åäéåöà åäèîà åùðùçè (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) çåõ ìæîðå åçåõ ìî÷åîå ëå' àí òìå ìà éøãå îùîò äà ìëúçìä ìà éòìå
Question #1: This is astounding! If so, the Mishnah (above, 84a) is difficult for [R. Yochanan]! Lan, Yotzei, Tamei, what was slaughtered Chutz li'Zmano or Chutz li'Mkomo... Im Alah Lo Yered. This implies that l'Chatchilah, Lo Ya'alu;
åàò''â ãðú÷áì äãí áëùøåú áëìé ùøú ãäà ìà àééøé îéãé áðú÷áì áôñåì åðæø÷ áôñåì
This is even if proper Kabalah was done in a Kli Shares, for we do not discuss at all that the Kabalah or Zerikah was Pasul!
åòåã ìï ãîä åéöà ãîä åðèîà ãîä àîàé ìà éòìå ìø''ù ëéåï ãëìé ùøú î÷ãùéï àú äôñåìéï ìëúçìä ìé÷øá
Question #2: If the blood was Lan, Yotzei or became Tamei, why doesn't R. Shimon say Ya'aleh, since a Kli Shares is Mekadesh Pesulim to be offered l'Chatchilah? (Why does Tosfos ask according to R. Shimon? R. Yehudah argues only about Shechitah at night, or if the blood spilled or was Yotzei (84a)! Mar'eh Kohen - R. Shimon explicitly said that the Mizbe'ach is Mekadesh anything offered due to itself (83b). R. Yehudah could disagree.)
åöøéê ìãçåú ëì äðé ëâåï ùéùðï òúä áëìé çåì ãäåä ìéä ëéøãå
Answer: We must reject all these, and say that the case is, now it is in a Chulin Kli, which is as if it descended [from the Mizbe'ach];
åëï ðúòøá áãí äôñåìéï ãàîø éùôê ìàîä åìà àîøéðï ãé÷øá
Implied question: Similarly, when [the blood] became mixed with blood of Pesulim, it says (above, 78a) that it is poured into the Amah (a stream that flowed out of the Mikdash). We do not say that it is offered!
îééøé áäëé
Answer: [Also there, we must say that] it discusses like this (it is in a Chulin Kli).
åëï äà ãúðï (îðçåú ãó ÷:) äîðçåú (îëàï îòîåã á) åäðñëéí ùðèîàå îù÷ãùå áëìé àéï ìäí ôãéåï ãîùîò î÷øá ìà ÷øáå
Implied question: A Mishnah (Menachos 100b) teaches that if Menachos or Nesachim became Tamei after Kidush in a Kli, they cannot be redeemed. This implies that they are not offered!
áòéøï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) ìëìé çåì àééøé
Answer: [Also] that discusses when he poured them into a Chulin Kli.
åëï äéä î÷øéá îðçú äòåîø åðèîàú áéãå àåîø ìå äáà àçøú úçúéä
Implied question: If one was offering Minchas ha'Omer and it became Tamei in his hand, he says to him "bring another in place of it" (Menachos 72a)!
áäëé îå÷îéðï ìä
Answer: [Also that] we establish it like this (now it is in a Chulin Kli).
îéäå àëúé ÷ùä ìôé' ãàé îòé÷øà ñ''ã ãìòðéï ôãéåï ÷áòé àí ëï ìà äåä ìéä ìîéîø ìëúçìä ìé÷øá îéáòéà ìé àìà ìé÷øá îéáòéà ìé
Question #1: Still, Rashi's Perush is difficult. If initially we thought that [Reish Lakish] asks about redemption, if so, he should not have said "I ask to offer l'Chatchilah", rather, "I ask to offer"!
åîã÷àîø ìëúçìä ìé÷øá îéáòéà ìé îùîò ãîòé÷øà ðîé äåä éãò ãìé÷øá ÷îéáòéà ìéä àìà ãîéáòéà ìéä áãéòáã
Since he said "I ask to offer l'Chatchilah", this connotes that also initially, [R. Yochanan] knew that he asks to offer, but [he thought that] he asks b'Di'eved.
åòåã ä÷ùä ä''ø ôèø ìôøù''é ùäùéá ø''é ããå÷à îùåí ãæø÷åäå ôñåìéï àçøé ù÷áìå ôñåìéï
Question #2 (R. Peter): Rashi explained that R. Yochanan answered that it is only if Pesulim did Zerikah after Pesulim did Kabalah;
àáì ÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷åäå ëùøéí éòìå ìëúçéìä àéáøéí ìé÷øá (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãëìé ùøú î÷ãùéï ìëúçìä ìé÷øá
However, if Pesulim did Kabalah and Kesherim did Zerikah, limbs ascend l'Chatchilah to be offered, for a Kli Shares is Mekadesh l'Chatchilah to offer.
ãáäãéà àîøéðï áô''÷ ãîðçåú (ãó æ.) åäà áòé îéðéä øéù ì÷éù îøáé éåçðï ëìé ùøú îäå ùé÷ãùå ôñåìéï ìëúçìä ìé÷øá åà''ì àéï î÷ãùéï åîùðé àéï î÷ãùéï ìé÷øá àáì î÷ãùéï ìéôñì
We say explicitly in Menachos (7a) "Reish Lakish asked R. Yochanan whether Klei Shares are Mekadesh Pesulim to be offered l'Chatchilah, and he answered that they are not Mekadesh." [This contradicted what R. Yochanan said elsewhere, and the Gemara] answered that they are not Mekadesh to offer, but they are Mekadesh to become Pasul;
ù''î ãàéï î÷ãùéï ìé÷øá ôùéèà ìéä
Inference: It was obvious to [R. Yochanan] that they are not Mekadesh to offer!
äéìëê ðøàä ôø''ú ùôéøù ãîòé÷øà ñ''ã ãø' éåçðï ã÷áòé îéðéä àí äòìä ôñåìéï ìâáé îæáç áëìé ùøú åîôñé÷ äëìé ùøú
Explanation #2 (R. Tam): Initially, R. Yochanan thought that he asked about if one brought Pesulim on the Mizbe'ach in a Kli Shares, and the Kli interrupts [between the Kodshim and the Mizbe'ach];
å÷îéáòé ìéä ðäé ãàéï ìåîø ãìà éøãå îèòí ãàåéø îæáç ëîæáç ãîé ùäøé úçúéú äëìé îôñé÷
[Reish Lakish] asks, granted, we do not say Lo Yered because air of the Mizbe'ach is like the Mizbe'ach, for the bottom of the Kli interrupts;
îéäå ëìé ùøú ùîà îúåê ÷ãåùúå ìà äåé çöéöä åäåé ëàéìå äôñåìéí ò''â äîæáç îîù ãìà éøãå àå äåéà çöéöä åéøãå
However, a Kli Shares, perhaps due to its Kedushah, it is not a Chatzitzah, and it is as if the Pesulim are truly on the Mizbe'ach, and Lo Yered. Or it is a Chatzitzah, and Yered!
àîø ìéä úðéúåä ëùí ùäîæáç ëå' ìòðéï ãàí òìå ìà éøãå ëê äëìéí î÷ãùéï ìòðéï æä
R. Yochanan answered that a Mishnah teaches this. Just like the Mizbe'ach [and ramp are Mekadesh] regarding that Im Alah Lo Yered, also Klei Shares are Mekadesh for this.
à''ì ìëúçìä ìé÷øá ÷îáòéà ìé ãñáø øéù ì÷éù ãàéëà ìàå÷åîä îúðé' ã÷úðé ëê (äâää áâìéåï) ëìéí î÷ãùéí ùàí òìå áëìé ò''â äîæáç ìà éøã
Reish Lakish said "I ask to offer l'Chatchilah." Reish Lakish holds that one could establish the Mishnah, which taught "so Kelim are Mekadesh", that if Pesulim ascended in a Kli on the Mizbe'ach, Lo Yered;
àò"â (äâäú ç÷ ðúï) ãàéï ëàï ìà ÷ãåùú äîæáç åìà ÷ãåùú àåéø äåàéì åäí áëìé
Even though there is not Kedushas Mizbe'ach, and not Kedushah of the air [above the Mizbe'ach], since they are in a Kli [Lo Yered];
å÷áòé ùàí ìà äòìä ä÷îöéï äôñåìéï áëìé àìà ÷ãùå áëìé îäå ùéòìå ìëúçìä
[Reish Lakish] asks if he did not bring up the Pasul Kamatzim in a Kli, rather, he was Mekadesh them in a Kli, are they Ya'alu l'Chatchilah?
ãëé äéëé ãîæáç î÷ãù îä ùðâò áå åìà éøãå ëê ëìé î÷ãù îä ùðâò áå åéòìä (ëï äåà áãôåñ éùï) àå ìà àà''ë äòìäå
Just like the Mizbe'ach is Mekadesh what touches it, and Lo Yered, also a Kli is Mekadesh what touches it, and Ya'aleh? Or no, [we do not offer it] unless he brought it up?
àîø ìéä úðéúåä ù÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å àú ãîå îàé ìàå ù÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å ôñåìéï ëìåîø ù÷áìå ôñåìéï åæø÷å áãéòáã
R. Yochanan answered that a Mishnah teaches this. If Pesulim did Kabalah and they threw the blood... Is it not that Pesulim did Kabalah and Pesulim did Zerikah? I.e. Pesulim did Kabalah and they did Zerikah b'Di'eved;
äà àí ìà æø÷åäå ìëúçìä ìà éæøå÷ ãäëé îéôøùà îúðé' äìï åäéåöà ëå' ùæø÷å àú äãí áãéòáã ìà éøã äà àí ìà æø÷åäå ìà éòìä
Inference: If they did not do Zerikah, l'Chatchilah one may not do Zerikah. This is the Perush of our Mishnah "Lan, Yotzei... that they did Zerikah b'Di'eved, Lo Yered. This implies that if they did not do Zerikah, Lo Ya'aleh.
åäà ã÷àîø åæø÷å ôñåìéï ôé' ãîúðé' [ëê] äåà åàéðå àìà îñééí ìùåï äîùðä åìàå îôñåìéï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ÷ãéé÷
This that [R. Yochanan] said "Pesulim did Zerikah", this is the Perush of our Mishnah. He merely completes the expression of the Mishnah. He does not infer from "Pesulim". (I.e. the Vov in "v'Zarku" means "and". Since the Mishnah said that Pesulim did Kabalah, v'Zarku means that Pesulim did also Zerikah, but this is not critical. The same would apply if Kesherim did Zerikah.)
úãò ùìà äéä ìå ìåîø ø÷ ìà ù÷áìå àé ðîé æø÷å
Support: [If R. Yochanan deduced from "Pesulim", to reject this, Reish Lakish] should have said only "no, [Pesulim only] received, or they did [only] Zerikah."
àìîà ãøéù ì÷éù ããçé ìéä áôñåìéï îå÷é ìä
Inference: Reish Lakish, who rejected [R. Yochanan's proof, also], establishes it to discuss Pesulim. (However, he explains that the prefix Vov means "or".)
åäééðå ãàîø áô''÷ ãîðçåú (â''æ ùí) åäà áòé îéðéä øéù ì÷éù (ëå') îø' éåçðï ëìé ùøú îäå ùé÷ãùå ôñåìéï [ëå'] åàîø ìéä àéï î÷ãùéï
Support (for Explanation #2): It says in Menachos (7a) "Reish Lakish asked R. Yochanan whether Klei Shares are Mekadesh Pesulim... and he answered that they are not Mekadesh.
åîùðé ìà ù÷éáìå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, åöàï ÷ãùéí) ôñåìéï åàé ðîé æø÷å ôñåìéï
Explanation #2 (cont.): [Reish Lakish rejected R. Yochanan's answer, and] replied "no, Pesulim did [only] Kabalah, or Pesulim did [only] Zerikah.
ëìåîø ù÷áìå ôñåìéï àí òìä äáùø ìà éøã åäãí éòìä åéæø÷ ãëìé ùøú î÷ãùéï ìëúçìä ìé÷øá
I.e. Pesulim did Kabalah. If the meat ascended, Lo Yered, and we bring up the blood and throw it, for Klei Shares are Mekadesh to offer l'Chatchilah.
àé ðîé àí æø÷å ôñåìéï äáùø àí òìä ìà éøã åäãí ìà éú÷ðç ãäà äîùðä áëì òðééðéí àí òìä ìà éøã ÷úðé áéï çåîøà áéï ÷åìà ëãîåëç ìùåï ø''ú
Alternatively, if Pesulim did Zerikah, if the meat Alah, Lo Yered, and the blood is not cleaned (removed from the Mizbe'ach), for the Mishnah taught in all matters Im Alah Lo Yered, both to be stringent and to be lenient, like is proven from R. Tam's words.
åëì îä ùôéøùúé ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ùäòîãúé áòéøï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) áëìé çåì öøéê ìôøù âí ìôé' ø''ú ìîàé ãáòé ìîéîø ø''ì ãî÷ãùéï ìëúçìä
Observation: Everything that I explained according to Rashi, that I established it that [the Kodshim] were poured into a Chulin Kli, one must explain also according to R. Tam according to the Havah Amina that [Klei Shares] are Mekadesh [to offer] l'Chatchilah.
åîä ùôé' äãí ìà éú÷ðç àéï ùééê ìäæëéø ëàï ãìàå äééðå àí òìå ìà éøãå
Question: [R. Tam] explained that the blood is not cleaned. This is not applicable to mention here, for this is not the same as Im Alah Lo Yered;
ãàôéìå îàï ãàéú ìéä âáé ãí àí òìå éøãå îåãä áãí äðæø÷ ã÷ìèå îæáç
Even the one (R. Yehoshua) who holds regarding blood that Im Alah Yered (above, 83a), he agrees about blood that was thrown, that the Mizbe'ach absorbed it;
ãàé ìà äåé àìà ìø''â ãå÷à à''ë áñîåê ãôøéê çèàú äòåó ãôñåìä äéëé îæä îãîä ôéøåù ìø''â ãàîø àí òìä ìà éøã ëéåï ãàåéø îæáç ìàå ëîæáç ãîé ìòåìí äåé éøåã
If not [rather, here we discuss] only according to R. Gamliel, if so, below (88a) that it asks "how may one do Haza'ah of a Pasul Chatas ha'Of?", i.e. according to R. Gamliel, who said [about blood, 83a] Im Alah Lo Yered... Since air of the Mizbe'ach is not like the Mizbe'ach, always it descended!...
åîàé ÷åùéà àéîà äà ã÷úðé àí òìä ìà éøã äééðå àí æø÷ ìà é÷ðçðå àáì àí òìä áëìé éøã
Question: What was the question? I can say that it taught Im Alah Lo Yered, i.e. if he did Zerikah, we do not clean it, but if it ascended in a Kli, Yered!
àìà åãàé ìà é÷ðçðå äåé ìëåìé òìîà åàí òìä ìà éøã ã÷àîø äééðå àí òìä áëìé ìà éøã àìà éæø÷ðå áòì ëøçå
Answer: Rather, surely all agree that we do not clean [blood from the Mizbe'ach]. Im Alah Lo Yered means that if [blood] ascended in a Kli, Lo Yered, rather, he is forced to throw it.
åáääéà ãîðçåú (â''æ ùí) ã÷ã÷ øáéðå çééí ã÷àîø äúí àéï î÷ãùéï ìé÷øá àáì î÷ãùéï ìéôñì
Question (R. Chaim): In the Gemara in Menachos (7a), that it says there "they are not Mekadesh to offer, but they are Mekadesh to become Pasul";
åëé ìà äéä éåãò ãî÷ãùéï ìéôñì äà îúðé' äéà áéï ìôé' ä÷åðèøñ áéï ìôé' ø''ú ãúðï ëê äëìéí î÷ãùéï
Did [Reish Lakish] not know that they are Mekadesh to become Pasul? Our Mishnah teaches this, both according to Rashi and according to R. Tam, for the Mishnah says "all Kelim are Mekadesh"!
TOSFOS DH Avir Yesh Bein Kevesh l'Mizbe'ach
úåñôåú ã"ä àåéø éù áéï ëáù ìîæáç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether the question depends on the status of Avir Mizbe'ach.)
àáì àé àåéø îæáç ëîæáç ãîå ìà ÷ùéà ìéä îëé îèé ëðâã àåéø (ìà) äåä ìéä éøåã ãëðâã àåúå àåéø éù àîä ñåáá
Explanation: However, if air of the Mizbe'ach is like the Mizbe'ach, he would not ask "when it comes k'Neged (opposite, i.e. above) the air, it descended!", for k'Neged that air there is the Amah of the Sovev;
åñåáá çùéá îæáç ãàôéìå ìä÷èéø òìéå àéëà îàï ãàîø ôø÷ ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí (ìòéì ãó ñá:) ãî÷èéøéï
The Sovev is considered [part of] the Mizbe'ach, for even to do Haktarah on it, there is an opinion above (62b) that says that one may be Maktir!
îéäå àéï ðøàä ìøáéðå çééí ùäøé éù àåéø îôñé÷ éåúø îëãé àîä ñåáá ëãé ùéäà àåéø ÷ø÷ò îôñé÷å ëãàîøéðï ìòéì îä ãí àåéø ÷ø÷ò îôñé÷å àó áùø àåéø ÷ø÷ò îôñé÷å
Rebuttal (R. Chaim): There is a gap of air more than the Amah of the Sovev, in order that air of the ground will interrupt, like we said above (62b) "just like blood, air of the ground interrupts, also meat, air of the ground interrupts";
åà''ë àëúé îëé îèé ëðâã àåéø ÷ø÷ò ä''ì éøåã
If so, still when it comes k'Neged air of the ground, it is as if it descended!
TOSFOS DH Olas ha'Of d'Paslah Bah Machshavah
úåñôåú ã"ä òåìú äòåó ãôñìä áä îçùáä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)
úéîä îàé ÷ùéà ìéä äà àîøéðï áôø÷ ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí (ìòéì ãó ñä.) ùàí òùàä ìîèä îøâìéå àôéìå àîä àçú ëùøä åà''ë àéï ëàï àåéø îæáç
Question: What was difficult to him? We said above (65a) that if he did below his feet, even one Amah, it is Kosher. If so, there is not here air of the Mizbe'ach! (Olas ha'Of is normally done in the southeast corner, where there was no Yesod.)
åìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ùôéøù ìîòìä ùäéúä ùí áìéèä ðéçà
Answer #1: According to Rashi, who explained above that there was a protrusion [to catch the blood], this is fine.
àé ðîé ôøéê ìøáé ðçîéä ãàîø (ìòéì ãó ñä.) äéà òöîä àéðä ðòùú àìà áøàù äîæáç (äâäú çæå"à)
Answer #2: [Rabah bar Rav Chanan] challenges R. Nechemyah, who said (65a) that [Olas ha'Of] is done only on top of the Mizbe'ach.