PICKLING, BOILING AND SALTING (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 4 Halachah 1 Daf 18a)
משנה הכובש השולק המולח בשדה חייב. המכמר באדמה פטור. המטבל בשדה פטור. [דף יח עמוד ב] הפוצע זיתים שיצא מהן השרף פטור.
(Mishnah): If a person pickled, boiled or salted produce the field, it is obligated. If he buried it in the ground (to ripen), it is exempt. If he dipped it whilst still in the field, it is exempt. If he bruised olives to remove the bitter flavor, they are exempt.
הסוחט זיתים על בשרו פטור ואם סחט ונתן לתוך ידו חייב.
If a person squeezed olives onto his skin, it is exempt. But if he first squeezed into his hand, it is obligated.
המקפא לתבשיל פטור. ולקדירה חייב מפני שהוא כבור קטן:
If he skims wine after adding it to a cold dish, it is still exempt. But if he skims it after pouring it into a pot, it is obligated because it is like a small (collection) vat (in the wine press).
גמרא הכובש השולק כו'. אור טובל. מקח טובל. מלח טובלת. תרומה טובלת. שבת טובל. חצר בית שמירה טובלת.
(Gemara): 'If a person pickles etc.' (The following things obligate in Maaser) - fire (i.e. cooking), acquisition, salting, separating Terumah, Shabbos and (bringing into) a protected courtyard.
דאמר רבי יוחנן הרי מקח ושבת וחצר אינן תורה.
As R. Yochanan said that acquisition, Shabbos and a courtyard Rabbinically obligate.
[דף לב עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] רבי אמי בשם רבי שמעון בן לקיש המחוור שבכולן זו חצר בית שמירה.
R. Ami quoted from R. Shimon ben Lakish that the one that is clearest (to be from the Torah) is the protected courtyard.
הכובש עד שיכבוש כל צרכו השולק עד שישלוק כל צרכו.
Question: Does 'if he pickled' mean when its pickling is complete and 'if he boiled' mean when its boiling is complete?
נשמעינה מן הדא המהבהב שיבלין באור נטבלו.
Suggestion (Tosefta): If one who singes sheaves in fire in order to eat them as roasted grains, they become obligated.
בלא כך אינן מחוסרין מלאכה על ידי האור.
But they do not become completed through singeing; so it is clear that even if food was not fully boiled with fire, it becomes obligated!
שנייא היא שהוא גמר מלאכתו.
Rebuttal: Since he intended to eat them as roasted grains, they were considered complete.
ויידא אמרה דא המקטף שיבלין לעיסתו (לאוכלן)[לאכלן] מלילות ניטבלו. לעשותן עיסה לא נטבלו.
What's the source for that? A Baraisa that teaches that if one picks sheaves to eat them as rolled grains, they are considered complete and are obligated. However, if he picked them to make dough, they aren't yet complete and are still exempt.
[דף לג עמוד א (עוז והדר)] כבש ושלק שלא מדעת הבעלים תפלוגתא דרבי יוחנן ורבי שמעון בן לקיש
If a person pickled or boiled without the owner's consent, it's a dispute between R. Yochanan and R. Shimon ben Lakish...
דאיתפלגון הממרח כריו של חבירו שלא מדעתו ר' יוחנן אמר נטבל ורבי שמעון בן לקיש אמר לא נטבל.
If a person smoothed over another person's pile without his consent - R. Yochanan said that it becomes Tevel and R. Shimon ben Lakish said that it does not.
אמר רבי יודן תמן [אי אפשר לו שלא נמרח הכא] אפשר לו שלא לכבוש.
Rebuttal (R. Yudan): That case is different - smoothing the pile is something that everyone does, so the owner would certainly be happy with his actions; here, the owner might not want to pickle or boil them (so even R. Yochanan could agree).
שלקו ברשות ההקדש פדאו והכניסו לחצר בית שמירה מהו.
Question: If a person consecrated a vegetable and then boiled it whilst it was under Hekdesh's ownership; if he then redeemed it and brought it into a protected courtyard, what's the law?
על דעתיה דרבי שמעון בן לקיש נטבל זו תורה וזו אינה תורה.
Answer: According to R. Shimon ben Lakish, it becomes obligated - as bringing into a protected courtyard creates a Torah obligation and boiling only brings a Rabbinic obligation.
הכניסו לחצר בית שמירה פדיו ושלקו מהו
Question: (According to R. Shimon ben Lakish) if he brought it into the courtyard (having partially boiled it whilst still under Hekdesh's ownership) and then redeemed it and finished off boiling it, what's the law?
דברי הכל נטבל. וכי מה עשה מעשה ברשות ההקדש
Answer: All agree that the second boiling obligated it (as he showed that the completion was only after it left Hekdesh's ownership)
הקדישו ושלקו הכניסו לחצר בית שמירה פדיו ושלקו מהו
Question: If he consecrated it, partially boiled it, brought it into a protected courtyard, redeemed it and finished off boiling it, what's the law?
דברי הכל נטבל
Answer: All agree that it became obligated.
[שלקו] [דף לג עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] פדיו וצימקו מהו אין תימר האור טובל האור [דף יט עמוד א] פוטר ואין תימר אין האור טובל אין האור פוטר.
Question: If he boiled it (whilst still under Hekdesh's ownership and) redeemed it and then decided to dry it out - if we say that boiling obligates even something that is not complete, then boiling whilst in Hekdesh's ownership exempts it. If boiling does not obligate something that is not complete, boiling whilst in Hekdesh's ownership does not exempt.
רבי ירמיה בעי טיגנו בשדה מהו
Question (R. Yirmiyah): If he squeezed olives into a dish of food in order to fry them with oil; does the frying establish its obligation to tithe?
בלא כך אין האור טובל אילו אפשר דלא מיתן גביה משח בעי הוה
Answer: Certainly even without frying, the oil is heated by the fire and is established for tithing. If it would be possible to fry without fire, one could ask if it is considered to be cooked; (but since it is impossible, certainly it obligates).
רבי יוסי בר כהנא אמר רבי יונה תני רבי חלפתא בן שאול עשה היסב בשדה טובל אם לא היסב אינו טובל
(R. Yosi bar Kahana citing R. Yona): R. Chalafta ben Shaul taught in a Baraisa - If one buys fruits to use them to recline and eat (as an important meal) in the field, they become Tevel. If it was not to recline, it's not Tevel.
אין הוא היסב שהוא טובל
Question: When does reclining make Tevel?
כל היסב שיש בו יין
Answer: When wine is served.
קצב להיסב ולא היסב.
Question: If he decided to recline but ultimately did not, have they been established? (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)
תני השום והשחליים והחרדל ששחקו בשדה טבלו.
(Tosefta): 'If garlic, cress or mustard were crushed in oil in the field, they become Tevel.'
עד כדון בשום של טבל ששחקו בשמן של חולין. שום של חולין ששחקו בשמן של טבל.
This only refers to crushing Tevel garlic with Chulin oil. What if Chulin garlic was crushed with Tevel oil? (Is it considered the completion of the oil that obligates? The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)
רבי זעירא רבי חייא בר אשי בשם רב אשכול שסחטו לכוס נטבל לתמחוי לא נטבל.
(R. Zeira/ R. Chiya bar Ashi citing Rav): If a cluster of grapes was squeezed into a cup, it becomes Tevel. If squeezed into a pot of food, it doesn't become Tevel.
בלא כך אין האור טובל.
Question: Doesn't cooking it anyway make it Tevel?
תפתר בתבשיל צונין
Answer: It refers to a cold dish.
לקדירה חייב
The Mishnah taught that if he skims wine after pouring it into a pot, it is obligated.
אמר רבי לעזר לקדירה ריקנית היא.
(R. Elazar): It refers to an empty pot.
[דף לד עמוד א (עוז והדר)] מתניתא (לא) אמר כן אלא המקפה לתבשיל פטור לקדירה חייב מפני שהוא כבור קטן:
Support: The Mishnah also implies this - as it taught - 'if he skims wine after adding it to a cold dish, it is still exempt. But if he skims it after pouring it into a pot, it is obligated because it is like a small (collection) vat (in the wine press)'. (Note: This entry follows the text of the Vilna Gaon, who removes the word 'Lo'.)