ZEVACHIM 72 (11 Tamuz) - in honor of the birthday of Yakira Linzer.


MINIMUM QUANTITIES OF VARIOUS SPECIES (Yerushalmi Peah Perek 8 Halachah 4 Daf 36a)

îùðä àéï ôåçúéï ìòðééí áâåøï îçöé ÷á çèéï å÷á ùòåøé'


(Mishnah): One may not give the poor less than half a Kav of wheat and a Kav of barley from the threshing floor.

ø"î àåîø çöé ÷á ÷á åçöé ëåñîéï å÷á âøåâøåú àå îðä ãáéìä


(R. Meir): Half a Kav (of barley); a Kav and a half of spelt; a Kav of dried figs or a Maneh of pressed figs.

ø"ò àåîø ôøñ


(R. Akiva): Half (a Maneh of pressed figs).

çöé ìåâ ééï


One must give half a Log of wine.

ø"ò àåîø øáéòéú


(R. Akiva): A quarter (of a Log).

øáéòéú ùîï


One must give a quarter (of a Log) of oil.

ø"ò àåîø ùîéðéú


(R. Akiva): An eighth (of a Log).

åùàø ëì äôéøåú àîø àáà ùàåì ëãé ùéîëøí åé÷ç áäï îæåï ùúé ñòåãåú:


As for all other produce, Abba Shaul says - he must give enough that the poor man could sell them and have enough money to buy two meals.

âîøà úðé øåáò àåøæ òåëìà úáìéï ìéèøà éø÷ ùìùú ÷áéï çøåáéï çöé ìåâ ééï øáéòéú ùîï òùøä àâåæéí çîùä àôøñ÷éï ùðé øîåðéí åàúøåâ àçã


(Gemara) Baraisa: A 1/4 Kav (6 eggs-worth) of rice, an Uchla (1/8th of a Litra) of spices, a Litra of vegetables, three Kav of carobs, half a Log (172 ml) of wine, a Revi'is (86ml) of oil, ten nuts, five peaches, two pomegranates and one Esrog.

î"è åàëìå áùòøéê åùáòå úï ìå ëãé ùåáòå


What is the reason for these? The pasuk states (Devarim 26:12), "so that they can eat in your cities and be satisfied" - give him the amount he needs to be satisfied (for two meals).

çæ÷é' ùàì ìàáåé îðà àéìéï ùéòåøééà


Question (Chizkiyah to his father): What is the source for all of these amounts?

à"ì àäï öøøà ñîê ãà áøúà


Answer (His father): There is a small pebble to support a large tree (i.e. there is no explicit pasuk to support this - the Chachamim evaluated that this is what he needs to be satisfied.)

ø"ç äåä éúéá ÷åîé ø' åäåà àîø èòîéï åäåà ñúø àîø èòîéï åäåà ñúø à"ì ìà ëìï îñúåø àìà îáðé


R. Chananya was sitting in front of Rebbi. Rebbi was giving reasons for these amounts and R. Chananya was rejecting them. Rebbi said - it is not a sign of strength to destroy; it is a sign of strength to build.

à"ø îðà úðéà àøáò ìéèøéï


(R. Mana): (Another) Baraisa teaches that he must give four Litra of vegetables.

àîø ø"à åëï ìòéøåá


(R. Elazar): All of these amounts apply to an Eiruv (that when one is making an Eiruv, two meals-worth of food must be used).

[ãó ò òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé çéððà äãà ãúéîø áééï àáì áùîï îòøáéï îæåï ùúé ñòåãåú úðé îòøáéï áçåîõ îæåï ùúé ñòåãåú


(R. Chinana): That statement applies to the wine, but for oil, a Revi'is is not required - only the amount that a person uses for two meals.

øáé éøîéä áùí øáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ëãé ìèáåì áéø÷ (äðàâã)[äðàëì] ùúé ñòåãåú


(R. Yirmiyah citing R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): Enough oil to be able to dip the vegetables eaten at two meals.

øáé éöç÷ òðåùéà àîø ÷åîé ø"æ áùí ãáé ø' éðàé àôåðéï çééï îòøáéï áäï îæåï ùúé ñòåãåú


(R. Yitzchak Anushia to R. Zeira): Bei R. Yanai taught that two meals-worth of raw beans can be used for an Eiruv.

ìîé ðöøëä ìø"î ùìà úàîø äåàéì åäï îñøéçéï àú äôä


This needed to be said because of the opinion of R. Meir who says onions may not be used (his rule being that anything that must be cooked or prepared in order to be eaten, cannot be used). One might think that this also applies to uncooked beans, since they cause bad breath when eaten uncooked - Bei R. Yanai's statement rules that uncooked beans may be used. (Note: See the explanation of Rav Chaim Kanievski in Yerushalmi Eiruvin Perek 3 Halacha 1.)

àéï îòøáéï áäï ãâ îìéç îòøáéï áå áùø îìéç îòøáéï áå áùø çé úðéðï äááìéï àåëìéï àåúå ëùäåà çé îôðé ùãòúï î÷åì÷ìú


One may not use salted fish for an Eiruv but one may use salted meat, as we learned that only Babylonians eat (fish) raw, because they have abnormal dispositions.

ø' éåãï áòé äãà ñì÷åøà äåàéì åàéìéï ëåúàé àëìéï îéðä çééä îòøáéï áä


Question (R. Yudan): Since Kusim eat Salkura fish raw, may one use them for an Eiruv? (The Gemara does not answer this question.)

ùîåàì áø ùéìú áùí øá ôòôåòéï åâåãâðéåú åçìåâìåâ' îòøáéï áäï áòåï ÷åîé' äééãéï ééðåï àîø ìåï ÷÷åìéï åäðãå÷÷é åôøôçéðé


(Shmuel bar Shilas citing Rav): One may make an Eiruv from Pipu'in, Gudgenios and Chaloglogos. They asked him what they are, and he said - they are Kikulin, Hanedukekei and Parpechinei.


SAVING FOR POOR RELATIVES (Yerushalmi Peah Perek 8 Halachah 5 Daf 36a)

îùðä îéãä æå àîåøä áëäðéí åáìåéí åáéùøàìéí äéä îöéì ðåúï îçöä åðåèì îçöä äéä îîåòè ðåúï ìôðéäí åäï îçì÷éï áéðéäï:


(Mishnah): This measure applies to Kohanim, Leviim and Yisraelim. If he wants to save some (for poor relatives), he takes half and gives away half. If he only has a small amount remaining (after taking for his relatives), he should place it before the poor and they divide it between themselves.

âîøà øáé éåðä ôúø îúðé' áéåúø îëùéòåø äéä îöéì ðåèì îçöä åðåúï îçöä [ãó ò òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àáì áëùéòåø (äåà)[ìà äéä îåòè] ðåúï ìôðéäí åäï îçì÷é' áéðéäï


(Gemara) (R. Yona): 'If he wants to save some, he takes half and gives away half' is referring to when there was a large yield (with more than enough to give the poor according to the amounts discussed in the earlier Mishnah); but when there was only the minimum amount (discussed there), he must place it before them and they divide it between themselves.

øáé çæ÷éä ôúø îúðé' áëùéòåø áé÷ù ìäöéì åðèì îçöä åðúï îçöä ùîúåê ùðåèì îçöä åðåúï îçöä ðòùä ãáø îåòè äåà ðåúï áéðéäï åäï îçì÷éï áéðéäí


(R. Chizkiyah disagrees): The Mishnah is (also) referring to when there was the minimum amount - he may still save for his relatives. Therefore, the latter statement of the Mishnah means, 'If he had a small amount and wanted to save for his relatives, he takes half and gives away half, as by doing so, it is considered a small amount and he must then place it before them and they divide it between themselves.

úðé äîñááéï òì äôúçéí àéï ðæ÷÷éí ìäï ìëì ãáø


(Baraisa): Poor who (also) collect door to door (in addition to receiving the gifts) do not receive the full amounts listed.

àîø øáé éåðä åáìçåã ãìà éôçåú ìéä îï àøðãåï ãéìéä


(R. Yona): As long as he is not given less than that which he is accustomed to (as the pasuk states in Devarim 15:8, "sufficient for his needs").

äëà àú àîø àéï ôåçúéï ìòðéé' áâåøï åëà àú àîø àéï ôåçúéï ìòðé äòåáø îî÷åí ìî÷åí


Question: In this Mishnah (earlier Halachah 4) you say that 'you do not give less than half a Kav of wheat in the threshing floor' and there (in the next Mishnah) you say 'you do not give less than a loaf of a pundion (which is half a Kav) to the wandering poor'? (Even though if he receives from the threshing floor, it's volume will be reduced when it is made into bread.)

øá çåðà àîø öà îäï ùìéù ìéöéà'


Answer (Rav Huna): The quantity of a pundion loaf (mentioned in the next Mishnah) is actually a third less than half a Kav.

øáé éåñé á"ø áåï îôé÷ ìàéìéï ðçúåîéà ëäãà ãøá äåðà åáìçåã áäãéï ùéòåøà


R. Yosi b' R. Bun would deduct a third from the loaves for the bakers, as Rav Huna had said. However, this is only when he bakes this quantity, but if he bakes a lot, he does not need to deduct such a large fraction.

øáé áà áø áà áø îîì áòé ÷åîé øáé ìà øàå àåúå éåöà îï äòéø åðëðñ ìéä


Question (R. Ba bar Ba bar Mamal to R. Ila): If they saw the poor man go out of the city (without asking to sleep there) and he then re-entered it, should we be concerned that he won't ultimately sleep there (and therefore we should not give him the extra amount for sleeping there)?

à"ì äðåúï ðåúï åäìå÷ç éçåù ìòöîå:


Answer (R. Ila): They should give him and he should make sure that he doesn't leave.