
USES OF DEMAI (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 5b)

îùðä äãîàé îòøáéï áå åîùúúôé' áå îáøëéï òìéå åîæîðéí òìéå åîôøéùéï àåúå òøåí [ãó éà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åáéï äùîùåú åàí ä÷ãéí îòùø ùðé ìøàùåï àéï áëê ëìåí


(Mishnah): One can use Demai to contribute towards an Eiruv Chatzeiros or a Shitufei Mavuos; one makes upon it Birkas HaMazon and one who ate it may join a Zimun (even though he was not permitted to eat it); he may tithe it when naked and he may tithe it in Bein Hashmamos (the twilight time at the onset of Shabbos); if he separated Maaser Sheni from it before Maaser Rishon, it is fine.

ùîï ùäâøãé ñê áàöáòåúéå çééá áãîàé åùäñåø÷ ðåúï áöîø ôèåø îï äãîàé:


The oil that a weaver rubs between his fingers is obligated in Demai; but the oil that the comber adds to his wool is exempt from Demai.

âîøà îôøéùéï àåúå òøåí ùàéðå èòåï áøëä:


(Gemara): He may tithe it when naked since a blessing is not made when tithing it.

åáéï äùîùåú äãà ãúðéðï ñô÷ çùéëä ñô÷ ìà çùéëä:


He may tithe it in Bein Hashmamos - this is like the Mishnah (in Maseches Shabbos) that discusses that time period when it is doubtful whether it is after nightfall, that permits tithing Demai.

úðé øáé çìôúà áï ùàåì îçììéï ãîàé áîøçõ ùàéðå èòåï áøëä


Baraisa (R. Chalafta ben Shaul): One may redeem Demai in the bathhouse, since a blessing is not made.

äà åãàé èòåï áøëä.


But for definite Tevel, a blessing is required.

øáé îðà áòé ÷åîé øáé éåãï. ëéöã äåà îáøê àí äéå ôéøåú òì ôãéåï îòùø ùðé àí äéå îòåú òì çéìåì î"ù. àí ä÷ãéí ùðé ìøàùåï àéï áëê ëìåí áùòáø äà áúçéìä ìà.


R. Mana to R. Yudan: How does he make the blessing? If he is redeeming Maaser Sheni produce, he says, "about the redemption of Maaser Sheni"; if he has brought Maaser Sheni money to Yerushalayim and he wishes to transfer the sanctity onto food (as required), he says, "about the exchange of Maaser Sheni". If he separated Maaser Sheni before Maaser Rishon, it is valid. That's only post facto, but ideally, it may not be done.

øáé áà áøéä ãøáé çééà áø ååà øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï îåúø ìä÷ãéí ùðé ìøàùåï áãîàé


(R. Ba son of R. Chiya bar Vava/ R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): For Demai, it is permitted to separate Maaser Sheni before Maaser Rishon.

øáé éò÷á áø àçà áø àéãé áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé ìà éòùä åàí òùä îä ùòùä òùåé


(R. Yaakov bar Acha bar Idi citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): He should not do this, but if he did, it is valid.

îäå ìé÷áò ùðé áî÷åí øàùåï


Question: Could he fix (declare) the Maaser Sheni (without actually separating it) before he fixes the Maaser Rishon? (Should we be concerned that he will also declare the Maaser Rishon in the same place as the Sheni? Is it permitted to separate Maaser Rishon from the place that he fixed to be Maaser Sheni?)

[ãó éá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåñé áï ùàåì àééúé ìéä àøéñé' ôéøé à"ì öà å÷áò ùðé åçæø åàîø ìéä öà å÷áò øàùåï åçù ìåîø ùîà ÷áò ùðé áî÷åí øàùåï äãà àîøä ùîåúø ì÷áò ùðé áî÷åí øàùåï.


Answer: R. Yosi ben Shaul was brought fruit by his sharecropper. R. Yosi told him to first go and fix the place of the Maaser Sheni (Demai) and then he told him to fix the place of the Maaser Rishon. Why wasn't he concerned that he would fix both in the same place? This shows that it is permited to fix the Sheni in the place of the Rishon.