D.A.F.'s "Yomi" Page
Daily, weekly and monthly Torah-study schedules
(Oct. 3 - Oct. 9 '10)
Sun. |
Mon. |
Tues. |
Wed. |
Thurs. |
Fri. |
Shabbos |
Tishrei/Cheshvan |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
1 |
October |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Dafyomi Bavli |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Dafyomi Yerushalmi |
Terumos |
Terumos |
Terumos |
Terumos |
Terumos |
Terumos |
Terumos |
Yerushalmi for |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Avodah Zarah |
Mishnah Yomis |
Kil'ayim |
Kil'ayim |
Kil'ayim |
Kil'ayim |
Kil'ayim |
Kil'ayim |
Kil'ayim |
Halachah Yomis |
548:16-18 |
548:19 - 549:1 |
549:2 - 550:2 |
550:3 - 551:1 |
551:2-4 |
551:5-7 |
551:8-10 |
Mishnah Berurah |
Vol. 5 |
Vol. 5 |
Vol. 5 |
Vol. 5 |
Vol. 5 |
Vol. 5 |
Vol. 5 |
Mishnah Berurah |
537:1-6 |
537:7-16 |
538:1-6 |
539:1-6 |
539:7-14 |
540:1-8 |
541:1-5 |
Mishnah Berurah |
534:2 - 535:3 |
536:1-4 |
537:1-2 |
537:3-6 |
537:7-13 |
537:14-16 |
538:1-3 |
Chafetz Chayim |
Arurin |
Hilchos Lashon haRa |
Hilchos Lashon haRa |
Hilchos Lashon haRa |
Hilchos Lashon haRa |
Hilchos Lashon haRa |
Hilchos Lashon haRa |
Rambam |
Temidin u'Musafim |
Temidin u'Musafim |
Pesulei ha'Mukdashim |
Pesulei ha'Mukdashim |
Pesulei ha'Mukdashim |
Pesulei ha'Mukdashim |
Pesulei ha'Mukdashim |
Rambam |
Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos |
Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos |
Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos |
Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 19 |
Temidin u'Musafim |
Temidin u'Musafim |
Temidin u'Musafim 9 |
Week of Parashas Noach 5771 / Oct. 3 - Oct. 9 '10
Nevi'im |
Yehoshua 11-18 |
Kesuvim |
Tehilim 11-19 |
Tishrei 5771 / Sep. 9 - Oct. 8 '10
20 Daf/Month |
Chulin 70-87 |
30 Daf/Month |
Menachos 62-87a (end of the Perek) |
Tur and |
207 - 215 |
Tur and |
98-103:10 |
Cheshvan 5771 / Oct. 9 - Nov. 7 '10
20 Daf/Month |
Chulin 50-69 |
30 Daf/Month |
Menachos 87b-110, Chulin 2-6 |
Tur and |
216 - 233 |
Tur and |
Chazarah: 92:4 - 103:10 |
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