
RE-USING REDEEMED MAASER SHENI (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 6a)

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(Ulla bar Yishmael citing R. Yochanan): A person can exempt his Tevel with one Seah of Tevel. How is this? He brings a Seah of Tevel and makes it the Maaser Sheni. He then redeems it and then makes it into Terumas Maaser for its (or other) Maaser Rishon. (This shows that he reasons that it is possible to declare Maaser Sheni before Maaser Rishon.)

ðçú òåìà ìúîï åàîøä áùí øáé éåçðï åçáøåï òìåé


Ulla went to Bavel and he said this in the name of R. Yochanan and the people there came together to question it...

äúéá øá ùùú åäà îúðéúà ôìéâà äéå ìôðéå ùúé ëìëìåú ùì èáì åúðé òìä [ãó éá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ðåèì îï äùðéä ùðé úàðé' åùðé òéùåøéí åòéùåøå ùì òéùåø åéèåì ùðé úàðéí åéòùä àåúï ùðé åéôãä åéçæåø åéòùí úøåîú îòùø ìî÷åí àçø.


Question (Rav Sheshes): The Mishnah (further on) disagrees with this - If a person had two baskets of Tevel and he said that the Maaseros of A should be in B and vice-versa; A becomes tithed but B does not. The Tosefta explains - He takes 2 figs (as Terumah) from B, and 2 tenths (meaning Maaser Rishon and Sheni) and a tenth of one of the tenths (as Terumas Maaser) According to the teaching of R. Yochanan, why not take two figs and declare them Maaser Sheni and then redeem them and then make them into Terumas Maaser?

àîø øáé îðà åàéï ùðé ùáøàùåðä èáåì ìøàùåï ùáùðéä.


(R. Mana): (Further explaining the question) The Maaser Sheni in the second basket (which is separated for the produce in the first basket) still hasn't has its own Maaser Rishon taken! (But according to R. Yochanan, you should be able to redeem it and then turn it into Maaser Rishon?!)

[ãó éá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé çððéä úîï ëøé ùäåà èåáì ìøàùåï åìùðé. áøí äëà ùðé ùðú÷ï îçîú øàùåï àú çåæø åòåùä àåúå øàùåï.


Answer (R. Chananyah): There, both baskets were Tevel and he needs to separate all of the tithes from the first basket to fix up both baskets. Here, the Maaser Rishon is already taken and he is now coming to take Maaser Sheni, so after the Maaser Sheni is separated, he can then make it Maaser Rishon to be able to separate Terumas Maaser.

ùîï äâøãé ñê áàöáòåúéå çééá áãîàé îä ùäñåøâ ðåúï áöîø ôèåø îãîàé


The Mishnah taught: The oil that a weaver rubs between his fingers is obligated in Demai; but the oil that the comber adds to his wool is exempt from Demai.

îä áéï æä ìæä æä òì âá âåôä áèì åæä òì âá öîø äåà áèì:


What is the difference between these two cases? On the weaver's fingers, it is absorbed as if he ate it, so it is obligated. The oil is absorbed into the wool, but not into the comber's body, so it is exempt.