D.A.F.'s "Yomi" Page
Daily, weekly and monthly Torah-study schedules
(Aug. 31 - Sep. 6 '25)
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Shabbos | |
Elul | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
August / September | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Dafyomi Bavli [7 year cycle] |
Avodah Zarah 74 |
Avodah Zarah 75 |
Avodah Zarah 76 |
Horayos 2 |
Horayos 3 |
Horayos 4 |
Horayos 5 |
Dafyomi Yerushalmi [5 year cycle] |
Kesuvos 65 |
Kesuvos 66 |
Kesuvos 67 |
Kesuvos 68 |
Kesuvos 69 |
Kesuvos 70 |
Kesuvos 71 |
Yerushalmi for Bavli schedule [7 year cycle] |
Avodah Zarah Halachah 12 until Daf 37a Kelei Pafyar |
Avodah Zarah yesterday's Daf until Daf 37b Tani Rebbi Hoshayah |
Avodah Zarah yesterday's Daf until Hadran Alach! |
Horayos Perek 1 Halachah 1 until Daf 2a Amar Rebbi Mana |
Horayos yesterday's Daf until Daf 3b Hifrish Chataso |
Horayos yesterday's Daf until Daf 6a Halachah 5 |
Horayos Halachah 5 until Daf 7a Halachah 8 |
Mishnah Yomis [6 year cycle] |
Zevachim 14:1-2 |
Zevachim 14:3-4 |
Zevachim 14:5-6 |
Zevachim 14:7-8 |
Zevachim 14:9-10 |
Menachos 1:1-2 |
Menachos 1:3-4 |
Halachah Yomis (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim) [4 yr. cycle] |
61:2-4 | 61:5-7 | 61:8-10 | 61:11-13 | 61:14-16 | 61:17-19 | 61:20-22 |
Mishnah Berurah (Mifal Shonei Halachos) [5 year cycle] |
Vol. 5 p.60b |
Vol. 5 p.61a |
Vol. 5 p.61b |
Vol. 5 p.62a |
Vol. 5 p.62b |
Vol. 5 p.63a |
Vol. 5 p.63b |
Chafetz Chayim [4 month cycle] |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 6: 1-2 |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 6: 3-4 |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 6: 5-7 |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 6: 8-10 |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 7: 1 |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 7: 2 |
Hilchos Rechilus Kelal 7: 3-4 |
Rambam (1 Perek/day) [3-year cycle] |
Sechirus 1 |
Sechirus 2 |
Sechirus 3 |
Sechirus 4 |
Sechirus 5 |
Sechirus 6 |
Sechirus 7 |
Rambam (3 Perakim/day) [Yearly cycle] |
Bechoros 2-4 |
Bechoros 5-7 |
Bechoros 8 - Shegagos 2 |
Shegagos 3-5 |
Shegagos 6-8 |
Shegagos 9-11 |
Shegagos 12-14 |
Week of Parashas Ki Setzei 5785 / Aug. 31 - Sep. 6 '25
Nevi'im (Chok l'Yisrael) [yearly cycle] |
Yoel-Amos |
Kesuvim (Chok l'Yisrael) [yearly cycle] |
Divrei Hayamim II 24-26 |
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