HOW DOES AN IDOLATER ANNUL AN IDOL? (Yerushalmi Halachah 5 Daf 27b)
משנה כיצד מבטלה קטע ראש אוזנה ראש חוטמה ראש אצבעה פחסה אע"פ שלא חסירה ביטלה
(Mishnah): How can an idolater annul an idol? If he cut off the top of its ear, the top of its nose, the top of its finger; if he defaces (its face) even if he did not diminish it, it is annulled.
רקק בפניה השתין בפניה גררה זרק בה את הצואה הרי זו אינה בטילה
If he spat in its face, urinated in front of it, dragged it along or threw excrement at it, it is not annulled (as although he might have acted this way out of anger, he will later continue to serve it).
מכרה או מישכנה רבי אומר ביטל וחכמים אומרים לא ביטל:
If he sold it or gave it as collateral - Rebbi says that it was annulled; the Chachamim say that it was not annulled.
גמרא אמר רבי זעירה הדא דתימר בשמכרה מתוך שלום אבל מכרה מתוך הקפדה דברי הכל [אינה] בטילה והיה כי ירעב והתקצף וקלל במלכו וגו'.
(Gemara) (R. Zeira): When Rebbi says that selling it annuls it, that is when he sold it calmly, but if he sold it in anger, all agree that it is not annulled, as the pasuk states (Yeshayah 8:21), "and it shall come to pass, when he is hungry, that he shall curse his king (and his god and face upwards)".
זעורה בר חיננה בשם ר' (חנניה)[חנייה] כשמכרה לצורף נחלקו [דף כח עמוד א] אבל אם מכרה לעובדה דברי הכל אינה בטילה
Ze'urah bar Chinanah said in the name of R. Chanayah that they disagree when he sold it to a smelter to melt down for his own use - since the seller knows this, he is clearly intending to annul it.
רב ירמיה בשם רב בשמכרה לעובדיה נחלקו אבל אם מכרה לצורף דברי הכל בטילה היא.
(R. Yirmiyah citing Rav): (Disagrees) They disagree when he sold it to its worshippers, but if he sold it to a smelter, all agree that it is annulled.
רבי יעקב בר אחא בשם רבי יוחנן דברי הכל
(R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Yochanan): All agree.
רבי הילא בשם רשב"ל במחלוקת
(R. Hila citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): It is a dispute. (The Gemara will now explain this discussion...)
ואתייא דרבי חנינה כר' יוחנן ודרב ירמיה כריש לקיש
R. Yochanan is discussing when he sold it to its worshippers and in that case, all agree that it is not annulled. However, if he sold it to a smelter, he agrees with R. Chaninah that there is a dispute over that case. And as for Reish Lakish who said that it is a dispute, he follows the opinion of R. Yirmiyah that the dispute is when he sold it to its worshippers, but if he sold it to a smelter, all agree that it is annulled.
מאי כדון
Question: What is the final ruling in this case?
בשמכרה (לצורך)[לצורך] נחלקו אבל אם מכרה לעובדיה דברי הכל אינה בטילה:
Answer: (It follows R. Yochanan and R. Chaninah that) Rebbi and the Chachamim disagree when he sold it to a smelter, but if he sold it to its worshippers, all agree that it is not annulled.